Paroles quotidiennes de Dieu Tout-Puissant
💎💎💎 Dieu Tout-Puissant 💎💎💎
💎💎Le Christ des derniers jours dit : 💎💎
👉🏾📕🥀🧚♀️🌹⛅ S'appuyer sur Dieu et obéir à sa volonté, c'est ce que l'humanité doit faire pour nous protéger.
📔📗📓 DIT DIEU TOUT-PUISSANT : « Quelle est la source des souffrances permanentes causées par la naissance, la mort, la maladie et la vieillesse que les gens endurent ? n'ont-ils pas été créés, n'est-ce pas ? Où donc ces choses sont-elles apparues après que Satan a tenté les hommes et que leur chair est devenue mauvaise, avec ses difficultés et son vide, de sorte que les problèmes les plus misérables du monde ne sont survenus qu'après que Satan ait corrompu l'humanité. Les gens, il a commencé à les tourmenter encore plus, ils sont devenus mauvais. Les maux de l'humanité se sont aggravés et leurs souffrances se sont aggravées. De plus en plus, les gens ont ressenti le vide et la tragédie du monde humain, ainsi que leur incapacité à continuer à vivre. là-bas, et leur espoir pour le monde a encore diminué. Ainsi, ces souffrances ont été infligées par Satan au peuple.
56 審判工作是神自己的工作,當然還得由神自己親自來作,這工作是人所不能代替的。因為審判是用真理來征服人類,所以無可异議的,神仍是以道成肉身的形像來出現在人中間作此工作。這就是説,末世基督將用真理來教導各方的人,將所有的真理曉諭給各方的人,這就是神的審判工作。很多人對于神的第二次道成肉身感覺很不是滋味,因為人都是難以相信神會道成肉身來作審判的工作的。不過我還是告訴你,往往神作的工作都大大出乎人的預料,都是人的大腦難以接受的。因為人只是地上的蛆蟲,而神則是充滿天宇之間的至高無上者;人的大腦好比是一坑臭水,生出來的只是蛆蟲,而神的意念所指揮的每一步作工則都是神智慧的結晶。人總想與神較量,那我説最終吃虧的會是哪一方這是不言而喻的。我勸各位不要把自己看得比金子還重要,别人能接受神的審判你為什麽就不能呢?你比别人高多少呢?别人能在真理面前低頭你為什麽就不能做到呢?神的工作是大勢所趨,他不會因為你的「功勞」而重複作兩次審判工作的,失掉這樣的良機你會悔斷肝腸的,若你不相信我説的話,那你就等待天空那張白色的大寶座來「審判」你吧!你要知道,全部以色列的人都弃絶耶穌,都否認耶穌,但耶穌救贖人類的事實還是傳遍了宇宙地極,這不是神早已作成的事實嗎?若你還在等待耶穌來接你上天堂,那我説你是一個頑固不化的朽木了。耶穌是不會承認你這樣一個不忠心于真理而只想得福的假信徒的,相反,他會毫不留情地將你扔在火湖裏焚燒萬年的。
——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・基督用真理來作審判的工作》
57 神審判人不是一個一個地審判,不是一個一個地過關,這樣作并不叫審判工作。所有人類的敗壞不都一樣嗎?人的實質不都一樣嗎?審判的是人類敗壞的實質,是撒但敗壞人的實質,是審判人的所有罪孽,并不是審判人身上小來小去的毛病。審判的工作是有代表性的,不是專為某一個人而作的工作,而是藉着審判一部分人來代表審判全人類的工作。肉身作的工作是藉着在一部分人身上的親自作工來代表全人類的工作,之後再逐步擴展。審判工作也是如此,不是審判某一類人或某一部分人,而是審判全人類的不義,例如人抵擋神、不敬畏神、攪擾神的工作等等。審判的是人類抵擋神的實質,這個審判的工作就是末世的征服工作。人所看見的道成肉身的神的作工、説話,就是以往人觀念中的末世白色大寶座前的審判的工作,現在道成肉身的神所作的工作也正是白色大寶座前的審判。今天道成肉身的神,就是末世審判全人類的神,這個肉身與肉身的作工、説話、所有性情是他的全部。雖然肉身作的工作範圍是有限的,不是直接涉及全宇的,但就審判工作的實質則都是直接審判全人類的,并不單單為了中國選民,也不僅僅是為了幾個人而展開審判的工作。
——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・敗壞的人類更需要道成「肉身」的神的拯救》
Daily Words of God Excerpt 92
The Blessings of God
Gen 17:4–6 As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations. Neither shall your name any more be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made you. And I will make you exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come out of you.
Gen 18:18–19 Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him. For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of Jehovah, to do justice and judgment; that Jehovah may bring on Abraham that which He has spoken of him.
Gen 22:16–18 By Myself have I sworn, said Jehovah, for because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son: That in blessing I will bless you, and in multiplying I will multiply your seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is on the sea shore; and your seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; And in your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because you have obeyed My voice.
Job 42:12 So Jehovah blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning: for he had fourteen thousand sheep, and six thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she asses.
The Unique Manner and Characteristics of the Creator’s Utterances Are a Symbol of the Unique Identity and Authority of the Creator (Selected passages)Many wish to seek, and gain, the blessings of God, but not everyone can gain these blessings, for God has His own principles, and blesses man in His own way. The promises that God makes to man, and the amount of grace that He bestows upon man, are allocated based on the thoughts and actions of man. So, what is shown by the blessings of God? What can people see within them? At this point, let us put aside discussion of what kinds of people God blesses, and the principles of God’s blessing of man. Instead, let us look at God’s blessing of man with the objective of knowing the authority of God, from the perspective of knowing the authority of God.
The four passages of scripture above are all records about God’s blessing of man. They provide a detailed description of the recipients of God’s blessings, such as Abraham and Job, as well as of the reasons why God bestowed His blessings, and of what was contained within these blessings. The tone and manner of God’s utterances, and the perspective and position from which He spoke, allow people to appreciate that the One who bestows blessings and the recipient of such blessings are of a distinctly different identity, status and essence. The tone and manner of these utterances, and the position from which they were spoken, are unique to God, who possesses the identity of the Creator. He has authority and might, as well as the honor of the Creator and majesty that brooks no doubt from any man.
First let us look at Genesis 17:4–6: “As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations. Neither shall your name any more be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made you. And I will make you exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come out of you.” These words were the covenant that God established with Abraham, as well as God’s blessing of Abraham: God would make Abraham the father of nations, would make him exceedingly fruitful, and would make nations of him, and kings would come of him. Do you see the authority of God in these words? And how do you see such authority? Which aspect of the essence of God’s authority do you see? From a close reading of these words, it is not hard to discover that the authority and identity of God are clearly revealed in the wording of God’s utterances. For example, when God says “My covenant is with you, and you shall … have I made you … I will make you…,” phrases such as “you shall” and “I will,” whose wording bears the affirmation of God’s identity and authority, are, in one respect, an indication of the Creator’s faithfulness; in another respect, they are special words used by God, who possesses the identity of the Creator—as well as being part of conventional vocabulary. If someone says they hope another person will be exceedingly fruitful, that nations will be made from them, and that kings shall come from them, then that is undoubtedly a kind of wish, not a promise or a blessing. So, people dare not say “I will make you such and such, you shall such and such,” for they know that they do not possess such power; it is not up to them, and even if they say such things, their words would be empty nonsense, driven by their desire and ambition. Does anyone dare to speak in such a grand tone if they feel that they cannot accomplish their wishes? Everyone wishes well for their descendants, and hopes that they will excel and enjoy great success. “What great fortune it would be for one of them to become emperor! If one were to be a governor that would be good, too—just as long as they’re someone important!” These are all people’s wishes, but people can only wish blessings upon their descendants, and cannot fulfill or make any of their promises come true. In their hearts, everyone clearly knows that they do not possess the power to achieve such things, for everything about them is beyond their control, and so how could they command the fate of others? The reason why God can say words like these is because God possesses such authority, and is capable of accomplishing and realizing all the promises that He makes to man, and of making all the blessings that He bestows upon man come true. Man was created by God, and for God to make someone exceedingly fruitful would be child’s play; to make someone’s descendants prosperous would require but a word from Him. He would never have to work Himself into a sweat for such a thing, or task His mind, or tie Himself in knots over it; this is the very power of God, the very authority of God.
After reading “Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him” in Genesis 18:18, can you feel the authority of God? Can you sense the extraordinariness of the Creator? Can you sense the supremacy of the Creator? The words of God are certain. God does not say such words because of, or in representation of, His confidence in success; they are, instead, proof of the authority of God’s utterances, and are a commandment that fulfills the words of God. There are two expressions that you should pay attention to here. When God says “Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him,” is there any element of ambiguity in these words? Is there any element of concern? Is there any element of fear? Because of the words “shall surely” and “shall be” in God’s utterances, these elements, which are particular to man and often exhibited in him, have never borne any relation to the Creator. No one would dare to use such words when wishing others well, no one would dare to bless another with such certainty as to give them a great and mighty nation, or promise that all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him. The more certain the words of God, the more that they prove something—and what is that something? They prove that God has such authority, that His authority can accomplish these things, and that their accomplishment is inevitable. God was certain in His heart, without the slightest hesitation, of all that He blessed Abraham with. Furthermore, the entirety of this would be accomplished in accordance with His words, and no force would be able to alter, obstruct, impair, or disturb its fulfillment. Regardless of what else happened, nothing could abrogate or influence the fulfillment and accomplishment of God’s words. This is the very might of the words uttered from the mouth of the Creator, and the authority of the Creator that does not brook the denial of man! Having read these words, do you still feel doubt? These words were spoken from the mouth of God, and there is power, majesty, and authority in the words of God. Such might and authority, and the inevitability of the accomplishment of fact, are unattainable by any created or non-created being, and unsurpassable by any created or non-created being. Only the Creator can converse with mankind with such a tone and intonation, and facts have proven that His promises are not empty words, or idle boasts, but are the expression of unique authority that is unsurpassable by any person, event, or thing.
—The Word, Vol. 2. On Knowing God. God Himself, the Unique I
#Almighty God#Wise Virgin#God#Kingdom of Heaven#Word of God#prayers#worship God#Praise God#biblestudy#savior#Jesus
English Christian Song | "The Pain of Trials Is a Blessing From God"
Sasaran utama iblis👿👿adalah manusia👨👩👧👦👨👩👧👦. Karena manusia adalah objek yang akan diselamatkan oleh Tuhan. Iblis tidak ingin satupun manusia di dapatkan oleh Tuhan. Sehingga iblis pun menggunakan berbagai macam cara untuk menghalangi Tuhan. iblis memanipulasi keadaan manusia, memberikan pemikiran, dan melakukan berbagai macam cara yang sejalan dengan apa yang manusia senangi dan inginkan. Tanpa kebenaran, manusia tidak akan bisa mengenali tipu muslihat iblis dalam dirinya.😇🙏
📕📕Firman Tuhan:“Tuhan bekerja, Tuhan peduli kepada seseorang, memperhatikan seseorang, dan sementara itu Iblis membuntuti setiap langkah-Nya. Siapa pun yang Tuhan perkenan, Iblis pun memperhatikan, mengikuti dari belakang. Jika Tuhan menginginkan orang ini, Iblis akan melakukan segala daya untuk menghalangi Tuhan, menggunakan berbagai cara jahat untuk mencobai, mengganggu, dan merusak pekerjaan yang Tuhan lakukan, semua demi mencapai tujuan tersembunyinya. Apa tujuan ini? Iblis tidak ingin Tuhan mendapatkan siapa pun; Iblis menginginkan semua yang diinginkan Tuhan, dia merasuki mereka, mengendalikan mereka, menguasai mereka sehingga mereka menyembahnya, sehingga mereka melakukan perbuatan jahat bersamanya. ”
—Firman, Vol. 2, Tentang Mengenal Tuhan, "Tuhan itu Sendiri, Tuhan yang Unik IV”
Sabi ng diyos 🕊️
Sa tuwing darating ang Diyos sa lupa, binabago Niya ang Kanyang pangalan, ang Kanyang kasarian, ang Kanyang larawan, at ang Kanyang gawain; hindi Niya inuulit ang Kanyang gawain. Siya ay isang Diyos na laging bago at hindi kailanman luma. Nang dumating Siya noon, tinawag Siyang Jesus; maaari pa rin ba Siyang tawaging Jesus sa oras na ito ng Kanyang pagbalik? Nang dumating Siya noon, Siya ay isang lalaki; maaari ba Siyang maging lalaki muli ngayon? Ang Kanyang gawain nang Siya ay pumarito noong Kapanahunan ng Biyaya ay ang maipako sa krus; pagdating Niyang muli, maaari ba Niyang tubusing muli ang sangkatauhan mula sa kasalanan? Maaari ba Siyang ipakong muli sa krus? Hindi ba’t iyon ay pag-uulit lamang ng Kanyang gawain? Hindi mo ba alam na ang Diyos ay palaging bago at hindi kailanman luma? Mayroong mga nagsasabi na ang Diyos ay hindi nagbabago. Ito ay tama, ngunit ito ay tumutukoy sa di-nagbabagong diwa at disposisyon ng Diyos. Ang mga pagbabago sa Kanyang pangalan at gawain ay hindi nagpapatunay na ang Kanyang diwa ay nagbago; sa madaling salita, ang Diyos ay palaging magiging Diyos, at hindi ito kailanman magbabago. Kung sinasabi mo na hindi nagbabago ang gawain ng Diyos, matatapos ba Niya ang Kanyang anim na libong taong plano ng pamamahala? Ang alam mo lamang ay hindi nagbabago ang Diyos magpakailanman, ngunit alam mo ba na ang Diyos ay palaging bago at hindi kailanman luma? Kung hindi nagbabago ang gawain ng Diyos, magagawa ba Niyang akayin ang sangkatauhan hanggang sa kasalukuyang panahon? Kung hindi nagbabago ang Diyos, bakit nagawa na Niya ang gawain sa dalawang kapanahunan? Ang Kanyang gawain ay hindi tumitigil sa pagsulong, na ang ibig sabihin ay unti-unti Niyang ibinubunyag sa tao ang Kanyang disposisyon, at ang naibubunyag ay ang Kanyang likas na disposisyon.
Sa simula, ang disposisyon ng Diyos ay nakatago mula sa mga tao, hindi Niya kailanman tuwirang ibinunyag ang Kanyang disposisyon sa tao, at sadyang walang kaalaman ang tao tungkol sa Kanya. Dahil dito, ginagamit Niya ang Kanyang gawain upang unti-unting ibunyag ang Kanyang disposisyon sa tao, ngunit ang pagkilos sa ganitong pamamaraan ay hindi nangangahulugan na ang Kanyang disposisyon ay nagbabago sa bawat kapanahunan. Hindi ito ang kaso kung saan ang disposisyon ng Diyos ay patuloy na nagbabago dahil ang Kanyang kalooban ay palaging nagbabago. Sa halip, dahil sa ang mga kapanahunan ng Kanyang gawain ay magkakaiba, ang likas na disposisyon ng Diyos, sa kabuuan nito, ay unti-unti Niyang ibinubunyag sa tao, nang sa gayon ay makilala Siya ng mga tao. Ngunit hindi ito patunay na sa simula ay walang tiyak na disposisyon ang Diyos o kaya ay unti-unting nagbago ang Kanyang disposisyon sa paglipas ng mga kapanahunan—ang ganoong pagkaunawa ay hindi tama. Ibinubunyag ng Diyos sa tao ang Kanyang likas at partikular na disposisyon—kung ano Siya—ayon sa paglipas ng mga kapanahunan; ang gawain sa nag-iisang kapanahunan ay hindi makapagpapahayag ng buong disposisyon ng Diyos. At dahil dito, ang mga salitang “Ang Diyos ay palaging bago at hindi kailanman luma” ay tumutukoy sa Kanyang gawain, at ang mga salitang “Ang Diyos ay hindi nagbabago” ay tungkol sa likas na kung ano ang mayroon ang Diyos at kung ano Siya. Anupaman, hindi mo maaaring ibatay ang anim na libong taong gawain sa iisang punto, o limitahan ito gamit ang mga patay na salita. Ganito ang kahangalan ng tao. Ang Diyos ay hindi kasingpayak ng ipinapalagay ng mga tao, at ang Kanyang gawain ay hindi magtatagal sa isang kapanahunan lamang. Ang pangalang Jehova, halimbawa, ay hindi maaaring laging kumatawan sa pangalan ng Diyos; maaari ding gawin ng Diyos ang Kanyang gawain sa pangalan na Jesus. Isa itong tanda na ang gawain ng Diyos ay laging kumikilos nang pasulong.
Ang Diyos ay palaging Diyos, at hindi Siya kailanman magiging si Satanas; si Satanas ay palaging si Satanas, at hindi ito kailanman magiging Diyos. Ang karunungan ng Diyos, ang Kanyang pagiging kamangha-mangha, ang Kanyang katuwiran, at ang Kanyang pagiging maharlika ay hindi kailanman magbabago. Ang Kanyang diwa at kung ano ang mayroon Siya at kung ano Siya ay hindi kailanman magbabago. Subalit, ang Kanyang gawain ay palaging kumikilos nang pasulong, laging lumalalim, dahil ang Diyos ay palaging bago at hindi kailanman luma. Sa bawat kapanahunan ay nagkakaroon ng bagong pangalan ang Diyos, sa bawat kapanahunan ay gumagawa Siya ng bagong gawain, at sa bawat kapanahunan ay hinahayaan Niyang makita ng Kanyang mga nilalang ang bago Niyang kalooban at bagong disposisyon. Kung hindi makikita ng mga tao ang paghahayag ng bagong disposisyon ng Diyos sa bagong kapanahunan, hindi ba nila Siya ipapako magpakailanman sa krus? At sa paggawa nito, hindi ba nila binibigyang kahulugan ang Diyos?
—Ang Salita, Vol. I. Ang Pagpapakita at Gawain ng Diyos. Ang Pangitain ng Gawain ng Diyos 3
mula sa Ang Mga Katotohanang Realidad na Dapat Pasukin ng mga Mananampalataya sa Diyos
#MakapangyarihangDiyos #SalitangDiyos #Diyos #SpreadTheWord
𝗦𝗮𝗯𝗶 𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝗮𝗸𝗮𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘆𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗗𝗶𝘆𝗼𝘀
❝Iwaksi ang inyong mga relihiyosong kuru-kuro; maniwala sa katunayan ng mga salita Ko at huwag maging mapagduda! Hindi Ko kayo binibiro; seryoso Ako sa Aking sinasabi.
Ang mga pinagkakalooban Ko ng mga pagpapala ay tinatanggap ang mga ito, habang ang mga hindi Ko pinagkakalooban ng mga pagpapala ay hindi tumatanggap ng anuman. Ako ang nagpapasya ng lahat ng ito.
𝗔𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝗮𝗯𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗸𝗮𝗽𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗻 𝘀𝗮 𝗹𝘂𝗽𝗮 𝗮𝘆 𝘀𝗮𝗱𝘆𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗶 𝗺𝗮𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗮! Sa Aking pananaw, ito ay walang iba kundi dumi, mas mababa pa ang halaga kaysa isang kusing. Kaya hindi ninyo dapat masyadong pahalagahan ang panlupang kasiyahan.𝗛𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗶 𝗯𝗮'𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗺𝗮𝘀𝗮 𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗶𝘁 𝗻𝗮 𝗺𝗴𝗮 𝗽𝗮𝗴𝗽𝗮𝗽𝗮𝗹𝗮 𝗸𝗮𝘀𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗸𝗼 𝗮𝘆 𝗺𝗮𝘀 𝗵𝗶𝗴𝗶𝘁 𝗻𝗮 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗮𝗵𝘂𝗹𝘂𝗴𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝘁 𝗻𝗮𝗴𝗯𝗶𝗯𝗶𝗴𝗮𝘆-𝗸𝗮𝘀𝗶𝘆𝗮𝗵𝗮𝗻 ?❞
𝘔𝘶𝘭𝘢 𝘴𝘢 𝘈𝘯𝘨 𝘗𝘢𝘨𝘱𝘢𝘱𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘢 𝘢𝘵 𝘎𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘯𝘨 𝘋𝘪𝘺𝘰𝘴
Ano ang Eksaktong Destinasyon ng Sangkatauhan at ang Magandang Tanawing Tulad ng Kaharian?
Sabi ng Makapangyarihang Diyos, "Habang nagaganap ang mga salita Ko, unti-unting nabubuo ang kaharian sa mundo at unti-unting nababalik sa pagiging-normal ang tao, at sa gayon naitatatag sa mundo ang kahariang nasa Aking puso. Sa kaharian, mababawi ng buong bayan ng Diyos ang buhay ng normal na tao. Wala na ang nagyeyelong taglamig, napalitan na ng isang mundo ng mga lungsod sa tagsibol, kung saan tagsibol sa buong taon. Hindi na nahaharap ang mga tao sa madilim, mahirap na mundo ng tao, hindi na nila tinitiis ang maginaw na mundo ng tao. Hindi na nakikipag-away ang mga tao sa isa’t isa, hindi na makikipagdigma ang mga bansa sa isa’t isa, wala na ang patayan at ang dugong dumadaloy mula sa patayan; mapupuno ang lahat ng mga lupain ng kaligayahan, at punung-puno ng init sa pagitan ng mga tao ang lahat ng dako."
"napuno ang buong lupain ng tawanan, saanmang dako sa mundo ay puno ng pagpupuri, at walang lugar na wala ang Aking kaluwalhatian. ... at ang mga tao sa mundo ay makapamumuhay ng mapayapa, kuntentong mga buhay sa ilalim ng Aking paggabay. Pinangangasiwaan ng lahat ng mga tao ang lahat ng bagay sa Aking kamay, nabawi na ng lahat ng mga tao ang dati nilang katalinuhan at orihinal na anyo; hindi na sila nababalutan ng alabok, ngunit, sa Aking kaharian, dalisay sila na tulad ng mamahaling-batong luntian, bawat isa ay may mukha na gaya ng sa banal na nilalang sa kaibuturan ng puso ng tao, dahil naitatag na ang Aking kaharian sa kalagitnaan ng mga tao."
"Ang buhay na nasa kapahingahan ay isa na walang digmaan, walang karumihan, walang namamalagi na di-pagkamatuwid. Ibig sabihin nito ay walang panliligalig ni Satanas (dito ang “Satanas” ay tumutukoy sa kalabang mga puwersa), kasamaan ni Satanas, pati na rin ang pagsalakay ng anumang puwersang tutol sa Diyos. Lahat ng bagay ay sumusunod sa sarili nitong uri at sumasamba sa Panginoon ng sangnilikha. Ang langit at lupa ay ganap na payapa. Ito ang matiwasay na buhay ng sangkatauhan."
mula sa Ang Salita'y Nagpakita sa Katawang-tao
♦ 情形
”现在多数人都是这种情形:为得福我得为神花费,为得福我得为神付点代价,为得福我得为神撇弃一切,为得福我得完成神的托付尽好我的本分。这是受得福存心支配的,完全是为得神的赏赐、为得着冠冕才为神花费的,这种人心里没有真理,肯定只明白一些字句道理到处炫耀,所走的正是保罗的路。这种人信神就是一个劲儿地作工,在他的心中好像工作作得越多证明对神越忠心,作得越多肯定神越满意,作得越多在神面前越该得冠冕,保证在神家得福最大。他认为如果能为基督受苦,能为基督传道,能为基督死,性命都不顾,并且把神所托付的本分完成好,这就是神最祝福的人,这就是得福最大的人,肯定就是得冠冕的人。这正是保罗所想象的、所追求的,正是保罗所走的路,保罗就是在这个思想指导下来作工事奉神的。这种思想、存心是不是来源于撒但的本性?就像世人一样,认为在世界上就得追求知识,有了知识以后可以出人头地,可以当官,可以有地位,有了地位之后可以大展宏图,把自己的家业、事业搞到什么地步。外邦人不都是走这条路吗?受这种撒但本性支配的人信神以后只能像保罗一样,「我得撇下一切来为神花费,在神面前有忠心,到时候得冠冕最大,得福最大」,这跟世人追求世界是一样的,同出一辙,都是受一个本性所支配。人有这种撒但本性,在世界上就是追求知识,追求地位,追求学问,追求出人头地,如果在神家就追求为神花费、忠心,最后得冠冕、得大福。人信神以后如果没有真理,性情没有变化,走的肯定就是这条路,这是任何人不能否认的事实,这跟彼得的路是截然相反的。你们现在走的是什么路?虽然你没打算走保罗的路,但是你的本性就是这么支配的,你也身不由己正是这么往前走的。虽然你心里愿意走彼得的路,但你不清楚彼得的路到底怎么走,你不知不觉走的还是保罗的路,事实就是这么回事。”(摘自 《基督的座谈纪要 怎样走彼得的路》)
DIEU TOUT PUISSANT dit : Grâce aux pensées du Tout-Puissant, tout dans ce monde change rapidement sous Son regard. Des événements dont l’homme n’a jamais entendu parler peuvent soudainement se produire, tandis que les choses que l’humanité possède depuis longtemps peuvent être amenées à disparaître à son insu. Personne ne peut concevoir où Se trouve le Tout-Puissant, et il est encore moins possible pour qui que ce soit de ressentir la transcendance et la grandeur de Sa force de vie. Il est transcendant dans le sens où Il perçoit ce que les hommes ne voient pas. Il est grand dans le sens où c’est Lui qui est rejeté par l’humanité, et pourtant Il la sauve. Il sait quel est le sens de la vie et de la mort, et Il connaît encore mieux les lois de l’existence que l’humanité qui est créée, devrait suivre. Il est la base dont dépend l’existence humaine et Il est le Rédempteur qui ressuscite à nouveau l’humanité. Il alourdit les cœurs heureux par la tristesse et allège les cœurs tristes par la joie, tout cela pour le bien de Son œuvre et de Son plan.
Extrait de « La Parole apparaît dans la chair »
——《話•卷一·道成肉身的奥秘 四》
Almighty God say,
Humanity, having strayed from the Almighty’s provision of life, is ignorant of the purpose of existence, but fears death nonetheless. They are without help or support, yet still reluctant to close their eyes, and they steel themselves to drag out an ignoble existence in this world, sacks of flesh with no sense of their own souls. You live in this way, without hope, as do others, without aim. Only the Holy One of legend will save the people who, moaning in the midst of their suffering, long desperately for His arrival. So far, such belief has not been realized in those who lack consciousness. Nevertheless, the people still yearn for it so. The Almighty has mercy on these people who have suffered deeply; at the same time, He is fed up with these people who lack consciousness, as He has had to wait too long for an answer from humanity. He wishes to seek, to seek your heart and your spirit, to bring you water and food and to awaken you, that you may no longer be thirsty and hungry. When you are weary and when you begin to feel something of the bleak desolation of this world, do not be lost, do not cry. Almighty God, the Watcher, will embrace your arrival at any time. He is keeping watch by your side, waiting for you to turn back around. He is waiting for the day you suddenly recover your memory: when you realize that you came from God, that, at some unknown time you lost your direction, at some unknown time you lost consciousness on the road, and at some unknown time acquired a “father”; when you realize, furthermore, that the Almighty has always been keeping watch, waiting there a very, very long time for your return. He has been watching with desperate longing, waiting for a response without an answer. His watching and waiting are beyond any price, and they are for the sake of the human heart and the human spirit. Perhaps this watching and waiting are indefinite, and perhaps they are at an end. But you should know exactly where your heart and your spirit are right now.
from The Word Appears in the Flesh
في عصر الملكوت، يستخدم الله الكلمة للإعلان عن بداية عصر جديد، ولتغيير طريقة عمله، وليقوم بالعمل المطلوب للعصر بأكمله. هذا هو المبدأ الذي يعمل به الله في عصر الكلمة. لقد صار الله جسدًا ليتكلم من وجهات نظر مختلفة، مما يُمكّن الإنسان حقًا من رؤية الله، الذي هو الكلمة الظاهر في الجسد، ومن رؤية حكمته وعجبه. ويتم مثل هذا العمل لتحقيق أفضل لأهداف إخضاع الإنسان وتكميله والقضاء عليه. هذا هو المعنى الحقيقي لاستخدام الكلمة للعمل في عصر الكلمة. من خلال الكلمة، يتعرّف الإنسان على عمل الله وشخصيته، ويتعرف على جوهر الإنسان، وما يجب على الإنسان الدخول إليه. من خلال الكلمة، يأتي العمل الذي يرغب الله في القيام به في عصر الكلمة بأكمله بثماره. من خلال الكلمة، يُكشَف عن الإنسان ويُقضَى عليه ويُجَرَّب. لقد رأى الإنسان الكلمة، وسمعها، وصار واعيًا بوجودها. فيؤمن الإنسان نتيجة لذلك بوجود الله، ويؤمن بقدرة الله الكليّة وحكمته، وأيضًا بمحبة الله للإنسان ورغبته في خلاصه. ومع أن كلمة "الكلمة" بسيطة وعادية، فإن الكلمة من فم الله المُتجسِّد تزعزع الكون بأسره؛ كلمته تحوّل قلب الإنسان، وتغيّر مفاهيم الإنسان وشخصيته القديمة، والطريقة القديمة التي اعتاد العالم بأكمله على أن يظهر بها. على مر العصور، يعمل إله هذا اليوم وحده بهذه الطريقة، وبهذه الطريقة وحدها يُكلّم الإنسان ويأتي ليُخلِّصه. ومن هذا الوقت فصاعدًا، يعيش الإنسان تحت توجيه الكلمة، وتحت رعايتها وعطائها. لقد أتت البشرية بأكملها لتحيا في عالم الكلمة، وسط لعنات كلمة الله وبركاتها، بل وأتى المزيد من البشر ليحيوا في ظل دينونة الكلمة وتوبيخها. جميع هذه الكلمات وكل هذا العمل هو من أجل خلاص الإنسان، ومن أجل تتميم مشيئة الله، ومن أجل تغيير المظهر الأصلي لعالم الخليقة القديمة. خلق الله العالم بالكلمة، ويقود البشر من جميع أرجاء الكون بالكلمة، وأيضًا يخضعهم ويُخلّصهم بالكلمة. وأخيرًا، سيستخدم الكلمة ليأتي بالعالم القديم بأسره إلى نهاية. عندها فقط تكتمل خطة التدبير تمامًا.
من "كلمات الله اليومية"
😍✨✨😍जय मसीह की सभी भाई और बहनों को आज मैं परमेश्वर के एक सुंदर भजन आप लोगों के साथ सांझा करना चाहती हूं जो हमारे मन और हृदय को आनंद से भर देती है!!!!!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🤍
😍😍परमेश्वर, तू अपनी रौशनी हम पर चमकाता है।😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
महिमा तेरी हमारी देह में प्रकाशित होती है।😍😍
सारे देश तेरी रौशनी में आते हैं, उनके राजा आएं तेरे, भेजे प्रकाश के पास। तू अपनी नजरें उठाकर देखता है, तेरे पुत्र खड़े हैं तेरे चारों ओर। आये वे दूर-दूर से, तेरी पुत्रियाँ भी, तेरी बाँहों में उठकर आती हैं! सर्वशक्तिमान परमेश्वर ! तेरे महान प्रेम ने हम सबको जोड़े रखा है।😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
तू ही हमें आगे ले जाता, उस रास्ते पर आगे जो राज्य को जाता है। पवित्र है तेरा पावन वचन जो भेदता है हमें आर-पार।😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
सर्वशक्तिमान परमेश्वर ! तुझे मिले धन्यवाद सारा, स्तुति हो तेरी। धन्यवाद और स्तुति, स्तुति हो तेरी।😍😍😍
Dios todopoderoso dice: "no estaban solos durante su vida en este mundo. La humanidad cuenta con el cuidado de Dios; Él está con ellos; las personas pueden apoyarse siempre en Él, quien es la familia del cada uno de Sus seguidores. Con Su apoyo, la humanidad ya no estaría sola ni indefensa…… "
🥹Cuando te sientes que tu vida llegue a un callejón sin salida…
❤️Dios todopoderoso dice: "Sólo cuando uno acepta la soberanía del Creador, se somete a Sus orquestaciones y disposiciones, y busca la verdadera vida humana, se librará gradualmente de toda angustia y sufrimiento, se deshará de todo el vacío de la vida "
De "La Palabra manifestada en carne (Continuación)"
🥹Si te apresuras a luchar por el destino, pero nunca lo cumples…
❤️Dios todopoderoso dice: “el origen de la vida proviene de Dios, para toda la creación, sin importar la diferencia en forma o estructura. No importa qué clase de ser vivo seas, no te puedes mover en contra de la senda de la vida que Dios ha establecido. En cualquier caso, todo lo que deseo es que el hombre entienda que sin el cuidado, custodia y provisión de Dios, el hombre no puede recibir todo lo que estaba destinado a recibir, no importa qué tan grande sea el esfuerzo o la lucha. Sin el alimento de vida de Dios el hombre pierde el valor de vivir y pierde el sentido de la vida. "
💞🧚♂️☘️⭐ Minsang naligtas, Palaging
📖📚💐Hindi ang bawa’t nagsasabi sa akin, Panginoon, Panginoon, ay papasok sa kaharian ng langit; kundi ang gumaganap ng kalooban ng aking Ama na nasa langit” (Mateo 7:21). “Kung kayo’y magsisipanatili sa aking salita, kung magkagayo’y tunay nga kayong mga alagad ko” (Juan 8:31).
📗📓📒 SABI NG DIYOS ,"Kapag iniwan ng tao ang karumihan, mga tiwaling mga bagay ni Satanas, nakakamit nila ang pagliligtas ng Diyos. Ngunit kung manananatili silang walang kakayahan na alisin sa kanilang mga sarili ang karumihan at katiwalian, kung gayon mananatili pa rin sila sa ilalim ng sakop ni Satanas. Ang pakikipagsabwatan ng mga tao, panlilinlang, at pandaraya ay mga bagay ni Satanas; sa pagliligtas sa iyo, ihihiwalay ka ng Diyos mula sa mga bagay na ito at ang gawain ng Diyos ay hindi maaaring magkamali, at ang lahat ay upang iligtas ang mga tao mula sa kadiliman. Kung naniniwala ka sa ilang panahon at magagawang alisin sa iyong sarili ang katiwalian ng laman, at hindi na nakatanikala sa katiwaliang ito, ikaw ay hindi ba sana maliligtas? Kung ikaw ay nabubuhay sa ialim ng sakop ni Satanas wala kang kakayahan na maipakita ang Diyos, ikaw ay isang bagay na marumi, at hindi makatatanggap ng pamana ng Diyos. Sa sandaling ikaw ay malinis at gawing perpekto, ikaw ay magiging banal, at ikaw ay magiging normal, at ikaw ay pagpapalain ng Diyos at kalugud-lugod sa Diyos” . “Ang mga kasalanan ng tao ay maaaring mapatawad sa pamamagitan ng handog sa kasalanan, nguni’t hindi magawang lutasin ng tao ang suliranin kung paano siya hindi na muling magkakasala at kung paanong ang kanyang makasalanang kalikasan ay ganap na maiwawaksi at mababago. Ang mga kasalanan ng tao ay napatawad dahil sa gawain ng pagpapapako sa krus ng Diyos, nguni’t ang tao ay patuloy na namuhay sa dating tiwaling maka-satanas na disposisyon. Dahil dito, ang tao ay dapat na ganap na mailigtas mula sa tiwaling maka-satanas na disposisyon upang ang makasalanang kalikasan ng tao ay ganap na maiwaksi at hindi na muling mabubuo, at sa gayon ay tinutulutang mabago ang disposisyon ng tao. Kinakailangan nito na maunawaan ng tao ang landas ng paglago sa buhay, ang landas ng buhay, at ang paraan upang baguhin ang kanyang disposisyon. Kinakailangan din na ang tao ay kumilos alinsunod sa landas na ito nang sa gayon ang disposisyon ng tao ay unti-unting mababago at makakapamuhay siya sa ilalim ng pagsikat ng liwanag, at upang magawa niya ang lahat ng bagay ayon sa kalooban ng Diyos, iwaksi ang tiwaling maka-satanas na disposisyon, at lumaya mula sa impluwensya ng kadiliman ni Satanas, at dahil dito ganap na makakalaya mula sa kasalanan. Doon lamang matatanggap ng tao ang ganap na kaligtasan” .
English Christian Song | "The Onset of Illness Is God's Love"
English Christian Song | "How to Enter Into True Prayer"
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