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基督教會詩歌《没有人察覺到神的到來》【A Cappella】
1 没有人察覺到神的到來,没有人迎接他的到來,更没有人知道他將要作的一切,更没有人知道他將要作的一切。人的生活如往常一樣,平常的心、平常的歲月。神也如平常人一樣生活在我們中間,作為一名最小的跟隨者、一名普通的信徒。他有自己的追求,有自己的目標,更有常人没有的神性。没有人注意到他神性的存在,也没有人覺察到他的實質與人的區别。

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只有罪得潔凈,才有資格進天國! 🌈🌻

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Hindi Christian Testimony Video | अहंकारी स्वभाव बदलना | True Story of a Christian
कम उम्र में ही नायिका ने एक प्रभारी के रूप में अपना कर्तव्य निभाना शुरू कर दिया था। कुछ ही समय में उसने अपने कार्य में बहुत प्रगति कर ली, और वह स्वयं ही अपनी सराहना करने लगी और अधिकाधिक अहंकारी होती चली गई, मनमाने ढंग से काम करने लगी। वह दूसरों के साथ किसी काम पर चर्चा न करती, जिससे कलीसिया के काम में व्यवधान और गड़बड़ी होने लगी। आखिरकार जब उसकी काट-छाँट की गई और उससे निपटा गया, तो उसने आत्मचिंतन करना शुरू किया। परमेश्वर के वचनों के न्याय और प्रकाशन से उसने अपने बारे में क्या जाना? उसका अहंकारी स्वभाव कैसे बदला? यह जानने के लिए यह फिल्म देखिए।

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161、有关特殊节日及佛诞日念诵礼佛大忏悔文的问题——《心灵法门佛学问答 一百六十一》

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2022 Christian Movie "The Refiner's Fire" | The Miracle of Life Blossoming in Communist China's Purgatory
Chen Xinjie, a church leader, is tracked and monitored by the Chinese Communist Party police in 2006 in the course of her doing her duty. She ends up arrested along with a church deacon, Zhao Guilan. In an effort to obtain information regarding other church leaders and where church funds are kept, the police interrogate and pressure them to answer their questions in turn, even using tactics such as beating them and suspending them from handcuffs. Seeing that Chen Xinjie refuses to speak, they take her to a secret interrogation location, strip off all her clothing to humiliate her, and electrocute her until she loses consciousness. When she feels that she is hovering between life and death, she uses her last bit of strength to call out to God in prayer. While unconscious, she sees a chorus of angels singing a hymn of God's words to encourage her, leading her back from the brink of death. She stands firm in her faith and swears to bear witness to God to humiliate Satan. Seeing their brutal torture methods aren't working with her, the police seek out her husband in an attempt to tug on her heartstrings to coerce and entice her into betraying God and selling out the church. They dispatch spies twice to get close to Chen Xinjie and gain information on the church. By leaning on God, she doesn't fall for Satan's tricks, but the police still refuse to give up. Then on one windy, snowy day, they transport both Chen Xinjie and Zhao Guilan to a reeducation through labor camp where they are forced to strip off their clothes in front of hundreds of prisoners, exposing their naked bodies in front of everyone. …

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