
自由廣場集會 海外維吾爾人促美終結中共暴行 

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הסרט המלא | כרוניקה של רדיפות על רקע דתי בסין 'נעורים של דמעות אדומות מדם' 

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  「神創造了這個世界,創造了這個人類,更締造了古希臘的文化與人類的文明,只有神在撫慰著這個人類,也只有神在朝夕看顧著這個人類。人類的發展與人類的進步不能離開神的主宰,人類的歷史與人類的未來都不能逃脫神手的安排。你若是一個名副其實的基督徒,那你一定會相信任何一個國家與民族的興盛與衰退都在神的安排之下。任何一個國家與民族的命運將會是如何只有神自己知道,這個人類將何去何從也只有神自己掌握。人類要想有好的命運,一個國家要想有好的命運,那只有人類都俯伏敬拜神,都來到神的面前向神悔改認罪,否則人類的命運與歸宿將會是一場不可避免的劫難……」。 摘自《神主宰著全人類的命運》



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Come si dovrebbe esattamente discernere la voce di Dio? Come si può confermare che Dio Onnipotente è davvero il Signore Gesù ritornato? 

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기독교 영화 <경건의 비밀> 명장면(5) 그리스도가 진리, 길, 생명이심을 어떻게 알 것인가? 
선지자와 사도 그리고 영적 위인들과 성경 해석가들이 한 말을 어떻게 보십니까? 사도와 선지자가 한 말과 성육신하신 그리스도께서 하신 말씀에는 어떤 구별이 있을까요? 영상을 보시면 그 답을 찾게 되실 것입니다. 

영화 바로보기:https://youtu.be/MzkzEb-_c24 

[동방번개] 전능하신 하나님 교회는 재림하신 예수님, 곧 말세의 그리스도이신 전능하신 하나님의 나타나심과 사역으로 인해 생겼고, 전능하신 하나님의 말세 사역을 받아들여 하나님의 말씀에 정복되고 구원받은 모든 사람으로 구성되어 있습니다. 본 교회는 완전히 전능하신 하나님께서 친히 세우신 것이자 전능하신 하나님께서 친히 인솔하시고 목양하시는 것이지 절대 어떤 한 사람이 세운 것이 아닙니다. 그리스도는 곧 진리ㆍ길ㆍ생명이십니다. 하나님의 양은 하나님의 음성을 알아듣습니다. 전능하신 하나님의 말씀을 보시면 하나님께서 이미 나타나셨음을 알 수 있습니다. 

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With cheerful music, loud chants, and banners covered with slogans, people and groups from different countries and ethnicities expressed their plea for human rights in a free, peaceful manner. At 2 p.m. on March 2, 2019, crowds surged into the city center of Milan, Italy, and a demonstration of 200,000 people gathered in the Square Milano Duomo along Corso Venezia. This demonstration was to mobilize the Italian people to unite against all actions that violate and trample human rights, and to protect the rights of refugees and minority groups.


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With cheerful music, loud chants, and banners covered with slogans, people and groups from different countries and ethnicities expressed their plea for human rights in a free, peaceful manner. At 2 p.m. on March 2, 2019, crowds surged into the city center of Milan, Italy, and a demonstration of 200,000 people gathered in the Square Milano Duomo along Corso Venezia. This demonstration was to mobilize the Italian people to unite against all actions that violate and trample human rights, and to protect the rights of refugees and minority groups.


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With cheerful music, loud chants, and banners covered with slogans, people and groups from different countries and ethnicities expressed their plea for human rights in a free, peaceful manner. At 2 p.m. on March 2, 2019, crowds surged into the city center of Milan, Italy, and a demonstration of 200,000 people gathered in the Square Milano Duomo along Corso Venezia. This demonstration was to mobilize the Italian people to unite against all actions that violate and trample human rights, and to protect the rights of refugees and minority groups.


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With cheerful music, loud chants, and banners covered with slogans, people and groups from different countries and ethnicities expressed their plea for human rights in a free, peaceful manner. At 2 p.m. on March 2, 2019, crowds surged into the city center of Milan, Italy, and a demonstration of 200,000 people gathered in the Square Milano Duomo along Corso Venezia. This demonstration was to mobilize the Italian people to unite against all actions that violate and trample human rights, and to protect the rights of refugees and minority groups.


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With cheerful music, loud chants, and banners covered with slogans, people and groups from different countries and ethnicities expressed their plea for human rights in a free, peaceful manner. At 2 p.m. on March 2, 2019, crowds surged into the city center of Milan, Italy, and a demonstration of 200,000 people gathered in the Square Milano Duomo along Corso Venezia. This demonstration was to mobilize the Italian people to unite against all actions that violate and trample human rights, and to protect the rights of refugees and minority groups.


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