________» "Throughout your long lives, basically every individual has encountered many dangerous situations and undergone many temptations. This is because Satan is right there beside you, its eyes fixed on you constantly. It likes it when disaster strikes you, when calamities befall you, when nothing goes right for you, and likes it when you are caught in Satan’s net. As for God, He is protecting you constantly, keeping you from one misfortune after another and from one disaster after another. This is why I say that everything man has—peace and joy, blessings and personal safety—is in fact all under God’s control, and He guides and decides the life and fate of every individual. "
💌After reading the word of God I understood that people live every day in Satan’s net. At any moment, they can be confronted with all manner of dangerous temptations from Satan, and they can meet with disasters, calamities and any number of unfortunate things. Without God watching over and guarding them, people would have long since been swallowed up by Satan.

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📚*・:✝️* Bible verse of the day *✝️:・*📚
While pray-reading this verse, I remember what happened to me recently. One of my colleagues was my church sister. We had a good relationship. We often studied together at work and helped each other. There was a period of time when I often made mistakes. She would remind me of my deficiencies and inadequacies. I thought what she said was all correct and was my real problems. Afterward, we were separated to work in different departments. She then never came to see me again. Gradually, I had some opinions on her. I thought we were so close to each other before, why didn’t she send me even a message when I most needed comfort and encouragement? Could it be that her care to me was all fake? The more I thought this way, the darker I felt in my spirit. Amid suffering, I came before God in prayer: May God show me how to treat it. Not long after I prayed that prayer, I came across a very good article “The Principle of Sharing From the Heart”, which showed me God’s will and many paths of practice. One of the passage said, “If the brothers and sisters are to be able to confide in each other, help each other out, and provide for one another when they are together, then each person must speak of their own true experiences. … If people have no verbal or spiritual communication, there is no possibility of intimacy between them, and they can’t provide to each other or help one another. Do you have such a feeling? If your friend says everything to you, saying all of what they’re thinking in their heart, and what suffering or happiness they have in their heart, then do you not feel particularly intimate with them? That they are willing to tell these things to you is because you have also spoken of the words in your heart to them—you are especially close, and it is because of this that you are able to get along with them and help each other out. Without this among the brothers and sisters in the church, there would never be harmony among the brothers and sisters, which is one of the requisites of being honest.” From this passage, I understood that true friends can confide with each other. We can take the initiative and share with brothers and sisters who truly believe in God what we’re thinking in our heart, and what suffering or happiness we have in our heart, then we will become intimate friends with others. This is also the manifestation of being honest. Just as the verse said, “Therefore all things whatever you would that men should do to you, do you even so to them.” I complained that the sister did not care about me. In fact, I did not take an initiative to see her afterward but made demands of her. Why didn’t I make demands of myself? I finally saw my sense was too inferior and I needed to change myself. After understanding God’s will, I took the initiative and chatted with the sister and asked her how everything was going on with her. The sister told me what she was thinking in her heart. Until then did I know that she was too busy recently. She had thought about chatting with me but didn’t know what to say, then she prayed to seek the Lord’s will. Thank the Lord that He has prepared us this chance. After we opened up to each other, I was extremely free and relaxed in my heart and even felt it easy to solve my problems at work.

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Be Full of Love for God | A Cappella "Praise the New Life" (The Best Christian Music Video)
Hallelujah! Thank and praise You!

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Disclosing the Mystery: Do You Know What’s the Incarnation?

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【God treats all people righteously.】

📚📚"God treats all people righteously; no matter your age, how senior you are or even how much suffering you have been through, God’s righteous disposition is forever unchanged in the face of these things. God does not treat anybody with high regard, nor does He favor anybody. His attitude toward people is based on whether or not they can accept the truth and accept His new work by relinquishing all things. If you can receive His new work and receive the truth that He expresses, then you will be able to gain God’s salvation. If you are prideful of your veteran status and you flaunt your seniority, laying down terms to God, then you will be disavowed from God’s salvation. Just like the Jews, who could not accept Jesus Christ but only waited for the Messiah, that which befell them in the end was the curse and the ire of God; this is a fact that is there for all to see."

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Hindi Christian Video clip "तोड़ डालो अफ़वाहों की ज़ंजीरें" (6) - चीन की कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी सर्वशक्तिमान परमेश्वर की कलीसिया पर अत्याचार क्यों करती है

चीन की कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी एक शैतानी शासन है, जो वास्तव में सत्य और परमेश्वर से नफ़रत करती है। वह जानती है कि पूरी दुनिया में सिर्फ सर्वशक्तिमान परमेश्वर ही एकमात्र ऐसी हस्‍ती हैं जो सत्य व्यक्त कर सकते हैं। सर्वशक्तिमान परमेश्वर अंत के दिनों का उद्धार का कार्य करने की प्रक्रिया में हैं। अगर सर्वशक्तिमान परमेश्वर के वचन लोगों के बीच फ़ैल गए, तो सत्य से प्रेम करनेवाले सभी लोग सर्वशक्तिमान परमेश्वर की शरण में लौट जायेंगे। चीन की कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी का दानवी चेहरा, जो कि सत्य से नफ़रत और परमेश्वर का विरोध करने वाला उसका वास्‍तविक चेहरा है, बेनकाब हो जाएगा। तब पूरी मानवजाति चीन की कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी को त्याग देगी। फिर चीन से उसके पाँव उखड़ जायेंगे। तब फिर वह और अधिक दुनिया के नागरिकों को भ्रष्ट करके फंसा नहीं पाएगी। यही वजह है कि चीन की कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी सर्वशक्तिमान परमेश्वर से नफ़रत करती है और सर्वशक्तिमान परमेश्वर की कलीसिया पर पागलों की तरह घोर अत्याचार करती है।

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Христийн сүмийн шилдэг кино “Аюул дунд өргөгдсөн нь” Трейлер (монгол хэлээр) https://reurl.cc/qgxnE

Жао Жиган бол Хятад дахь орон нутгийн чуулганы ахлагч юм. Олон Христэд итгэгчдийн адилаар, Эзэнд итгэгч болохын хувьд түүний хамгийн агуу найдвар нь амьд байхдаа өргөгдөж, Эзэнтэй уулзаж, Түүнтэй хамт захирах явдал юм. 1999 онд чуулганы удирдагч “2000 онд Эзэн дахин ирнэ, Түүний итгэгчид амьдаараа өргөгдөх болно” хэмээх мэдээ гаргасны дараа түүний сэтгэл урьдныхаасаа илүүтэй хөдөлж, урам зоригтой боллоо. Итгэл, үнэмшлээр бялхсан тэрбээр ирээдүйг найдлага, горьдлоготойгоор харжээ... Гэсэн хэдий ч, 2000 он болж өнгөрсний дараа түүний найдвар бүхэлдээ талаар болов. Түүний урсгалд урьд өмнө үзэгдээгүй итгэлийн хямрал үүсэж, зөв зам сонгосон эсэхдээ гайхан эргэлзэхгүй байж тэр чадсангүй. Төгс Хүчит Бурханы хаанчлал бууж ирсэн тухай сайн мэдээ түүний урсгал даяар түгсэний дараа Жао Жиган болон бүлэг хамтран ажиллагчид Төгс Хүчит Бурханы Чуулганы номлогчидтой гүн гүнзгий хэлэлцэж, маргалджээ. Эдгээр хэлэлцүүлэг нь тэдний урсгал дотор олон жилийн турш хадгалж ирсэн итгэлийн эргэн тойронд эргэлдэж байв... Эцэст нь Жао Жиган шашны антихристүүдэд хууртагдан будилснаа тодорхой харж чаджээ. Тэрээр түргэн зуур үнэнийг таньж, Төгс Хүчит Бурханы ажлыг хүлээн зөвшөөрч эхэллээ. Эцэст нь тэр Бурханы сэнтийн өмнө өргөгдсөн бөгөөд “Миний өргөгдсөн явдал үнэхээр аюул дунд байлаа!” хэмээн халаглахгүй байж чадсангүй.

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God Is Our Forever Reliance

God has the essence of love. He loves us and has mercy on us mankind. 

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(Монгол хэлээр)“Зүүднээсээ сэрсэн нь” киноны клип: Ариун байдалгүйгээр ямар ч хүн Бурханы хаанчлалд орохгүй

Эзэнд итгэгч бидний нүгэл өршөөгдөхөд, бид ариусгалтанд хүрдэг үү? Хэрвээ бид ариусгалт руу тэмүүлэлгүй, Эзэний төлөө өөрсдийгөө зарлагадаж, Эзэний ажлыг хичээнгүйлэн хийхэд л анхаарлаа хандуулбал тэнгэрийн хаанчлал руу өргөгдөх үү? Зүүднээсээ сэрсэн нь гэдэг киноны энэ хэсэг та бүхэнд энэ бүх хариултыг өгөх болно!

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A beautiful Christian hymn brings you a beautiful mood. Come and enjoy this beautiful hymn!
2018 Christian Music Video | "The True Love of God" (Korean Song English Subtitles)

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