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ऐसा क्यों कहा जाता है कि भ्रष्ट मानवजाति को देह धारण किए हुए परमेश्वर के उद्धार की अत्यधिक आवश्यकता है?

सर्वशक्तिमान परमेश्वर के कथन: "मनुष्य की देह को शैतान के द्वारा भष्ट किया गया है, और बिलकुल अन्धा कर दिया गया है, और गंभीर रूप से नुकसान पहुंचाया गया है। परमेश्वर किस लिए व्यक्तिगत रूप से देह में कार्य करता है उसका अत्यंत मौलिक कारण है क्योंकि उसके उद्धार का विषय है मनुष्य, जो देह से है, और क्योंकि शैतान भी परमेश्वर के कार्य को बिगाड़ने के लिए मनुष्य की देह का उपयोग करता है। शैतान के साथ युद्ध वास्तव में मनुष्य पर विजय पाने का कार्य है, और ठीक उसी समय, मनुष्य भी परमेश्वर के उद्धार का विषय है। इस रीति से, देहधारी परमेश्वर का कार्य परम आवश्यक है। शैतान ने मनुष्य की देह को भ्रष्ट कर दिया है, और मनुष्य शैतान का मूर्त रूप बन गया है, और ऐसा विषय बन गया है जिसे परमेश्वर के द्वारा हराया जाना है। इस रीति से, शैतान से युद्ध करने और मनुष्य को बचाने का कार्य पृथ्वी पर घटित होता है, और शैतान से युद्ध करने के लिए परमेश्वर को अवश्य मनुष्य बनना होगा। यह अत्यंत व्यावहारिकता का कार्य है।"

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加拿大電影節《主宰一切的那一位》首映 觀眾讚嘆:令人震撼



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Key Point to Relate Well to Siblings in Christ: Get the Beam Out of Our Eyes

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Maneno ya Roho Mtakatifu | "Kazi ya Mungu na Kazi ya Mwanadamu" (Sehemu ya Pili)

Mwenyezi Mungu anasema, "Kile ambacho mwanadamu hukidhihirisha ni kile anachokiona, kupitia uzoefu na kukitafakari. Hata kama ni mafundisho au mitazamo, haya yote hufikiwa na fikra za mwanadamu. Bila kujali ukubwa wa kazi ya mwanadamu, haiwezi kuzidi mawanda ya uzoefu wa mwanadamu, kile ambacho mwanadamu huona, au kile ambacho mwanadamu anaweza kukitafakari au kuingia akilini mwake. Kile ambacho Mungu anadhihirisha ndivyo hivyo Mungu Mwenyewe alivyo, na hii ni nje ya uwezo wa mwanadamu, yaani, nje ya uwezo wa kufikiri kwa mwanadamu. Anadhihirisha kazi Yake ya kuwaongoza wanadamu wote, na hii haihusiani na undani wa uzoefu wa mwanadamu, badala yake inahusu usimamizi Wake. Mwanadamu anadhihirisha uzoefu wake wakati Mungu akidhihirisha hali Yake—hali hii ni tabia Yake ya asili na uko nje ya uwezo wa mwanadamu."

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Maneno ya Roho Mtakatifu | "Wote Wasiomjua Mungu Ndio Wanaompinga Mungu"

Mwenyezi Mungu anasema, "Wale Ninaosema wanampinga Mungu ni wale wasiomjua Mungu, wale wanaokiri Mungu na maneno matupu ilhali hawamjui, wale wanaomfuata Mungu lakini hawamtii, na wale wanaofurahia neema ya Mungu lakini hawawezi kumshuhudia. Bila ufahamu wa madhumuni ya kazi ya Mungu na kazi ya Mungu kwa mwanadamu, mwanadamu hawezi kuwa katika ulinganifu na moyo wa Mungu, na hawezi kumshuhudia Mungu. Sababu kwamba mwanadamu humpinga Mungu inatoka, kwa upande mmoja, katika tabia potovu ya mwanadamu, na kwa upande mwingine, kutokana na kutomfahamu Mungu na kutoelewa kanuni za kazi ya Mungu na mapenzi Yake kwa mwanadamu. Vipengele hivi viwili vinaunganishwa katika historia ya upinzani wa mwanadamu kwa Mungu."

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Hindi Christian Video Trailer | सत्रह? जाहिल कहीं के! | A Young Christian's Testimony of Being Persecuted

"बच्चे! क्या तुम जानते हो कि कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी नास्तिक है और परमेश्वर में विश्वास करने के खिलाफ है? चीन में, कौन सा परमेश्वर है जिस पर तुम विश्वास करते हो? तुम्हारा यह परमेश्वर कहां है?" "यह मत समझो कि तुम बच्चे हो, हम तुम पर दया करेंगे! अगर तुम परमेश्वर में विश्वास करना जारी रखते हो, तो तुम्हें जान से मार दिया जायेगा!" हाथों में बिजली की छड़ें लेकर चीनी कम्युनिस्ट पुलिस ...

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西班牙精彩动画短片《Alike》,不要让自己成为沒趣的大人  https://reurl.cc/dVy9V

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The Heart’s Voice of a Created Being

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【Praise God】
Listen to new songs of the kingdom online, and enter the new age by following the Lamb and singing new songs.

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🎉🎉 Congratulations! 
Now there are already 1000 godly Christians following our page. Thanks for God's leading, and also thanks, brothers and sisters! Best wishes!

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📚*・:✝️ Bible Verse of the Day ✝️:・*📚
As Christians, our hearts often need to be at peace before God and draw near to Him. This is what God asks of man, as well as the way to uphold a normal relationship with Him. When we would like to come before God and pray to Him with a true heart, He will listen to our prayers and enlighten us, so that we can understand His will, His requirements and more of the truth. From this, we have seen God’s faithfulness, and His sincerity toward people who draw near to Him. In addition, we need to know that God can see deep into the heart of man. So we shouldn’t use our mouths to get close to God or deceive Him using nice-sounding words. This kind of behavior is the hypocritical behavior of the Pharisees, which is detested by God. Therefore, when we draw near to God, we should have a heart that fears Him, pray to Him and look to Him with a sincere heart, share our innermost thoughts with Him, entrust our actual difficulties to Him, seek His enlightenment and illumination from His words, and sing hymns to praise Him and be mindful of His love. All of these are the behavior of drawing near to God. When God has seen our sincerity, He will guide us to overcome any difficulties so that we can keep a normal state before God. God says, “All those before Me who sincerely search for Me, who have hearts that hunger and thirst for righteousness, I will enlighten you, reveal to you, allow you to see Me with your own eyes and touch My will in person; My heart will surely be revealed to you, that you may understand. You must practice that which I enlighten within you according to My words, otherwise you will be judged. Follow My will and you shall not go astray.”

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♥️“No matter what wrongs you have committed, no matter how far you have gone astray or how much you have transgressed, do not let these become burdens or excess baggage to carry with you in your pursuit to understand God: Continue marching onward. No matter when it occurs, the heart of God that is man’s salvation never changes: This is the most precious part of the essence of God. ”

♥️ " egal, welches Unrecht du begangen hast, egal, wie weit du abgeirrt bist oder wie viel du übertreten hast, lass nicht zu, dass diese zu Lasten oder überschüssigen Gepäck werden, um mit dir in Deinem Streben zu tragen, Gott zu verstehen: weiter marschieren weiter . Egal, wann es geschieht, das Herz Gottes, das die Erlösung des Menschen ist, ändert sich nie: das ist der meisten Teil der Essenz Gottes. "

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Dear brothers and sisters, thank God for His guidance and arrangement that we can gather together here, and thank you for your support to our special page.

The Lord Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). We all know the Lord Jesus is Christ, and only Christ can bestow us the truth, the way and life. The Lord Jesus Christ did the redemptive work, and forgave our sins, we enjoy God’s rich grace. However, if we want to grow up, we need not only the grace of the Lord, but also to pursue to know Christ and receive His truth as our life. Grow up in Christ, We sincerely hope that we can communicate and explore with each other. This way our spiritual life will grow more rapidly.

Liebe Brüder und Schwestern, Gott sei Dank für seine Beratung und Vereinbarung, die wir hier zusammen sammeln können, und vielen Dank für ihre Unterstützung für unsere spezielle Seite.

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Dear brothers and sisters, thank God for His guidance and arrangement that we can gather together here, and thank you for your support to our special page.

The Lord Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). We all know the Lord Jesus is Christ, and only Christ can bestow us the truth, the way and life. The Lord Jesus Christ did the redemptive work, and forgave our sins, we enjoy God’s rich grace. However, if we want to grow up, we need not only the grace of the Lord, but also to pursue to know Christ and receive His truth as our life. Grow up in Christ, We sincerely hope that we can communicate and explore with each other. This way our spiritual life will grow more rapidly.

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Time always goes forward. Day by day, year by year ... But we know God has never left us. 👧We should be always like a child: simply and honestly loving God and following God!

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Hindi Christian Documentary Clip "वह जिसका हर चीज़ पर प्रभुत्व है" - परमेश्वर इस्राएलियों को मिस्र से बाहर ले जा रहा है 

इस्राएलियों को मिस्र से बाहर ले जाने के लिये परमेश्वर ने मिस्र में दस महामारियाँ भेजीं, अपने अधिकार का प्रयोग करते हुए, समुद्रों को दो भागों में बाँट दिया, और इस्राएलियों को उनके दास-जीवन से मुक्ति दिलाई—इन सबसे परमेश्वर की प्रबल सामर्थ्य प्रकट हुई और इसने परमेश्वर के चुने लोगों के लिये उसके विशाल प्रेम और सरोकार का संदेश दिया। 

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