
🌿🌿इसकी परवाह किए बगैर कि परमेश्वर कैसे कार्य करता है

💟💟यूहन्ना 3:16 (ERV) परमेश्वर को जगत से इतना प्रेम था कि उसने अपने एकमात्र पुत्र को दे दिया, ताकि हर वह आदमी जो उसमें विश्वास रखता है, नष्ट न हो जाये बल्कि उसे अनन्त जीवन मिल जाये। 
"इसकी परवाह किए बगैर कि परमेश्वर कैसे कार्य करता है, उसके सभी कार्य सिर्फ मनुष्य की खातिर ही होते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, स्वर्ग पृथ्वी एवं सभी चीज़ों को ही लीजिए जिन्हें परमेश्वर ने मनुष्य की सेवा करने के लिए सृजा था: चंद्रमा, सूर्य एवं तारागण जिन्हें उसने मनुष्य के लिए बनाया था: जानवर, पेड़-पौधे, बसंत ऋतु, ग्रीष्म ऋतु, शरद ऋतु एवं शीत ऋतु, एवं इत्यादि – ये सब मनुष्य के अस्तित्व की खातिर ही हैं।" 

Following Jesus - Hindi 




📚*・:✝️ Bible Verse of the Day ✝️:・*📚
One stroke is the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet and one pronunciation mark is a pen stroke that can differentiate one Hebrew letter from another. This expression means a tiny amount of something insignificant. The Lord Jesus said that even if heaven and earth passed, one stroke or one pronunciation mark would in no wise pass from the law and all would be fulfilled. We can see from those words that in every stage of God’s work, every law He made is meaningful and valuable and represents God’s disposition and authority. As God’s word goes, “God’s authority is everywhere, at every hour, at every instant. If heaven and earth were to pass away, His authority would never pass away, for He is God Himself, He possesses the unique authority, and His authority is not restricted or limited by people, events, or things, by space or by geography” (“God Himself, the Unique III”). The laws God made represent His work in the Age of Law and they even more represent God’s disposition and authority in the Age of Law. Being above all material and nonmaterial things, they are not restrained by any force, people, event, or thing.


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