המפלגה הקומוניסטית הסינית משתמש במדע כדי להתכחש לשלטונו של אלוהים: האם זו ברכה או קללה?

תוך שימוש בטיעונים מתחומי המטריאליזם והאבולוציה, המפלגה הקומוניסטית הסינית אינה חוסכת במאמצים בהכחישה את קיומו של אלוהים ואת שלטונו. המפלגה מאמינה גם שהמדע יכול להביא לאנושות פיתוח ואושר. האם אלה העובדות? האם התפתחותו של המדע עד לימינו הביאה לאנושות בסופו של דבר ברכות או קללות?

ברק ממזרח #לחפש_את_האמת #אמונה #משיח




【When the Lord Returns, How Should Believers Distinguish God's Voice to Confirm That It Is the True Way?】

☘️"He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit said to the churches" (Revelation 2:17).

☘️"I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come" (Jhn 16:12-13).

❤️"Right now, the path the Holy Spirit walks is God’s current words. So, for one to walk it, he must obey, and eat and drink of the current words of God incarnate. He is doing the work of words, and everything is spoken from His words, and everything is established on His words, His current words."

❤️"… These words were spoken from the mouth of God, and there is power, majesty, and authority in the words of God. Such might and authority, and the inevitability of the accomplishment of fact, are unattainable by any created or non-created being, and unsurpassable by any created or non-created being. Only the Creator can converse with mankind with such a tone and intonation, and facts have proven that His promises are not empty words, or idle boasts, but are the expression of the unique authority that is unsurpassable by any person, thing, or object.
… When words like these are uttered from the mouth of God, they are a revelation and expression of God’s true disposition, a perfect revelation and manifestation of the substance and authority of God, and there is nothing which is more appropriate and suitable as proof of the Creator’s identity. The manner, tone, and wording of such utterances are precisely the mark of the Creator’s identity, and correspond perfectly to the expression of God’s own identity, and in them there is no pretense, or impurity; they are, completely and utterly, the perfect demonstration of the substance and authority of the Creator."



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