
The Holy Spirit Works in a Principled Way


By Qin Shuting

For some time, whenever I read the words of God, I never felt the light. I didn’t reflect on the reason for that, but just continued to pray to God, asking Him to enlighten me. But when I read God’s words after that, I still didn’t have any enlightenment. So I thought, “There is a time for God to enlighten each man, so there is no use in trying to rush it.” After that, I unhurriedly plodded along reading God’s words, patiently awaiting God’s enlightenment.

The Holy Spirit, Knowing God,


Until one day, I read these words of God: “Only if your heart is at peace before God will your pursuit of the truth and of changes in your disposition bear fruit. Because you come burdened before God and you always feel that you are lacking too much, that there are many truths that you need to know, much reality that you need to experience, and that you should give every care to God’s will—these things are always on your mind, and it is as if they are pressing down on you so hard that you can’t breathe, and thus you feel heavy of heart (but not in a negative state). Only people such as this are qualified to accept the enlightenment of God’s words and be moved by the Spirit of God. It is because of their burden, because they are heavy of heart, and, it can be said, because of the price they have paid and the torment they have suffered before God that they receive His enlightenment and illumination, for God does not give anyone special treatment. He is always fair in His treatment of people, but He is also not arbitrary in His provision to people, and does not give to them unconditionally. This is one aspect of His righteous disposition” (“Establishing a Proper Relationship With God Is Very Important” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). In pondering God’s words, I understood: God is a righteous God. He is never arbitrary in His provision to man, and does not give to man unconditionally. There is a principle behind God’s work. For people to receive God’s enlightenment and illumination when reading His words, they must quiet their hearts before God and have a heart that yearns for and seeks God’s words. They must bear the burden for their own lives and search for their own shortcomings according to the words of God. Bearing their burden, they must purposefully read the words of God to go ever deeper into the truth and resolve their corrupt disposition and fulfill their duties. Only by practically paying such a price to work with God can one obtain the enlightenment of God. If someone does not thirst for God’s words, but just aimlessly, mechanically reads His words, treating them lightly, they cannot possibly gain the work of the Holy Spirit. In retrospect, every time I picked up the book of the word of God, I would flick through and see that I had read this passage and read that passage, thinking that I had a rough idea about every passage. Then I would find any old one, give it a cursory read, and then I was done, perfunctorily reading the words of God in such an unconcerned way. At that time, I saw that I didn’t remotely have a heart of longing when reading God’s words. I was just going through the motions and upholding certain rules and conventions, content to just understand some literal doctrines. I placed no importance on seriously pondering God’s words and seeking to understand the truth, nor did I place importance on integrating His words to reflect on myself and resolve my problems. I shouldered no burden for my own life and I wasn’t remotely concerned about my lack of entry into the reality of the truth or a change in disposition. With such a cavalier attitude to the words of God, how would I have obtained His enlightenment and illumination? I was not realistically reflecting on my own state or seeking the truth to resolve my problems. Instead, I was relying on my own notions and imaginings, believing “There is a time for God to enlighten each man.” I continued to passively wait for God’s enlightenment. I really was being so ignorant! Only then did I recognize that, although there is a time for God to enlighten each man, this much is true, there is a principle behind the Holy Spirit’s work on man. The degree to which man cooperates is the degree to which God works; however much people work with God is however much He will bestow on them. God will not enlighten someone if they just passively wait for the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment and do nothing else. The fruit of God’s work on mankind is determined by how much they cooperate. As God said: “The Holy Spirit works by this principle: Through people’s cooperation, through them actively praying, searching and coming closer to God, results can be achieved and they can be enlightened and illuminated by the Holy Spirit. It is not the case that the Holy Spirit acts unilaterally, or that man acts unilaterally. Both are indispensable, and the more that people cooperate, and the more they pursue the attainment of the standards of God’s requirements, the greater the work of the Holy Spirit. Only people’s real cooperation, added to the work of the Holy Spirit, can produce real experiences and the substantive knowledge of God’s words. Gradually, through experiencing in this way, a perfect person is ultimately produced. God does not do supernatural things; in people’s conceptions, God is almighty, and everything is done by God—with the result that people wait passively, do not read the words of God or pray, and merely await the touch of the Holy Spirit. Those with a correct understanding, however, believe this: God’s actions can only go as far as my cooperation, and the effect that God’s work has in me depends on how I cooperate. When God speaks, I should do all I can to seek and strive toward God’s words; this is what I should achieve” (“How to Know Reality” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).

Thank God for His timely enlightenment. I found the reason why I was lacking any light from reading God’s words, and found that there were problems in my experience because I did not understand the principle behind the Holy Spirit’s work. I am now willing to turn my state around and proactively cooperate with God. I will read God’s words to put the truth into practice and perform my duty well, and in order to cast off my corrupt satanic disposition and be purified. This is the only way I can go deeper into the truth and I can gradually grow in my life.


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מחול 'שירו ורקדו בשבח האל' | שבח והלל


המשיח של אחרית הימים הופיע כדי לעבוד ולהושיע את בני האדם.

הוא מגלה את אהבת האל בכך שהוא משקה, מזין ומנחה את בני האדם.

בדברי האל יש חמימות ועוצמה, הם כובשים את ליבנו.

אנו אוכלים, שותים ונהנים מדברי האל; אנו משתתפים במשתה.

כשאנו אוכלים ושותים את דברי האל, הוגים בהם ומשתפים אותם,

רוח הקודש מאירה את עינינו ואנו מבינים את האמת.

אנו משליכים הצידה את הקשרים הארציים ומבצעים את חובתנו.

איזו ברכה היא זו, לבוא אל מלכות האל!

שירו ורקדו בשבח האל, בשבח האל.

הודו לאל על שהוא מכוון אותנו אל נתיב החיים.

אנו נהנים מדברי האל מדי יום וחיים במחיצתו.

לעולם לא נפסיק להלל את צדקת האל ולהעיד עליה!


דברי האל הם כחרב שחושפת את אופיינו.

יהירותנו, צדקנותנו ונכלוליותנו נחשפים באור.

כשאנו חווים שיפוט וייסורים, אנו לומדים להכיר את עצמנו.

טבענו המושחת מתנקה ואנו הופכים לאנשים חדשים.

אנו מבצעים את חובתנו ועובדים בהרמוניה עם זולתנו.

אנו נכשלים, נופלים ומחפשים את האמת.

דבר האל והאמת הם כה יקרי-ערך, הם מנקים אותנו.

משהשתחררנו מהשפעת השטן, אנו זוכים לשבח האל.

שירו ורקדו בשבח האל, בשבח האל.

הודו לאל על שהוא מכוון אותנו אל נתיב החיים.

אנו נהנים מדברי האל מדי יום וחיים במחיצתו.

לעולם לא נפסיק להלל את צדקת האל ולהעיד עליה!


אנו בטוחים שהמשיח הוא האמת, ואנו הולכים בעקבותיו בנחישות איתנה כסלע.

אנו מאמצים את שליחותנו - להעיד על אלוהים – ואנו מסורים לו לחלוטין.

לעג, השמצות והוקעה לא יגרמו לנו לסגת.

אנו עושים את חובתנו כדי להשביע את רצון האל – תהילת האל קודמת לכול.

לא נירתע כשהשטן יאיים ללכדנו.

גם אם נירדף קשות, לנצח נהיה נאמנים.

אנו עוברים נסיונות ותלאות, ואהבתנו לאל מתחזקת.

אנו נוטשים כליל את התנין הגדול האדום כאש ונושאים עדות מהדהדת.

שירו ורקדו בשבח האל, בשבח האל.

הודו לאל על שהוא מכוון אותנו אל נתיב החיים.

אנו נהנים מדברי האל מדי יום וחיים במחיצתו.

לעולם לא נפסיק להלל את צדקת האל ולהעיד עליה!

שירו ורקדו בשבח האל, בשבח האל.

הודו לאל על שהוא מכוון אותנו אל נתיב החיים.

אנו נהנים מדברי האל מדי יום וחיים במחיצתו.

לעולם לא נפסיק להלל את צדקת האל ולהעיד עליה!

מתוך 'עקבו אחר השה ושירו שירים חדשים'

הברק ממזרח, כנסיית האל הכול יכול נוסדה בעקבות הופעתו ועבודתו של האל הכול יכול, הביאה השנייה של ישוע אדוננו, המשיח של אחרית הימים. החברים בכנסייה הם אלה המקבלים את עבודתו של האל הכול יכול באחרית הימים, והנכבשים וניצלים באמצעות דבריו. האל הכול יכול ייסד את הכנסייה לבדו והוא שמנהיג אותה כרועה. היא במפורש לא נוסדה על ידי אדם. המשיח הוא האמת, הדרך והחיים. צאנו של אלוהים שומעות בקולו של אלוהים. כל עוד תקראו את דברי האל הכול יכול, תבינו שאלוהים אכן הופיע.

הודעה מיוחדת: הפקת סרט זו הופקה שלא למטרת רווח על ידי כנסיית האל הכול יכול. השחקנים המופיעים בהפקה זו מופיעים שלא למטרת רווח ולא קיבלו כל תשלום שהוא. אין להפיץ סרט זה למטרת רווח לשום צד שלישי, ואנו מקווים שכולם ישתפו אותו ויפיצו אותו בגלוי. בהפיצכם סרט זה, אנא ציינו את מקורו. ללא הסכמתה של כנסיית האל הכול יכול, אסור בהחלט לשום ארגון, קבוצה חברתית או אדם לערוך שינויים בתוכנו של סרט זה או להציג אותו באופן מסולף.




Album ng mga Sipi mula sa mga Salita ng Diyos | "Ang Diyos Mismo, Ang Natatangi III" (Sipi 4)

Sabi ng Makapangyarihang Diyos: “Ang awtoridad ng Diyos ay umiiral hindi alintana ang mga kalagayan; sa lahat ng mga sitwasyon, ang Diyos ang nagdidikta at nagsasaayos ng bawat pantaong kapalaran at lahat ng mga bagay ayon sa Kanyang mga pag-iisip, Kanyang mga naisin. Hindi ito mababago sapagkat nagbabago ang mga tao, at ito ay hindi umaasa sa kalooban ng tao, hindi maaaring mapalitan ng anumang pagbabago sa panahon, espasyo, at heograpiya, sapagkat ang awtoridad ng Diyos ay ang Kanyang pinakadiwa. Kahit pa ang tao ay kinikilala at tinatanggap ng tao ang dakilang kapangyarihan ng Diyos, at kahit pa nagpapasailalim dito ang tao, ay hindi sa bahagya mang paraan nababago ang katotohanan ng dakilang kapangyarihan ng Diyos sa pantaong kapalaran. Na ibig sabihin, kahit ano pa ang maging saloobin ng tao sa dakilang kapangyarihan ng Diyos, hindi nito simpleng maaaring baguhin ang katotohanan na ang Diyos ang may kapangyarihan sa pantaong kapalaran at sa lahat ng mga bagay. Kahit na hindi ka napapasailalim sa dakilang kapangyarihan ng Diyos, inaatasan pa rin Niya ang iyong kapalaran; kahit na hindi mo maaaring makilala ang Kanyang dakilang kapangayrihan, ang Kanyang awtoridad pa rin ang umiiral. Ang awtoridad ng Diyos at ang katotohanan ng dakilang kapangyarihan ng Diyos sa pantaong kapalaran ay hindi umaasa sa pantaong kalooban, hindi nagbabago ayon sa mga kagustuhan at mga pagpipilian ng tao. Ang awtoridad ng Diyos ay nasa lahat ng dako, at sa bawat oras, at bawat saglit. Kung ang langit at lupa ay pumanaw, ang Kanyang awtoridad ay kailanman di-papanaw, sapagkat Siya ay Diyos Mismo, Siya ang nag-aangking ng natatanging awtoridad, at ang awtoridad Niya ay hindi natatakdaan o nalilimitahan ng mga tao, mga pangyayari, o mga bagay, ng espasyo o ng heograpiya. Sa lahat ng panahon, hawak ng Diyos ang Kanyang awtoridad, ipinakikita ang Kanyang lakas, ipinagpapatuloy palagi ang Kanyang gawaing pamamahala; sa lahat ng panahon pinamamahalaan Niya ang lahat ng mga bagay, naglalaan para sa lahat ng mga bagay, pinagtutugma ang lahat ng mga bagay, gaya ng palagi Niyang ginagawa. Walang sinuman ang makapagpapabago rito. Ito ay katotohanan; ito ay ang di-mababagong kapalaran mula pa noong unang kapanahunan!”

Ang Kidlat ng Silanganan, nilikha ang Iglesia ng Makapangyarihang Diyos dahil sa pagpapakita at gawain ng Makapangyarihang Diyos, ang ikalawang pagdating ng Panginoong Jesus, ang Cristo ng mga huling araw. Binubuo ito ng lahat ng mga taong tumatanggap sa gawain ng Makapangyarihang Diyos sa mga huling araw at nilupig at niligtas ng Kanyang mga salita. Lubos itong itinatag nang personal ng Makapangyarihang Diyos at pinamumunuan Niya bilang Pastol. Talagang hindi ito nilikha ng tao. Si Kristo ay ang katotohanan, daan, at buhay. Kordero ng Diyos pakinggan ang tinig ng Diyos. Hangga't nababasa ninyo ang mga salita ng Makapangyarihang Diyos, makikita ninyo na nagpakita ang Diyos.

Espesyal na pahayag: Ginawa ang video production na ito bilang isang proyektong hindi pangkalakal ng Iglesia ng Makapangyarihang Diyos. Hindi maaaring ipamahagi ang video na ito bilang pangkalakal sa anumang ikatlong partido, at umaasa kaming ibabahagi at ikakalat ito ng lahat nang walang bayad. Kapag ipinamahagi ninyo ito, mangyaring tandaan ang pinagmulan. Nang walang pahintulot ng Iglesia ng Makapangyarihang Diyos, walang organisasyon, panlipunang grupo, o indibidwal ang maaaring pakialaman o katawanan nang mali ang mga nilalaman ng video na ito.




Comment chercher les pas de Dieu | Chant Chrétien avec paroles en français

En quête des pas de Dieu, vous avez ignoré Ses paroles,
qu' « Il est la vérité, le chemin et la vie ».
Beaucoup trouvent la vérité,
sans croire avoir trouvé Ses pas,
sans reconnaître Son apparition.
Ils font une grave erreur.
Son apparition ne va pas de pair
avec les idées, les désirs de l'homme.
Dieu fait Ses choix, a Ses buts et Ses plans quand Il œuvre.
Puisque nous cherchons les pas de Dieu,
nous devons chercher Sa volonté et Ses paroles.
Là où sont Ses nouvelles paroles, il y a Sa voix ;
là où sont Ses pas, il y a Ses actes ;
là où sont Ses expressions, se fera Son apparition ;
où qu'Il survienne, sont la vérité, le chemin, la vie.

Dieu n'a pas à prévenir l'homme
ni à discuter avec lui de Son œuvre.
C'est le tempérament de Dieu
qui doit être reconnu de tous.
Pour voir Son apparition et suivre Ses pas,
dépassez d'abord vos propres idées.
Ne demandez pas ce que Dieu devrait faire,
ne Le limitez pas à vos conceptions.
Demandez-vous comment trouver Ses pas,
accepter Son apparition, vous soumettre à Sa nouvelle œuvre.
L'homme n'est pas vérité, il ne la possède pas,
il doit donc chercher, accepter et obéir.
Puisque nous cherchons les pas de Dieu,
nous devons chercher Sa volonté et Ses paroles.
Là où sont Ses nouvelles paroles, il y a Sa voix ;
là où sont Ses pas, il y a Ses actes ;
là où sont Ses expressions, se fera Son apparition ;
où qu'Il survienne, sont la vérité, le chemin, la vie.
Extrait de « Suivre l'Agneau et chanter de nouvelles chansons »

Note spéciale : Cette production vidéo a été produite comme une ressource à but non lucratif par l'Église de Dieu Tout-Puissant. Les acteurs qui apparaissent dans cette production opèrent sur une base caritative, et n'ont en aucune façon été payés. Cette vidéo ne peut être distribuée à une tierce personne pour faire un bénéfice quelconque, et nous espérons que chaque personne la partagera et la distribuera en toute transparence. Lorsque tu la distribues, prends soin d'indiquer la source. Aucune organisation, groupe social ou individu n'a le droit d'altérer ou de dénaturer les contenus de cette vidéo sans le consentement de l'Église de Dieu Tout-Puissant.


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