God’s Grace Frees Her From Her Painful Marriage (Part 1)


By A’Jiao

Jiao sat by the window looking at the divorce certificate in her hands with a sense of relief. Because of God’s grace and salvation, Jiao was finally free from her painful marriage. She gazed at the street outside the window, and everything that had happened between her and her ex-husband passed through her mind …

Finding Happiness

Jiao was just the same as so many other girls. When she was a teenager, she dreamed of growing up and finding a husband who would love her dearly. Especially when she read romance novels or watched screen idols on TV, and she saw the endless love between the main male and female characters, she would take the ideas of “love is supreme,” and “growing old together, hand-in-hand” as the ideals for her own future marriage, and she yearned to have a grand love. Only then, she thought, would her life not be lived in vain.

When she was ready to marry, she met Ming. Ming loved Jiao dearly, and Jiao considered Ming to be her partner for the rest of her life, and so they started a family together. After they were married, Ming cared for Jiao even more; he was tolerant of her faults and he always made allowances for her, and Jiao felt like the happiest woman in the world.

The Separation

Just as Jiao was immersed in her happy marriage, one day she accidentally saw some overly affectionate messages on Ming’s cell phone that had been sent by another woman. Jiao asked Ming if he was having an affair, and Ming admitted it. This came as a bolt from the blue for Jiao, and she felt like her heart had been torn apart. She wanted to leave, but Ming begged and pleaded for her to give him another chance. Seeing Ming feeling so remorseful, Jiao’s heart softened, and she decided to forgive him.

Over the days that followed, Ming was just as considerate and caring as he had been at the beginning of their relationship and, especially after Jiao had given birth, Ming cared for her even more deeply. He also made many promises to Jiao: “I’m going to work hard to make money, so that you and our child will have a good life in the future.” Although he had betrayed her once before, Jiao felt that Ming still really loved her, and she told herself to keep their love strong!

But how long can love last before it expires? As time passed, the chafing of life gradually replaced their conjugal bliss. Ming was coming home from work later and later, and would sometimes not come home until two or three in the morning. His attitude toward Jiao also became more and more indifferent, and he would often row with her over trivial things. After an argument, they would both give each other the silent treatment. Jiao felt very pained, and she didn’t want this stalemate between them to go on. One time, Jiao asked Ming, “Why are you treating me more and more indifferently?” And Ming replied, “Our love has changed. I think it would be best if we separated….” Hearing him say this, Jiao’s heart felt hollow, and she just stood there, unable to stop her tears from falling. https://reurl.cc/Ogoyv

God’s Grace Frees Her From Her Painful Marriage


(Source: Megapixl)

A week later and it was Jiao and Ming’s seven-year anniversary. Jiao thought that Ming would think of all their time spent together and would have a change of heart but, unexpectedly, Ming informed her that he wanted a divorce!

This sudden blow left Jiao reeling, and Jiao’s elder sister also told her that Ming hadn’t actually loved her for quite some time, and that she had just been kept in the dark … Her sister’s words totally destroyed Jiao’s final thread of hope and, in her despair, Jiao took 90 sleeping pills. She was treated in time, but then she decided to jump off a building. She was miraculously saved once again but, as her injuries were so severe, there was a possibility that she would spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. But when she saw Ming doing all he could to take care of her and that he felt wrought with self-blame, Jiao thought it had all been worth it.

The Shattered Mirror Can Never Be Fixed

As time went on, Jiao’s health slowly recovered, and she was able to walk on crutches. Her happy life, however, did not return as she wished. Ming was secretive about his movements and he lied about going on a business trip for a couple of days. While he was away, Jiao called him, but he didn’t answer. Then she called him again after withholding her own number. Ming answered and, after saying a few impatient words, he hung up on her. Jiao’s head became filled with pictures of Ming with another woman, and her heart hurt beyond her ability to control it. Ming returned on the third day and Jiao secretly looked inside his pockets. To her surprise, she found some condoms! Jiao’s heart was broken. She just couldn’t understand. She had given Ming all her heart for years—why did Ming have to treat her so cruelly? Jiao became filled with resentment for Ming, and she felt that her perfect family had become what it was today all because of him …

But no matter how hurt she felt, Jiao did not want to lose her family, and she wanted to provide her son with a family that was whole. In order to save her broken marriage, Jiao suppressed the pain in her heart, and she began to learn how to make the foods Ming loved, she made the cakes he liked, and she even sold her wedding jewelry and bought a gold bracelet that Ming liked. But Ming still persisted in his old ways, without a shred of self-restraint. One day, the observatory issued a warning for a force 10 typhoon. Jiao told Ming not to go out but to stay in with their son, but Ming insisted that he would go out. At lunchtime, Jiao couldn’t stop herself from stealing a look inside her husband’s pockets again, and once again she found condoms inside. She couldn’t suppress her emotions any longer and she violently smashed her bowl on the floor. Their five-year-old son began to cry loudly with fright, and Ming slapped Jiao. At that moment, Jiao felt completely broken, and sadness, anger and pain flooded her mind, and her tears flowed freely … She took up her crutches and walked out the door. She limped along the empty streets and cold rain poured down on her as the typhoon beat against her face and body. Jiao felt the cold seep into her and she couldn’t tell whether the water on her face was rain or her own tears. To Jiao at that moment, all that was left in the world was blackness and greyness …

After that, Ming began acting even more selfishly and recklessly, and would often only come home after midnight, or would simply not come home at all. Jiao endured the pain in her heart and she languished through each passing day. Each night, when it got late, seeing only her and her son in such a big home, Jiao would feel an unparalleled sense of grief and desolation, and all she could do was numb herself with drink …

The Dawn Comes

By fortuitous chance, Jiao one day met the Christian Min. Min had had the same unfortunate things happening to her as Jiao, but because of God’s salvation, Min had come through all the pain. One time, Jiao asked Min, “Why does mankind live in such pain?” Min then read Jiao two passages of God’s words: “Adam and Eve created by God in the beginning were holy people, which is to say, whilst in the Garden of Eden they were holy, untainted with filth. They were also faithful to Jehovah, and knew nothing of the betrayal of Jehovah. This is because they were without the disturbance of the influence of Satan, were without Satan’s poison, and were the purest of all mankind. They lived in the Garden of Eden, undefiled by any filth, unpossessed by the flesh, and in reverence of Jehovah. Later, when they were tempted by Satan, they had the poison of the serpent, and the desire to betray Jehovah, and they lived under the influence of Satan. In the beginning, they were holy and revered Jehovah; only like this were they human. Later on, after they were tempted by Satan, they ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and lived under the influence of Satan. They were gradually corrupted by Satan, and lost the original image of man” (“The Experiences of Peter: His Knowledge of Chastisement and Judgment”). “After Satan’s corruption, man became more and more degenerate, the illnesses of man were deepened, and their suffering became more and more severe. Man felt more and more the emptiness, the tragedy and the inability to go on living of the world, and they felt less and less hope for the world. So this suffering was brought on man by Satan, and it only came after man had been corrupted by Satan and man’s flesh became degenerate” (“The Meaning of God’s Experiencing the Pain of the World”). https://reurl.cc/Ogoyv

God’s Grace Frees Her From Her Painful Marriage


(Source: Megapixl)

Min gave fellowship to Jiao, saying: “In the beginning, God created our ancestors, Adam and Eve, then He set them in the Garden of Eden. Mankind at that point had not been corrupted by Satan, and they were obedient and reverential toward God; they had no evil or corruption in their hearts, and in their life within the Garden of Eden, they had God’s care, protection and blessing, and they were exceedingly happy and at peace. Afterward, they were seduced and corrupted by Satan into betraying God, and thus sin was born into the world. Slowly over time, mankind began to shun God and live in sin, to cling to physical pleasure, indulge in physical lusts and pursue evil trends. Because of Satan’s corruption, mankind became more and more arrogant, wicked, selfish and deceitful, and people’s interactions with each other became filled with lies and deception, and they used and betrayed one another. Now, people are one way in front of others and another way behind their backs, and they vie and fight with each other for their own personal interests. Even husbands and wives use and betray one another, utterly heedless of their partner’s feelings, and they’ve lost the most basic conscience, reason, morality and dignity. Living in such a wicked and corrupt world and having been corrupted so much by Satan that we resemble neither man nor ghost, is it possible not to be in pain? God knows that we, mankind, have been corrupted and harmed by Satan and that we live in a state of pain and helplessness. Therefore, He has incarnated upon the earth, and He expresses the truth to save us and to enable us to understand the truth, and to enable us to see down to the root cause of all evil and corruption in the world, and to see clearly the means and methods that Satan employs to corrupt us. At the same time, God shows us the way and the direction we must follow to be free of pain. When we come before God and read His words, and we understand the truth and see through to the essence of problems, we then find the correct goal to pursue, and we naturally become freed from pain.” After listening to Min’s fellowship, Jiao finally understood that the reason why mankind lived in so much pain was because of the corruption of Satan. Mankind was becoming more and more wicked and degenerate, and had lost both conscience and humanity. Jiao felt that what Min had said made sense, and she wished very much to hear Min talk about belief in God. https://reurl.cc/Ogoyv

Min read Jiao another passage of God’s words: “The Almighty has mercy on these people who have suffered deeply. At the same time, He is fed up with these people who have no consciousness, because He has had to wait too long to get an answer from humanity. He wishes to seek, to seek your heart and your spirit, to bring you water and food, and to awaken you, that you may no longer be thirsty and hungry. When you are weary and when you begin to feel something of the bleak desolation of this world, do not be lost, do not cry. Almighty God, the Watcher, will embrace your arrival at any time” (“The Sighing of the Almighty”). As she listened to God’s words, Jiao’s heart was warmed by God’s love. She thought about how, after Ming’s betrayal, she had endured all that pain and lived a terrible life, and had come close to even losing her life twice, just so as to keep her marriage going. Only now did she know that God had always been keeping watch by her side, watching over and protecting her, aware that she was living in pain under Satan’s power. God had guided her each step of the way and had enabled her to return to God’s side. Jiao’s heart was filled with gratitude to God, and she felt so moved that tears slipped down her cheeks …

Jiao joyfully accepted God’s work of the last days, and she would often read God’s words together with her brothers and sisters, and they would fellowship about their own experiences and understanding and sing songs in praise of God. All this brought light into Jiao’s cripplingly lonely life and, gradually, her face began to shine with a smile that had long been absent. But every time she returned home, she would think of Ming’s apathy toward her and his betrayal, and she would be unable to stop herself from feeling pain in the deeps of her heart. Furthermore, something which Jiao couldn’t figure out was how Ming, who had used to love her so much, had become someone who was still so familiar to her, and yet was such a stranger.


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📖 [ Q&A About God’s Work ] 📖
Do You Know How God Has Led Mankind to The Present Day?

"Why do I say time and again that this stage of work builds upon the Age of Grace and the Age of Law? This means that the work of this day is a continuation of the work done in the Age of Grace and an uplifting of that done in the Age of Law. The three stages are closely interconnected and linked one to the next. … It could be said that this stage of work is built on the foundation of the Age of Law and the rock of the work of Jesus. The work is built stage by stage, and this stage is not a new beginning. Only the combination of the three stages of work can be deemed the six-thousand-year management plan (“The Two Incarnations Complete the Significance of the Incarnation” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).



Where Is True Love?
Listening to this song, we all feel touched a lot. We human beings are created by God, but after being corrupted by Satan, we are full of the poisons of Satan within and gradually stray away from God. Although we enjoy all things bestowed by God, we don’t have true knowledge of Him. We did many things that hurt God but we are completely oblivious to it. Even so, God still has been working among us to save us. God’s love for mankind is so great! Then, Let's Praise God together!

🎼🎼Christian Music- 2019 Gospel Song | "The Significance of God's Managing Mankind" | God's Love and Salvation for Man

God’s management is to gain mankind who worships and obeys Him.
Though corrupted by Satan, they call it father no more, no more.

God’s management is to gain mankind who worships and obeys Him.
Though corrupted by Satan, they call it father no more, no more;
they know Satan’s ugliness, and so reject it, so reject it.
They come before God, accept chastisement and judgment.
They know that which is ugly, and that which is holy, holy.
And they know the greatness of God, and evil of Satan.

A human race such as this will labor for Satan no more,
will worship it no more, will worship it no more, 
and make offerings to it no more.
Because these are the people who’ve truly been gained by God, 
people who God has obtained.
This is why God manages man.
Because these are the people who’ve truly been gained by God, 
people who God has obtained.
This is why God manages man.

In God’s management of this time, man is the target of Satan’s corruption, 
he is the object of God’s salvation and what God and Satan fight for.
Over the course of God’s work, 
He recovers man step by step from the clutches of Satan.
Then man gets ever closer to God …
Because these are the people who’ve truly been gained by God, 
people who God has obtained.
This is why God manages man.
Because these are the people who’ve truly been gained by God, 
people who God has obtained.
This is why God manages man.
This is why God manages man.
This is why God manages man.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs





 [ Faith and Life Q&A ] 
It’s true that opportunity always favors those who are well prepared, but can we really have a good future and a happy family by our own struggle and efforts? In this article, her experience will give you a very accurate answer.

In Fact, Happiness Is Very Simple

By Chenmiao

So arrogant am I that I was unwilling to stay in the village all my life and live a boring life, sweating only for food and clothing. I had a burning ambition, eager to be a career woman. I liked the feeling of being on top of the world and energetically talking about my entrepreneurship to my employees. Thinking of this, my heart had already flown out of this field. I had a firm belief that as long as I worked hard, I’d carve out a niche of my own.

After graduating from junior high school, I started working with my dream and started a new journey. Every day I shuttled through the streets of the city. Wherever there was more money, I would go. I dared not to slack and neglect it in the slightest and didn’t give myself the opportunity to gasp. During that period, I set up stalls in the street, worked as a waiter, a printer apprentice. Finally I had to go home because of SARS.

But my dream never stopped. I could not go far, so I found a job in a dry cleaner’s near my home, struggling hard to make money. The boss, who noticed that I was smart and diligent, treated me as his daughter and asked me to run the business. I was pleasantly surprised, looking forward to becoming a boss one day. Since then, I worked harder from dawn to dusk, exhausted. With time, I mastered all the skills, but only made little money. Even though the boss wanted to sell the shop, I couldn’t afford half of the costs. Disheartened, I had to resign and return home.

Not long after I returned home, my aunt spread the gospel to me. She showed me the CD of “Genesis” and “Noah’s Ark”, telling me God created man and that the destiny of man is in the hands of God. She also told me that only by worshiping God, can we have a bright future. However, I turned my back on what she said, because I believed that my fate was in my own hands. As long as I worked hard, I would surely make a fortune. Since she was an elder, I just unwillingly listened.

In January 2006, my best friend asked me if I’d like to work with her in a bus company. Knowing I could make more money, I was excited and agreed happily. After working for a few months, I finally earned the first big sum of money in my life. Holding the money in my hands, I felt extremely happy, thinking: As long as I work hard like this, I’ll make enough money to open my own store.

Just as I was full of passion and enthusiasm, a car accident broke my dream. Hit by a motorcycle, I lost a few teeth, my mouth was full of blood, and my legs could not move. The driver ran away after hitting me. But fortunately for me, a good Samaritan rushed me to the hospital, so I lived. Not only did I use up all of my money, but also my parents had to pay some money for me. Every time thinking of the plan falling through again, I felt pain. I felt swallowed up by sorrow and I could only vent with tears …

During that time, my aunt came to take care of me and told me that the whole universe is in the hands of God, not to mention us people. What kind of destiny do we have in life, rich or poor? It has been predestined by God and cannot be changed by our hard work. Unintentionally, aunt said such a sentence: “Alas, heart is strong but not life. If the money doesn’t belong to you, you cannot spend it even if you earn it.” This sentence touched my heart, but I was unwilling to face the reality, still firmly believing that I could create a bright future with my hands.

A few months later, after I was discharged from the hospital, although I could only walk on one foot, I still gritted my teeth and found a job, limping everywhere, without the delay of a single minute or second. My parents were concerned about my health and tried to persuade me to rest for some time, but I replied, “Chance favors only the prepared mind. Only when I take the initiative can I have a good future.” Whatever my parents said could not change my mind, so they had to let me go. Later, a friend recommended me a job at a beauty salon. The base salary was not high, but as long as I persuaded the customers to buy in the store, I would get a commission. During this period, I racked my brain to curry favor with the customers, obsequious and fawning in front of them. I just hoped my destiny could be quickly changed. After a month, I did earn lots of money, but the life of being a lapdog every day really wore me out. I could not help but ask myself: When will such days come to an end? When will I realize my dream of becoming a boss?

In the blink of an eye, I was old enough to get married. After I got married, I expanded the store, my husband responsible for haircuts and I responsible for facials. I thought my life would have turned out better from then on, but I was wrong. Shortly after our marriage, my younger brother went astray and was sent to the jail. In order to bail him out, my husband and I gave all our savings to my parents. At the same time, my daughter was born, so much more money was needed. During the first month after giving birth, I didn’t have a good rest and couldn’t wait to contact the customer by telephone, and ask my husband to deliver the beauty products. To add fuel to the fire, my husband kept coughing up blood and was diagnosed as tuberculosis. As a result, he had to close the shop and stayed at home to receive treatment. Without any income, we could only rely on my in-laws, but they were unwilling to give us a hand. Looking at my infant daughter, my sick husband, thinking of my sorrowful parents and my unforgiving in-laws, I felt I was falling into a deep pit, my heart sinking to the bottom. I was full of confusion: What should I do? The harder I work, the worse my life becomes. The more I pursue, the more I suffer. Why can’t I get what I want? Is my fate really not in my hands? Where is my future? Now, who can show me a way out?

One day, I went back to my parents’ with a miserable face. My aunt saw my pain and read me a passage of God’s words: “From the moment you come crying into this world, you begin to perform your duty. You assume your role in the plan of God and in the ordination of God. You begin the journey of life. Whatever your background and whatever the journey ahead of you, none can escape the orchestration and arrangement that Heaven has in store, and none are in control of their destiny, for only He who rules over all things is capable of such work.” “Without the care, keeping, and provision of God, man cannot receive all that he was meant to receive, no matter how great the effort or struggle” (“God Is the Source of Man’s Life”). After listening, I realized: God has predetermined long in advance what family we are born into, poor or rich, what environment we grow up in, and what our future is. No one and nothing can be exempt from God’s arrangement, all unconsciously submitting to the sovereignty of God. Without the blessings of God, we would not get what we want no matter how hard we strive. This is an undeniable fact. Whether you are young or old, employed or unemployed, with ideals or not, it is Heaven’s law and earth’s principle to worship God. Thinking of myself, I wanted to be born in a wealthy family, but ended up in an ordinary one; I have always worked hard to carve out a niche of my own, but nothing changed in the end. Now I am back to square one. It seems that man’s destiny has nothing to do with ideals. When I understood this, my point of view came to change, and I was willing to read the word of God.

During the days I lived with my parents, my aunt read God’s word and sang the hymns with me every day. One passage of God’s word left a deep impression on me, “The fate of man is controlled by the hands of God. You are incapable of controlling yourself: Despite always rushing and busying about for himself, man remains incapable of controlling himself. If you could know your own prospects, if you could control your own fate, would you still be a creature? … The destination of man is in the hands of the Creator, so how could man control himself?” (“Restoring the Normal Life of Man and Taking Him to a Wonderful Destination”). Listening to God’s words, I couldn’t help but think of my past: Under the erroneous view of “creating a bright future with my own hands,” I think as long as I work hard, I can get the key to a better life. To this end, I paid the price. I stepped into society at an early age, working hard to earn money without stopping. Even after the car accident, I continued to strive before a full recovery. After marriage, I still racked my brains to make more money. During these years, my nerves were frayed all the time. I often felt much pressure, and I have never experienced the beautiful happy hours the youth should have. However, neither has my life changed after my efforts, nor does my fate turn around. Instead, I was at my lowest point. I was so exhausted and miserable and I lost my motivation to live. Now, under the leadership of God’s word, I realized that so many years’ struggle against destiny is caused by the poisons of Satan. I have regarded this view as a positive thing. Therefore, I never accepted my fate and was never satisfied with things as they stood, stubbornly resisting God and living in agony. In fact, our fate is in the hands of God. The amount of wealth in my life is determined by God and will not change in the slightest after my own efforts. Besides, God’s arrangements for man are the best. When I understood these, I was enlightened as if a light went on, and I was willing to experience with an obedient heart.



To my surprise, when I had a right attitude, my husband found a delivery job to support the family. In the next month, the boss was about to raise his salary when his relative called to say that a company was trying to recruit a driver. Although the salary was not high, it was a state corporation. Relatively speaking, this job was stable. He asked me for advice. It’s also a dilemma for me: If he continues the delivery job, he will get a pay rise and earn more money, while the job in the state corporation will be more stable. It’s really hard for me to make a choice. As I was wavering, I suddenly remembered God’s words, “Actively cooperate with God; letting Him take control is to walk with Him. All of our own ideas, notions and opinions, all of our secular entanglements, vanish into thin air like smoke. We let God reign in our spirits, walk with Him and gain transcendence, overcome the world, and our spirits fly free and attain release; these are the outcomes of Almighty God being King” (“The Second Utterance”). My heart was bright and clear: God has arranged everything, and my decision cannot play a key role. Since I cannot see through the good and bad, the only thing I can do is to forgo the plans and arrangements in my mind but to seek God’s intention and obey His sovereignty. So I quickly knelt down and prayed to God: “God, I am not sure what to do when it comes to my husband’s work. If this happened in the past, I would certainly give suggestions and ask him to follow my advice. But now I know the destiny of man is in Your hand, and what job he takes is also arranged by You. Today I am willing to put aside my own thoughts and put this matter in Your hand. Wherever You arrange for my husband to work, I’ll be obedient and I will never blame You even if there’s something wrong with his work later.” After my prayers, my heart was steadfast and told my husband frankly, “Do not have too much pressure, and just listen to your heart. No matter which job you choose, I’ll support you.” When I was willing to obey, the result was totally beyond my expectation. Three days later, a director of the state corporation told my husband: “If there is work outside, just do it. I will call you when you are needed. You don’t have to stay here all day.” My husband was very glad to hear that and told the delivery boss about it. The boss said, “You can continue working here, basic salary plus commission. The more you deliver, the more you earn. When your company needs you, you can go and finish that first. If you’re free, come over and do the delivery.” My husband happily told me that he had got unexpected help. But it is clear in my heart that this is the act of God. What is impossible in man is possible in God. This shows God’s wisdom and omnipotence. God dominates all people, things, and matters and He is the only One we can rely on. That was the first time I had obeyed the Creator in my life, and I felt so safe and secure. Of course, my obedience to God’s sovereignty brought me more than these blessings. Doctors had told us that my husband had to take medicine for two years. But at that time, we were suffering financial hardship, and even didn’t have enough money for food and clothing, let alone medicine. However, only six months later, my husband miraculously recovered from the illness. This made me see more clearly that “a bright future” is not created by my own hands, but in the hands of God. Only by worshiping God and submitting to His sovereignty and arrangements, will we have a bright future.

Before the facts, I see how ignorant and ridiculous my previous thoughts and pursuits were. I have always resisted God’s sovereignty, staggering and tottering to make such a big detour. Now I finally understand that man is a creature, and that fate is in the hands of God. Without God’s blessings, no matter how great our ideals and goals are, and how strong our will is, we would eventually end in failure. It is God’s salvation that has ended my painful life. I am willing to accept God as my Lord, my God, and entrust everything into His hands.

Thank God! All the glory be to God!
#Happiness #God #Christian #faith #salvation #Lord #Noah #gospel#fate




🔎[ Bible Prophecies Q&A ] 🔎
What Warnings Do the Disasters Give Us?
Zheng Yi
On April 10, bomb blasts struck two Coptic churches in northern Egypt, killing at least 44 people and injuring more than 100 others.
On May 27, ten masked gunmen stormed a bus transporting Coptic Christians to a monastery in the Minya Province of Egypt, leaving at least 29 people dead.
Four terrorist attacks, including the two attacks above, have taken place targeting the Christians in Egypt since December. As a matter of fact, each disaster is a warning God issues to us humans. We can’t help but reflect on this: Why do the disasters become more and more serious? Why can the Christians even not be spared from them? Every day we can read news about various disasters on the Internet: terrorist attacks, threats of war, continuing droughts and floods, terrifying earthquakes, sudden pestilences, and so forth. These calamities may befall us and pose a threat to our lives at any time. For example, smog has repeatedly blanketed China and caused severe threat to people’s lives, which even influenced the air quality of South Korea and threw its people into a panic. On May 22, a bomb exploded at the exit of the Manchester Arena in England after an American singer, Ariana Grande’s concert had just come to an end, leaving at least 22 people dead and 59 others injured. The arena, which was filled with music and cheers, instantly turned into a place of blood and horror where everyone was desperately fleeing, tearful and howling with terror. On May 26, floods and torrents of muds in Sri Lanka killed 91 people and left 110 others missing …

Faced with the disasters, if we merely view them as misfortunes, sigh with emotion, and then let them slide by without any reflection, we are just passively waiting for death. Every occurrence conveys God’s will and a message from the Creator to mankind. So, what messages does the Lord intend to send us through the frequent disasters nowadays? The New Testament records that when the disciples asked the Lord Jesus what signs there would be when He came again, the Lord Jesus said: “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows” (Mark 13:8). Obviously, this prophecy of the Lord Jesus’ return has come true and the last days have already arrived. We can only receive the Lord’s care and protection by focusing on hearing the voice of God like a clever virgin and by welcoming His second coming. Just as the Bible says: “A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you” (Psalm 91:7). “He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1). We should really be alert!
#bible #Lord #Jesus #Christ #salvation #kingdom #voice




אמירותיו של המשיח של אחרית הימים | 'מהות הבשר שאלוהים מתגלם בו'

האל הכול יכול אומר, "משמעותה של ההתגלמות היא כי אלוהים מופיע בבשר ודם ובא לעבוד בקרב בני האדם שברא, בדמות בשר ודם. לפיכך, כדי שאלוהים יתגלם בבשר ודם, עליו להיות תחילה בשר ודם, בעל אנושיות רגילה; דבר זה, לכל הפחות, מוכרח להיות אמת. למעשה, ההשלכה של התגלמות אלוהים בבשר ודם היא כי אלוהים חי ועובד כבשר ודם, אלוהים בעצם מהותו נעשה בשר ודם, נעשה אדם. ... כיוון שכבשר ודם, עליו לגדול ולהתבגר, השלב הראשון של חייו הוא שלב של אנושיות רגילה, ואילו בשלב השני, מכיוון שאנושיותו מסוגלת לקחת על עצמה את עבודתו ולבצע את כהונתו, החיים שאלוהים בהתגלמותו חי במהלך כהונתו הם חיים של אנושיות ואלוהות מוחלטת כאחת."

הברק ממזרח, כנסיית האל הכול יכול נוסדה בעקבות הופעתו ועבודתו של האל הכול יכול, הביאה השנייה של ישוע אדוננו, המשיח של אחרית הימים. החברים בכנסייה הם אלה המקבלים את עבודתו של האל הכול יכול באחרית הימים, והנכבשים וניצלים באמצעות דבריו. האל הכול יכול ייסד את הכנסייה לבדו והוא שמנהיג אותה כרועה. היא במפורש לא נוסדה על ידי אדם. המשיח הוא האמת, הדרך והחיים. צאנו של אלוהים שומעות בקולו של אלוהים. כל עוד תקראו את דברי האל הכול יכול, תבינו שאלוהים אכן הופיע.

הודעה מיוחדת: הפקת סרט זו הופקה שלא למטרת רווח על ידי כנסיית האל הכול יכול. אין להפיץ סרט זה למטרת רווח לשום צד שלישי, ואנו מקווים שכולם ישתפו אותו ויפיצו אותו בגלוי. בהפיצכם סרט זה, אנא ציין את מקורו. ללא הסכמתה של כנסייתaהאל הכול יכול, אסור בהחלט לשום ארגון, קבוצה חברתית או אדם לערוך שינויים בתוכנו של סרט זה או להציג אותו באופן מסולף.



Everyone who believes in the Lord knows that God did the two stages of work of the Age of Law and the Age of Grace. But do you know the purpose and significance of the two stages of work and the effects they achieved on man? Many prophecies of the Bible say that God will express words and do a stage of the work of judgment in the last days. What’s its relation to the previous two stages of God’s work? What are the results that God seeks to achieve in His judgment work during the last days? This program will help you understand the inside story about the three stages of God’s work and the mystery of God’s management plan of 6,000 years, so that you may follow the pace of His work. Please enjoy watching!



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