







📖 [ Q&A About Who Grants Human Wisdom? ] 📖

Linda who is into sports hasn’t gone to the park for exercise for a long time due to her busy work. Today, she got some free time to have a walk in the park and unintentionally heard the conversation between a mother and a son. The son said to his mother: “I feel I’m slower in study than any of my classmates. I feel very upset and depressed about it, and even don’t want to go to school.” Hearing this, Linda slowed her pace and heard the mother said: “Do you still remember the story about Adam giving names to animals? Adam didn’t go to school and didn’t know any word, but he could give names to the animals. Why? This is because man’s wisdom comes from God. As long as we pray to God with a humble heart, God will enlighten and guide us ...” The son seemed to be enlightened all of a sudden and the happy smile spread across his face. The mother continued: “Actually, we all have such experiences. Something coming upon us is beyond our ability, but unknowingly we make it after praying and seeking before God with a humble heart. We feel confused and don’t know why. God says, ‘God gave man intelligence when He created him. That is to say, man’s intelligence came from God. This is a certainty.’ The son nodded his head upon hearing the words of his mother. Both of them slowly walked far off… Linda pondered what this mother said in her mind and felt quite enlightened. With a pleasant mood, she kept moving forward…




🔎 [ Q&A About What Is the Secret of the Ninevites’ Receiving Mercy From God? ] 🔎

📝Wang Rong is a pious Christian and loves to read the Bible. Every time reading the scripture that the Ninevites received mercy from God on account of their fasting and repenting, she would ponder: The Ninevites were as corrupt and evil as the people in Sodom, but why could they receive God's great mercy and forgiveness? It was absolutely not just because they wore sackcloth and ashes, neither ate nor drank, and cried mightily to God and repented to Him. This event involved the fate of the whole great Nineveh and must be of great significance. What unknown secrets are hidden behind it exactly? Later, Wang Rong got the answer from a spiritual book when visiting her friend. Then, let her share with us her experience on her own!
I did not gain a deeper understanding of God’s mercy on the Ninevites until later I saw a spiritual book when visiting at my friend’s. The book says, “Once the people of Nineveh, from the supreme king to his subjects, learned that Jehovah God was angry with them, every single one of their actions, the entirety of their behavior, as well as every one of their decisions and choices were clear and plain in the sight of God. … The reason why God’s decision—to spare the Ninevites from the catastrophe—was so swift is that God observed the heart of every person of Nineveh. He saw what they held in the depths of their hearts: their sincere confession and repentance for their sins, their sincere belief in Him, their deep sense of how their wicked acts had enraged His disposition, and the resulting fear of Jehovah God’s impending punishment. At the same time, Jehovah God also heard the prayers from the depths of their hearts entreating Him to cease His anger against them so that they might avoid this catastrophe. When God observed all these facts, little by little His anger disappeared. Regardless of how great His anger had previously been, when He saw the sincere repentance in the depths of these people’s hearts His heart was touched by this, and so He could not bear to bring the catastrophe upon them, and He ceased to be angry at them. Instead He continued to extend His mercy and tolerance toward them and continued to guide and supply them” (“God Himself, the Unique II”).
This passage showed that the people of Nineveh believed God and could understand His voice. When hearing Jonah say, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown,” they felt fear and trembling, realizing that these words were from God, because only God possesses such great authority and power to overthrow a great city. They were clearly aware that their own evil behavior had already offended Jehovah God and God would surely punish them. Yet, they did not escape this, nor did they oppose God; instead they completely accepted and obeyed Him. The people of Nineveh, from the supreme king to his subjects, all fasted, wore sackcloth, forsook the violence in their hands, and strived together in their repentance and confession before Jehovah God. At that time, God’s having mercy on these people was not just because of their behavior of wearing sackcloth and ashes and not eating or drinking anything, but because their repentance was not superficial nor temporary. In it, there was not the slightest disguise, much less any purpose. It came from the depths of their hearts, sincere and thorough. God observed the bottom of the Ninevites’ hearts and saw their true repentance. Their sincerity moved God so that He showed them mercy. From this, I found that what God looks at is our man’s heart instead of our external behaviors. God looks deep into man’s heart, and moreover, His mercy for us has principle. Regardless of how much we do outwardly to show our regret, if we cannot genuinely repent to God, then it will be impossible for us to gain His mercy.
In retrospect, I always committed sins and then repented for them. But many times, I was merely satisfied with saying them to God in exchange for peace and ease in the heart. As such, I thought that I had truly repented to Him. Sometimes for my own evil deeds, I fasted and prayed to God, thinking that I would certainly receive His pity in this way. Also, oftentimes when I did something that was not in accordance with the truth, I thought as long as I could refrain from doing so when faced with things the next time, I then had true repentance. Only when I read these words today did I come to understand that these superficial behaviors actually did not represent sincere repentance, and for this reason, I often failed to gain God’s mercy.
And then, I saw more words in the book, “This ‘evil way’ does not refer to a handful of evil acts, but to the evil source behind people’s behavior. ‘Turning away from his evil way’ means that those in question will never commit these actions again. In other words, they will never behave in this evil way again; the method, source, purpose, intent and principle of their actions have all changed; they will never again use those methods and principles to bring enjoyment and happiness to their hearts. The ‘abandon’ in ‘abandon the violence in their hands’ means to lay down or to cast aside, to fully break with the past and to never turn back. When the people of Nineveh abandoned the violence in their hands, this proved as well as represented their true repentance. God observes people’s exteriors as well as their hearts. When God observed the true repentance in the hearts of the Ninevites without question and also observed that they had left their evil ways and abandoned the violence in their hands, He changed His heart. This is to say that these people’s conduct and behavior and various ways of doing things, as well as the true confession and repentance of sins in their heart, caused God to change His heart, to change His intentions, to retract His decision and not to punish or destroy them. Thus, the people of Nineveh achieved a different end. They redeemed their own lives and at the same time won God’s mercy and tolerance, at which point God also retracted His wrath” (“God Himself, the Unique II”). Now, my understanding of the Ninevites’ sincere repentance to God had again deepened: True repentance does not only refer to a repentance showed in words, nor to some behavior that is outwardly pious. Neither does it mean to refrain ourselves from a certain evil act. Rather, it means that we can reflect on the root cause of our evil acts—our intents and purposes of doing things as well as the principles of our actions, and after knowing these, we can thoroughly abandon them. Only then have we truly repented. For instance, when we repent to God after committing sins, we can figure out what has caused us to commit evil, and once knowing that it is due to our wrong intents, purposes of doing things, and principles of action, we can turn them around quickly, cease to do things by these methods any longer, and act in everything according to God’s demands. Only such is the true repentance and God will observe that. And people like this will also receive God’s mercy, and will be accepted and blessed by Him, just like the people of Nineveh.
#Christian #mercy #God #Lord #Jesus #Bible #voice




Danse chrétienne 2019 « Unis par l'amour » Totale louange

Nous venons de loin pour nous réunir dans la maison de Dieu,
mangeant et buvant les paroles de Dieu, et menant la vie de l'église tous les jours.
Nous pratiquons et expérimentons les paroles de Dieu,
profitant vraiment de la compréhension de la vérité.
Vacuité, douleur, confusion : tout cela appartient au passé.
Les paroles de Dieu nous ont réunis ;
comme il est doux de profiter de ces paroles dans nos cœurs !
En nous aimant les uns les autres, en débordant de joie et de rires,
en comprenant la vérité et en louant Dieu, nos cœurs sont libérés !

Nous nous rassemblons devant Dieu, chacun de nous avec un cœur qui L'aime.
En lisant les paroles de Dieu, il y a de la lumière dans nos cœurs
et un chemin de pratique en toutes choses.
Nous aidant et nous soutenant les uns les autres,
nous vivons dans l'amour de Dieu.
En ôtant la fausseté et la tromperie, nous nous exerçons à l'honnêteté.
Les paroles de Dieu nous rassemblent,
nos cœurs sont en relation et nous nous aimons les uns les autres,
dans la plus grande proximité possible.
En voyant que Dieu est si beau, nos cœurs sont pris de passion ;
nos cœurs aiment Dieu et louent Dieu, comme nous sommes bénis !

En repensant aux moments passés ensemble,
nous ressentons une douce amertume,
ce sont désormais des souvenirs inoubliables.
Dieu nous a amenés jusqu'à aujourd'hui
et nous avons tellement fait l'expérience de Son amour.
Après avoir fait l'expérience des épreuves et de l'épurement,
il y a un changement dans notre tempérament de vie.
En entreprenant la mission qui consiste à rendre témoignage à Dieu,
nous prenons des voies différentes.
Les paroles de Dieu nous conduisent à jamais en avant,
nous répandons Sa bonne nouvelle sur terre.
Frères et sœurs, levez-vous avec un seul cœur et un seul esprit ;
aimer Dieu veut dire être attentif à Sa volonté.
Peu importe le degré de souffrance, nous ne cèderons jamais ;
pour toujours nous aimerons Dieu et témoignerons de Lui,
nous Lui serons fidèles jusqu'au bout !
Frères et sœurs, levez-vous avec un seul cœur et un seul esprit ;
répandez l'Évangile du royaume et suivez la volonté de Dieu.
Nous attendons le jour de la gloire de Dieu où nous pourrons nous réunir à nouveau
avec Dieu, ensemble à jamais !
Extrait de « Suivre l'Agneau et chanter de nouvelles chansons »

Note spéciale : Cette production vidéo a été produite comme une ressource à but non lucratif par l'Église de Dieu Tout-Puissant. Les acteurs qui apparaissent dans cette production opèrent sur une base caritative, et n'ont en aucune façon été payés. Cette vidéo ne peut être distribuée à une tierce personne pour faire un bénéfice quelconque, et nous espérons que chaque personne la partagera et la distribuera en toute transparence. Lorsque tu la distribues, prends soin d'indiquer la source. Aucune organisation, groupe social ou individu n'a le droit d'altérer ou de dénaturer les contenus de cette vidéo sans le consentement de l'Église de Dieu Tout-Puissant.



סרט חדש 'שיר ניצחון' קטע (1) – איך אלוהים יופיע ויבצע את עבודתו עם שובו? 
ארבעה ירחי דם – האות המעיד על אסון גדול באחרית הימים – כבר הופיעו, והכוכבים בשמיים נראים משונים. אסון גדול מתקרב, ורבים מהאנשים שמאמינים בישוע אדוננו חשים שביאתו השנייה קרובה או שהוא כבר הגיע. אולי בזמן שכולם מצפים בקוצר רוח לביאה השנייה של אלוהים, עלינו לחשוב על השאלות הבאות: איך אלוהים יופיע בפני בני האדם כאשר יחזור באחרית הימים? איזו עבודה אלוהים יעשה כאשר יחזור? איך בדיוק תתגשם הנבואה מספר ההתגלות לגבי משפט כס המלכות הלבן הגדול? סרטון קצר זה יגלה לכם את התשובות!





Marriage: The Fourth Juncture
After birth, growing up and independence, the fourth juncture man has to face is marriage.
We may encounter many people in our life, but who will become our life partner at last? Who rules over our marriage and how does He rule over our marriage?
Today, God's word will reveal these mysteries. 
Share with you this video "Marriage: The Fourth Juncture"

Some of the material in this video is from:
Maurice Baker






「⋯⋯年少人不該沒有 辨明事理的心志, 不該沒有尋求正義與真理的心志,你們當追求的是一切美與善的事物, 應該得著一切正面事物的實際,而且對個人的人生要負責任,不可輕視。」








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