



更多推薦: 聖經啟示錄












Full 2019 Christian Movie "The Price We Must Pay" | Based on a True Story (English Dubbed)
The Lord Jesus said, "Not every one that said to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 7:21). Just how should we pursue to become people who do the heavenly Father's will and are obedient to God, so that God will bring us into the kingdom of heaven?
Christian Song Enze was arrested and imprisoned by the Chinese Communist Party for seven years because he believed in God and preached God's gospel. After his release, he insisted on continuing to expend for God by spreading the gospel. He feels that by forsaking his home and career, laboring, and working, he is doing God's will, and that he is certain to gain God's approval and be brought into the kingdom of heaven by God. Later, Song Enze's son becomes seriously ill, putting his life in danger, over which Song Enze bears a grudge against God, attempts to argue with God, and even loses his desire to do his duties. Through what is shown to him by the facts of his situation and the revelations in God's word, Song Enze realizes that his many years of forsaking and expending for God were originally an attempt to barter for God's grace and blessings, and that he is not someone obedient to God. Finally, through seeking, he finally learns how to pursue to escape his corrupt dispositions, become truly obedient to God, and be saved by God.














“The mountain is very happy, the water is laughing,All countries and peoples are laughing happily. What a new look!New Heaven, New Earth and New Kingdom!We dance and sing new songs for G-d; we are so happy!The most beautiful song is sung to G-d, and the most elegant dance is dedicated to G-d.” Everyone's face is filled with a sweet smile. Whether it is the beautiful song or the wonderful dance, all are not a ritual or a form, but a natural expression of love and praise for G-d deep within their hearts. Friends, share this cheerful video with singing and dancing The Universe and Expanse Is Praising G-d with you, let us enjoy the blessing of G-d together.

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חינוך ביתי באדום | האם למאמינים באלוהים באמת לא אכפת ממשפחותיהם?

ישוע אדוננו אמר: "לכו לכל העולם והטיפו את הבשורה לכל הברואים" (מרקוס ט"ז 15). הפצת הבשורה ונשיאת עדות לאלוהים היא פעולה טובה וצודקת, המאפיינת את המשיחיים. למרות זאת, המפלגה הקומוניסטית הסינית עוצרת ורודפת משיחיים באכזריות, ובשל כך נהרסו משפחות רבות, רבים אינם יכולים לחזור לבתיהם ורבים אחרים נעצרו ונכלאו. יש גם כאלה שנרדפו עד מוות, אך הממשל הקומוניסטי הסיני ממשיך לסלף את האמת, בטענה שמה שהרס את המשפחות הוא אמונתם של המשיחיים באלוהים. מיהו האשם האמיתי בהריסת משפחות משיחיות רבות מספור?


    創作者 人間過客 的頭像


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