
耶和華, 耶穌, 道成肉身, 拯救, 末世



——摘自《話在肉身顯現·作工異象 三》




——摘自《話在肉身顯現·道成肉身的奧祕 四》
















Email: info@kingdomsalvation.org

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"သခင္ျပန္လည္ႂကြလာျခင္းအား” ႀကိဳဆိုရန္အတြက္ အလြန္အေရးပါသည့္ အဆင့္တစ္ဆင့္

ခရစ္ယာန္တစ္ဦးအေနျဖင့္ ကြၽႏု္ပ္တို႔သည္ သခင္အျမန္ႂကြဆင္းလာမည္ကို အလြန္ပင္ ေမ်ွာ္လင့္ၾကသည္။ ဒါေပမယ့္ ကြၽႏု္ပ္တို႔သည္ ေစာင့္ေနရံုသက္သက္ႏွင့္ သခင့္အား ႀကိဳဆိုမိႏိုင္မည္ေလာ။ သခင့္အားႀကိဳဆိုရန္ အဓိက မည္သို႔လုပ္ေဆာင္ရမည္နည္း။

သခင္ေယ႐ႈႂကြလာၿပီး အမႈေတာ္လုပ္ေဆာင္စဥ္ကာလကို ျပန္ဆင္ျခင္ၾကည့္မည္ဆိုပါက လူေတြအားလံုးသည္ ဘုရား၏နာမသည္ ေမရိွယျဖစ္မည္၊ နန္းေတာ္တြင္းတြင္ ေမြးဖြားလာမည္ဟု ထင္ခဲ့ၾကသည္။ သို႔ေပမယ့္ ဘုရား၏လုပ္ေဆာင္မႈသည္ လူေတြ၏ခံယူခ်က္အား မထင္မွတ္စဖြယ္ တုန္႔ျပန္ခဲ့သည္။ သခင္ေယ႐ႈသည္ ေမ႐ွိယဟု မေခၚခဲ့သည္သာမက ႏြားစားခြက္တြင္လည္း ေမြးဖြားခဲ့သည္။ ထို႔ေၾကာင့္ လူေတြသည္ သခင္ေယ႐ႈအား ျပစ္တင္ခဲ့ၾကၿပီး သခင္ေယ႐ႈအား လက္၀ါးကားတိုင္တြင္ တင္ခဲ့ၾကသည္။ အလြန္ပင္ႀကီးမားေသာ ျပစ္မႈကိုက်ဴးလြန္ခဲ့ၾကသည္။ ဒါေပမယ့္ အခ်ိဳ႕ေသာသူေတြက သခင္ေယ႐ႈသည္ ႂကြလာမည့္ေမရိွယျဖစ္သည္ကို သိ႐ွိခဲ့ၾကၿပီး သခင့္ကိုေအာင္ျမင္စြာ ႀကိဳဆိုႏိုင္ခဲ့ၾကသည္။ “အဘယ္ေၾကာင့္ဆိုေသာ္ ငါ၏ အႀကံအစည္သည္ သင္တို႔၏ အႀကံအစည္မဟုတ္၊ သင္တို႔၏ နည္းလမ္းမ်ားသည္လည္း ငါ၏ နည္းလမ္းမ်ားမဟုတ္ဟု ေယေဟာဝါ မိန႔္ေတာ္မူ၏။ အဘယ္ေၾကာင့္ဆိုေသာ္ ေကာင္းကင္သည္ ေျမႀကီးထက္ ပိုမိုျမင့္မားသကဲ့သို႔၊ ငါ၏ နည္းလမ္းမ်ားသည္ သင္တို႔၏ နည္းလမ္းမ်ားထက္၊ ငါ့ အႀကံအစည္မ်ားသည္ သင္တို႔၏ အႀကံအစည္မ်ားထက္ သာ၍ ျမင့္မား၏။“ (ေဟရွာယအနာဂတၱိက်မ္း ၅၅:၈-၉) ထို႔ေၾကာင့္ ဘုရား၏အမႈေတာ္ကို မည္သူမ်ွမသိျမင္ႏိုင္ေပ။ ဘုရားသခင္သည္ အနႏၱတန္ခိုး႐ွင္ျဖစ္ၿပီး ဥာဏ္ပညာႏွင့္ျပည့္စံုေသာဘုရားျဖစ္သည္။ သူသည္ ကြၽႏု္ပ္တို႔၏စိတ္ကူး ထင္ျမင္ယူဆခ်က္မ်ားအတိုင္း လုပ္ေဆာင္မည္မဟုတ္ေပ။ ထိုသို႔ဆိုကာ သခင္ျပန္ႂကြလာသည့္အခ်ိန္တြင္ ကြၽႏု္ပ္တို႔၏ ခံယူခ်က္ႏွင့္မတူညီခဲ့လ်ွင္ ကြၽႏု္ပ္တို႔သည္ မည္သို႔လုပ္ေဆာင္လ်ွင္ သခင့္အား ေအာင္ျမင္စြာႀကိဳဆိုမိႏိုင္မည္နည္း။ ဤသက္ေသခံစာေစာင္သည္ ကြၽႏု္ပ္တို႔အားလမ္းခရီးကို ၫႊန္ျပလိမ့္မည္။




Since the Lord Jesus Is God Himself, Why Did He Pray to God of Heaven?
There is a mystery in the Lord Jesus’ calling God of heaven Father in His prayer. When God is incarnated in the flesh, God’s Spirit is hidden within the flesh, and the flesh itself is unaware of the Spirit’s presence. Just as we cannot feel our spirits within us. What’s more, God’s Spirit does not do anything supernatural within His flesh. So, even though the Lord Jesus was God become flesh, if God’s Spirit had not spoken and testified to God Himself, the Lord Jesus could not have known that He was God’s incarnation. That is why the Bible says: “neither the Son, but the Father.” Before the Lord Jesus began His official work, He lived within normal humanity. He really didn’t know that He was the incarnation of God, for God’s Spirit within the flesh did not work in a supernatural way but worked within normal confines just like any other human. So, naturally, the Lord Jesus would pray to the heavenly Father, which is to say, the Lord Jesus prayed to God’s Spirit from within His normal humanity. This makes complete sense. When the Lord Jesus formally performed His ministry, the Holy Spirit began to speak and proclaim, bearing witness that He was the incarnate God. Only then did the Lord Jesus realize His true identity, that He had come to do the work of redemption. However, when He was to be nailed to the cross, He still prayed to God the Father. This shows that the substance of Christ is absolute obedience to God.
God says: “When Jesus called God in heaven by the name of Father as He prayed, this was done only from the perspective of a created man, only because the Spirit of God had clothed Himself as an ordinary and normal man and had the exterior cover of a created being. Even if within Him was the Spirit of God, His exterior appearance was still that of an ordinary man; in other words, He had become the ‘Son of man’ of which all men, including Jesus Himself, spoke. … However great the authority of Jesus on earth, prior to the crucifixion, He was merely a Son of man, governed by the Holy Spirit (that is, God), and one of the earth’s created beings, for He had yet to complete His work. Therefore, His calling God in heaven Father was solely His humility and obedience. His addressing God (that is, the Spirit in heaven) in such a manner, however, does not prove that He is the Son of the Spirit of God in heaven. Rather, it is simply that His perspective is different, not that He is a different person. The existence of distinct persons is a fallacy! Prior to His crucifixion, Jesus was a Son of man bound by the limitations of the flesh, and He did not fully possess the authority of the Spirit. That is why He could only seek the will of God the Father from the perspective of a created being. It is as He thrice prayed in Gethsemane: ‘Not as I will, but as you will.’ Before He was laid on the cross, He was but the King of the Jews; He was Christ, the Son of man, and not a body of glory. That is why, from the standpoint of a created being, He called God Father.” “Jesus prayed from the perspective of the flesh. Since He had put on a flesh of such normal humanity, it is from the perspective of the flesh that He said: My outer shell is that of a created being. Since I put on a flesh to come to this earth, I am now a long, long way from heaven. For this reason, He could only pray to God the Father from the perspective of the flesh. This was His duty, and that which the incarnate Spirit of God should be furnished with. It cannot be said that He is not God simply because He prays to the Father from the perspective of the flesh. Though He is called the beloved Son of God, He is still God Himself, for He is but the incarnation of the Spirit, and His substance is still the Spirit.”
These words of God are very clear. When the Lord Jesus was working among men, it was actually God’s Spirit clothed in flesh as a man working and appearing to man. No matter how the Lord Jesus was expressing His word or praying to God the Father, His substance was divinity, not humanity. God is Spirit and is invisible to man; when God becomes clothed in flesh, we can only see flesh and can’t see God’s Spirit. If the Holy Spirit had directly borne witness to the fact that the incarnate Lord Jesus was God, man wouldn’t have accepted it. At the time, no one even knew what it meant for God to be incarnated, and they just came into contact with God’s incarnation and had very little understanding, so they never imagined that this regular Son of man would be the embodiment of the Spirit of God, the appearance of God in the flesh. Though the Lord Jesus expressed much of His word in the course of His work, brought man the way of repentance and manifested many miracles, which fully revealed God’s authority and power, men still failed to recognize from the Lord Jesus’ word and work that He was God Himself, the appearance of God. Instead, they only acknowledged the Lord Jesus as a prophet or called Him Master. So, God just worked according to the stature of people at that time, and He didn’t make it hard for them; the Holy Spirit merely testified within the understanding of the people at that time, and called the Lord Jesus God’s beloved Son, temporarily allowing men to think of the Lord Jesus as God’s Son. This way fit in better with people’s conceptions and was easier to accept. Since, at that time, the Lord Jesus was only doing the work of redemption, no matter how people called the Lord Jesus, the important thing was that they accepted the Lord Jesus as the Savior, had their sins remitted, and were thus qualified to enjoy God’s grace. So, God’s Spirit bore witness to the Lord Jesus in this way for it was more suitable to the stature of the people at that time. If we understand these things, we will not see the Lord Jesus as the Son of God for His prayer to God of heaven, but will be clear that no matter what position the Lord Jesus prayed from, He is our Lord and our God.




말씀 찬양 CCM <성령 역사에 순종해야 끝까지 따를 수 있네>
성령 역사는 하루하루 바뀌네
더 큰 깨우침으로, 더 높은 단계로
하나님은 이런 사역 통해 사람을 온전케 하시네
따라가지 못하는 사람은 도태될 것이요
순종 없이는 끝까지 따를 수 없으리
낡은 시대는 가고 지금은 새로운 시대
새 시대 왔으니 새 사역 해야 하네
사람을 온전케 하는 마지막 시대에
새 사역은 더 빠르게 진행되네
순종 없이는 하나님 발걸음 못 따라가리
본성이 패역한 자, 고의로 대적하는 자
빠르고 거센 이 단계 사역에서 도태되리
순종하는 자만이, ‘자신을 낮춘’ 자만이
이 길의 끝까지 나아갈 수 있으리
하나님 사역은 규례에 매이지 않고
언제나 더 새롭고 더 높아지네
그의 사역은 갈수록 실제적이고
사람의 실제 요구에 부합하네
사람은 이런 사역 체험해야만 성품이 변화될 수 있네
오, 성품이 변화될 수 있네
본성이 패역한 자, 고의로 대적하는 자
빠르고 거센 이 단계 사역에서 도태되리
순종하는 자만이, ‘자신을 낮춘’ 자만이
이 길의 끝까지 나아갈 수 있으리
생명에 대한 사람의 인식이 자라기에
하나님 사역도 더 높아지네
그래야만 사람은 온전케 되어 합당하게 쓰임 받을 수 있네
사람의 관념 깨고 바로잡으며
더 높고 실제적인 경지, 믿음의 최고 경지로 이끌어
하나님 뜻을 이루시네
본성이 패역한 자, 고의로 대적하는 자
빠르고 거센 이 단계 사역에서 도태되리
순종하는 자만이, ‘자신을 낮춘’ 자만이
이 길의 끝까지 나아갈 수 있으리
이 길의 끝까지 나아갈 수 있으리
이 길의 끝까지 나아갈 수 있으리
― ≪어린양을 따르며 새 노래 부르네≫


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聖靈的說話《作工異象 三》選段五


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כרוניקה של רדיפות על רקע דתי בסין

סרט התעודה "יומן של רדיפות על רקע דתי בסין" מספר בעיקר את סיפוריהם האמיתיים של שני משיחיים מסין היבשתית, אשר נרדפו למוות בידי הממשל הקומוניסטי בסין בגין אמונתם. זהו תיעוד מדויק ואובייקטיבי של הרדיפה שעברו משיחיים סיניים בידי הממשל הקומוניסטי, והוא כולל דיון מעמיק על המצב הנוכחי של חופש האמונה של המשיחיים בסין ועל רמיסת זכויות האדם. הסרט הזה הוא תמונת מצב של הדיכוי והרדיפות שסובלים אינספור משיחיים סיניים וקרוביהם, בידי הממשל הקומוניסטי בסין. זהו גם צוהר אל תנאי ההישרדות האמיתיים של המשיחיים בסין ושל קרוביהם.





Bakit Ko sinasabi rito ang mga bagay na ito? Ano ang nakikita ninyo mula sa mga bagay na nasabi Ko? Mayroong isang bagay sa diwa at disposisyon ng Diyos na pinakamadaling hindi mapansin, isang bagay na taglay lamang ng Diyos at hindi ninumang tao, kasama yaong sa tingin ng iba ay mga dakilang tao, mabubuting tao, o ang Diyos ng kanilang imahinasyon. Ano ang bagay na ito? Ito ang pagiging-hindi-makasarili ng Diyos. Kapag nagsasalita tungkol sa pagiging-hindi-makasarili, maaaring isipin mong ikaw rin ay lubhang hindi-makasarili, dahil pagdating sa iyong mga anak, hindi ka kailanmang nakikipagtawaran sa kanila at ikaw ay mapagbigay sa kanila, o iniisip mong ikaw rin ay lubhang hindi-makasarili pagdating sa iyong mga magulang. Ano man ang iyong palagay, kahit paano ay may konsepto ka sa salitang “hindi-makasarili” at iniisip ito bilang isang positibong salita, at ang pagiging isang tao na hindi-makasarili ay napakarangal. Kapag ikaw ay hindi-makasarili, sa palagay mo ay dakila ka. Nguni’t walang nakakakita sa pagiging-hindi-makasarili ng Diyos sa gitna ng lahat ng mga bagay, sa gitna ng mga tao, mga pangyayari at mga bagay na nakikita’t nahahawakan, at sa pamamagitan ng gawain ng Diyos. Bakit ganoon ito? Dahil ang tao ay masyadong makasarili! Bakit Ko sinasabi iyon? Ang sangkatauhan ay nabubuhay sa isang materyal na mundo. Maaaring sumusunod ka sa Diyos, nguni’t hindi mo kailanman nakikita o napahahalagahan kung paano ka tinutustusan ng Diyos, minamahal, at nagpapakita ng malasakit para iyo. Kaya ano ang nakikita mo? Nakikita mo ang mga kamag-anak mo sa dugo na nagmamahal sa iyo o mapagpalayaw sa iyo. Nakikita mo ang mga bagay na kapaki-pakinabang sa iyong laman, kinakalinga mo ang mga tao at mga bagay na mahal mo. Ito ang tinatawag na pagiging-hindi-makasarili ng tao. Nguni’t ang mga ganitong “hindi-makasariling” mga tao ay hindi kailanman nagbibigay-pansin sa Diyos na nagbibigay sa kanila ng buhay. Kung ihahambing sa Diyos, ang pagiging-hindi-makasarili ng tao ay nagiging makasarili at kasuklam-suklam. Ang pagiging-hindi-makasarili na pinaniniwalaan ng tao ay hungkag at hindi-makatotohanan, may-halo, hindi-tugma sa Diyos, at hindi-kaugnay sa Diyos. Ang pagiging-hindi-makasarili ng tao ay para sa sarili niya, habang ang pagiging-hindi-makasarili ng Diyos ay isang tunay na pagbubunyag ng Kanyang diwa. Tiyak na dahil sa pagiging-hindi-makasarili ng Diyos kaya nakakatanggap ang tao ng patuloy na daloy ng tustos mula sa Kanya. Maaaring hindi kayo gaanong apektado ng paksang tinatalakay Ko sa araw na ito at pawang tumatango lamang sa pagsang-ayon, nguni’t kapag sinusubukan mong pahalagahan ang puso ng Diyos sa iyong puso, matutuklasan mo nang hindi sinasadya: Sa lahat ng mga tao, mga usapin, at mga bagay na nadarama mo sa mundong ito, tanging ang pagiging-hindi-makasarili ng Diyos ang totoo at tiyak, dahil ang pag-ibig lamang ng Diyos para sa iyo ang walang-pasubali at walang-dungis. Bukod sa Diyos, ang lahat ng anumang tinatawag na pagiging-hindi-makasarili ng sinuman ay pawang huwad, mababaw, hindi-matapat; mayroon itong layunin, mga tanging hangarin, may kapalit, at hindi kakayaning dumaan sa pagsubok. Maaari niyo pang sabihin na ito ay marumi, kasumpa-sumpa. Sang-ayon ba kayo? mula sa:" Ang Gawain ng Diyos, ang Disposisyon ng Diyos, at ang Diyos Mismo I"







因為愛 神造人類一直眷顧守候著人類

因為愛 神頒布律法誡命帶領人在地上生活

因為愛 神曾道成肉身付出生命救贖全人類

因為愛 十字架的救恩在地流傳 早已傳遍地極

因為愛 神無怨無悔為人類付出 將愛灑人間

因為愛 神一直在作工帶領拯救敗壞至深的人類

神啊 你的作工你的發聲說話流露的全都是愛

神啊 你的愛不僅是慈愛憐憫更是刑罰更是審判

神啊 你的審判刑罰是最真實的愛 是最大的拯救

我們要見證你聖潔公義的愛 你配受永遠的讚美

因為愛 神末世重返肉身來在大紅龍國家

因為愛 神忍受棄絕毀謗受盡逼迫患難苦

因為愛 神卑微隱藏與敗壞人類同生活

因為愛 神發表真理帶來永遠的生命之道

因為愛 神用話語審判揭示人類的撒但本性

因為愛 神試煉熬煉修理對付潔淨我們的敗壞

神啊 你的作工你的發聲說話流露的全都是愛

神啊 你的愛不僅是慈愛憐憫更是刑罰更是審判

神啊 你的審判刑罰是最真實的愛 是最大的拯救

我們要見證你聖潔公義的愛 你配受永遠的讚美

因為愛 神調動人事物效力 使我們得著真理生命

因為愛 神的審判刑罰使我們脫離撒但權勢蒙了拯救

神啊 你的作工你的發聲說話流露的全都是愛

神啊 你的愛不僅是慈愛憐憫更是刑罰更是審判

神啊 你的審判刑罰是最真實的愛 是最大的拯救

我們要見證你聖潔公義的愛 你配受永遠的讚美

我們要見證你聖潔公義的愛 你配受永遠的讚美



道成肉身, 真理, 詩歌, 見證, 審判









音樂劇, 讚美神, 國度, 詩歌, 敬拜神

    創作者 人間過客 的頭像


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