- 2024: ❤️❤️Que Dieu vous donne toujours la santé, le bonheur et la paix !/基督教會歌曲《為見證神活着最有價值》/Why God does not save those with the work of evil spirits in them or those possessed by demons?/全能神經典話語《關于神的性情與所有所是的話語》選段270-272/អស់អ្នកណាដែលចង់បានជីវិត ដោយមិនពឹងលើសេច⋯
- 2023: 全能神經典話語 《信神怎樣進入真理實際的話語》 選段469-471/信神是做什么的?/"Lord Jesus, please forgive my sins and help me stay away from sin, becoming a better person. Amen."/Firman Tuhan Harian: Inkarnasi | Kutipan 136/Lời Đức Chúa Trời hằng ngày: Biết về⋯/共產黨挑戰美元和世界金融秩序,最終一定死無葬身之地!
- 2022: ⏰2022年10月29日 ✝神對人的要求與勸勉、安慰、警戒的話語/基督教會歌曲《神末世要用話語征服全宇》/Hindi Christian Testimony Video | एक बाध्यकारी कर्तव्य | True Story of a Christian/Témoignage chrétien en français 2022 « Comment le fait d'être fourbe m'a nui »/卢台长【节目录音】怎样弥补离婚对孩子的伤害/卢台长精彩开示节选【悲智双行⋯
- 2021: 基督徒的經歷見證《我不再畏懼地位權勢》/彭文正被聲請拘提、通緝後坦露心聲,不懼坐牢,求仁得仁!/神の御言葉「唯一無二の神自身 2 神の義なる性質」(その1)/ သင္ အခက္ခဲႏွင့္ဆင္းရဲဒုကၡ ႀကဳံရတဲ့အခ်ိန္၌ ဘုရားသခင္ကို ဆုေတာင္းအားကိုးရန္ လုံး၀မေမ့ပါနဲ႔။
- 2019: 基督教兩千多個派別的形成與合一/ كلمة الله - البشرية الفاسدة في أَمَسِّ احتياج إلى خلاص الله الصائر جسدًا(اقتباس3) - إنجيل اليوم/萬物在神的權柄中長存/什麼是假冒爲善?/ הסינית מגנה אמונות דתיות כ'אמונה תפלה פיאודלית⋯/ الوثائقي المسيحي - الله يعطي الناموس - مدبلج إلى العربية
- 2019: Ang mga Salita ng Banal na Espiritu sa mga Iglesia⋯/【信仰解惑】 基督徒该如何“儆醒预备”迎接主重归/ كلمة الله – لجوهر المسيح هو الطاعة لمشيئة الآ⋯/【与主重逢】 原来主重归⋯/Ang Ating Pananabik sa Pagbabalik ⋯/❣️❣️❣️ဘုရားသခင္ကေျပာသည-“ဘုရားသခင္ကို ⋯/God's Words for You Today/FOX報導中共活摘器官⋯
- 2019: 동영상을 시청해 주셔서 감사합니다. 궁금한 점이⋯/Today, we will investigate a topic about welcoming the Lord’s return./敬拜讚美歌曲《有幸遇神來》/2019福音電影《敬虔的奧祕》主再來揭開道成肉身的奧祕/香港警民衝突持續不斷示威者呼籲聚焦警方濫權問題/神的恩典使她從痛苦的婚姻中得到解脫(有聲讀物)
- 2019: 我懂得了如何與人交心(有聲讀物)
- 2018: 寫給丈夫的第一封知心信
- 2018: Urgent Petition❗❗❗ Please Pay More Attention to the Religious Persecution in China❗❗ Hope you can click here, just sign your name and email, to support freedom of belief in China! ✊✊
- 2018: Crying Out to God in Distress
- 2018: 📚*・:✝️ Bible Verse of the Day ✝️:・*📚 This verse tells us that those who love God will love their brothers and sisters. Loving one another is God’s demand of us, and is His command which ......
- 2018: Good morning🌦️It's still cloudy and rainy today. I'd like to share with you Psalm 23:4, "Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me."
- 2018: 养尊处优的儿媳与强势婆婆的相处之道
- 2018: Four Principles For Christians to Be Honest
- 2018: 🌌Mga Pagsasalaysay ng Salita ng Diyos🌌 Ang Gawain ng Diyos, ang Disposisyon ng Diyos, at ang Diyos Mismo I (Ikaapat na Bahagi)
- 2018: Wir können aus den Prophezeiungen der Bibel sehen, dass die Wiederkehr des Herrn in die zwei Stadien der geheimen Ankunft und der offenen Ankunft unterteilt ist.......
- 2018: “In Job’s heart, he deeply believed that his everything was from God’s blessing, not gained by his hard labor,...........
- 2018: Hindi Christian Video Trailer | सत्रह? जाहिल कहीं के! | A Young Christian's Testimony of Being Persecuted Hindi Christian Video trailer | Siebzehn? Ignorant irgendwo! | eine junge christliche Aussage, verfolgt zu werden......
- 2018: परमेश्वर के वचन का भजन सिर्फ़ वही प्रवेश करेंगे अंतिम विश्राम में जो हो चुके हैं पवित्र Die Hymnen von Gottes Wort Nur sie werden den letzten Rest betreten, der heilig geworden ist.
- 2018: Ang Gawain ng Diyos, ang Disposisyon ng Diyos, at ang Diyos Mismo I (Ikaapat na Bahagi)
- 2018: Hindi Christian Movie Trailer | वार्तालाप | A Battle Between Good and Evil सीसीपी सरकार ने जियान शिनयी और दूसरे ईसाइयों को गिरफ़्तार कर लिया;.........
- 2018: Hindi Christian Video clip "पकड़ ली आखिरी गाड़ी" (1) - प्रभु के देह में लौटने से बाइबल की भविष्यवाणियाँ पूरी होती हैं अंत के दिनों में प्रभु को कैसे लौटना है, इस बारे में प्रभु यीशु ने कहा है, "तुम भी तैयार रहो;......
- 2018: The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything The love of the cross touches the hearts of hundreds of millions of people. The Lord Jesus sacrificed His life to redeem us from death, drawing us near to the God…
- 2018: 🎼Isang Himno ng mga Salita ng Diyos🎼 Yaong Tumatanggap ng Bagong Gawa ay Pinagpala
- 2018: How Can We Walk Out From the Shadow of Marital Infidelity
- 2018: The True Meaning of “the Coming of the Son of Man”
- 2018: 神話奧秘的揭示:第 十 二 篇
- 2018: Bible Verse of the Day - John 16:33 ═════ ♡♡♡ ═════ ♡♡♡ ═════ Although the whole world lies in wickedness, we have God’s promise for us.
- 2018: 💕 God Helped Me in Dire Straits💕 By Gao Tai, Spain I am a Christian. Since believing in the Lord, I have received a lot of grace from the Lord. Among them, the following one is particularly the most unforgettable for me …
- 2018: 基督徒临到病痛该怎么经历
- 2018: 💕❤God's Love💕❤ 🍀 In this ocean of people, who knows God becomes flesh in the last days? He walks in churches, speaking, doing His work, silently expressing the truth.