#Zawgyi တ႐ုတ္ကြန္ျမဴနစ္ပါတီအာဏာရထားၿပီးကတည္းက ဘာသာေရးယုံၾကည္ခ်က္ရဲ ့ညႇဥ္းပန္းႏွိပ္စက္မႈကိုဘယ္ေတာ့မွမရပ္တန္းခဲ့ေပ။ ခရစ္ယာန္ေတြကိုအတင္းအက်ပ္ေနရာတိုုင္း ထြက္ေျပးေနရၿပီး၊ အိမ္ျပန္သြားရန္လည္းခက္ခဲေစသည္။ ခ်င္ဝန္ဇင္ဘုုရားသခင္ကိုုယုုံၾကည္ၿပီး ဧဝံေဂလိျပဳခ်ိန္မွာ တ႐ုုတ္ကြန္ျမဴနစ္ပါတီရဲဖမ္းဆီးမႈကိုုၾကဳံေတြ ့ရသည္။ မယားႏွင့္ကေလးခြဲကြာခံရျခင္း၊ အိမ္ေထာင္ဖ်က္ေသခံရျခင္း၊ ကြန္ျမဴနစ္၏ဖမ္းဆီးမႈကိုုေရွာင္ရွားနိုုင္ရန္တြက္ ဆယ္နွစ္ေက်ာ္အခ်ိန္တြင္းမွာေနစရာမတည္ျခင္းေျပာင္းေနရတ့ဲဘ၀ကိုုရင္ဆုုိင္ေနရသည္။ ဒီလိုုခါးသီးစြာခက္ခဲေသာပတ္၀န္းက်င္မွာ သူသည္အၾကိမ္ၾကိမ္ျဖင့္ တ႐ုုတ္ကြန္ျမဴနစ္ပါတီရဲလက္မွ အႏၲရာယ္ထဲလႊတ္ေျမာက္ရွင္သန္နိုုင္ရန္ ဘုုရားသခင္ကိုုဘယ္လိုုအားကိုုးသနည္း။
တိုုက္ရုုိက္ထုုတ္လႊင့္မည့္ရုုပ္ရွင္ တ႐ုတ္ျပည္မွ ဘာသာေရးဖိစီးႏွိပ္စက္မႈ (က်ရႈံးလုဆဲဆဲမွာ ျပန္လည္ရွင္သန္ျခင္း) ကို ေစာင့္ေမၽွာ္ၾကည့္ရႈၾကပါစို႔။
#Unicode တရုတ်ကွန်မြူနစ်ပါတီအာဏာရထားပြီးကတည်းက ဘာသာရေးယုံကြည်ချက်ရဲ ့ညှဉ်းပန်းနှိပ်စက်မှုကိုဘယ်တော့မှမရပ်တန်းခဲ့ပေ။ ခရစ်ယာန်တွေကိုအတင်းအကျပ်နေရာတိုုင်း ထွက်ပြေးနေရပြီး၊ အိမ်ပြန်သွားရန်လည်းခက်ခဲစေသည်။ ချင်ဝန်ဇင်ဘုုရားသခင်ကိုုယုုံကြည်ပြီး ဧဝံဂေလိပြုချိန်မှာ တရုုတ်ကွန်မြူနစ်ပါတီရဲဖမ်းဆီးမှုကိုုကြုံတွေ ့ရသည်။ မယားနှင့်ကလေးခွဲကွာခံရခြင်း၊ အိမ်ထောင်ဖျက်သေခံရခြင်း၊ ကွန်မြူနစ်၏ဖမ်းဆီးမှုကိုုရှောင်ရှားနိုုင်ရန်တွက် ဆယ်နှစ်ကျော်အချိန်တွင်းမှာနေစရာမတည်ခြင်းပြောင်းနေရတဲ့ဘဝကိုုရင်ဆုုိင်နေရသည်။ ဒီလိုုခါးသီးစွာခက်ခဲသောပတ်ဝန်းကျင်မှာ သူသည်အကြိမ်ကြိမ်ဖြင့် တရုုတ်ကွန်မြူနစ်ပါတီရဲလက်မှ အန္တရာယ်ထဲလွှတ်မြောက်ရှင်သန်နိုုင်ရန် ဘုုရားသခင်ကိုုဘယ်လိုုအားကိုုးသနည်း။
တိုုက်ရုုိက်ထုုတ်လွှင့်မည့်ရုုပ်ရှင် တရုတ်ပြည်မှ ဘာသာရေးဖိစီးနှိပ်စက်မှု (ကျရှုံးလုဆဲဆဲမှာ ပြန်လည်ရှင်သန်ခြင်း) ကို စောင့်မျှော်ကြည့်ရှုကြပါစို့။
末世基督的說話《獨一無二的神自己 四・神的聖潔(一)》第一部分
末世基督的發表《獨一無二的神自己 四・神的聖潔(一)》第三部分
末世基督的發表《獨一無二的神自己 五・神的聖潔(二)》第二部分
"God Quietly Arrives Among Us" | New Chinese Christian Song
God surveys the whole earth, and commands all things,
and beholds all the words and deeds of man.
He conducts His management with measured steps and according to His plan,
silently and without dramatic effect,
yet His footsteps advance, one by one, ever closer to mankind,
and His judgment seat is deployed in the universe
at the speed of lightning,
following which His throne immediately
descends into our midst.
What a majestic scene that is, what a stately and solemn tableau!
Like a dove, and like a roaring lion, the Spirit comes into our midst.
He is wisdom, He is righteousness and majesty,
He is wisdom, He is righteousness and majesty,
and He comes surreptitiously into our midst,
wielding authority and filled with love and mercy.
He is wisdom, He is righteousness and majesty,
He is wisdom, He is righteousness and majesty,
and He comes surreptitiously into our midst,
wielding authority and filled with love and mercy.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs
Is the Work of God As Simple As Man Imagines? (Excerpt I)
As one who believes in God, you should understand that, today, in receiving the work of God in the last days and all the work of God’s plan in you, you have really received great exaltation and salvation from God. All of God’s work in the entire universe has focused on this group of people. He has devoted all His efforts to you and sacrificed all for you; He has reclaimed and given to you all the work of the Spirit throughout the universe. That is why I say, you are the fortunate. Moreover, He has shifted His glory from Israel, His chosen people, to you, in order to make the purpose of His plan fully manifest through you group of people. Therefore, you are those who will receive the inheritance of God, and even more the heirs of God’s glory. Perhaps you all remember these words: “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” In the past, you have all heard this saying, yet none understood the true meaning of the words. Today, you know well the real significance they hold. These words are what God will accomplish in the last days. And they will be accomplished upon those cruelly afflicted by the great red dragon in the land where it lies. The great red dragon persecutes God and is the enemy of God, so in this land, those who believe in God are subjected to humiliation and persecution. That is why these words will become reality in you group of people. As the work is carried out in a land that opposes God, all of His work is met with inordinate hindrance, and many of His words cannot be accomplished in good time; hence, people are refined because of the words of God. This too is an element of suffering. It is greatly arduous for God to carry out His work in the land of the great red dragon, but it is through such difficulty that God does a stage of His work to make manifest His wisdom and wondrous deeds. God takes this opportunity to make this group of people complete. Because of people’s suffering, their caliber, and all the satanic disposition of people in this unclean land, God does His work of purification and conquest so that, from this, He may gain glory and gain those who stand witness to His deeds. This is the full significance of all the sacrifices that God has made for this group of people. That is to say, God does the work of conquest just through those who oppose Him. Therefore, only doing so can manifest the great power of God. In other words, only those in the unclean land are worthy to inherit the glory of God, and only this can give prominence to the great power of God. That is why I say the glory of God is gained in the unclean land and from those who live within. This is the will of God. This is just as in the stage of Jesus’ work; He could only be glorified among those Pharisees who persecuted Him. If not for such persecution and the betrayal of Judas, Jesus would not have been ridiculed or slandered, much less crucified, and thus could never have gained glory. Wherever God works in each age and wherever He does His work in the flesh, He gains glory there and there gains those He intends to gain. This is the plan of God’s work, and this is His management.
Excerpted from “Is the Work of God As Simple As Man Imagines?”
The Bible says, "And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals" (Revelation 5:1). "He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches; To him that overcomes will I give to eat of the hidden manna" (Revelation 2:17). According to the Bible, when the Lord returns in the last days He will unfold the scroll, open the seven seals and bestow the hidden manna upon man. But most of the pastors and elders of the religious world believe that all God's words are recorded in the Bible and that there are no words of God besides those in the Bible. Does this kind of view accord with the truth? Are there really no words of God besides those in the Bible? This short video will explore these questions for you.
Gospel Movie "God's Name Has Changed?!" (1) - Are God's Words All in the Bible?
Gospel Movie Clip "God's Name Has Changed?!" (2) - Is God's Name Truly Unchangeable?
Gospel Movie "God's Name Has Changed?!" (3) - The Significance of God's Name
Gospel Movie "God's Name Has Changed?!" (4) - Is Being Saved equal to Being Purified?
Gospel Movie "God's Name Has Changed?!" (5) - God's New Name—Almighty God
English Christian Movie | Do You Know the Mystery of the Name of God | "God's Name Has Changed?!" https://youtu.be/z78jQUn7tnE
Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd. It was definitely not created by a person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God's sheep hear God's voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.
Special statement: This video production was produced as a not-for-profit piece by the Church of Almighty God. The actors that appear in this production are performing on a not-for-profit basis, and have not been paid in any way. This video may not be distributed for profit to any third party, and we hope that everyone will share it and distribute it openly. When you distribute it, please note the source. Without the consent of the Church of Almighty God, no organization, social group, or individual may tamper with or misrepresent the contents of this video.
The content of this video has been translated entirely by professional translators. However, due to linguistic differences etc., a small number of inaccuracies are inevitable. If you discover any such inaccuracies, please refer to the original Chinese version, and feel free to get in touch to let us know.
The Church of Almighty God: https://en.godfootsteps.org
Gospel of the Descent of Kingdom: https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org
1 神在至高處觀望一切, 神又在至高處支配一切, 同樣,神在地施行了他的拯救, 神無時不在隱祕處觀望所有人的 一舉一動、一言一行, 神對人無一不是瞭如指掌。 隱祕之處是神的居所, 整個穹蒼是神躺臥之處, 撒但的勢力不得臨及神身, 因神滿載威嚴、公義、審判。
2 神曾腳踏萬有, 縱觀宇宙全貌, 神又曾在所有的人中間行走, 體嘗人間的酸、甜、苦、辣, 但人不曾真正認識神, 不曾在神行走之時注意過神。 因神默默無語,不曾作超然的事, 因此,未嘗有人真看見神。 如今,再不比以往, 如今,再不比以往, 神要作創世以來人未曾見過的事, 神要說歷代以來人未曾聽過的話, 因神要求 讓所有的人都認識在肉身的神, 因神要求 讓所有的人都認識在肉身的神。
华盛顿 — 美国总统特朗普去年11月27 日签署《香港人权与民主法案》后,首次有香港建制、泛民两派阵营人士同时访美,其中建制派由四名行政会议成员任代表,包括行会召集人陈智思、廖长江、叶刘淑仪及张国钧代表出席;民主派议员则包括立法会议员莫乃光、谭文豪、梁继昌三人,美港官员交流会的议题涵盖去年通过的《香港人权与民主法案》、美港关系、以及香港最新的人权状况。相信这次美港交流会与美国国务院即将提交的报告有关,有助美方了解建制、泛民两派人士的不同意见。另一方面,全球最大影片分享平台YouTube近日陷入黄标风暴,几乎所有提及武汉肺炎疫情的影片都会被标上黄标,被质疑是借以打压香港的言论自由,更引发八万名网民响应白宫联署要求YouTube交代是否受到中共施压。据了解,YouTube已经采取紧急措施平息众怒,计划在香港和一些知名的YouTubers以及 KOL(Key Opinion Leaders)会面说明相关情况。 香港风云特别邀请人在旧金山出席这次美港交流会议的香港立法会议员、香港互联网协会创会主席、香港资讯科技商会荣誉主席莫乃光谈谈这两个话题。https://reurl.cc/GVVmXx
关于香港电台,莫乃光表示这是香港政府对公共广播的强烈打压,对香港电台创作和新闻自由的打压。而且香港电台在香港政府财政预算案中得到的资源非常少,比如警察方面拿到资源、打压市民方面拿到的钱就很多。香港市民看在眼里,感到不公和不满。泛民派担心的就是 这种状况持续下去,香港电台不能通过广播输送,只能在网络上输送。而且也担心对电台的工作人员有针对个人的打压。
YouTube黄标一刀切不合理 应放宽管制
美国之音《 海峡论谈 》主持人 樊冬宁