——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・你們的人格太卑賤!》





全能神話語朗誦《一個很嚴重的問題——背叛 一》15:33


全能神話語朗誦《神的作工、神的性情與神自己 三》第一部分35:28

全能神話語朗誦《神的作工、神的性情與神自己 三》第一部分



全能神話語朗誦《獨一無二的神自己 十》神是萬物生命的源頭(四) 第二部分41:55




📖📖“在无数次的失意中,神的话带来了安慰,在不知不觉中,在无数次的需要中,悲伤变成了快乐,神在无数次的需要中,赐下了祝福, 神的话供应了我们,无数次从病痛中脱离出来,神的话带来了生命,脱离了危险,转危为安了。”🙇🤗😇💞🙏




Świadectwo wiary | „Lekcja posłuszeństwa”
Bohaterka odpowiada za pracę podlewania. Dwa razy z rzędu otrzymuje zadanie nadzorowania nowo założonych kościołów. Ponieważ te dwa kościoły mają za mało przywódców i pracowników, wykazują słabe wyniki w pracy oraz nękane są przez różnego rodzaju problemy, nohaterka nie chce się podporządkować i usiłuje wymigać się od tych zadań. Czemu wzbrania się przed objęciem nadzoru nad nowymi kościołami? Jakie zepsute usposobienie się za tym kryje? W jaki sposób zacznie ona dążyć do prawdy i wyzbędzie się tego usposobienia?


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Świadectwo wiary | „Konsekwencje ślepego zaufania do człowieka”
Jest przywódczynią w kościele. Kiedy bracia i siostry zgłaszają jej, że jej partnerka jest fałszywą przywódczynią, nie weryfikuje tego ani nie zajmuje się tą sprawą, ponieważ ślepo jej ufa. Po doświadczeniu przycięcia zaczyna szukać prawdy i zastanawiać się, dlaczego ślepo ufa ludziom. Jakie lekcje wyciągnie ze swojej porażki?


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Świadectwo wiary | „Rywalizacja rodzi cierpienie”
Odpowiada za podlewanie i stale się martwi, aby jej nowa partnerka nie osiągała lepszych wyników. Rywalizuje więc z nią i nieustannie się z nią porównuje. Im bardziej rywalizuje, tym bardziej cierpi. Zastanawia się, jakie skażone usposobienie każe jej rywalizować i dążyć do wygranej. W jaki sposób poszukuje prawdy, by pozbyć się skażenia? Obejrzyj film, by się dowiedzieć.


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Świadectwo wiary | „Historia Angel”
Otrzymała najważniejszą wiadomość w swoim życiu – Pan Jezus powrócił. Po wysłuchaniu omówienia przedstawionego przez siostrę z Kościoła Boga Wszechmogącego, bohaterka poczuła, że było ono bardzo oświecające i nigdy wcześniej nie słyszała tego w kościele. Była gotowa szukać i badać, ale prześladował ją rząd i świat religijny. Kiedy jej mąż zmarł, pastorzy zabronili wszystkim mieszkańcom wsi pomagać w jego pochówku, a nawet zorganizowali zebranie wiejskie, aby zmusić ją do wyrzeczenia się wiary. Co powinna wybrać w obliczu tych prześladowań? Posłuchajmy historii pewnej chrześcijanki o imieniu Angel.


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Pieśń uwielbienia | „Bóg pojawił się na wschodzie świata z chwałą” Chór ewangelii

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Piosenka chrześcijańska | „Czy Bóg jest tak prosty, jak mówisz?” (Oficjalny teledysk)

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Christian Family Movie "A Mother's Love" | How to Lead Your Child to the Right Path of Life
A Mother's Love is a Christian family movie that examines the subject of how to raise children. "Knowledge can change your fate" and "The son becomes a dragon, the daughter becomes a phoenix" are the hopes that nearly all parents have for their children. To ensure that her daughter Jiarui is able to pass her university entrance exams and test into a good university, Xu Wenhui decides to retire from her job as a sales director to accompany Jiarui as she studies to retake her tests. Xu Wenhui's high-pressure teaching methods and the competitive stress of the college entrance examinations drive her daughter to collapse, and nearly to desperation. Xu Wenhui feels deep remorse over this: She thought that everything she did was for her daughter's benefit, but instead, she only caused her daughter pain and hurt…. This is when her old classmate Fang Xinping preaches God's gospel to her. Through reading God's word, Xu Wenhui finally understands why pursuing ideals like "Knowledge can change your fate" will only hurt herself and her child, and comes to understand how to educate her daughter in a way that expresses real love …


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2023 English Christian Song | "How to Enter Into True Prayer" | Christian Devotional Song
The Church of Almighty God: 
Gospel of the Descent of the Kingdom: 

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The Word of God | "God's Words to the Entire Universe: Chapter 1"
The Church of Almighty God: 
Gospel of the Descent of the Kingdom


Testimonianza di fede - "Una valutazione che mi ha smascherata"
Una leader chiede alla protagonista di valutare sorella Lilia. Quando sente la leader dire che Lilia è arrogante e giudica i leader e i lavoratori, che manifesta dei problemi, non è del tutto sicura che la leader abbia ragione. Pur rendendosi conto che l'opinione della leader sulla sorella è diversa dalla sua, la asseconda ciecamente, condannando Lilia solo per fare buona impressione sulla leader. In seguito, cosa impara sulla propria natura attraverso il giudizio delle parole di Dio e le rivelazioni dei fatti? Scopritelo in questo video.


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Testimonianza di fede - "Una lezione appresa sull'obbedienza"
Mentre presta servizio come supervisore del lavoro di irrigazione, viene incaricata per due volte consecutive di supervisionare delle chiese appena instaurate. Poiché le due chiese hanno carenza di leader e lavoratori, hanno prodotto scarsi risultati lavorativi e sono state afflitte da problemi di ogni tipo, la protagonista non riesce a sottomettersi e cerca sempre di passare gli incarichi a qualcun altro o di rifiutarli. Perché non vuole supervisionare le chiese di nuova fondazione? Quale indole corrotta si cela dietro questo comportamento e in che modo lei la elimina ricercando la verità?


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Testimonianza di fede - "Ho udito la voce di Dio"
Matthew, dalla Francia, crede nel Signore fin da quando era ragazzo. Dopo essere cresciuto, si è reso conto che i sermoni dei sacerdoti non erano mai illuminanti e che la fede degli altri credenti si era raffreddata. Non percepiva l'opera dello Spirito Santo nella sua chiesa e lui stesso si sentiva spiritualmente vuoto e perso. Non riusciva ad avvertire la presenza del Signore. Poi, un giorno, ha sentito per caso il Vangelo del Regno di Dio Onnipotente. Ricercando e approfondendo, ha constatato che le parole di Dio Onnipotente sono potenti e autorevoli e sono la voce di Dio. Ha acquisito la certezza che Dio Onnipotente è il Signore Gesù ritornato, ha accettato Dio Onnipotente ed è tornato al cospetto del Signore.

La Chiesa di Dio Onnipotente: 
Vangelo della Discesa del Regno: 

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Video Về Lời Chứng | Trải nghiệm ở địa ngục sau khi chết của một Cơ Đốc nhân người Myanmar
Dani là một Cơ Đốc nhân người Myanmar. Chị ấy sống lại sau khi được xác nhận đã qua đời trong bệnh viện. Sau đó, chị ấy kể lại cho mọi người những cảnh tượng đáng sợ mình đã chứng kiến khi bị đưa xuống địa ngục sau khi chết. Chị ấy đã thấy những gì? Điều gì khiến chị ấy xúc động đến vậy? Mời quý vị cùng nghe trải nghiệm của chị ấy.


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Nhạc Thánh Ca 2023 | Đức Chúa Trời đã xuất hiện trong vinh quang ở phương Đông của thế giới

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Video Về Lời Chứng | Câu chuyện của Angel
Chị ấy nhận được tin quan trọng nhất trong đời, rằng Đức Chúa Jêsus đã tái lâm. Sau khi nghe thông công của một chị từ Hội Thánh Đức Chúa Trời Toàn Năng, chị ấy thấy mối thông công này rất sáng tỏ, chưa từng nghe thấy trong hội thánh. Chị ấy bằng lòng tìm kiếm và tìm hiểu, nhưng chị bị chính quyền và giới tôn giáo bách hại. Khi chồng chị mất, các mục sư cấm dân làng giúp mai táng anh ấy, thậm chí còn triệu tập cả làng để ép chị ấy từ bỏ đức tin. Gặp phải sự bách hại này, chị ấy sẽ lựa chọn thế nào? Mời cùng nghe câu chuyện của một Cơ Đốc nhân, Angel.


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Video Về Lời Chứng | Lựa chọn giữa việc học và bổn phận
Chị chăm học từ nhỏ, luôn muốn nên người xuất chúng và làm rạng danh dòng họ. Sau đó, chị đọc lời Đức Chúa Trời và bắt đầu phản tỉnh: Ý nghĩa và giá trị của cuộc sống con người là gì? Có phải là để mưu cầu bằng cấp và học vị cao? Chị đã đạt được hiểu biết gì nhờ đọc lời Đức Chúa Trời? Lúc chuẩn bị tốt nghiệp, chị quyết định nghỉ học, đi theo Đức Chúa Trời và thực hiện bổn phận. Tuy nhiên chị đã bị chính mẹ mình cản trở. Liệu chị sẽ học tiếp hay đi theo Đức Chúa Trời để thực hiện bổn phận? Chị sẽ lựa chọn thế nào?


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Video Về Lời Chứng | Cuộc tranh luận của tôi với các mục sư
Jemong là chấp sự trong một hội thánh ở Ấn Độ. Năm 2019, anh tiếp nhận công tác thời kỳ sau rốt của Đức Chúa Trời. Tin tức này lập tức gây chấn động Trung ương Liên hiệp Hội thánh, và hơn một chục mục sư, chấp sự đã liên thủ để cản trở anh ấy. Họ tuôn ra một tràng các quan niệm và ngụy lý để mê hoặc anh ấy từ bỏ con đường thật. Đối diện với sự công kích liên tục mà các mục sư gây ra, Jemong đã có một cuộc tranh luận nảy lửa với họ. Mời xem đoạn phim này để biết chuyện.


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Video Về Lời Chứng | Phản tỉnh về việc kìm hãm người khác
Chị đã nhầm lẫn giữa biểu hiện của sự kiêu ngạo với ý thức công chính, thường xuyên giáo huấn và chỉ trích người khác khi thấy họ mắc lỗi trong bổn phận. Dần dần, các anh chị em cảm thấy bị chị kìm hãm; họ bắt đầu giữ khoảng cách và không muốn thổ lộ với chị nữa. Chị cảm thấy khổ sở và cô độc. Rồi sau khi bị lãnh đạo phơi bày và xử lý, chị bắt đầu phản tỉnh: Đâu là biểu hiện của sự kiêu ngạo? Đâu là ý thức công chính? Chị đã phản tỉnh và học được gì từ lời Đức Chúa Trời? Chị thực hành và thay đổi như thế nào? Hãy xem đoạn phim này để biết nhé.


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Video Về Lời Chứng | Trải nghiệm rao truyền phúc âm ở một trường học
Anh là một giáo viên và muốn chia sẻ phúc âm với đồng nghiệp và học sinh, nhưng lại lo nếu bị điều ra tiền tuyến, anh ấy có thể mất mạng và mất cơ hội được cứu rỗi bất cứ lúc nào. Vì vậy anh trở nên sợ rao truyền phúc âm. Chính xác thì anh bị điều gì kìm hãm? Anh sẽ rao truyền phúc âm và làm chứng cho Đức Chúa Trời hay sẽ bảo toàn bản thân? Anh đã hiểu được những lẽ thật nào từ lời Đức Chúa Trời? Cuối cùng anh lựa chọn ra sao? Cùng xem đoạn phim này để biết nhé.

Hội Thánh Đức Chúa Trời Toàn Năng: 
Phúc Âm của vương quốc: 

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It is written in the scriptures: "The hour is coming, and it is now, when he who truly worships the Father, let him worship him in spirit and in truth,because the Father wills such ones to worship him.  God is a spirit (or no word), so those who worship him must worship him in spirit and truth.  ” (John 4:23-24),
What the Christ of the last days brings is life, and what he brings is the long-lasting and eternal way of truth. This truth is that people gain life.It is the only way for people to know God and be approved by God.  If you do not seek the way of life provided by Christ of the last days, then you will never be able to gain the approval of Jesus., You will never be qualified to step into the gate of heaven, because you are a puppet of history and a prisoner of history.



4. Why does God not use men to do the work of judgment in the last days? Why must the Word become flesh and do it in person?
Refer to the Bible verse:
"For the Father does not judge, but has committed all judgment to the Son ...... And because He is the Son of Man, He has given Him authority to do judgment" (Jn 5:22-27).
Related Words of God:
The work of judgment is God's own work, and it is naturally to be done by God himself; it cannot be done by man in his place. Since judgment is the conquest of mankind by truth, there is no doubt that God will also appear among men in the image of the Word made flesh to do this work. That is, Christ in the last days will teach the whole world with the truth, and preach all truth to the world. This is the work of God's judgment.
-The Word, vol. I. The Appearances and Acts of God. Christ's Work of Judgment with Truth
Christ teaches men in the last days with all kinds of truth, exposing the substance of men and dissecting their words and deeds. These words contain various truths about man's proper role, how man should obey God, how man should be faithful to God, how man should live out his normal human nature, as well as the wisdom of God, the nature of God, etc. All these words are addressed to the substance of man and his corrupt nature. In particular, man is the embodiment of Satan, a force at enmity with God, and the words spoken are those that expose man's abandonment of God. God does not work judgment by speaking three words about the nature of man, but by making his nature clear. He exposes, deals with and prunes over time. All these different methods of exposure, handling and pruning are not substitutes for ordinary words, but mankind has lost the truth completely. Only such methods can be called judgement; only such judgement can lead to man being convinced, to a complete conviction of God, and thus to a true knowledge of Him. The work of judgment brings about man's knowledge of the true nature of God, and the truth of man's disobedience. The work of judgment brings about a greater understanding of the mind of God, the purpose of God's work, and the mystery of what man does not understand. It also enables man to recognise the nature of his corruption, to know the root of his corruption, and to discover the ugliness of man. All these effects are brought about by the work of judgment, for the essence of the work of judgment is in fact to open up the truth, the way, and to give the life of God to all who trust in Him. This work is the work of judgment that God does.
-The Word, vol. I. The Appearances and Acts of God. Christ's work of judgment in truth
Today I am judging you for your filthiness and punishing you for your corruption and disobedience. I am not showing off my power to you, nor am I deliberately oppressing you; I am doing these things because you were born in this filthy land and are so deeply polluted by filth. You have simply lost your integrity and humanity and have become like pigs born in the foulest corner of the world, and for this reason you are being judged and I am angry with you. It is because of this judgment that you see that God is a God of righteousness, that God is a holy God; and it is because of his holiness and righteousness that he judges you and vents his fierce anger on you. For when he sees man's disobedience he reveals his righteous nature, and because he sees man's impurity he reveals his holiness, which is sufficient to show that he is God himself, holy and pure but dwelling in a place of impurity. A man who is in the company of men and has no place of holiness or righteous disposition is not qualified to judge men's sins, nor is he worthy to execute the judgement of men. If a man goes about judging another man, is he not slapping himself? How is a man who is just as filthy qualified to judge someone who is just like himself? Only a holy God Himself can judge the whole filthy human race. How can man judge the sins of man? How can man see the sins of men, and how is man qualified to condemn these sins? If God is not qualified to judge the sins of men, how can he be the righteous God himself? When man's corrupt nature comes out, God speaks to judge man, and man sees that God is holy.
-The Word, vol. I. The Appearances and Actions of God. How the effects of the second step of the work of conquest are realized
For all who live in the flesh, a change of nature requires the pursuit of a goal, and the knowledge of God requires the witnessing of God's true works, of the true nature of God. Both can only be achieved by the incarnation of God, and only by the normal and true incarnation. So the incarnation is necessary, and so the incarnation is required for all corrupt human beings. Since man is required to know God, he must remove from his heart the image of a vague, transcendent God, and since man is required to shed his corrupt nature, he must first know his corrupt nature. If it is only man who removes the vague image of God from man's heart, this will not achieve the desired effect. The vague image of God in people's hearts cannot be revealed, got rid of or completely expelled by mere words. In doing so, it is ultimately impossible to dispel these deep-rooted things from people. Only by replacing these vague, supernatural things with the actual God, the true image of God, and bringing man to a gradual realisation, can the desired effect be achieved. Man recognises that the God he used to seek is vague and supernatural. It is not the direct leading of the Spirit, much less the teaching of someone, but the Word made flesh that can achieve this result. Man's conceptions are exposed at the formal work of the incarnate God, for the normal, real God of the Word made flesh is opposed to the vague, supernatural God of man's imagination. Man's primitive conceptions are revealed only when contrasted with the incarnate God. Without comparison with the incarnate God, man's conceptions cannot be revealed; that is, the vague cannot be revealed without the setting of reality. No one can do this work in words, nor can anyone express this work in words. Only God Himself can do His own work, and no one can do it in His stead. No human language, however rich, can express the reality and constancy of God. Only God himself works among men, revealing the image of God and what God is, so that man can know God more practically and see him more clearly. This effect cannot be done by any physical human being. No one can do this work in words, nor can anyone express this work in words. Only God Himself can do His own work, and no one can do this work in His stead. No human language, however rich, can express the reality and constancy of God. Only God himself works among men, revealing the image of God and what God is, so that man can know God more practically and see him more clearly. This effect cannot be done by any physical human being. No one can do this work in words, nor can anyone express this work in words. Only God Himself can do His own work, and no one can do this work in His stead. No human language, however rich, can express the reality and constancy of God. Only God himself works among men, revealing the image of God and what God is, so that man can know God more practically and see him more clearly. This effect cannot be achieved by any human being in the flesh. Only when God himself works in the midst of man, revealing his image and all that he is, can he be seen more clearly. This effect cannot be done by any human being in the flesh. He can only be seen more clearly when God himself works in the midst of men, revealing his image and all that he is. This effect cannot be done by any fleshly human being.
-The Word, Vol. I. The Manifestation and Acts of God. The need for salvation by the incarnate God is even greater for corrupt humans
The whole work of God's plan of operation was done by God Himself. The first stage - the creation of the world - was done by God Himself, who would not have had the power to create mankind otherwise; the second stage, the salvation of all mankind, was also done by God Himself; the third stage is self-evident: the end of all God's work requires even more of God Himself . The work of salvation, of conquest, of acquisition, of the fulfilment of all mankind is the work of God Himself. If He did not do this work Himself, then His identity could not be represented by man, nor could His work be done by man. In order to defeat Satan, in order to gain mankind, in order to give man a normal life on earth, he personally leads man, personally works among man; for his whole business plan, for all his work, he must personally do this work. If man only believes that God came in order to make God visible and to make people happy, then such faith is worthless and meaningless. Man's understanding is too superficial! God can only do this work thoroughly and completely if He does it Himself. Man cannot do this on God's behalf. Because he does not have the identity and substance of God, he cannot do God's work, and even if man did it would be of little use. God's first incarnation was for salvation, to redeem all mankind from sin, so that man's sins could be cleansed and forgiven. The work of conquest was also done by God Himself in the midst of men. If at this stage God only speaks prophecy, then prophets or gifted men can be found to take his place; if only prophecy is spoken, then men can take God's place. But if man were to do God's own work himself, to be the life of man, it could not be done. It must be done by God himself: the work must be done by God himself in the flesh. In the age of the Word, it was not necessary for God himself to do this work when Isaiah or Elijah the prophet could be found to do it simply by speaking prophecy. For the work of this step is not only the speaking of prophecy, but more importantly the work of speaking is for the conquest of man and the defeat of Satan, so that this work is not done by man, but must be done by man himself. God Himself. In the days of the Law Jehovah did part of the work, then He spoke and did some of the work through the prophets. For man could work instead of the LORD, and the prophets could prophesy and interpret dreams on his behalf. The work done in the beginning was not a direct work of changing man's nature, it had nothing to do with man's sin, but only required man to keep the law. So Jehovah did not appear to man in the flesh, but the Word became flesh. Rather, he spoke directly to Moses and others, allowing them to speak for him and work on his behalf, allowing them to work directly among mankind. The first step in God's work is human leadership. This was the beginning of the battle with Satan, but the battle had not yet officially begun. The official war with Satan began with the first incarnation of God and continues to this day. The first battle of this war was the crucifixion of the incarnate God. The crucifixion of the incarnate God defeated Satan and was the first successful stage of the battle. When God became flesh and began to live directly as man, this was the official beginning of the work of gaining man, for it was the work of changing the old nature of man, and therefore the work of warfare with Satan. This initial step of the Lord's work was only to lead man's life on earth. It was the beginning of God's work, and although there was no battle yet, no great work, the foundation was laid for the work of war later on. The second step in the work of the later Age of Grace was the change of man's old nature, that is, God Himself worked the life of man. This had to be done by God Himself: it required the incarnation of God Himself. If he does not become incarnate, no one can take his place in this step, for it is a work of direct warfare with Satan. If man were to do this work on God's behalf, Satan would not yield when man stood before him, and it would be impossible to defeat him. It had to be God incarnate to defeat it, for the substance of God's incarnation is still God, still human life, still Creator; and whatever happens, his identity and nature do not change. In this way he became flesh and did the work of bringing Satan into complete obedience. At the point of the end-time work, if man does this work, the words spoken directly by man cannot be spoken, and if the words are spoken prophetically, then this prophecy cannot conquer man. God defeated Satan by taking on flesh to bring it into complete obedience. This step is completed and success is achieved when He has completely defeated Satan, conquered man completely, and gained him completely. In God's business, man cannot replace God. Especially the work of leading the age and carrying out new work needs to be done by God Himself. It is possible for man to give revelation and prophecy, but if it is the work of God Himself, the work of God's own battle with Satan, then this work is not for man to do. The first step of work, when there is no war with Satan, is that the LORD himself leads Israel with the prophecies spoken by the prophets. After that, the second step of the work is to fight against Satan, and God Himself came in the flesh to do this work. Whatever involves warfare with Satan also involves the incarnation of God, which means that this warfare is not to be waged by man. If man fights, he cannot defeat Satan. How can he have the strength to fight against it when he is still under its domain? Man is in the midst: if you lean on Satan, you are of Satan; if you satisfy God, you are of God. Can man work in God's stead in this warfare? If so, would he not have died long ago? Wouldn't he have entered the underworld long ago? Therefore, man cannot work instead of God, which means that man does not have the substance of God, and if you do fight against Satan, you will not be able to defeat it. Man can only do some work; he can pull some people together, but he cannot do God's own work instead of God. How can man fight against Satan? Even before you start, Satan will take you captive. God Himself wrestles with Satan, and it is on this basis that man follows and obeys God, before he can be won by God and released from Satan's bondage. Man is too limited in what he can achieve with his own wisdom and power; he cannot make people whole, he cannot lead them, and he cannot defeat Satan. How can man fight against the wiles of Satan, when his wisdom and intelligence cannot withstand them? But he cannot replace God in his own work. How can man wrestle with Satan? Even before you start, Satan will take you captive. God Himself wrestles with Satan, and it is on this basis that man follows and obeys God before he can be won by God and be delivered from Satan's bondage. Man is too limited in what he can achieve with his own wisdom and power; he cannot make people whole, he cannot lead them, and he cannot defeat Satan. How can man fight against the wiles of Satan, when his wisdom and intelligence cannot withstand them? But he cannot replace God in his own work. How can man wrestle with Satan? Even before you start, Satan will take you captive. God Himself wrestles with Satan, and it is on this basis that man follows and obeys God before he can be won by God and be delivered from Satan's bondage. Man is too limited in what he can achieve with his own wisdom and power; he cannot make people whole, he cannot lead them, and he cannot defeat Satan. How can man fight against the wiles of Satan, when his wisdom and intelligence cannot withstand them? Can man be won by God and delivered from the bondage of Satan. Man is too limited in what he can achieve with his own wisdom and power; he cannot make men whole, he cannot lead them, and he cannot defeat Satan. Man's wisdom and intelligence cannot withstand the wiles of Satan, so how can man fight against


🌷盧軍宏台長的博客 :
By Zheng Xun
Now, it is the end of the last days. Many brothers and sisters, who truly believe in the Lord and wait for His return, must have such questions: The Lord Jesus has said, “And, behold, I come quickly” (Revelation 22:12). He has promised us to return, so has He come back yet? How can we know whether He has returned or not?
1. The Occurrence of All Sorts of Disasters
One of the signs of the Lord’s return is that disasters will occur all over the world. Just as Matthew 24:6–8 say: “And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that you be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.”
In recent years, disasters are getting worse and worse all over the world—earthquakes, wildfires, famines, and plagues occur frequently and are widespread; the world is in a state of constant upheaval and turmoil, with wars, violence and terrorist attacks on the rise. For example, the coronavirus-infected pneumonia, which occurred in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019, has spread to many countries around the world, causing a serious situation. The United States saw an outbreak of a deadly flu, which resulted in many deaths. Australia’s bushfires have lasted for several months since September 2019, causing significant damage and loss. East Africa suffered its worst invasion of desert locusts in 25 years, which led to food crisis in many African nations. In November 2019, the worst flood in 50 years hit Venice, Italy, with 80% of the city flooded. At the beginning of 2020, a blizzard rarely seen in a century struck Newfoundland, Canada. Torrential rains flooded Indonesia. There were also earthquakes in Kuril Islands, in Elazig, Turkey, in the Caribbean near Cuba, and in other places.
2. The Love of Believers Shall Become Cold
Matthew 24:12 records: “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” Nowadays, in all religions and denominations, believers in general lust for worldly things and take no thought to working for the Lord. Some of them are engaged in business, and some run factories and are busy with making money. Moreover, some pastors and elders scheme against one another and have jealous disputes with each other. They even form factions, separate into their own cliques, steal offerings, and commit adultery. Followers become colder and colder in their faith and love and churches are becoming more and more desolate now.
3. The Return of Israel
Matthew 24:32–33 say: “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near: So likewise you, when you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.” Luke 21:29–32 record: “And He spoke to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees; When they now shoot forth, you see and know of your own selves that summer is now near at hand. So likewise you, when you see these things come to pass, know you that the kingdom of God is near at hand. Truly I say to you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.” In May 1948, Israel was restored. Shortly after David Ben-Gurion announced the establishment of Israel in Tel Aviv on May 14, 1948, Soviet Union recognized it quickly and set up an embassy there on May 26, and later supported Israel in many ways. On May 11, 1949, Israel was accepted officially as a member of the United Nations with the support of the Soviet Union and the United States.
4. Celestial Phenomena Have Appeared
Matthew 24:29 says: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.” Astronomers frequently publish news of stars falling, new stars appearing, and regular sight of meteor crash. At 9:15 a.m. of February 15, 2013, Chelyabinsk, Urals Federal region, Russia, was hit by an asteroid, and a huge shock wave and explosion caused 1,491 people injured and plenty of glass broken. It was said by scientists that the diameter of the asteroid was about 15 meters and that it weighed about 7,000 metric tons. This has fulfilled the prophecy “the stars shall fall from heaven.” On May 17, 2016, a meteor streaked across New England sky, turning night into daylight. In January 2018, a super blue blood moon occurred in the sky. Prior to this, a series of blood moons had appeared. All this has fulfilled the prophecy “fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.”
5. The Gospel Shall Be Preached to the Ends of the Earth
Matthew 24:14 records: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations; and then shall the end come.” “And this gospel … shall be preached in all the world” means when all nations have heard the gospel of the Lord, He will return. (It doesn’t mean when everyone has heard the gospel or believes in Him.) After the Lord Jesus completed the work of redemption through His crucifixion, the Holy Spirit began to guide God’s chosen people to testify the Lord Jesus. Through radio, the Internet, books, gospel flyers, evangelism, and so on, the Lord’s gospel has been spread more and more widely and finally preached among all nations. Christians have also already been throughout the world, and there are even many people who accept the gospel of the Lord Jesus in China, which is ruled by an atheist political party; the gospel of the Lord Jesus’ redemption has spread to the ends of the universe. Dear brothers and sisters, just think about this: What nation and what region in the world now has never heard the gospel of the Lord Jesus?
6. The Appearance of False Christs
Matthew 24:23–26 say: “Then if any man shall say to you, See, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Why if they shall say to you, Behold, He is in the desert; go not forth: behold, He is in the secret chambers; believe it not.” As we know, deception from false Christs has now occurred in the religious communities of many countries. For example, in South Korea, many are deceived into following false Christs due to lack of discernment. All false Christs can do is to perform some simple signs and wonders and preach some specious fallacies to deceive others. They simply can’t express the truth to resolve man’s problem of committing sins and then confessing, nor can they save mankind from corruption. According to the prophecies of the Bible, when the Lord Jesus returns to do His work, there will inevitably be many false Christs and deceivers who will appear at the same time trailing and disturbing God’s work. Therefore, when false Christs appear, God has actually already returned and arrived in secret. It’s just that we don’t know it.
The facts above are enough to show us that the biblical prophecies of the Lord’s return have basically come true, from which we know the Lord has already come back. Many people, however, will surely ask: “Since the Lord has come back, why haven’t we welcomed Him?” Have you ever thought that there could be some deviations in welcoming the return of the Lord? Regarding the return of the Lord, many people take guarding against false Christs as their number one priority. They think any preaching that says the Lord has come is false and they don’t seek how to be wise virgins and welcome the Lord’s return. The Lord Jesus has prophesied, “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come” (John 16:12–13). In Revelation, “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” is mentioned many times, and Revelation also prophesies, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20). These prophecies show that when the Lord returns, He shall yet speak more words. Therefore, if we wish to welcome the Lord’s appearance and work, we must seek God’s voice. If we hear a particular church testifying that the Lord has returned and uttered new words, we should seek humbly, and if we recognize God’s voice, we should waste no time in accepting it. This way, we won’t miss the opportunity to welcome the Lord’s coming.
5. The Gospel Shall Be Preached to the Ends of the Earth
Matthew 24:14 records: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations; and then shall the end come.” “And this gospel … shall be preached in all the world” means when all nations have heard the gospel of the Lord, He will return. (It doesn’t mean when everyone has heard the gospel or believes in Him.) After the Lord Jesus completed the work of redemption through His crucifixion, the Holy Spirit began to guide God’s chosen people to testify the Lord Jesus. Through radio, the Internet, books, gospel flyers, evangelism, and so on, the Lord’s gospel has been spread more and more widely and finally preached among all nations. Christians have also already been throughout the world, and there are even many people who accept the gospel of the Lord Jesus in China, which is ruled by an atheist political party; the gospel of the Lord Jesus’ redemption has spread to the ends of the universe. Dear brothers and sisters, just think about this: What nation and what region in the world now has never heard the gospel of the Lord Jesus?
6. The Appearance of False Christs
Matthew 24:23–26 say: “Then if any man shall say to you, See, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Why if they shall say to you, Behold, He is in the desert; go not forth: behold, He is in the secret chambers; believe it not.” As we know, deception from false Christs has now occurred in the religious communities of many countries. For example, in South Korea, many are deceived into following false Christs due to lack of discernment. All false Christs can do is to perform some simple signs and wonders and preach some specious fallacies to deceive others. They simply can’t express the truth to resolve man’s problem of committing sins and then confessing, nor can they save mankind from corruption. According to the prophecies of the Bible, when the Lord Jesus returns to do His work, there will inevitably be many false Christs and deceivers who will appear at the same time trailing and disturbing God’s work. Therefore, when false Christs appear, God has actually already returned and arrived in secret. It’s just that we don’t know it.
The facts above are enough to show us that the biblical prophecies of the Lord’s return have basically come true, from which we know the Lord has already come back. Many people, however, will surely ask: “Since the Lord has come back, why haven’t we welcomed Him?” Have you ever thought that there could be some deviations in welcoming the return of the Lord? Regarding the return of the Lord, many people take guarding against false Christs as their number one priority. They think any preaching that says the Lord has come is false and they don’t seek how to be wise virgins and welcome the Lord’s return. The Lord Jesus has prophesied, “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come” (John 16:12–13). In Revelation, “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” is mentioned many times, and Revelation also prophesies, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20). These prophecies show that when the Lord returns, He shall yet speak more words. Therefore, if we wish to welcome the Lord’s appearance and work, we must seek God’s voice. If we hear a particular church testifying that the Lord has returned and uttered new words, we should seek humbly, and if we recognize God’s voice, we should waste no time in accepting it. This way, we won’t miss the opportunity to welcome the Lord’s coming.



因为号角要响……我们将改变”(哥林多前书 15:52)。改变的时刻到底是什么?是痴迷,等待主从云中降临,

How God’s work of judgment in the last days purifies and saves mankind
Bible Verses for Reference:
“And if any man hear My words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He that rejects Me, and receives not My words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (Jhn 12:47–48).
“I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come” (Jhn 16:12–13).
“Sanctify them through Your truth: Your word is truth. As you have sent Me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth” (Jhn 17:17–19).
Relevant Words of God:
God’s work in the present incarnation is to express His disposition primarily through chastisement and judgment. Building on this foundation, He brings more truth to man and points out to him more ways of practice, thereby achieving His objective of conquering man and saving him from his own corrupt disposition. This is what lies behind the work of God in the Age of Kingdom.
—Preface to The Word Appears in the Flesh





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