
全能神經典話語 《神每步作工與神名關係的話語》 選段238
238 神在地上來一次得换一次名,來一次换一次性别,來一次换一個形像,來一次换一步工作,他不作重複工作,他是常新不舊的神。他以前來了叫耶穌,這次來了還能叫耶穌嗎?他以前來了是男性,這次來還能是男性嗎?以前來是作恩典時代釘十字架的工作,這次來還能救贖人脱離罪惡嗎?還能釘十字架嗎?這不是作重複工作了嗎?神是常新不舊的你不知道嗎?有的人説神是永恒不變的,這話也對,但是指神的性情、神的實質是永恒不變的,他的名變了、工作變了,并不能證明他的實質變了,就是説,神永遠是神,這是永恒不變的。若你説神的工作永恒不變,那神六千年的經營計劃能結束嗎?你單知道神是永恒不變的,但神還是常新不舊的你知道嗎?若他的工作是永恒不變的,他能將人類帶到今天嗎?他是永恒不變的為什麽他已作了兩個時代的工作了呢?他的工作不斷向前,也就是他的性情逐步向人顯明,顯明的都是他原有的性情。因為起初神的性情向人是隱秘的,他從不公開向人顯明,人根本不認識他,他就藉着作工來逐步向人顯明他的性情,他這樣作工并不是每個時代都改變性情。不是神的心意不斷變化因而神的性情也不斷變化,而是因着工作時代的不同,神將他原有的所有性情逐步向人顯明,讓人來認識他,但這并不能證明神原來没有特定的性情,隨着時代的不同他的性情才逐步變化,這是錯謬的領受。他是將原有的特定的性情,即他的所是來向人顯明,是按着時代的不同來顯明的,不是一個時代的工作能將神的全部性情都發表出來的。所以,「神是常新不舊的」這話是針對他的工作而言的,「神是永恒不變的」這話是針對神的原有的所有所是而言的。無論如何,你不能將六千年的工作定在一個點上,或套在一句死的話上,這是人的愚昧,神不像人想象得那麽簡單,他的工作不能停留在一個時代中,就如耶和華這個名不能永遠代替神的名,神還能叫耶穌這個名來作工,這就是神的工作在不斷向前發展的標志。


——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・作工异象 三》










全能神話語朗誦《獨一無二的神自己 三》神的權柄(二) 第二部分1:06:07



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📕📕𝗔𝗹𝗺𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘆 𝗚𝗼𝗱 𝘀𝗮𝘆𝘀, "“Some people don’t know clearly what it means to be saved. Some people believe that the more years they have believed in God, the more likely they are to be saved. Some people think that the more spiritual doctrines they understand, the more likely they are to be saved, or some think that the leaders and workers of the church will certainly be saved. These are all human notions and imagination. The key to this is that you must understand what salvation means. To be saved primarily means to be freed from Satan’s influence, freed from sin, and genuinely turn to God and obey God. What must you possess to be free from sin and from Satan’s influence? The truth. If people hope to obtain the truth, they must be equipped with many of God’s words, they must be able to experience and practice them, so that they may understand the truth. Only then can they be saved. Whether or not one can be saved has nothing to do with how many years a person has believed in God, how much knowledge they have, how much they suffer, or what gifts or strong points they possess. The only thing that has a direct relationship to salvation is whether or not a person can obtain the truth. How much truth have you genuinely understood, and how many of God’s words have become your life? Of all of God’s requirements, into which have you achieved entry? During your years of belief in God, how much entry into the reality of God’s word have you achieved? If you don’t know, or if you have not achieved entry into any reality of God’s word, then frankly, you have no hope of salvation. You cannot possibly be saved. It doesn’t matter if you possess a high degree of knowledge, or if you have believed in God for a long time, have a good appearance, can speak well, or have been a leader or worker for several years. If you don’t pursue the truth, or properly practice and experience God’s words, and you lack real experience and testimony, then there is no hope for you to be saved” (The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days).
📕📕"“Ultimately, whether people can attain salvation is not dependent on what duty they fulfill, but on whether they can understand and gain the truth, and on whether they can, in the end, entirely submit to God, put themselves at the mercy of His arrangement, give no consideration to their future and destiny, and become a qualified created being. God is righteous and holy, and this is the standard He uses to measure all mankind. This standard is immutable, and you must remember this. Inscribe this standard in your mind, and do not think of finding some other path to pursue some unreal thing. The requirements and standards God has for all who want to attain salvation are forever unchanging. They remain the same no matter who you are” (The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. Part Three).
📕📕"“I decide the destination of each person not on the basis of age, seniority, amount of suffering, and least of all, the degree to which they invite pity, but according to whether they possess the truth. There is no other choice but this. You must realize that all those who do not follow the will of God shall also be punished. This is an immutable fact. Therefore, all those who are punished are so punished for the righteousness of God and as retribution for their numerous evil acts” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Prepare Sufficient Good Deeds for Your Destination).


全能神經典話語 《神每步作工與神名關係的話語》 選段237
237 耶穌這一個名,即「神與我們同在」,就能代表神的所有性情嗎?就能把神説透嗎?人若説神就只能叫耶穌,再不能有别的名,因神不能改變他的性情,這話才是褻瀆!你説就「耶穌」一個名——神與我們同在,就能將神代表得完全嗎?神能叫許多名,但在這許多名中,没有一個名能將神的一切都概括出來,没有一個名能將神完全代表出來,所以説,神的名有許多,但就這許多的名也不能將神的性情全都説透,因神的性情太豐富了,簡直讓人認識不過來。人没法用人類的語言把神盡都概括,人類也只能用一些有限的詞彙來概括人所認識到的神的性情:偉大、尊貴、奇妙、難測、至高無上、聖潔、公義、智慧等等。太多了!就這幾個有限的詞也不能將人所看見的有限的神的性情都描述出來。後來,又有許多人加添了一些更能表達人内心激情的詞:神太偉大了!神太聖潔了!神太可愛了!到現在,類似這些人類的語言也達到頂峰了,人仍然無法表達清楚。所以,在人看神有許多名,但神又没有一個名,這是因為神的所是太多了,但人的語言又太貧乏了。就一個特定的詞、一個特定的名根本不能將神的全部代表出來,那你説神的名還能固定嗎?神如此偉大、如此聖潔,你就不容他在每個時代來更换他的名嗎?所以,在每個時代神自己要親自作工的時候,他就用符合時代的名來概括自己要作的工作,以這個具有時代意義的特定的名來代表他本時代的性情,是神將神自己的性情用人類的語言表達出來。但就這樣,許多有屬靈經歷的、親眼看見神的人仍感覺到就這一個特定的名也不能將神的全部都代表出來,無奈,人也就不稱呼神的名了,就直接稱呼「神」。似乎人的内心充滿了愛,但又似乎人的内心矛盾重重,因人都不知如何解釋「神」。神的所是太多了,簡直没法形容,但没有一個名能概括神的性情,没有一個名能將神的所有所是都描述出來。若有人問我「你到底用什麽名?」我就告訴他:「神就是神!」這不是神的最好的名嗎?不是神性情的最好的概括嗎?這樣,你們何苦再追究神名的事呢?何必再總為一個名吃不下、睡不着而苦思冥想呢?到有一天,神也不叫耶和華,不叫耶穌,也不叫彌賽亞,他就是「造物的主」,那時,他在地所取的名就都結束了,因他在地的工作結束了,隨之他的名也就没有了。萬物都歸在了造物主的權下,他還用叫一個非常恰當但又不完全的名嗎?現在你還追究神的名嗎?你還敢説神就叫耶和華嗎?你還敢説神只能叫耶穌嗎?褻瀆神的罪你擔當得起嗎?你要知道,神原本没有名,只是因着要作工作,要經營人類,他才就此取一個名,或兩個名,或更多的名,他叫哪個名不都是他自己自由選擇的嗎?還用你——一個受造之物來定規嗎?神自己的名是按照人所能領受到的,是按照人類的語言來叫的名,但這名人概括不了。你只能説天上有一位神,他叫神,是大有能力的神自己,太智慧、太高大、太奇妙、太奥秘而且太全能,再説就説不下去了,就能知道這麽一點兒,這樣,就耶穌一個名能把神自己代替了嗎?來到末世,雖然仍是他作工,但是他的名得换一换,因為時代不一樣了。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・作工异象 三》






全能神話語朗誦《神的作工、神的性情與神自己 二》第二部分39:20








神说:“我跟人在一起相处时间长了,我要是不强行告诉这个人做什么、如何做,最后的结果都是我成为“小兵”了,谁跟我在一起谁就是领导,这是怎么回事?(他没有把神当神待,相处久了就把神当作一个人,好像神能办到的他也能想到。)这是一方面,人厌烦真理的性情最主要表现在哪儿呢?就是人看到一些正面事物的时候,他不用真理来衡量,他用撒但衡量人的方式、原则来衡量,看这个事做得有没有派头,形式怎么样,气势如何。他做事不寻求真理,做任何事情的出发点都是自己的想象、观点,自己掌握的处世哲学、知识,把真理放在一边,他用人的观点来衡量,用撒但的逻辑来衡量,衡量来衡量去,在他眼里谁都不如他,就他最好,那他能不能看到真理呀?就看不到了,看不到“真理是一切正面事物的实际”这一句话是如何对号的了。他就看到神道成肉身不起眼,穿着打扮不起眼,言谈举止不起眼,所以接触时间长了,“你没有我想象得那么尊贵,那么威严,那么有深度。谁都不如我,我往这儿一站,我这个气质哪儿都像大人物,比别人架势都大。我一说话震耳欲聋,神说话不行,那小声小调太一般了,怎么听也没听出神的味道,怎么看也没看出神的味道。总讲真理,总讲进入实际,怎么不揭示点奥秘呢?怎么就不说点三层天的语言呢?”这是什么逻辑?这是什么看事观点?这是出于撒但的。你们说,这些事我怎么对待?(对这样的人厌憎,不愿意搭理。)你们说错了,正好相反,遇到这样的人,我靠近他,正常跟他交通,能供应就供应他,能帮助就帮助他。如果他执迷不悟,顽固不化,我不但能正常跟他相处,跟他一起做事我尽量跟他商量,我说:“你看这么办行不行?这几种方式,你们看哪种方式合适你们就做,如果都不合适,你们自己想办法。”他越认为自己高大,我就越跟他这么相处,我跟谁相处都不摆架子。如果有一个高凳子、一个低凳子,你说“你不像神”,那你像,你坐高的,我坐低的,我仰着头跟你说话,最后我让你蒙羞,让你一点点意识到、知道你没有真理,你贫穷可怜,麻木痴呆。这个方式怎么样?你们说,我要是不搭理一个人,对这个人好不好?其实这也没什么错,但是对他没什么益处。如果人有点心,有那么点人性,可挽救的话,搭理搭理不算错,最后有一天他明白真理了,自己就选择坐低凳子,不高傲了。要是不搭理他,他永远这么无知、愚蠢,说蠢话,办蠢事,就总是个愚蠢的人,贫穷可怜,这就是人不追求真理的丑态。人看见正面事物心里小瞧,看不起,藐视,看见谁诚实,有爱,常常能实行真理,从心里瞧不起,觉得这样的人窝囊、没出息,还是自己精明,又会算计,又会玩阴谋诡计,又有手段,又有恩赐,又能做又会说,他认为这才是神拯救的对象。正好相反,这类人正好是神厌烦的对象。这就是人不喜爱真理、厌烦真理的性情。” -----(摘自《基督的座谈纪要·认识性情是性情变化的基础》)

🙈Hindi ito patama🙈
👉🏻Ito ay para itama ka👈🏻
😌😔Judas 7 At alalahanin nʼyo rin ang nangyari sa Sodom at Gomora at sa mga kalapit na bayan nila. Katulad ng mga anghel na iyon, gumawa sila ng lahat ng uri ng kalaswaan, pati na ng kahalayan sa hindi nila kauri. Pinarusahan sila sa walang hanggang apoy bilang babala sa lahat.
😢😩Roma 1:26-27  Dahil ayaw nilang kilalanin ang Dios, hinayaan na lang sila ng Dios na gawin ang kanilang malalaswang pagnanasa. Ipinagpalit ng mga babae ang natural na pakikipagrelasyon nila sa lalaki sa pamamagitan ng pakikipagrelasyon sa kapwa babae. Ganoon din ang mga lalaki. Tinalikuran nila ang natural na pakikipagrelasyon sa babae, at sa halip ay pinagnasahan ang kapwa lalaki. Kahiya-hiya ang ginagawa nila sa isaʼt isa. Dahil dito, pinarusahan sila ng Dios nang nararapat sa kanila.
🤢🤕Leviticus 18:22  Huwag kang sumiping sa kapwa mo lalaki o kapwa mo babae dahil kasuklam-suklam ito.
😧😦Leviticus 20:13  Kung ang isang lalaki ay sumiping sa kapwa lalaki, pareho silang dapat patayin dahil pareho silang gumawa ng kasuklam-suklam na gawain. Sila ang responsable sa sinapit nilang kamatayan.
😐😑1 Corinto 6:9-10 “Hindi nʼyo ba alam na hindi magmamana ng kaharian ng Dios ang masasama? Huwag kayong palilinlang! Sapagkat kailanmaʼy hindi magmamana ng kaharian ng Dios ang mga imoral,[a] sumasamba sa dios-diosan, nangangalunya, nakikipagrelasyon sa kapwa lalaki o babae, magnanakaw, sakim, lasenggo, mapanlait, at mandarambong.
🚨Kialanman Ang Diyos ay Hindi nagkamali sa paglalang Sayo... tanging Ang maling pag-iisip at maling pang unawa... kaya di mo alam Ang tunay na dapat Ikaw🥹



发现问题指出来,对方不接受,心想:我已经指出来了,你不接受也没有办法,不是我的问题。 (别人的事例)
神说:“好比说两个人配搭,临到一个事对方说的外表听着好像挺对,细一分析,他这样做事有存心目的,这个事如果弟兄姊妹没有分辨按他说的做,那神家工作就受亏损,你看出来了就得站起来跟他争战,维护神家利益。但你一琢磨,‘我俩配搭,我跟他一说他要是不接受,我俩不就翻脸了吗?不行,不能直说,得委婉一点’,你说:‘弟兄啊,你看那个事咱们那么办行不行?’他一听,不接受,还坚持自己的观点。那你怎么办呢?你祷告说:‘神哪,你安排、摆布吧,你管教吧,我没那个能力了。’最后眼看着这个事就照他那个意思办了,神家利益受亏损,你觉得自己没有能力制止,就听之任之。这胜没胜过去?实没实行真理?(没实行。)这次争战是不是失败了?临到事怕得罪人,没坚持住立场。其实这个事是很清晰的,你如果看不透,说这事得寻求寻求,这个神知道;但是,你心里已经很清楚地意识到他这么做肯定是有自己的目的,这事不能听他的,如果自己坚持坚持,不让弟兄姊妹听他的,神家利益就不受亏损,但你没坚持,最后亏损的是神家的工作,过后你说有没有责备?(有。)有责备能挽回亏损吗?挽回不了。过后又一琢磨,‘反正我尽到责任了,神也知道,神鉴察人心肺腑’,这是什么话?这是骗人的,这叫诡诈,刚硬。这样的人对神有没有真心?有没有正义感?(没有。)争战失败了,胜不过自己老好人的处世哲学,怕得罪人,不怕得罪神,以神家的利益为代价来维护与人之间的关系。人与人之间的关系是维护好了,你把神得罪了,哪头轻哪头重?也可能人感觉不到,也可能人也能意识到,但意识到你没有行出来,亏损的是你自己。” (摘自《末世基督的座谈纪要·认识自己才能追求真理》)
♦三、 承认接受神话所揭示的事实;四、悔改











Distinguishing Between the True Way and the False Way
How can one actually be certain that Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus?
January 31, 2015
Bible Verses for Reference:
“I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come” (John 16:12–13).
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27).
“He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Revelation 2:7).
“Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof” (Revelation 5:5).
“I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, said the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty” (Revelation 1:8).
Relevant Words of God:
It is not difficult to inquire into such a thing, but it requires each of us to know this one truth: He who is God incarnate shall possess the essence of God, and He who is God incarnate shall possess the expression of God. Since God becomes flesh, He shall bring forth the work He intends to do, and since God becomes flesh, He shall express what He is, and shall be able to bring the truth to man, bestow life upon him, and point the way for him. Flesh that does not have the essence of God is decidedly not the incarnate God; of this there is no doubt. If man intends to inquire into whether it is God’s incarnate flesh, then he must corroborate this from the disposition He expresses and the words He speaks. Which is to say, to corroborate whether or not it is God’s incarnate flesh, and whether or not it is the true way, one must discriminate on the basis of His essence. And so, in determining whether it is the flesh of God incarnate, the key lies in His essence (His work, His utterances, His disposition, and many other aspects), rather than external appearance. If man scrutinizes only His external appearance, and as a result overlooks His essence, this shows that man is benighted and ignorant.
Excerpted from Preface to The Word Appears in the Flesh

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