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What Will Be the Signs of Jesus' Return?
By Lin Hua
In the church, Pastor Zhu who wore a suit and leather shoes was standing at the pulpit, with a Bible in his hand. He preached: “Brothers and sisters, the prophecies of Jesus’ return in the Revelation have basically been fulfilled. We shall be watching and waiting. Now is the time that the Lord comes again, so we must keep our meetings no matter how weak we are.”
After hearing the words of Pastor Zhu, Sister Wang felt a bit puzzled. She stood up and asked: “Pastor Zhu, you told us long ago that we should be watchful and wait for Jesus’ return. May I ask what sign there will be when the Lord comes back?” “Brothers and sisters,” Pastor Zhu said, “please turn to Matthew 24:30–31, ‘And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.’ These verses are very clear. When the Lord comes back, He will come on the white cloud in the sky. And angels will sound their trumpets. It can be said that the scene will be incredibly powerful and unprecedented. It must be a scene of glory, splendor, and magnificence. So there must be a great sign! We need to have faith in the Lord!” Upon hearing that, all believers whispered together about it: Some of them were smiling, and some were shaking their heads…. At the time, sister Mu was looking puzzled. She stood up and asked: “Pastor Zhu, if the Lord comes back on the white cloud in the sky, and there is a great sound of angels’ trumpets and cries of all nations and all peoples, then all people on earth will know it and can hear it without pricking up their ears. Do we still need to watch and wait?” Some brothers and sisters agreed with her, saying: “Right! Pastor Zhu, what is the explanation for this?” After hearing these words, Pastor Zhu became speechless, he gave a dry little cough to conceal his embarrassment.
Seeing his embarrassed look, Brother Zhang, who sat in the front row, said with a seeking tone: “Pastor Zhu, I have a question too. It’s also prophesied in the Bible: ‘Behold, I come as a thief’ (Revelation 16: 15). My understanding of this verse is that there will be no sound when the Lord comes back, and that He will come as quietly as a thief. But you tell us that there will be a great sign. Then whether will there be a sign when the Lord comes back? Does this verse have some other meanings?” Pastor Zhu was dumbfounded by the question. He looked at Brother Zhang and said: “It is a common view of religious world that the Lord will come on the white cloud in the sky with a great sign. Can it be …” Just at that moment, the cell phone of Pastor Zhu rang. He took it out from his trouser pocket to answer it. Listening to the phone, his face clouded over. He said: “What? They went to listen to the messages of the Eastern Lightning again? … You must hinder them from reading the word of Almighty God; otherwise, all our good sheep will be gone …” Casting a glance at believers, he stepped aside and said in a low voice: “OK, you go there quickly and drive them away! … Hmm, I’ll be right there!” While Pastor Zhu was answering the phone, he picked up his bag. Then he looked at other believers and pointed at his phone, meaning that he had to leave. Looking at the back of Pastor Zhu who was hurrying away, a few brothers and sisters sighed and shook their heads.
The sun was shining brightly outdoors. The poplar trees were in bud and the birds were chirping merrily among the branches. The sun filtered through the windows into sister Wang’s house. In the warm and bright house, Sister Wang was shelling peanuts with a pat-pat-pat sound, wearing a worried look. She was sitting round with several brothers and sisters. They went about their chores as they chatted: “There are so many prophecies of the Lord’s return. I really can’t figure out what sign there will be when the Lord comes back. Why can’t our pastor also explain it clearly?” Sister Mu sighed, feeling helpless. After hearing their conversation, Sister Wang’s father-in-law pulled his moustache and said thoughtfully: “Think about this: The prophecies made in the Old Testament foretold the coming of a Messiah. But it turned out that God became flesh and first appeared to mankind with the name of the Lord Jesus. When the Lord came, He was not called Messiah. Many people didn’t recognize that the Lord Jesus is the Son of man incarnate. What was the sign at that time?” Upon hearing the words, Sister Mu was suddenly brightened and said: “Ah! That’s right! They all condemned the Lord Jesus. They all judged that the Lord Jesus impersonated God to perform miracles. They didn’t acknowledge He is God. And moreover, they also slandered that He drove out demons and healed the sick by the prince of demons.” Brother Zhang listened to them with concentration. At this moment, he blurted out excitedly: “Right! When the Lord Jesus came, He departed from the temple and did his work outside the temple accompanied by the disciples. The Pharisees said that the Lord Jesus didn’t abide by laws, so they hated Him to their bones. Therefore, they attacked Him in all things and purposely found an excuse to condemn Him. It was not a small sign at that time …” Sister Wang cut in and said: “You are right. At that time, the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees used the law of the Old Testament to condemn the Lord Jesus. They said the Lord didn’t observe the Sabbath. And finally they colluded with the Roman government to crucify the Lord Jesus on the cross, which at that time shocked the entire Jewish nation. Look at the religious world’s actions toward the Eastern Lightning. The more I think about it, the more I feel it seems like the way of the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees.” Listening to their discussion, Sister Wang’s father-in-law said loud and clear: “Now the voice—that the religious world and the Chinese Communist Party government condemn the Eastern Lightning—has spread all over the world. This is probably the sign of Jesus’ return!”
Brother Zhang seemed to suddenly see the light, he knocked at his head and said: “Oh! I see. The true way has suffered persecution since ancient times. This is why the religious world reacts so sharply to the Eastern Lightning. I think of the Lord Jesus’ words: ‘Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me’ (Rev 3:20). ‘My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me’ (John 10:27). ‘And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him’ (Matthew 25:6). From these verses we can see that the Lord told us to welcome and listen to His voice once we hear someone preach the message of His return. Can it be that the Eastern Lightning condemned by them is precisely the return of the Lord Jesus?” Sister Mu thought for a while, then she said: “That’s right! I remember something. At that time, all Judaism wildly opposed and condemned the Lord Jesus. Only those who sought the truth welcomed the coming of the Lord, such as Peter, John, Matthew, Mark, Nathanael, and so forth. They recognized that the Lord Jesus was actually the coming Messiah through seeking and investigating. Besides, because the Lord Jesus exposed the Samaritan woman’s hidden facts of darkness during their conversation, the Samaritan woman recognized through His words that the Lord Jesus was the coming Messiah. They were all wise virgins who recognized the Lord’s voice and welcomed His appearance. On the contrary, when the Pharisees heard the Lord’s voice, not only did they not seek or investigate, nor could they recognize God’s voice, but they crucified the Lord on the cross. Finally, they were forsaken by the Lord, and suffered the loss of their nation. Nowadays, we should never become the modern Pharisees. We should seek and investigate the Eastern Lightning actively, see whether what they are preaching is the return of the Lord Jesus, and listen whether Eastern Lightning is the voice of God. Many verses of the Revelation told us that ‘He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches’ (Rev 2:7).” Hearing their conversation, Sister Wang said with surprise: “Right! The Lord Jesus said: ‘I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come’ (Jhn 16:12–13). Can it be that the words of the Spirit of truth are words of God, or words of the Holy Spirit to the churches? Why have so many good sheep of various denominations and sects all accepted the Eastern Lightning? Now, the Eastern Lightning has shaken all denominations and sects. Isn’t this the sign of Jesus’ return?”
At the moment, everyone’s heart was stirred. They looked at each other surprisingly. Big brightsmiles appeared on their faces …


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神说:“你看人情形好的时候跟情形不好的时候,里面是两个境地。情形好的时候,人心里有一股劲儿,那股劲儿让你有一种冲动,一辈子不娶不嫁受多大苦也得跟随神到底,为神忠心到底,至死不渝。这样的心志是怎么来的?这是正面事物还是反面事物?(正面事物。)正面事物神悦纳。神鉴察人的心,人内心深处怎么想的、是什么情形神鉴察,所以说,你当时从内心深处发出这样的愿望、心志神鉴察。那人的这个愿望、心志是怎么来的?是出于人的天然、血气吗?(是圣灵作工加给人的。)人活在正确的情形里,圣灵加给人这样的力量,让人有这样的心志,这是正面事物。这是因着人的配合,因着人的代价,圣灵加给人的,你平白无故能有这个信心吗?不能,是吧!你看人就那么点配合的心志,圣灵给人多大的动力呀!那你们从这个事上看到什么了?(人离不开神,人离开神只有死亡。)“人离不开神”这是实话,这是体验出来的。你把心向神打开,就有那么点心志,就有那么点单纯的劲儿,神就加给你这么大力量。人一得着这股力量,一生都用不完,就让你有那么大的心志,说:“我这一辈子就献给神了,为神花费,为神活!”这是事实,人就是这么想的,人也想这么做。但是,人要是凭自己的头脑、自己的能力、自己的恩赐、自己的心思,人有多大劲儿?有没有这股力量?有没有这个心志?(没有。)你再配合也不行,人达不到,这股劲儿是神给的。”(摘自《末世基督的座谈纪要·寻求真理顺服神才能解决败坏性情 》)



10 心灵的释放
美国 郑欣
后来,教会带领刘姊妹来到我家,针对我的情形给我交通,还读了一段神的话:“有些人总怕别人比他强、高过他,总怕别人得到赏识自己被埋没,就因此打击、排斥别人,这是不是嫉贤妒能?是不是自私卑鄙?这是什么性情?这就是恶毒!只考虑自己的利益,只满足自己的私欲,不考虑别人的本分,不考虑神家利益,这种人性情不好,神不喜欢。”《话・卷三 末世基督座谈纪要・把真心交给神就能得着真理》听了神的话,我感到很扎心,我就是这种情形啊。王姊妹交通神的话有亮光,我不从她的交通中寻求明白真理,找实行的路途,反而嫉妒她,暗地里跟她较劲,比试高低;看自己交通不好丢丑时,就心烦意乱、消极难受,生怕弟兄姊妹小瞧我。看到我只想着自己出头露脸,却丝毫见不得别人比自己好,这不就是嫉贤妒能吗?哪有一点正常人性啊!回想我没信神时也是这样,与亲戚朋友、邻居同事相处,处处都想让别人说个好,有时同事当着我的面夸别人工作做得好,我心里就不舒服,为了让别人能夸我好,我就很卖力地干活,再苦再累都甘心。以前我一点意识都没有,还以为这是有上进心,现在我才知道,这些正是撒但性情的表现。之后,我就常常来到神的面前,把自己的难处和流露的败坏向神敞开,求神变化我的败坏性情,让我能做一个心胸宽阔的人。聚会时,我也注重静下心来听弟兄姊妹的交通,该我交通时,我也不想着怎么交通能超过姊妹,而是静下心来揣摩神的话,明白多少就交通多少,当我这样实行后,我感觉心里释放了很多。
一天晚上,刘姊妹给我打来电话,关切地问我最近是不是又有什么难处了,我支支吾吾地说:“我败坏太深了,是不是神不拯救我这样的人呀?”因为怕姊妹小看我,就没有再往下说。当时姊妹结合我的情形给我读了一段神的话:“有些人听到做诚实人得跟人敞开亮相,就说:‘做诚实人这么难哪,我心里怎么想的都得跟别人说呀?只交通正面的不就行了吗?自己黑暗的那一面或者败坏的那一面就不用跟别人说了,行不行啊?’你不跟别人说,你不解剖自己,那你永远不会认识自己,你永远不知道自己是个什么东西,别人也不可能信任你,这是事实。你想让别人对你有信任,首先你得是一个诚实人。诚实人首先得能把心亮出来,让大家看到你的心,看到你的所思所想,看到你真实的那一面,不要伪装,不要包着裹着,别人才能信任你,才能把你当成一个诚实人,这是做诚实人最基本的实行,这是前提。”《话・卷三 末世基督座谈纪要・做诚实人最基本的实行》读完神的话,姊妹跟我交通:“我们敞开交通寻求真理,这是心灵得释放的一个途径,也是在实行真理做诚实人,还能得到弟兄姊妹的帮助,这样实行我们的败坏性情也能早日得到解决,生命也会有长进,心灵也释放了。要是我们有什么难处总藏在心里,容易被撒但捉弄,生命还会受亏损啊。”听了姊妹的交通,我鼓起勇气说了自己的情形,没想到姊妹听后,没有贬低、小瞧我,而是又给我读了一段神的话:“神拯救的是经过撒但败坏有败坏性情的人,不是毫无瑕疵的完美的人,也不是活在真空里的人。有些人有点败坏流露,就认为‘我又抵挡神了,我信神好几年还没有变化,神肯定不要我了!’这种态度怎么样?他自己都放弃了,认为神不要他了,这是不是误解神哪?他这么消极最容易让撒但钻空子,撒但一旦得逞了后果就不堪设想。所以,无论人有什么难处、有什么消极都不能放弃。在人生命长进的过程中,在人蒙拯救期间,人有时候走错路、走偏路,或者一段时间有些生命幼小的情形、表现,有时候软弱了、消极了,说句错话、栽个跟头、失败一次,在神那儿看都是正常的,神不计较。”《话・卷三 末世基督座谈纪要・信神最重要的是生命进入》
接着,我们又读了一段神的话:“只要涉及到地位、脸面、名誉,每一个人的心都蠢蠢欲动,总想出头,总想出名,总想露脸,不想让,总想争,争还不好意思,在神家不兴争,不争还不甘心。看谁出头就嫉妒,就恨,就觉得不公平,‘为什么我出不了头?为什么总让他出面,为什么总也轮不到我?’就有点怨气,自己想克制还克制不了,跟神祷告祷告能好一段时间,过后临到这类事还胜不过去,这是不是身量幼小的表现?人陷在这些情形里这是不是网罗?这是撒但败坏本性对人的捆绑。……你得学会舍、学会放、学会推荐别人,让别人出头,别一临到出头露脸的事就总争、总抢,你得学会往后退,但是本分还不耽误,做一个默默无闻、不显露自己还能忠心尽本分的人。你越舍弃脸面地位,越能放弃自己的利益,心里就越平安,心里空间就越来越大,你的情形就会越来越好;你越争、越抢,你的情形就越来越黑暗。不信你试试!要想扭转这样的情形,要想不被这些东西控制,你必须得先放、先舍。否则,你越争越黑暗,越争嫉妒的心越大、恨的心越大,你就越想得,越想得越得不着,越得不着你越恨,越恨你里面越黑暗,越黑暗你越尽不好本分,越尽不好本分就越不能用你,这就是连带的恶性循环。你总尽不好本分,慢慢就被淘汰了。”《话・卷三 末世基督座谈纪要・把真心交给神就能得着真理》
后来,我又看到神的话说:“功用不一样,身体只有一个,各尽其职,坐在自己位上尽上全力,有一份热发一份光,追求生命成熟,我就满足了。”《话・卷一 神的显现与作工・基督起初的发表・第二十一篇》读了神的话我明白了,神给每个人的素质、恩赐都不一样,神对人的要求也不一样,其实我们每一个人只要力所能及地尽上自己的本分,神的心就得安慰了。王姊妹素质好、领受真理快,神把我们安排在一起聚会,是希望我们能互相取长补短,能明白真理,共同进入神话语的实际。我应该正确对待自己的优缺点,不管神命定我什么样的素质,都应顺服神的主宰安排,摆对存心竭力追求真理,明白多少就交通多少,认识多少就实行多少,尽上我的所能,神也会开启带领我的。于是,我立下心志:以后要在追求真理上下功夫,不再小肚鸡肠、嫉贤妒能,早日活出真正人的样式,让神满意。
—— 《基督审判台前的经历见证》10




本分已经尽了一段时间,还是出现很多问题,觉得没面子,担心弟兄姊妹说我素质差。 (别人的事例)

♦三、 承认接受神话所揭示的事实;四、悔改
借着神话的揭示,反省到尽本分总出问题是因为我对待本分没有诚实的态度,总是考虑自己的脸面利益,而不是考虑神家利益,这是邪恶诡诈性情。神啊, 我愿意悔改,以后尽本分首先考虑神家利益,求神带领帮助,阿门。
神说:“你做事别做在人前,得做在神前,你接受神的鉴察,接受神的检验,这样你的心就摆正了;你总惦记做给人看,那你的心总也摆不正。另外,做事别总为自己,别考虑自己的利益,别考虑人的利益,别考虑自己的地位、脸面、名誉,先考虑神家的利益,把神家利益放在第一位,体贴神的心意,先考虑自己尽本分有没有掺杂,尽没尽上忠心,尽没尽上责任,尽没尽上全力,是不是全身心地为你的本分、为神家的工作着想,你得考虑这些。你一考虑这些,你的本分就不会差太多,除非你素质差,经历浅,没经验或者业务不熟悉,不够精通,使得工作当中有些失误、欠缺,没达到更好,但是你已经尽力了。你所做的不是考虑自己的私欲,不是考虑自己的利益,而是处处考虑神家的工作,为神的利益、为神工作的利益着想,你的心摆正了,你在神面前就积攒下善行了,有这样的善行的人是不是就是有真理实际的人呢?这就有见证了。” (摘自《基督的座谈纪要·把真心交给神就能得着真理》)


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全能神經典話語 《關于神的性情與所有所是的話語》 選段275-276
275 神造了人類,無論是人類敗壞之後也好,還是人類能够跟隨他也好,他都把人類當成了他的至親,就是人類所説的當成了最親的人,而不是玩物。雖然神説自己是造物的主,人類是受造之物,這話聽起來有一點等級的區别,但是事實上,神為人類所作的一切遠遠超出了這一層關係。神愛人類、眷顧人類、牽挂人類,包括他源源不斷地供應着人類,在他心裏從來不覺得是額外的事,從來不覺得這是一件功勞很大的事,他也從來不覺得拯救人類、供應人類、賜給人類一切是對人類作出了很大的貢獻,他只是以他自己的方式、以他自己的實質與他的所有所是這樣默默地、静静地供應着人類,無論人從他得到了多少供應與幫助,他都没有向人邀功的任何想法或者是舉動,這是神的實質决定的,這也正是神性情的真實表露。

——《話・卷二 關于認識神・神的作工、神的性情與神自己 一》

276 神為了人類的工作有過多少個不眠之夜,從至高處到了最低處,降落在人所生活的活地獄裏與人共度天涯,從來不埋怨人間的寒酸,從來不責備人的悖逆,而是忍受了極大的耻辱作着自己親自作的工作。神怎麽能屬于地獄?怎麽能過地獄的生活呢?但他為了全人類,為了整個人類早享安息,他忍辱含冤來在地上,親自進入「地獄」「陰間」,進入虎穴中將人救起,人有何資格抵擋神?有何理由再埋怨神?有何臉面再見神?天上的神來在一個最污穢的淫亂之地,從不喊冤,也不埋怨人,而是默默無聞地受着人的摧殘,受着人的欺壓,但他從不反抗人的無理的要求,從不對人提出過分的要求,從不對人有無理的要求,只是在任勞任怨為人作着一切人所需的工作:教導、開啓、責備、話語熬煉、提醒、勸勉、安慰、審判、揭示。哪一步不是為了人的生命?雖然將人的前途、命運挪去,但神所作的哪一步不是為了人的命運?哪一步不是為了人的生存?哪一步不是為了讓人擺脱這苦難而又漆黑如夜的黑暗勢力的壓制?哪一步不是為了人?誰能明白神的一顆慈母般的心?誰能理解神那急切的心?

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・作工與進入 九》








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