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Powerful Sermon Topic: 2 Main Reasons That the Religious World Always Resists God’s New Work
January 16, 2021
Two thousand years ago, when the incarnate Lord Jesus appeared and worked in Judea, He was persecuted and condemned by the Jewish chief priests, scribes and Pharisees; in the last days, as Almighty God incarnated to express the truth and do the work of judging and purifying man, He has also suffered frenzied persecution and condemnation from the religious leaders as well as the rejection of this generation. The two times that God has become flesh to walk the earth and carry out the work of saving man, He has been met with the utmost resistance, condemnation and frantic persecution from leaders in the religious world. This fact has puzzled and even shocked people: Why is it that every time God unfolds a stage of new work He is always met with this kind of treatment? Why is it that those who most frantically and aggressively resist God are the religious leaders who read the Bible over and over again and who have served the Lord for many years? Why is it that those religious leaders that people see as being the most devout, the most faithful and the most obedient to the Lord are actually unable to be compatible with God, but instead are the enemies of God? Could it be that God’s work is wrong? Could it be that God’s actions are not amenable to reason? That is certainly not the case! There are two fundamental reasons why the religious leaders are able to play the role of resisting God and become the enemies of God, and these are: The first reason rests with these people not having knowledge of the work of the Holy Spirit, nor do they have knowledge of the principles of God’s work. They always rely on their limited knowledge of the Bible, theological theories and people’s conceptions and imaginations to delimit God’s work that is always new and never old; the second reason is that, since mankind is so deeply corrupted by Satan, its nature is arrogant and self-conceited, it despises and hates the truth, and it especially values status. Put together, these two reasons have led to the tragedy of mankind forsaking and condemning the true way time and again throughout history.
Looking back to two thousand years ago when the Lord Jesus was amongst the Jewish people, He preached the gospel of the kingdom of heaven, saying, “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17). He expressed the truth, brought the way of repentance, He helped man by healing the sick and casting out demons, performed many signs, wonders and miracles, and He bestowed upon man plentiful and abundant grace and peace and joy. These are all things that were not recorded in the Old Testament, and it was also work that no one had ever carried out before. Of course, it was also something that no human being could carry out, because besides God there is no person with the authority and power to do such things. What the Lord Jesus did at that time was the work of personally assuming the sins of man by being nailed to the cross and of redeeming man from sin, so that He could lead man out from the bonds of the laws and rules, and exempt man from being punished for not being able to abide by the law; those people under the law could only attain God’s salvation and not be destroyed by accepting the work of the Lord Jesus. But the chief priests, scribes and Pharisees of Judaism did not recognize the work of the Holy Spirit and they did not understand what kind of work the Lord Jesus was carrying out. In their conceptions they believed that anyone who did not pray in the name of Jehovah God was betraying God, anyone who preached a message not in keeping with the law was deceiving people, and anything that went beyond the Bible was heresy. In addition, they flaunted themselves as being well-versed in the laws and as servants of Jehovah God in the temple for many years, and they believed that what they were holding on to was the truth and the purest way. As far as they were concerned, the work of the Lord Jesus violated the law and went beyond the Bible, as a way apart from the Bible. And they even said that the Lord Jesus spoke blasphemy by usurping the name of God and that He was betraying Jehovah God. Because of this, they would rather have died than accept the way that was being preached by the Lord Jesus. They even regarded the work of the Lord Jesus as “heresy,” an “evil cult” and as “deceiving man.” Even though the work and the word of the Lord Jesus had authority, power and wisdom, even though the miracles that the Lord Jesus manifested were unprecedented in history, even though more and more people came to bear witness to the deeds of the Lord Jesus and bear witness to the fact that the Lord Jesus was the coming of the Messiah, they still stubbornly clung to their notions and to God’s work in the Age of Law, and with stiff necks they resisted and condemned God’s new work—the Lord Jesus’ redemptive work. Their attitude toward God’s new work was just as Almighty God has revealed: “Man is only able to accept one kind of work, or one way of practice, and it is difficult for man to accept work, or ways of practice, that are at odds with, or higher than, them. But the Holy Spirit is always doing new work, and so there appear group after group of religious experts that oppose the new work of God. These people have become experts precisely because man has no knowledge of how God is always new and never old, and has no knowledge of the principles of God’s work, and, furthermore, has no knowledge of the many ways in which God saves man. As such, man is utterly unable to tell if it is work that comes from the Holy Spirit, and if it is the work of God Himself. Many people cling to an attitude in which, if something corresponds with the words that came before, then they accept it, and if there are differences with the work of before, then they oppose and reject it” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Knowing the Three Stages of God’s Work Is the Path to Knowing God). As someone who believes in God, at the very least one ought to possess a heart that reveres God and have a hunger and a thirst for righteousness. Only in this way will one be able to obtain enlightenment from the Holy Spirit, achieve an understanding of God’s new work and follow closely the footsteps of God. But those Jewish chief priests, scribes and Pharisees came into contact with the Lord Jesus and met Him many times, yet it was simply never in pursuit of the truth. They were devising ways and means to test the Lord Jesus and to get a hold of something to use against the Lord Jesus (see Matthew 22:15–46), attempting to destroy and abolish the Lord Jesus’ work. They were all the same in that they had no knowledge of God, and that they held conceptions about God’s new work, but Nathanael and the Samaritan woman and the disciples and common people who followed the Lord Jesus were able to set aside their conceptions and seek the truth. In this way, they were able to hear God’s voice through the work and words of the Lord Jesus, recognize that the Lord Jesus was the coming of the Messiah, and return to God. Through this comparison we can see that the upper echelons of the religious world of Judaism were not only stubbornly conservative and without knowledge of God’s work, but also arrogant and self-righteous, and they simply refused to accept the truth. This was one of the reasons for their resistance to God.
Another reason was that, as the Lord Jesus’ words and work possessed truth and authority and could supply the needs of man’s life, more and more ordinary Jewish people started following the Lord Jesus, and so the chief priests, scribes and Pharisees grew concerned about the common people all following Him. With people no longer worshiping them or following them they became increasingly anxious, because they knew clearly in their hearts that the authority and power of the words and work of the Lord Jesus were far beyond their reach, and that as long as the Lord Jesus remained on the earth, more and more common people would leave them and go follow the Lord Jesus, and there would be fewer people in the temple, causing them to be unable to continue enjoying their life of supremacy, being supported and provided for by others. Therefore, the Lord Jesus became like a needle in their eye or a thorn in their flesh, and He became a hated enemy that they could not possibly co-exist with. So they discussed Jesus, saying: “What do we? for this man does many miracles. If we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him: and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation” (John 11:47–48). In order to safeguard their positions, they thought of everything they could do and used all kinds of despicable methods to bring false charges against the Lord Jesus. They blasphemed and condemned the Lord Jesus’ work, they vilified and slandered the Lord Jesus, saying that He relied on Beelzebub to cast out demons (see Matthew 12:24), and they gave false testimony, accusing and framing the Lord Jesus (see Mark 14:55–58). They even colluded with Roman authorities to ruthlessly nail Him to the cross. When the Lord Jesus was resurrected, He appeared before His disciples for 40 days and then ascended to heaven, and power and miracles accompanied their spreading of the gospel. These facts were sufficient to verify that the Lord Jesus was the true God, that His work contained the work of the Holy Spirit, that it was upheld by the Holy Spirit, and that it was the true way! Under these circumstances, those chief priests, scribes and Pharisees not only did not rethink their situation, but on the contrary they acted in the name of “upholding the law and defending the true way” and they continued to exploit their power by colluding with their rulers to intensify their frantic suppression, persecution and slaughter of the followers of the Lord Jesus. They did everything in their power to stop people from following the Lord Jesus, they even strictly prohibited anyone from spreading the name of the Lord Jesus…. In order to safeguard their own positions and their livelihoods, there truly was no crime they would not commit, which completely exposed their devilish nature of hating the truth and being enemies of Christ. This was the other reason for their frantic resistance and condemnation of the Lord Jesus. Their evil deeds offended God’s disposition and stirred up the wrath of God. In the end, the entire Jewish race was subjected to the unprecedented pain of national subjugation, which was the painful price they paid for resisting God and condemning God.
Now we are in the last days, and God has prepared a greater salvation for those who have been redeemed by Him. This salvation is God once again becoming flesh and expressing the truth to judge and cleanse man. He now performs a new work of judgment beginning with the house of God. This stage of work shall thoroughly rid man of his satanic corrupt disposition. It will free man from the dark influence of Satan and turn mankind into a race that knows God, is compatible with God and truly belongs to God, so that mankind will thereby attain salvation and be obtained by God. This is the final stage of work in God’s six-thousand-year management plan. Since Almighty God appeared and began His work, those from various denominations who love the truth and have longed for the appearance of God, have read Almighty God’s words, and determined that Almighty God’s words carry authority and power, and that they are the expression of the truth, and are truly God’s voice, and so one by one they have accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days. The unprecedented sight of all nations flowing to the mountain has appeared. Now, Almighty God’s kingdom gospel is currently extending across every nation and in every direction all over the world; new branches of The Church of Almighty God are set up one after another in foreign countries and regions; more and more people around the world have begun to accept God’s gospel of the last days. This completely reveals God’s almightiness and wisdom. However, faced with all these truths, faced with so great a wonder and the testimony of the Holy Spirit’s work, the leaders in the religious world have turned a blind eye and are not moved by them in the slightest. These people are the same as the Pharisees, they do not recognize that the work of the Holy Spirit is continuously moving forward, and that God’s work is always new and never old. They only acknowledge one inflexible principle: Any preaching that says the Lord has come in the flesh is false; all who preach about a God who bears a name different to the Lord Jesus are heretics; all the Lord’s words are within the Bible, anything that goes beyond the Bible is not the true way, and not to follow the requirements God had of man in the Age of Grace is to go beyond Christ’s teachings. Moreover, they even believe with extreme self-confidence that they are proficient in the Bible and have gained life after having worked and preached for many years, that only the things that they accept, have knowledge of and hold onto are the true way, and anything beyond this is heresy or an evil cult. These people have firmly delimited God within the Bible, and they have delimited Him within God’s past work. No matter how much truth the work brought by Almighty God contains, how much work of the Holy Spirit it has, how it can provide for people’s needs, and how many facts there are to verify it, they do not acknowledge that it is from God. Not only do they not seek or investigate God’s work of the last days, but they are hostile toward it and they deny it, so much so that they blaspheme the incarnate flesh of God and disparage and condemn the work and the word of Christ in the last days. They are just the same as the old Pharisees—stubborn and arrogant, looking down on the truth and blaspheming the Holy Spirit! It’s just like what Almighty God says: “If one only comes to know God from one stage of His work, then their knowledge is far too small, and amounts to no more than a drop in the ocean. If not, why would many of the religious old guard nail God to the cross alive? Is it not because man confines God within certain parameters? Do many people not oppose God and obstruct the work of the Holy Spirit because they do not know the varied and diverse work of God, and, furthermore, because they possess but a smidgeon of knowledge and doctrine with which to measure the work of the Holy Spirit? Though the experiences of such people are superficial, they are arrogant and indulgent in nature and they regard the work of the Holy Spirit with contempt, ignore the disciplines of the Holy Spirit and, moreover, use their trivial old arguments to ‘confirm’ the work of the Holy Spirit. They also put on an act, and are wholly convinced of their own learning and erudition, and convinced that they are able to travel across the world. Are such people not those who are despised and rejected by the Holy Spirit, and will they not be eliminated by the new age? Are not those who come before God and openly oppose Him ignorant and under-informed little people, who are merely trying to show how brilliant they are? With but a meager knowledge of the Bible, they try to straddle the world’s ‘academia’; with but a superficial doctrine to teach people, they try to reverse the work of the Holy Spirit and attempt to make it revolve around their own thought process. Short-sighted as they are, they try to behold in one glance 6,000 years of God’s work. These people do not have any sense worth mentioning! In fact, the greater people’s knowledge of God, the slower they are to judge His work. Furthermore, they only talk a little of their knowledge of God’s work today, but they are not rash in their judgments. The less people know of God, the more arrogant and overconfident they are and the more wantonly they proclaim God’s being—yet they only talk of theory, and offer no real evidence. Such people are of no value whatsoever. Those who see the work of the Holy Spirit as a game are frivolous! Those who are not cautious when they encounter the new work of the Holy Spirit, who run their mouths off, are quick to judge, who give free rein to their natural instinct to deny the rightness of the Holy Spirit’s work, and who also insult and blaspheme it—are such disrespectful people not ignorant of the Holy Spirit’s work? Are they not, furthermore, people of great arrogance, people who are inherently proud and ungovernable?” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Knowing the Three Stages of God’s Work Is the Path to Knowing God).
As people who truly believe in the Lord return in large numbers to The Church of Almighty God, the gradual expansion of God’s work in the last days reaches its climax. But even with the work of the Holy Spirit flourishing so much, it has not caused religious leaders who are used to being high and mighty and the religious experts who order others around to reflect on themselves, nor to lower their arrogant heads to seek and investigate. On the contrary, these people realize that their positions are becoming more and more precarious and that they could topple at any minute, and even more so they fear that everyone else will turn to Almighty God and no one will follow them, and their churches will close down and go out of business. As a result, in order to “save the day,” pastors, elders, leaders and co-workers from various denominations act in the name of “watching over the flock for the Lord and upholding the true way.” They have fabricated and distributed propaganda materials that wantonly blaspheme and attack Almighty God, and they have posted them on various kinds of network platforms inciting people to resist God. They even say things that distort and misrepresent facts and vilify The Church of Almighty God as a heretical sect, and they strictly prohibit their believers from reading Eastern Lightning’s books or listening to Eastern Lightning’s sermons. They do not permit believers to receive people who preach God’s salvation in the last days or even any strangers, and they absolutely go against the teachings of God in the Age of Grace when He asked man to host strangers with compassion. These people are fully aware that those who follow Almighty God are good-natured folk who truly believe in God, and they’re even more aware that there is no evil intent whatsoever in these people preaching about God’s salvation in the last days, yet they still insult them and drive them away in an uncivilized and cruel manner, and even physically attack brothers and sisters who spread the gospel. The most shocking thing is that, in spite of being believers in God, these people collude with the satanic regime of the CCP, engaging in the shady and evil business of selling out the Lord and selling out their friends, tracking, monitoring and reporting on brothers and sisters who spread the gospel of the last days, and they even serve as spies within the church to gather information for the CCP’s clandestine capture of Christians. It seems that they can only feel relief from the hatred in their hearts by eliminating those who bear witness to God in one stroke and abolishing God’s new work. Are these religious leaders not the evil servants that the Lord Jesus spoke of? The Lord Jesus said: “There was a certain householder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and dig a wine press in it, and built a tower, and let it out to farmers, and went into a far country: And when the time of the fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the farmers, that they might receive the fruits of it. And the farmers took his servants, and beat one, and killed another, and stoned another. Again, he sent other servants more than the first: and they did to them likewise. But last of all he sent to them his son, saying, They will reverence my son. But when the farmers saw the son, they said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and let us seize on his inheritance. And they caught him, and cast him out of the vineyard, and slew him. When the lord therefore of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those farmers? They say to him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard to other farmers, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons” (Matthew 21:33–41). It can therefore be seen that the root cause of the pastors and elders of the religious world condemning and resisting Almighty God in the last days is the same as that of the Jewish Pharisees who resisted the Lord Jesus—they always scheme for the sake of their own positions, rush about for the sake of their own interests, and put all their hearts and strength into satisfying their own desires. Their satanic nature and essence which makes them sick of the truth, hate the truth and resist God is thus exposed. When the Lord Jesus came, He exposed the hypocritical Jewish Pharisees; now Almighty God has come in the last days and He utterly exposes the antichrist forces of the world of religion! Were it not for God appearing and performing His work, no one would be able to see through to the true God-defying face of the pastors and elders of the religious world. The appearance and work of God incarnate truly exposes man.
After this fellowship, I trust that everyone will now have some understanding about the root cause of why the world of religion always resists God’s new work! The ordinary Jewish people in the days of Jesus had no knowledge of the essence of the Pharisees, which resisted God and hated the truth, and so they worshiped and followed them. They did not seek or investigate God’s new work, but just blindly rejected and resisted it and were ultimately punished by God. This led to the nation of Israel being subjugated for almost two thousand years and the slaughter of countless Jews. Now, the work of judgment beginning in the house of God that is being performed by Almighty God has reached an unprecedented event, and will soon end in glory as Almighty God will appear openly to all nations and peoples. Now at this crucial moment, do we heed the words of the pastors and elders, or do we investigate God’s new work? This question is directly related to whether or not we can attain God’s salvation. The Lord Jesus said: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27). Are you one of God’s sheep? So how then should you choose?


𝗚𝗼𝗱 𝘀𝗮𝘆𝘀,
"Kung palagi Akong tinatawag ng tao na Jesucristo, ngunit hindi alam na nasimulan Ko na ang isang bagong kapanahunan sa mga huling araw at nagsimula na Ako sa bagong gawain, at kung patuloy na lagi nang maghihintay ang tao sa pagdating ni Jesus na Tagapagligtas, tatawagin Ko ang mga tao tulad nito na mga taong hindi naniniwala sa Akin; sila ay mga taong hindi Ako kilala, at hindi totoong naniniwala sa Akin. Masasaksihan kaya ng gayong mga tao ang pagdating ni Jesus na Tagapagligtas mula sa langit? Ang kanilang hinihintay ay hindi ang Aking pagdating, kundi ang pagdating ng Hari ng mga Hudyo. Hindi nila pinananabikan ang Aking paglipol sa maruming lumang mundong ito, kundi sa halip ay nananabik sila sa ikalawang pagparito ni Jesus, kung kailan sila ay matutubos. Inaasam nila na minsan pang tutubusin ni Jesus ang buong sangkatauhan mula sa marungis at masamang lupaing ito. Paano maaaring maging mga taong kumukumpleto ng Aking gawain sa mga huling araw ang gayong mga tao? Ang mga hangarin ng tao ay walang kakayahang tuparin ang Aking mga naisin o isakatuparan ang Aking gawain, sapagkat hinahangaan o pinahahalagahan lamang ng tao ang gawaing nagawa Ko dati, at wala silang ideya na Ako ang Diyos Mismo na palaging bago at hindi naging luma kailanman. Alam lamang ng tao na Ako si Jehova, at Jesus, at wala silang ideya na Ako Siya ng mga huling araw na magdadala sa sangkatauhan sa kanilang wakas. Ang pinananabikan at alam lamang ng tao ay nagmumula sa kanilang sariling mga kuru-kuro, at yaon lamang nakikita ng kanilang sariling mga mata. Hindi iyon naaayon sa gawaing ginagawa Ko, kundi taliwas iyon dito. Kung ang Aking gawain ay idinaos ayon sa mga ideya ng tao, kailan kaya ito magwawakas? Kailan kaya makakapasok ang sangkatauhan sa kapahingahan? At paano kaya Ako makakapasok sa ikapitong araw, ang Araw ng Pahinga? Gumagawa Ako ayon sa Aking plano at ayon sa Aking layunin—hindi ayon sa mga layon ng tao."
mula sa Ang Paghatol ay Nagsisimula sa Tahanan ng D

🕊Sabi ng Makapangyarihang Diyos;
🤷‍♀️🤷🤷‍♂️Kahit isinilang Siya sa isang maruming lupain, at kahit kapiling Niya sa buhay ang mga taong iyon na puno ng karumihan, gaya noong namuhay si Jesus sa piling ng mga makasalanan sa Kapanahunan ng Biyaya, hindi ba ginawa ang Kanyang buong gawain upang manatiling buhay ang buong sangkatauhan? Hindi ba lahat ng iyon ay upang magtamo ng dakilang kaligtasan ang sangkatauhan? Dalawang libong taon na ang nakararaan, namuhay Siya sa piling ng mga makasalanan sa loob ng ilang taon. Iyon ay alang-alang sa pagtubos. Ngayon, namumuhay Siya sa piling ng isang grupo ng marurumi at hamak na mga tao. Ito ay alang-alang sa kaligtasan. Hindi ba para sa kapakanan ninyong mga tao ang Kanyang buong gawain? Kung hindi para iligtas ang sangkatauhan, bakit Siya nabuhay at nagdusa kasama ng mga makasalanan sa loob ng napakaraming taon pagkatapos maisilang sa isang sabsaban?

🌺🌾𝗚𝗼𝗱'𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹🌾🌺
🌼🍁🌼𝗯𝗮𝗸𝗶𝘁 𝗽𝗼 𝘁𝗮𝘆𝗼 𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗹𝗶 𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝗮𝗸𝗮𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘆𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗗𝗶𝘆𝗼𝘀 𝗻𝗮 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗶𝘀𝗮 𝘀𝗮 𝗽𝗮𝗴𝗽𝗮𝗽𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗽 𝗻𝗴  𝗘𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗵𝗲𝗹𝘆𝗼🍂🍁🍂
📜𝗦𝗮𝗯𝗶 𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝗮𝗸𝗮𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘆𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗗𝗶𝘆𝗼𝘀;🥳⭐
Ngayon, nakita ng mga taong hinirang ng DIYOS na, habang lalong tumitindi ang mga kalamidad, nagsisimula nang nagigising ang ilan na itinakda at pinili na ng DIYOS noon pa man. 
Napagtanto nila na kung hindi magsisisi ang sangkatauhan sa DIYOS, ang tanging kahihinatnan ay pagkalipol, at sinimulan na nilang hanapin ang pagpapakita ng Tagapagligtas at siyasatin ang gawain ng Makapangyarihang DIYOS. 
Gaya ng sinasabi ng Makapangyarihang DIYOS: “Hindi kailanman muling magsisimula ang DIYOS saanmang iba pa. 
Tutuparin ng DIYOS itong katunayan: Palalapitin Niya ang lahat ng sangkatauhan sa buong sansinukob sa Kanyang harapan, at sasambahin ang DIYOS sa lupa, at ang Kanyang gawain sa ibang mga lugar ay titigil, at mapipilitan ang mga tao na hanapin ang tunay na daan.
 Ito ay magiging kahalintulad ni Jose: Ang lahat ay nagsilapit sa kanya para sa pagkain, at yumukod sa kanya, sapagka’t siya’y mayroong mga bagay na makakain.
 Upang maiwasan ang taggutom, ang mga tao ay mapipilitang hanapin ang tunay na daan. Ang buong relihiyosong pamayanan ay daranas ng matinding taggutom, at tanging ang DIYOS ng ngayon ang Siyang bukal ng buhay na tubig, na taglay ang palaging umaagos na bukal na inilaan para sa kasiyahan ng tao, at darating ang mga tao at aasa sa Kanya.
 Iyon ang panahon kung kailan ang mga gawa ng DIYOS ay nabubunyag, at ang DIYOS ay naluluwalhati; ang lahat ng tao sa buong sansinukob ay sasamba sa hindi katangi-tanging ‘tao.’ Hindi ba ito ang magiging araw ng kaluwalhatian ng DIYOS?”
🌴📚🍀(“Nakarating na ang Milenyong Kaharian” sa Ang Salita ay Nagpapakita sa Katawang-tao).🌴🌳📚


Sabi ng Makapangyarihang Diyos:
“Mabisang gamot ang Aking salita na nagpapagaling ng lahat ng uri ng karamdaman. Hangga’t nahahanda ka na lumapit sa harapan Ko, pagagalingin kita, at hahayaang makita mo ang presensya ng Aking pagka-makapangyarihan sa lahat, makita ang Aking kamangha-manghang mga gawa, makita ang Aking katuwiran at kamahalan at higit pa na makita ang inyong sariling mga katiwalian at inyong sariling mga kahinaan. Ganap Kong nauunawaan bawat kalagayang nasa loob mo; palagi mong ginagawa ang mga kundisyon na nasa loob ng puso mo; lagi mong ginagawa ang mga bagay na nasa puso mo at hindi ito ipinapakita sa labas. Higit pa ngang malinaw sa Akin ang tungkol sa bawat bagay na ginagawa mo. Pero alam mo dapat kung aling mga bagay ang pinupuri Ko, at aling mga bagay ang hindi Ko pinupuri; dapat malinaw mong nakikita ang kaibhan sa pagitan ng dalawang ito at hindi mo dapat ituring ito na bale-wala.”
Lucas 12:35 RTPV05
“Maging handa kayong lagi at panatilihing maliwanag ang inyong mga ilawan.

To Those who are saying na hindi totoo ang Makapangyarihang Diyos ang Cristo ng mga huling araw ang nagbalik na Panginoon Hesus ae hindi totoo magsaliksik at magsiyasat ka muna bago ka manghusga....
 Ang pagbabalik ni Jesus ay isang dakilang kaligtasan para sa mga may kakayahang tanggapin ang katotohanan, ngunit para sa mga hindi nagagawang tanggapin ang katotohanan ito ay isang tanda ng paghatol. Dapat ninyong piliin ang sarili ninyong landas, at hindi ninyo dapat lapastanganin ang Banal na Espiritu at tanggihan ang katotohanan. Hindi kayo dapat maging mangmang at mayabang, kundi isang taong sumusunod sa patnubay ng Banal na Espiritu at nananabik at naghahanap sa katotohanan; sa ganitong paraan lamang kayo makikinabang. Pinapayuhan Ko kayo na tahakin nang maingat ang landas ng paniniwala sa Diyos. Huwag kayong magsalita nang patapos; bukod pa riyan, huwag kayong maging kaswal at walang-ingat sa inyong paniniwala sa Diyos. Dapat ninyong malaman na, kahit paano, yaong mga naniniwala sa Diyos ay dapat maging mapagpakumbaba at mapitagan. Yaong mga nakarinig sa katotohanan subalit minamaliit ito ay mga hangal at mangmang. Yaong mga nakarinig sa katotohanan subalit walang-ingat na nagsasalita nang patapos o hinuhusgahan ito ay puno ng kayabangan. Walang sinumang naniniwala kay Jesus ang may karapatang sumpain o husgahan ang iba. Lahat kayo ay dapat magkaroon ng katinuan at maging mga taong tumatanggap sa katotohanan. Marahil, matapos marinig ang daan ng katotohanan at marinig ang salita ng buhay, naniniwala ka na isa lamang sa 10,000 ng mga salitang ito ang naaayon sa iyong mga paniniwala at sa Biblia, at sa gayon ay dapat kang patuloy na maghanap sa ika-10,000 ng mga salitang ito. Pinapayuhan pa rin kita na maging mapagpakumbaba, huwag kang masyadong tiwala sa sarili, at huwag kang masyadong magmalaki. Sa kaunting pagpipitagang taglay mo sa puso mo para sa Diyos, magtatamo ka ng higit na liwanag. Kung sinusuri mong mabuti at paulit-ulit na pinagbubulayan ang mga salitang ito, mauunawaan mo kung katotohanan ang mga iyon o hindi, at kung ang mga iyon ay buhay o hindi. Marahil, dahil iilang pangungusap lamang ang nabasa, pikit-matang huhusgahan ng ilang tao ang mga salitang ito, na sinasabing, “Kaunting kaliwanagan lamang ito mula sa Banal na Espiritu,” o, “Huwad na Cristo ito na naparito upang linlangin ang mga tao.” Yaong mga nagsasabi ng gayong mga bagay ay nabubulagan ng kamangmangan! Kakaunti ang nauunawaan mo tungkol sa gawain at karunungan ng Diyos, at pinapayuhan kita na magsimulang muli sa wala! Huwag ninyong pikit-matang husgahan ang mga salitang ipinahayag ng Diyos dahil sa paglitaw ng mga huwad na Cristo sa mga huling araw, at huwag kayong maging isang taong lumalapastangan sa Banal na Espiritu dahil natatakot kayong malinlang. Hindi ba kaawa-awa naman iyon? Kung, matapos ang maraming pagsusuri, naniniwala ka pa rin na ang mga salitang ito ay hindi ang katotohanan, hindi ang daan, at hindi pagpapahayag ng Diyos, sa huli ay parurusahan ka, at mawawalan ka ng mga pagpapala. Kung hindi mo matatanggap ang katotohanang iyon na sinambit nang napakaliwanag at napakalinaw, hindi ba hindi ka akma sa pagliligtas ng Diyos? Hindi ba isa kang taong hindi sapat na pinagpalang makabalik sa harap ng luklukan ng Diyos? Pag-isipan mo ito! Huwag kang padalus-dalos at mapusok, at huwag mong ituring na laro ang paniniwala sa Diyos. Mag-isip ka alang-alang sa iyong patutunguhan, alang-alang sa iyong mga inaasam, alang-alang sa iyong buhay, at huwag kang maglaro sa sarili mo. Matatanggap mo ba ang mga salitang ito?
Hinango mula sa “Kapag Namasdan Mo na ang Espirituwal na Katawan ni Jesus, Napanibago na ng Diyos ang Langit at Lupa” sa Ang Salita ay Nagpapakita sa Katawang-tao.

Balang araw malalaman ninyo ang dahilan kung bakit kami nag invite sa inyo na sumali sa aming Online Fellowship at face to face fellowship meeting.
𝑺𝒂𝒃𝒊 𝒏𝒈 Makapangyarihang 𝑫𝒊𝒚𝒐𝒔;
" Maaaring walang pakialam ang maraming tao sa sinasabi Ko, ngunit nais Ko pa ring sabihin sa bawat tinatawag na banal na sumusunod kay Jesus na, kapag nakita ninyo nang sarili ninyong mga mata si Jesus na bumababa mula sa langit sa ibabaw ng puting ulap, ito ang magiging pagpapakita sa publiko ng Araw ng katuwiran. Marahil ay magiging panahon iyan ng matinding katuwaan sa inyo, subalit dapat ninyong malaman na ang sandali kung kailan nasasaksihan ninyong bumababa si Jesus mula sa langit ay iyon din ang sandali ng pagbaba ninyo sa impiyerno para maparusahan. Ibabadya nito ang pagtatapos ng plano ng pamamahala ng Diyos, at mangyayari kung kailan ginagantimpalaan ng Diyos ang mabubuti at pinarurusahan ang masasama. Sapagkat magwawakas na ang paghatol ng Diyos bago pa makakita ng mga palatandaan ang tao, kung kailan mayroon lamang pagpapahayag ng katotohanan. Yaong mga tumatanggap sa katotohanan at hindi naghahanap ng mga palatandaan, at sa gayon ay napadalisay na, ay makakabalik na sa harap ng luklukan ng Diyos at makakapasok na sa yakap ng Lumikha. Yaon lamang mga nagpupumilit sa paniniwala na “Ang Jesus na hindi nakasakay sa puting ulap ay isang huwad na Cristo” ang sasailalim sa walang-katapusang kaparusahan, sapagkat naniniwala lamang sila sa Jesus na nagpapakita ng mga palatandaan, ngunit hindi kinikilala ang Jesus na nagpapahayag ng malupit na paghatol at nagpapakawala ng tunay na landas ng buhay. Kaya maaari lamang silang pakitunguhan ni Jesus kapag hayagan Siyang bumabalik sa ibabaw ng puting ulap. Masyado silang sutil, masyadong tiwala sa kanilang sarili, masyadong mayabang. Paano magagantimpalaan ni Jesus ang gayon kababang-uri?mula sa:" Mamamasdan Mo ang Espirituwal na Katawan ni Jesus Kapag Napanibago na ng Diyos ang Langit at Lupa"


每日神話 - 認識神系列 選段1

——《話・卷二 關于認識神・寫在前面的話》


全能神經典話語 《認識神作工的話語》 選段309
309 神的話要傳遍千家萬户,達到家喻户曉,這樣神在全宇的工作才算擴展開來。就是説,要想擴展全宇的工作,就得擴展神的話,當神得榮之日,就是神的話顯示權柄威力之時,神在萬世以前到今天説的話都要一一成就,都要一一應驗,這樣神就在地上得着榮耀了,也就是神的話在地上掌權了。一切惡人因着神口中的説話而受刑罰,一切義人因着神口中的説話而得着祝福,一切因着神口中的話而立而成,也不顯什麽神迹奇事,就是話語來成就一切,因着話語而産生事實。地上的人都傳頌神的話,不論大人小孩,不論男女老幼,一切的人都歸服在神的話下,神的話在肉身中顯現,又在地上讓人看見活靈活現,這就是話成了肉身。神來在地上主要是來成就「話成了肉身」這一事實的,就是讓神的話從肉身中發出(不像舊約摩西時代,神直接從天上發出聲音),然後在千年國度時代一一應驗,作成人眼見的事實,讓人親眼目睹,一絲一毫不差,這是神道成肉身的極大的意義。就是藉着肉身作成靈的工作,而且是藉着話語,這就是「話成了肉身,話在肉身顯現」的真正含義。只有神能説出靈的意思,只有在肉身中的神能代表靈發聲,神的話是顯明在道成肉身的神身上,除此之外的人都在此引導之下,誰也越不了格,都在此範圍内存活,從此發聲人才知曉,不從此得着人休想得着從天來的發聲,這是神道成在肉身所顯示的權柄,讓每個人都信服。就是最高的專家或宗教的牧師也説不出這話,都得歸服在此話之下,誰也另外起不了頭。神要用話來征服全宇,不是藉着道成的肉身,乃是藉着道成肉身之神口中的發聲來征服全宇上下之人,這才是「道」成了肉身,才是「話」在肉身顯現。或許在人來看神未作多大工作,但神的話一發出人都會心服口服的,都會目瞪口呆的。因着無事實人都大吵大嚷,因着神的話人都捂口,神必作成這一事實,因這是神早已定好的計劃,作成話來在地上這一事實。實際上,不用我明説,千年國度在地上就是神的話來在了地上,新耶路撒冷從天而降就是神的話來在人中間與人同生活,伴隨着人的一舉一動、一個心思意念,這也是神要作成的事實,也是千年國度的美景。這是神定好的計劃——話在地上顯現千年,顯明神的一切作為,完成神在地上的一切工作,從此人類告一段落。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・千年國度已來到》















God Helped Us Overcome
Satan's Tricks in Tribulation
By Zhang Yong
The fifth day of the twelfth lunar month in 2012 was a day that Zhang Zhiyong would never forget. That afternoon, after he finished his duty, he happened to pass the entrance of his village and went home by the way. Just when he arrived home, a sister in the church hurried to his home and said, “Bad news, Brother Zhang. The CCP police arrested your son; he has been imprisoned for six days. The church informs you of leaving your family right away to avoid the CCP police’s arrest. They will possibly come to arrest you.” Zhang Zhiyong was shocked at this news and was at a loss what to do momentarily. In panic, they quickly hid the books of God’s word, simply packed his baggage, and left home carrying a quilt in a hurry.
It was very cold in the twelfth lunar month as it just snowed. The northwest wind blew strongly and the temperature was over ten degrees below zero. Zhang Zhiyong and his wife managed to rent a bungalow and settled down in another place. The house was low and small and it was very cold in the room. At night, the couple sat on the bed with the quilt covering them. His wife wept and said, “It’s so cold. I can’t imagine how the CCP police is torturing our son. Can he stand firm?” Listening to what his wife said, how wasn’t Zhang Zhiyong worried about their son? He said, “What can we do now? All we can do is offer up prayer for our son, and ask God to give him faith and strength and protect him to stand testimony.” Then he and his wife kneeled down and offered up prayer for their son, “O God! Please care for and protect my son, give him faith and strength. Please keep him from becoming a Judas, or selling out brothers and sisters and the interests of the church despite the tortures, so that he can stand testimony.” After the prayer, they felt a bit secure in their hearts. That night, they stayed awake. The longer they sat, the colder they became. There was even no hot water in the room. They were thirsty and their throats were dry, but they had to drink cold water to wet their throats. In such a hard environment, Zhang Zhiyong felt a little passive and weak. Then God’s words came to his mind, “It is My constant feeling that the path God guides us along does not go straight up, but is a winding road full of potholes; God says, furthermore, that the rockier the path is, the more it can reveal our loving hearts. Yet none of us can open up such a path. … I believe that this is the path led by God, so I endure the torment of all the suffering and continue onward. For this is what God has ordained, so who can escape it? I do not ask to receive any blessings; all I ask is that I am able to walk the path I ought to walk according to God’s will. … This is because I have always believed that the amount an individual must suffer and the distance they must walk on their path is ordained by God, and that no one can really help anyone else” (“The Path … (6)”). God’s words gave him confidence and strength. He understood God’s will and knew: The path God leads us to take is not smooth but bumpy; only in this way can our inadequacies and flaws be revealed and our faith and love for God be made perfect. On the way of believing in God, no matter what kind of persecution or tribulation comes upon us, we can’t avoid and escape from it; only by relying on God and looking up to God can we go on walking past. However much every man must suffer and what kind of persecution or tribulation man has to experience has long since been arranged by God. With this knowledge, he was no longer passive and weak, or worried about his son as just now, because he knew all this is in God’s hand. God permitted that his son was arrested by the CCP, and it was time for him to bear testimony. Just as Job was tempted by Satan. After Job stood testimony for God, God appeared and said to him and blessed him. Then he cited God’s words in fellowshiping God’s will with his wife. God’s words led them to pass through the unendurable night.
During that period of time, Zhang Zhiyong secretly went home from time to time to see whether there was anything wrong. Once, when he went back and just opened the door, he found a letter on the ground. He immediately picked it up, only to find that it was from the local police station. He was aware of the bad circumstance that the CCP police had come here. So he locked the door hastily and left home. He went back to the rental room and opened the letter, in which was marked the road map of how to visit his son. Just then Zhang Zhiyong thought of God’s words: “At all times, My people should be on guard against the cunning schemes of Satan, guarding the gate of My house for Me; they should be able to support each other and provide for each other, so as to avoid falling into Satan’s trap, at which time it would be too late for regrets” (“Chapter 3” of God’s Words to the Entire Universe). The timely enlightenment and guidance of God’s words made him realize that this was Satan’s scheme. Because his family were well-known believers in God in their local place, the CCP police held the list of their names. The police wrote to them, aiming to seduce them into visiting their son and use this chance to arrest them together. Zhang Zhiyong saw through Satan’s trick and turned it down.
The New Year was just around the corner. They missed their son very much. Zhang Zhiyong felt annoyed in the room, so he went out for a walk and when he happened to pass a station, he saw lots of people were busy going home for family reunion. Then, he felt distressed. He couldn’t help thinking that he dared not go home because of the CCP’s hunting, and that his son was still tortured in prison so that his family broke up, and were unable to get together. The more he thought, the sadder he was. Sorrowful tears welled out from his eyes. At the thought that it was totally caused by the CCP government’s persecution of belief in God, Zhang Zhiyong hated this devil regime more from the depth of his heart.
On New Year’s Eve, cheers and laughter were heard everywhere. Zhang Zhiyong and his wife had to hide in the room and dared not go out. Listening to the lively talking and laughing from their neighbors, they felt much pain and sadness. In the room, there was nothing to eat but some sweet potatoes and his wife cooked some. They ate and wept. At that moment, Zhang Zhiyong remembered a hymn of God’s word that he had often sung, “As a created being, you should of course worship God and pursue a meaningful life. As a human being, you should expend for God and endure all suffering. You should gladly and assuredly accept the little suffering you are subjected to today and live a meaningful life, like Job, like Peter. You are people who pursue the right path, those who seek improvement. You are people who rise up in the nation of the great red dragon, those whom God calls righteous. Isn’t that the most meaningful life?” (“The Most Meaningful Life” in Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs).
After singing this hymn, they got some comfort, and didn’t feel that sad or weep, because they understood God’s will from His words. Though they encountered persecution and tribulation and suffered some hardships, there was God’s kind intention in this matter. It was God’s blessing that came upon them. When they were persecuted for the righteousness’ sake, they were blessed. Just like Job and Peter, because of their belief in God, they were attacked and persecuted by Satan, but they sought the truth and practiced the truth, so they was able to stand testimony for God and put Satan the devil to shame in the end, and were thereby approved by God and lived a valuable and meaningful life. Therefore, suffering such hardship for the sake of belief in God is precious and meaningful. Then, his wife said to him, “We should definitely pursue the truth and perform our duties properly to repay God’s love, and put Satan to shame and defeat it.” He looked at his wife and nodded determinedly. …
The CCP was full of wiles. When its trick failed, it tried another. So they sent another letter to Zhang Zhiyong’s home. The letter said that they had transferred his son to the Procuratorate and asked Zhang Zhiyong and his wife to visit his son. Zhang Zhiyong realized that it was Satan’s another scheme. The CCP aimed to arrest them when they went to see their son. He saw through Satan’s scheme and didn’t fall for it. But his wife insisted on visiting their son. He said to her, “We’re well-known believers in our local place. Since our son has been arrested, the evil police won’t let us off. They just want to use this trick to capture us. We can’t bring trouble to the church, and we should see through their tricks.” But no matter how he tried to persuade her, she still insisted. He had no choice but to agree.
On the next early morning, the church arranged for Zhang Zhiyong to perform a duty. He said to his wife, “We should first consider the interests of the church. Let’s not talk about it until I get my duty done and come back.” After he finished speaking, he drove his three-wheel vehicle to perform his duty. It was already six p.m. when he completed his duty. At the time, a brother asked him about this or that, as if stalling for time. He was very anxious in his heart and thought: It’s so late and I have a long way to go. Also, it’s dark and cold outside. You’re not considerate toward me. Finally, everything was done. On Zhang Zhiyong’s way back, he felt it uneasy to go to see his son. So he prayed to God in his heart, “O God! We are going to visit our son tomorrow, but we don’t know how the environment will be. I can’t see through this matter. I’m willing to seek You and rely on You in everything. If the environment is appropriate, please prepare a way out for us. If it is not, please set up people, matters, or things to stop us.” After praying, he continued to return. It was about nine at night when he arrived home. He took out the key and was ready to open the door. It was dark and he couldn’t see clearly, so he used a lighter, and found that the lock of the door was sealed. Only then did he realize it was God’s orchestration that the brother kept stalling for time. God knew the police came to his home at that time, so He set up an environment for him to stagger that period of time to escape from the police. Just then, God’s words occurred to him, “Man’s heart and spirit are held in the hand of God, everything of his life is beheld in the eyes of God. Regardless of whether or not you believe this, any and all things, whether living or dead, will shift, change, renew, and disappear in accordance with God’s thoughts. Such is the way in which God presides over all things” (“God Is the Source of Man’s Life”).
God’s words allowed him to deeply understand that God is ruling over and arranging everything for him by his side, caring for and keeping him to avoid being abused and swallowed by Satan. This time, if God hadn’t arranged for the brother to stall for time, he might have fallen into the hand of the CCP police. He was grateful to God for His love and protection from the bottom of his heart. When he went back to the rental house, it was already ten at night. He told all that to his wife. She also realized this was God’s keeping and that God was setting up an environment to stop them. After this experience, they didn’t intend to visit their son, nor did they dare to go back home. Later, Zhang Zhiyong learned from brothers and sisters: The CCP often went to his home, and when they found no one in, they went to their backroom or to their field to find them. The police went to his home several times and finding that they hadn’t gone back, they arranged for informers around their home. Once the informers found them back, they would phone to report them. From then on, they never dared to go home.
Half a year had passed by and Zhang Zhiyong wanted to go back to see what his home was like. He got some news from brothers and sisters that the CCP had been to his home several times and didn’t quit until they were certain that he and his wife didn’t go back. But they sent their informers to monitor them. Zhang Zhiyong decided to go home when it was deep into the night. The moment he went back and opened the door, he found his home was in a mess and that the yard was rank with grass. His tears immediately ran down from his eyes. He couldn’t help recalling the joyful scene that brothers and sisters gather together to read God’s words, to sing and dance in his home in the past. But now, his family broke up because of the CCP’s persecution and hunting. His daughter had to perform her duty out of hometown and dare not come back home. And his son was arrested and tortured by the CCP police, and was sentenced for five years on an unwarranted charge. Because of the CCP’s inhuman persecution and hunting, Zhang Zhiyong clearly saw the CCP government’s devilish substance of hating the truth and being hostile to God. He couldn’t help thinking of God’s words, “For thousands of years this has been the land of filth. It is unbearably dirty, misery abounds, ghosts run rampant everywhere, tricking and deceiving, making groundless accusations,[1] being ruthless and vicious, trampling this ghost town and leaving it littered with dead bodies; the stench of decay covers the land and pervades the air, and it is heavily guarded.[2] Who can see the world beyond the skies? The devil tightly trusses all of man’s body, it puts out both his eyes, and seals his lips firmly shut. The king of devils has rampaged for several thousand years, right up until today, when it still keeps a close watch on the ghost town, as if it were an impenetrable palace of demons; this pack of watchdogs, meanwhile, stare with glaring eyes, deeply fearful that God will catch them unawares and wipe them all out, leaving them without a place of peace and happiness. How could the people of a ghost town such as this ever have seen God? Have they ever enjoyed the dearness and loveliness of God? What appreciation have they of the matters of the human world? Who of them can understand God’s eager will? Small wonder, then, that God incarnate remains completely hidden: In a dark society such as this, where the demons are merciless and inhumane, how could the king of devils, who kills people without batting an eye, tolerate the existence of a God who is lovely, kind, and also holy? How could it applaud and cheer the arrival of God? These lackeys! They repay kindness with hate, they have long since disdained God, they abuse God, they are savage in the extreme, they have not the slightest regard for God, they plunder and pillage, they have lost all conscience, they go against all conscience, and they tempt the innocent into senselessness. Forefathers of the ancient? Beloved leaders? They all oppose God! Their meddling has left all beneath heaven in a state of darkness and chaos! Religious freedom? The legitimate rights and interests of citizens? They are all tricks for covering up sin!” (“Work and Entry (8)”).
In the disclosing of God’s words, Zhang Zhiyong saw through the evil substance of the CCP government who hates the truth and is hostile to God. They are publicly in enmity with God and frantically capture and persecute Christians, attempting to disintegrate God’s church, abolish God’s work, and turn China into an atheistic land. Though the constitution stipulates that Chinese citizens enjoy the right to freedom of religious belief, the CCP government, an atheistic regime, never acts according to the law. This is the trick it employs to deceive the world and cover up its sin. In order to maintain its authoritarian regime, the CCP turns China into a country full of pandemonium, darkness and chaos, and complaints. Today, through the exposure of God’s words and experiencing the CCP’s persecution and arrest, Zhang Zhiyong completely saw its devilish substance of resisting God and being hostile to God.
Over the five years’ imprisonment of their son, Zhang Zhiyong and his wife had been leading a vagrant life. They were eager to visit their son but the CCP was too evil and vicious that they had to give it up. So many times they were passive and weak, and so many times they wept bitterly, but every time it was God’s words that comforted, encouraged, sustained, and supplied them, making them walk out of weakness and pain. It was God’s love that accompanied them to this day.
Five years later, his son finally walked out from the demonic prison. Though his son was released, the CCP police still kept monitoring and shadowing him, aiming to arrest them when they went back to see their son. Zhang Zhiyong had to bear pain to give up what he loved and dared not go to meet his son.
Unexpectedly, not more than a few days after his son was released, the CCP police arrested his daughter who did her duty away from her hometown. Zhang Zhiyong and his wife had just walked out of the haze of pain when they were caught in a more painful refinement. The CCP police pressed them closely and never stopped the hunting and persecution of them, attempting to arrest all of them into the prison. This gang of devils are really malicious. At that moment, God’s words arose in Zhang Zhiyong’s mind, “When Satan comes before Me, I do not recoil from its wild ferocity, nor am I frightened by its hideousness: I simply ignore it. When Satan tempts Me, I see through its trickery, causing it to slink away in shame and humiliation. When Satan fights with Me and tries to wrest away My chosen people, I wage war with it in My flesh; and in My flesh I sustain and shepherd My people so that they may not easily fall down or get lost, and I lead them every step of the way. And when Satan retires in defeat, I will have been glorified in My people, and My people will have borne beautiful and resounding witness to Me. Hence, I will take the foils in My plan of management and cast them once and for all into the bottomless pit. This is My plan; this is My work” (“Chapter 13” of God’s Words to the Entire Universe).
From God’s words, Zhang Zhiyong understood: Though Satan the devil has many tricks, vainly attempting to use all sorts of means to arrest and abuse God’s chosen people, and to disrupt and disturb God’s work, yet God’s wisdom is always exercised based on Satan’s schemes. God uses the devilish CCP’s persecution and arrest to do service for God’s work, to make perfect God’s chosen people’s faith and love, to let the chosen people know God’s almightiness and wisdom and wondrous deeds, and to let them clearly see the CCP government’s devilish substance of hating the truth and being hostile to God. No matter what tricks Satan employs, it can never disturb or destroy God’s work. It only serves as a foil and a serving object for God to make perfect God’s chosen people, and it is only a tool in God’s hand.
Through the experience of the CCP government’s hunting and persecution, Zhang Zhiyong not only saw through its evil substance, but he also knew that the authority and power with which God rules over all things can never be surpassed by any force. He gained a genuine knowledge of God’s almightiness and wisdom and His wondrous deeds, and he had more faith in God. No matter what kind of environment he will experience, and no matter how much he will have to suffer, he is willing to perform his duty faithfully, submit to God’s orchestration and arrangement, and resolutely follow God to the end.

















07/28/2023 Del Bigtree, Producer of Vaxxed, CEO of Informed Consent Action Network: Data from the CDC's own studies show a dramatic increase in the incidence of myocarditis in young men after receiving the COVID vaccines, much higher than the expected incidence. Yet the CDC read this data and still voted unanimously to approve these vaccines. This is a crime against humanity and these people will absolutely go to jail.

路人橫屍街頭,北京傷亡慘烈;德桑蒂斯發表「經濟獨立宣言」,欲廢中共貿易地位;火箭軍換血,習近平愁容不展;美國會兩黨發力,提立法向台灣出售攻擊性武器【 #全球新聞 】| #新唐人電視台

烏克蘭無人機夜襲莫斯科辦公大樓 熱浪東移 美國迎來今年最熱時刻 | 十點不一樣 20230731

🔥🔥還想武統台灣❓老天發出最新警告:颱風拐道 滅共啟動❗

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