神的愛與拯救 使我們天天有盼望 但願使人有盼望的神,因信將諸般的喜樂、平安充滿你們的心,使你們藉著聖靈的能力大有盼望。(羅15:13) 神説:神無時無刻不在人的心中,無時無刻不活在人的中間,他作了人生活的動力,作了人生存的根本,又作了人後天生存的豐富的礦藏。他使人轉而復生,使人頑强地活在人的每一個角色中,靠着他的力量,靠着他永不熄滅的生命力,人活了一代又一代,而神生命的力量始終如一地在人的中間支撑着,他付出了常人未曾有的代價。神的生命力能戰勝一切的力量,更超越一切的力量,他的生命是永久的,他的力量是超凡的,任何的受造之物、任何的敵勢力都是難以壓倒他的生命力的。 ——《話在肉身顯現·只有末後的基督才能賜給人永生的道》
神說:當你認識到這些的時候,接下來你該做的就是放下舊的人生觀,遠離各種陷阱,你的人生讓神為你做主、為你安排,只求順服神的擺布、神的引導,没有自己的選擇,成為敬拜神的人。 ——《話在肉身顯現·獨一無二的神自己 三》 https://reurl.cc/z6kMa7
全能神經典話語 《信神怎樣進入真理實際的話語》 選段490 (十三)怎樣脱離撒但權勢達到蒙拯救的話語 490 活在黑暗權勢之下的人都是活在死亡中的人,都是被撒但所占有的人。人不經神的拯救,不經神的審判、刑罰就不能脱離這死亡的權勢,不能成為活的人,這樣的死人不能為神作見證,也不能被神所使用,更不能進到國度之中。神要的是活人的見證,不是死人的見證,他要求活人為他作工,不要求死人作工。所謂的死人就是抵擋神、悖逆神的人,是指靈裏麻木聽不懂神話的人,是指不行真理對神没有一點忠心的人,是指活在撒但權下為撒但所利用的人。死人的表現是與真理對立的,是悖逆神的,是低賤的、卑鄙的、毒辣的、蠻横的、狡詐的、陰險的,這樣的人即使吃喝神的話也不能活出神話,這種人活着也是行尸走肉,也是喘氣的死人。死人根本不能滿足神,更不能對神絶對順服,只能欺騙神、褻瀆神、背叛神,死人的活出全是撒但本性的流露。人要想成為活人,成為見證神的人,成為被神驗中的人,務必得接受神的拯救,甘心順服在神的審判刑罰之下,甘心接受神的修理對付,這樣才能實行出神所要求的一切真理,這樣才能得着神的救恩,才能真正成為活人。活人是蒙神拯救的人,是經神審判刑罰的人,是肯奉獻自己甘心為神捨命的人,是甘心為神花費一生的人。活人見證神才能羞辱撒但,活人才能擴展神的福音工作,活人才是合神心意的人,活人才是真正的人。本來神造的人是活着的,但因着撒但的敗壞人活在了死亡之中,活在了撒但的權勢之下,這樣人便成了没靈的死人,成了抵擋神的仇敵,成了撒但的工具,成了撒但的俘虜。神所造的活人成了死人,神就失去了見證,失去了他所造的唯一有他氣息的人類。神要奪回他的見證,奪回他手親自造的被撒但擄去的人,就得讓人復活成為活的人,就得將所有的人都奪回活在他的光中。死人就是没靈的人,是麻木到極處的人,是抵擋神的人,更是不認識神的人,這樣的人對神根本就没有一點順服的意思,只有悖逆與抵擋,却没有一點忠心。活人是靈得復苏的人,是知道順服神的人,是對神有忠心的人,是有真理有見證的人,這樣的人在神的家中才是神所喜悦的人。
——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・你是活過來的人嗎?》 https://reurl.cc/m0QGzl
基督教會歌曲《肉身與靈所作工作的實質是相同的》【詩歌MV】 https://reurl.cc/GKYolx
末世基督座談紀要《傳福音是所有信神之人義不容辭的本分》第四集 https://reurl.cc/jvekZn
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The world needs God, the country needs God, the family needs God, and each of us needs God! Do you believe? Please read this passage of God’s words to more truly feel God’s indispensability to us humans. If you want to know more about God, please click the "Send Message" button below the picture to join our online fellowship and learn God's words and know God together! God said: "God created this world, created this human being, and also created the culture of ancient Greece and human civilization. Only God is comforting this human being, and only God is watching over this human being day and night. The development of human beings and human civilization The progress of mankind cannot be separated from the sovereignty of God, and neither the history nor the future of mankind can escape the arrangement of God's hand. If you are a Christian worthy of the name, then you will definitely believe that the prosperity and decline of any country or nation are under the arrangement of God. Under this. Only God Himself knows what the destiny of any country and nation will be, and only God Himself can control where this human race will go. If humans want to have a good destiny, if a country wants to have a good destiny, then only humans can Prostrate yourself and worship God, and come before God to repent and confess your sins, otherwise the fate and destination of mankind will be an inevitable disaster." "Words, Volume 1: The Appearance and Work of God, Appendix 2: God's Dominion Destiny of all mankind"
God, I need You every day and every second of my life. Amen." WhatsApp:https://chat.whatsapp.com/C3cs8zv05dr... If you say Amen, are you willing to devote 60 minutes to God every day? We invite you to join our online fellowship to learn God's word, which will help you draw closer to God and receive His blessings. If you are interested, please click on the Messenger link to contact us. We would like to share a passage of God's words with you. God says, "If you can dedicate one or two hours each day to true spiritual life, then your life that day will feel enriched and your heart will be bright and clear. If you live this kind of spiritual life every day, then your heart will be able to return more into God's possession, your spirit will become stronger and stronger, your condition will constantly improve, you will become more capable of walking the path on which the Holy Spirit leads, and God will bestow increased blessings upon you."
When people go through all kinds of pain, suffering, and less-than-ideal circumstances, do you know why God allows these pains to come to us? Let's see what God's Word says. God's word says Do not be discouraged, do not be weak; I will make you understand. The road to the kingdom of God is not smooth; nothing comes easy! You want blessings to come to you easily, don't you? Today, everyone faces painful trials. Without these trials, your love for Me would not be strengthened and you would not have true love for Me. Even though these trials are just minor situations that everyone must go through, it is just that the difficulty of the trials varies from person to person. Trials are My blessings, and how many of you regularly come to Me and beg for My blessings on your knees? Foolish children! You always think that saying a few auspicious words is My blessing, but you do not realize that suffering is also one of My blessings. Those who share My suffering will surely share My sweetness. This is my promise and blessing to you. God grinds people and people suffer. The more a person is refined, the greater his love for God and the more God's power is manifested in him. Conversely, the less a person suffers, the less love he has for God and the less God's power is manifested in him. The greater the trials these people suffer and the more suffering they experience, the deeper their love for God, the truer their faith in God, and the deeper their knowledge of God. In your experience, you will find that there are some people who have suffered greatly in the process of being refined, dealt with, and disciplined, and you will find that it is these people who have a deeper love for God and a deeper and more thorough understanding of God. Those who have not experienced being disciplined, on the other hand, have only a superficial understanding of God, and they can only say, "God is so good, He is the best: "God is so good, He gives people grace and lets them enjoy Him." If people have experienced being dealt with and disciplined, they will be able to speak of their true knowledge of God. Therefore, the more marvelous God's work in man, the more valuable and meaningful it is. The more incomprehensible you are, the more alien to your concepts, the more God's work conquers you, gains you, and perfects you. How important God's work is! If God did not refine people in this way, if God did not work according to this method, then God's work would be ineffective and meaningless. It has been said in the past that God will choose and obtain this group of people and perfect them in the last days; in this, the significance is great. The greater the work God does in you, the deeper and purer your love for God will be. The greater God's work, the more man will grasp His wisdom and the deeper his knowledge of Him will be. -The greater God's work is, the deeper man's knowledge of God will be. God's manifestation and work. To become complete, one must go through trials
"Lord, frequently sin, and am caked in filth; how can see Your face?" Contact us via WhatsApp: https://chat. whatsapp.com/C3cs8zvO5dr.. ls this your prayer? Do you want to know how to break free from the chains of sin and attain purification so that you can see the face of God? In reality, God deeply understands our pain of living in sin, and that's why He has prepared the end-time salvation for us. Specifically, when the Lord returns, He will express all the truths necessary for the salvation of mankind, and carry out the cleansing work through His words. This will completely resolve our sinful nature, and set us free from the bondage of sin, allowing us to attain purification and enter the kingdom of heaven. God says, "Though Jesus did much work among man, He only completed the redemption of all mankind and became man's sin offering; He did not rid man of all his corrupt disposition. Fully saving man from the influence of Satan not only required Jesus to become the sin offering and bear the sins of man, but it also required God to do even greater work to ridman completely of his satanically corrupted disposition. And so, now that man has been forgiven of his sins, God has returned to the flesh to lead man into the new age, and begun the work of chastisenment and judgment. This work has brought man into a higher realm. AlI those who submit under His dominion shall enjoy higher truth and receive greater blessings. They shall truly live in the light, and they shall gain the truth, the way, and the life." If you want a detailed understanding of how God purifies our sinful nature through His words, please feel free to click on the WhatsApp link to join our group. We are looking forward to communicating with you.
English Christian Song | "The Truth of the Work of Conquest in the Last Days" https://reurl.cc/blo2yl
Firman Tuhan Harian: Mengenal Pekerjaan Tuhan | Kutipan 157 https://reurl.cc/Wvorge
Musique chrétienne en français « Vous êtes indignes de contacter Dieu avec une telle raison » https://reurl.cc/4WM173
Lời Đức Chúa Trời | Khía cạnh thứ hai trong ý nghĩa của sự nhập thể https://reurl.cc/z6kZRa
Lời Đức Chúa Trời hằng ngày: Lối vào sự sống | Trích đoạn 410 https://reurl.cc/v6xdzy
一、反省自己 . 在交通时我不轻易发表观点,因怕自己说得不好,暴露了真实身量,被别人看漏说我啥也不是 (别人的事例) . 反省:这个情形不对,神话是怎么揭示,定义,审判,定罪的呢? . 二、根据神话认识自己 . 神说:“有的人总包裹自己,总粉饰自己、伪装自己让别人高看,让别人看不到他的毛病、缺点,总想把自己最好的那一面显给人看,这是什么性情?这是狂妄、虚伪、假冒为善,这是撒但性情,是邪恶的东西。”《话・卷三 末世基督座谈纪要・做人该有的原则》 . 三、 承认接受神话所揭示的事实;四、悔改 . 借着神话的揭示,认识到:我不发表观点是怕别人看到我啥也不是,这是狂妄、邪恶的性情。神啊,我愿意悔改,以后要如实敞开自己的观点,不要包装自己,求神带领,阿门。 . 五、寻求真理原则,按原则实行 . 神说:“不管临到什么问题,必须得寻求真理解决,千万别伪装,别给人假象,无论是自己的缺少、不足,自己身上的毛病,还是败坏性情,都要敞开交通,别包着裹着。学会敞开自己,这是生命进入的第一步,是最难攻克的第一关,你把这一关攻克了,进入真理就容易了。迈出这一步意味着什么?就是你把一颗心打开,把你自己所有的,不管是好的还是不好的、正面的还是反面的,都赤露敞开,亮给人看,也亮给神看,对神没有隐藏、没有掩盖、没有伪装、没有诡诈、没有欺骗,对人同样也是坦诚相待,这样你就活在了光明中,不单神鉴察,人也能看见你做事有原则、有透明度。你不需要为维护自己的名誉、脸面、地位使什么手段,或者为自己做错的事作任何的掩盖、修饰,不需要做这些无用功,你能放下这些你活得就很轻松,没有辖制、没有痛苦,完全是活在光明中。”《话・卷三 末世基督座谈纪要・第三部分》
世界需要神,國家需要神,家庭需要神,我們每個人都需要神!你相信嗎? 請閲讀這段神的話語,來更真切地感受神對于我們人類的不可或缺。如果你想更多地認識神,請點擊圖片下方的「發送消息」按鈕加入我們的在綫團契,一起學習神的話認識神! 神説:「神創造了這個世界,創造了這個人類,更締造了古希臘的文化與人類的文明,只有神在撫慰着這個人類,也只有神在朝夕看顧着這個人類。人類的發展與人類的進步不能離開神的主宰,人類的歷史與人類的未來都不能逃脱神手的安排。你若是一個名副其實的基督徒,那你一定會相信任何一個國家與民族的興盛與衰退都在神的安排之下。任何一個國家與民族的命運將會是如何只有神自己知道,這個人類將何去何從也只有神自己掌握。人類要想有好的命運,一個國家要想有好的命運,那只有人類都俯伏敬拜神,都來到神的面前向神悔改認罪,否則人類的命運與歸宿將會是一場不可避免的劫難。」《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・附篇二 神主宰着全人類的命運》 神在人身上作拯救工作的良苦用心 全能神说:到现在末世这一步工作,神对人作的就不再是当初的仅仅是恩典、祝福了,不是哄着人走了,在这步作工中,从人所经历的神作工的方方面面,人看到了什么?看到了神的爱,也看到了神的审判刑罚,而且神在此期间也用供应、扶持、开启、引导的方式来让人逐步地明白他的心意,逐步地明白他所说的话,他赐给人的真理。当人软弱的时候,当人消极的时候,当人觉得无路可走的时候,神会用话语安慰人、劝勉人,让人幼小的身量逐步地得以刚强,变得积极起来,变得愿意与神配合;但当人悖逆神、抵挡神有败坏流露时,神会毫不留情地给人责打,给人管教,但是对于人的愚昧、人的无知、人的软弱与人的幼小,神会给人宽容,给人忍耐。这样,人在神对人作的各种作工中逐步地成长,逐步地长大,逐步地明白神的心意,也明白了一些真理,明白什么是正面事物、什么是反面事物,明白什么是邪恶、什么是黑暗。神不是一味地责打人、管教人,也不是一味地宽容人、忍耐人,而是根据人的不同时期,根据人不同的身量,根据人不同的素质,用不同的方式来供应着每个人。他在人身上作了许多事,付了很多代价,这些代价、这些事在人那儿丝毫感觉不到,但是神所作的是实实际际地落实在了每一个人身上。神的爱是实际的,神给人的恩典让人免去了一次又一次的灾祸,人的软弱让神一次又一次地给人宽容;神的审判刑罚让人逐步地认识人类的败坏,认识人类撒但的实质;神对人类的供应、开启与引导让人越来越明白真理的实质,也让人越来越明白人需要的是什么,人应该走什么样的道路,人活着是为了什么,人生存的价值是什么,生存的意义是什么,人前方的道路应该怎么走。所有这些神所作的离不开神唯一的一个初衷,那是什么呢?神为什么要用这些方式在人身上作工作呢?他要达到的果效是什么?就是说,他想在人身上看到什么、得到什么?神要在人身上看到的就是人的心能苏醒过来,神在人身上作工作的这些方式就是在不断地唤醒人的心、唤醒人的灵,让人知道人是从哪儿来的,谁引导着人,谁扶持、供应着人,谁让人活到现在,让人知道谁是造物的主、人应该敬拜谁、人应该走什么样的道路、人应该怎么样来到神的面前,让人的心逐渐地苏醒过来,明白神的心,领会神的心,了解神在人身上作拯救工作的良苦用心。当人的心苏醒的时候,人不再想活在堕落的败坏性情里,而是想追求真理来满足神;当人的心被唤醒的时候,人能与撒但作一个彻底的决裂,不再被撒但残害,不再被撒但控制,不再被撒但愚弄,而是能积极配合神的作工、神的说话来满足神的心,达到敬畏神远离恶。这是神所要作的工作的一个初衷。 ——《话在肉身显现·独一无二的神自己 六》 https://reurl.cc/V4oRmZ
神說:有復活的基督生命在我們裏面,在神面前實在缺少信心,願神把真實的信心加在我們裏面。神的話語真甘甜!神話就是特效藥!羞辱魔鬼和撒但!摸着神話有依靠,神的話語速效救心!萬事皆無一切平安。信心就是一根獨木橋,貪生怕死難通過,豁出性命能踏實通行。人有膽怯害怕的意念,正是撒但的愚弄,怕我們越過信心的橋梁進入神裏面。撒但是想方設法總送意念,時時求神光照開啓,時時靠神潔净我們裏面撒但的毒素,靈裏時時操練和神親近,讓神掌權占有全人。 ——《話在肉身顯現·第六篇》 https://reurl.cc/MyoXOv 基督教會歌曲《追求真理的人是真正蒙神祝福的人》【詩歌MV】 https://reurl.cc/V4o8aZ
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