全能神經典話語 《信神怎樣進入真理實際的話語》 選段520-521
520 要想敗壞得潔净,生命性情得變化,必須得喜愛真理,能接受真理。什麽是接受真理?就是你無論有什麽敗壞性情,或者在你的本性裏有哪些大紅龍的毒素,神話揭示出來你就承認,就順服,無條件地接受,没有理由,没有選擇,根據神話認識自己,這就是能接受神話。無論神怎麽説,説得多扎心,不管用什麽詞語,只要是真理就能接受,只要合乎事實真相就能承認,凡是神的話不管明白幾分都能順服,就是弟兄姊妹交通出聖靈開啓的亮光也能接受順服,這樣的人追求到一個地步就能得着真理達到性情變化。不喜愛真理的人即使人性不錯,但在真理上稀裏糊塗不求真,也能做點好事,也能為神花費,也能撇弃,却得不着性情變化。
——《話・卷三 末世基督座談紀要・怎樣認識人的本性》
521 達到性情變化最關鍵是認識自己的本性,這就必須得根據神的揭示,在神的話裏才能認識自己的醜惡本性,認識自己本性裏的各種撒但毒素,認識自己愚昧無知,認識自己本性裏的脆弱及消極成分。把這些認識透了之後,真能達到恨惡自己、背叛肉體了,真能堅持實行神話,真有心志絶對能順服聖靈、順服神話了,你就走上彼得的路了。如果没有神的恩待,没有聖靈的開啓引導,這條路不好走,因為人没有真理,背叛不了自己。走彼得的被成全之路主要在乎個人得有心志、有信心,得依靠神,另外還得順服聖靈的作工,一切不能離開神話。這是關鍵的幾方面,都不能違背。在經歷當中認識自己很不容易,没有聖靈的作工就不好進入。走彼得的路必須注重認識自己,注重性情變化。保羅的路是不追求生命,不注重認識自己,特别注重作工,注重作工的聲勢,他的存心是以作工受苦來换取神的祝福,得着神的賞賜,他的存心不對,他不注重生命,不注重性情變化,光注重得賞賜,他追求的目標錯了,當然所走的路也是錯的,這是他狂妄自大的本性所致。可見,他没有一點真理,也没有什麽良心理智。神拯救人、變化人主要就是變化人的性情,神説話的目的就是要在人身上達到性情變化的果效,達到讓人能够認識神、順服神,能正常地敬拜神,這是神説話、作工的目的。保羅的追求法正好和神的心意是相違背、相抵觸的,完全是背道而馳的,而彼得的追求法是完全合神心意的,也正好是神在人身上所要達到的果效。所以,彼得的路是蒙神祝福、蒙神稱許的,保羅的路因着是違背神心意的,正是神所恨惡、神所咒詛的。
——《話・卷三 末世基督座談紀要・認識自己主要是認識人的本性》
神説:「人類離開了全能者的生命供應,不知道生為何,但又恐懼死亡,没有依靠,没有幫助,却仍舊不願閉上雙目,硬着頭皮支撑着没有靈魂知覺的肉體苟活在這個世界上。你是這樣没有盼望,他也是這樣没有目標地生存着,只有傳説中的那一位聖者將會拯救那些在苦害中呻吟又苦盼他來到的人,這個信念在没有知覺的人身上遲遲不能實現,然而,人還是這樣盼望着。全能者憐憫這些受苦至深的人,同時又厭煩這些根本就没有知覺的人,因為他要等待很久才能得到從人來的答案。他要尋找,尋找你的心,尋找你的靈,給你水給你食物,讓你苏醒過來,不再乾渴,不再飢餓。當你感覺到疲憊時,當你稍稍感覺這個世間的一份蒼凉時,不要迷茫,不要哭泣,全能神——守望者隨時都會擁抱你的到來。他就在你的身邊守候,等待着你的回轉,等待着你突然恢復記憶的那一天:知道你是從神那裏走出來的,不知什麽時候迷失了方向,不知什麽時候昏迷在路中,又不知什麽時候有了『父親』,更知道全能者一直都守候在那裏等待着你的歸來已經很久很久。他苦苦巴望,等待着一個没有答案的回答。他的守候是無價的,為着人的心,為着人的靈。」《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・全能者的嘆息》
“′我又看见一个新天新地;因为先前的天地已经过去了,海也不再有了。我又看见圣城新耶路撒冷由 神那里从天而降,预备好了,就如新妇妆饰整齐,等候丈夫。
“看哪, 神的帐幕在人间。他要与人同住,他们要作他的子民。 神要亲自与他们同在,作他们的 神。 神要擦去他们一切的眼泪;不再有死亡,也不再有悲哀、哭号、疼痛,因为以前的事都过去了。”
(启示录 21:1-6 和合本),
1 . 神话成就一切
(帖撒罗尼迦前书 4:17 和合本)
☞ 1 . 新旧天地的对比
常言道: ′′民以食为天″,这是人观念中认为的,人以为有吃有喝啥事也不是事!人若没吃没喝“把抓″无粮了,就认为天塌下来了,那心里的慌劲真是慌慌然不可终日了,粮食就是现实中人以为的“天″!其实凡人心中所依靠的人都把这些东西看为天,包括妻子、儿女、丈夫,这是人的看法,但神却不这么认为!
′‘人活着不是单靠食物,乃是靠 神口里所出的一切话。″
(路加福音 4:4 和合本)
(约翰福音 6:63 和合本)
☞ 2 . 神的帐幕在人间。新耶路撒冷从天而降!
(启示录 21:2-3 和合本)
☞ 3 . “保罗"的童话!
“ 以后我们这活着还存留的人必和他们一同被提到云里,在空中与主相遇。这样,我们就要和主永远同在。
(帖撒罗尼迦前书 4:17 和合本)
① 耶和华用尘土造人是在哪里?尘土是不是在地上?
② 夏娃、亚当是不是被安排在伊甸园内的?因为只有地上才有各种果树,果树是不是在地上生长的?
④ 以色列人出埃及去迦南是不是行走在地上的?西乃山颁布律法是不是在地上?
⑤ 主耶稣基督道成肉身降生在“伯利恒″,那伯利恒这座小镇是不是在地上?
⑥ 新耶路撒冷从天而降,神的帐幕在人间,是不是还是在地上?
(马太福音 7:22-23 和合本)
☞ 4 . 坐宝座的说:“看哪,我将一切都更新了!”
(启示录 21:5 和合本)
“ 不再有黑夜;他们也不用灯光、日光,因为主 神要光照他们。
(启示录 22:5 和合本)
阿们是的,因为我们有神话光照开启引领。是主 神全能者在光照着……
“敌基督阴险毒辣的主要表现就是做什么事目的性特别强,先考虑自己的利益,同时,手段卑鄙、拙劣、龌龊、猥琐,见不得人。他做事的方式,对待人的方式、原则里一点儿真诚都没有,他对待人就是利用、玩弄,没有利用价值就踹开。你如果对他有利用价值,他就假意关心你,‘最近生活怎么样?有没有难处啊?有难处我帮你解决,有什么事说一声,还有我呢,谁让咱们关系这么好呢!’真是‘体贴入微’。但如果有一天看你没有利用价值了,他就弃绝你,把你踹到一边不搭理,好像从来不认识一样。当你真有事找他帮忙的时候,他的态度突然就变了,不像当初答应时说得那么好听了,这是因为什么?因为你没有利用价值了,他就不搭理你了。这还不算完,他如果发现你的错误、抓住你的把柄还要冷嘲热讽,甚至还要给你定罪。这手段怎么样?是不是善良、真诚的表现?敌基督对待人表现出这样的阴险毒辣,这有没有丝毫人性?对人有没有丝毫的真诚?绝对没有。他做任何事都是为了自己的利益,为了自己的脸面、名声,为了在人中间的地位、名望。凡是与他接触的人,能利用的他都利用,不能利用的人他就看不上眼、就不搭理,就是你主动靠近他他也不搭理你,甚至看都不看你一眼。如果有一天他需要你了,对你的态度突然就不一样了,特别的殷勤,特别的平易近人,把你弄得莫明其妙。他对你的态度怎么变了呢?(有利用价值了。)对了,看见你有利用价值了,他的态度就不一样了。”----《话・卷四 揭示敌基督・附篇四 总结敌基督的人性品质与性情实质(一)》
II. Questions and Answers on the Incarnation
1. You testify that the Lord Jesus has returned, and that He has become flesh to perform His work. How is this possible? The Bible says: “You men of Galilee, why stand you gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen Him go into heaven” (Act 1:11). After the Lord Jesus finished the work of the crucifixion, He rose from the dead and appeared to His disciples. He became a glorious spiritual body and ascended to heaven. When the Lord returns, He should also appear to us as a spiritual body risen from the dead. Why do you say that God must become flesh and appear and work as the Son of man in the last days?
Bible Verses for Reference:
“Be you therefore ready also: for the Son of man comes at an hour when you think not” (Luk 12:40).
“For as the lightning, that lightens out of the one part under heaven, shines to the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in His day. But first must He suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation” (Luk 17:24–25).
“For the Father judges no man, but has committed all judgment to the Son” (Jhn 5:22).
“And has given Him authority to execute judgment also, because He is the Son of man” (Jhn 5:27).
The Lord God said:
The work of God in the flesh must be done in the flesh. If it were done directly by the Spirit of God, it would yield no effects. Even if it were done by the Spirit, the work would be of no great significance, and would ultimately be unpersuasive. All creatures wish to know whether the work of the Creator has significance, and what it represents, and what it is done for the sake of, and whether the work of God is full of authority and wisdom, and whether it is of the utmost value and significance. The work He does is done for the salvation of the whole of mankind, for the sake of defeating Satan, and for bearing testimony to Himself among all things. As such, the work that He does must be of great significance. The flesh of man has been corrupted by Satan, and it has been most deeply blinded, and profoundly harmed. The most fundamental reason why God works personally in the flesh is because the object of His salvation is man, who is of the flesh, and because Satan also uses the flesh of man to disturb the work of God. The battle with Satan is actually the work of conquering man, and at the same time, man is also the object of God’s salvation. In this way, the work of God incarnate is essential. Satan corrupted the flesh of man, and man became the embodiment of Satan, and became the object to be defeated by God. In this way, the work of doing battle with Satan and saving mankind occurs on earth, and God must become human in order to do battle with Satan. This is work of the utmost practicality. When God is working in the flesh, He is actually doing battle with Satan in the flesh. When He works in the flesh, He is doing His work in the spiritual realm, and He makes the whole of His work in the spiritual realm real on earth. The one who is conquered is man, man who is disobedient to Him, and the one who is defeated is the embodiment of Satan (of course, this is also man), who is in enmity to Him, and the one who is ultimately saved is also man. In this way, it is even more necessary for God to become a human who has the outer shell of a creation, so that He is able to do real battle with Satan, to conquer man, who is disobedient to Him and possessed of the same outer shell as Him, and to save man, who is of the same outer shell as Him and has been harmed by Satan. His enemy is man, the object of His conquest is man, and the object of His salvation is man, who was created by Him. So He must become human, and in this way, His work becomes much easier. He is able to defeat Satan and conquer mankind, and, moreover, is able to save mankind. … This flesh is so important to mankind because He is man and, even more so, He is God, because He can do the work that no ordinary man of flesh can do, and because He can save corrupt man, who lives together with Him on earth. Though He is identical to man, the incarnate God is more important to mankind than any person of value, for He can do the work that cannot be done by the Spirit of God, is more able than the Spirit of God to bear testimony to God Himself, and is more able than the Spirit of God to fully gain mankind. As a result, although this flesh is normal and ordinary, His contribution to mankind and His significance to the existence of mankind make Him highly precious, and the real value and significance of this flesh is immeasurable to any human. Although this flesh cannot directly destroy Satan, He can use His work to conquer mankind and defeat Satan, and make Satan fully submit to His dominion. It is because God is incarnated that He can defeat Satan and is able to save mankind. He does not directly destroy Satan, but instead becomes flesh to do the work to conquer mankind, who has been corrupted by Satan. In this way, He is better able to bear testimony to Himself among His creatures, and He is better able to save corrupted man. God incarnate’s defeat of Satan bears greater testimony, and is more persuasive, than the direct destruction of Satan by the Spirit of God. God in the flesh is better able to help man know the Creator and is better able to bear testimony to Himself among His creatures.
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Corrupt Mankind Is More in Need of the Salvation of the Incarnate God0
II. Questions and Answers on the Incarnation
2. I have believed in the Lord for many years, and I have read the Bible a great deal. Why have I read no prophecy of the Lord becoming flesh as the Son of man and doing the work of judgment in the last days? You testify that the Lord Jesus has returned in the flesh, that He is Almighty God, and that He is performing the work of judgment of the last days. Is there any basis for this in the Bible?
Bible Verses for Reference:
“For the Father judges no man, but has committed all judgment to the Son” (Jhn 5:22).
“And has given Him authority to execute judgment also, because He is the Son of man” (Jhn 5:27).
“And if any man hear My words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He that rejects Me, and receives not My words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (Jhn 12:47-48).
Relevant Words of God:
The Jews all read the Old Testament and knew of Isaiah’s prophecy that a male infant would be born in a manger. Why, then, despite being fully aware of this prophecy, did they still persecute Jesus? Was it not because of their rebellious nature and ignorance of the work of the Holy Spirit? At the time, the Pharisees believed the work of Jesus to be different from what they knew of the prophesied male infant, and people today reject God because the work of God incarnate does not conform to the Bible. Is not the essence of their rebelliousness toward God the same? Can you accept, without question, all the work of the Holy Spirit? If it is the work of the Holy Spirit, then it is the right stream, and you should accept it without any misgivings; you should not pick and choose what to accept. If you gain more insights from God and exercise more caution toward Him, then is this not uncalled for? You need not look for further substantiation from the Bible; if it is the work of the Holy Spirit, then you must accept it, for you believe in God to follow God, and you should not investigate Him. You should not seek further evidence of Me to prove that I am your God, but should be able to discern whether I am of benefit to you—this is what is most crucial. Even if you find much irrefutable proof within the Bible, it cannot bring you fully before Me. You merely live within the confines of the Bible, and not before Me; the Bible cannot help you know Me, nor can it deepen your love for Me. Though the Bible prophesied that a male infant would be born, none could fathom upon whom that prophecy would come to pass, for man did not know the work of God, and this is what caused the Pharisees to stand against Jesus. Some know that My work is in man’s interests, yet they continue to believe that Jesus and I are two entirely separate, mutually incompatible beings. At the time, Jesus only gave His disciples a series of sermons in the Age of Grace on such subjects as how to practice, how to gather together, how to supplicate in prayer, how to treat others, and so forth. The work He carried out was that of the Age of Grace, and He expounded only on how the disciples and those who followed Him ought to practice. He only did the work of the Age of Grace, and none of the work of the last days. When Jehovah set down the Old Testament law in the Age of Law, why did He not then do the work of the Age of Grace? Why did He not make clear in advance the work of the Age of Grace? Would this not have helped man to accept it? He only prophesied that a male infant would be born and come to power, but He did not carry out in advance the work of the Age of Grace. The work of God in each age has clear boundaries; He does only the work of the current age, and never carries out the next stage of work in advance. Only thus can His representative work of each age be brought to the fore. Jesus spoke only of the signs of the last days, of how to be patient and how to be saved, of how to repent and confess, and of how to bear the cross and endure suffering; never did He speak of how man in the last days should achieve entry, nor of how he should seek to satisfy God’s will. As such, is it not ridiculous to search the Bible for God’s work of the last days? What can you see by merely clutching the Bible? Be it an expositor of the Bible or a preacher, who could have seen the work of today in advance?
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. How Can Man Who Has Delimited God in His Notions Receive the Revelations of God?
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