分享一段全能神的説話。神説:「我面向全宇説話之際,所有的人都聽見我音,即看見我在全宇之下的所有作為,違背我意的,就是説,以人的作為與我相對的,在我的刑罰中倒下;我要將天上的衆星都重新更换,太陽、月亮因我而更换,不再是往日的天,地上的萬物重新更换,因我的話而成就;全宇之下的列國都重新劃分,要更换我的國,使在地的國永遠消失,而是敬拜我的國,凡屬在地的國都要被毁滅,不存在;全宇之下的人,凡屬魔鬼之人都被滅没;凡敬拜撒但之人都在我的焚燒之中倒下,即除了現在流中之人將全部化為灰燼;宗教之界將在我刑罰列民之時而不同程度地回歸我國,因着我的作為而被征服,因為其都看到了『駕着白雲的聖者』已來到;所有的人都各從其類,因着所作所為的區别而受各種刑罰,若是抵擋我的都滅亡,而在地所作所為不涉及我的,因着其表現而存在地上,受衆子、子民的管轄;我要向萬國萬民顯現,在地發表我親口之聲,宣告我的大功告成,讓所有的人都親眼目睹。」《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・神向全宇的説話・第二十六篇》

#聪明童女 #與主重逢 #天國 #迎接主 #主耶穌



V. Questions and Answers on the Bible
5. The Bible is testimony to the work of God. It is through the Bible that all who believe in the Lord acknowledge that the heavens and earth and all things were created by God. It is because of the Bible that they behold the wonder, greatness, and omnipotence of God’s deeds. What’s more, the Bible contains many words of God and experiential testimonies of man that are able to provide for the life of man, and are greatly edifying to man. Can we gain eternal life from reading the Bible? Or does the Bible not contain the way of eternal life?
Bible Verses for Reference:
“Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me. And you will not come to Me, that you might have life” (Jhn 5:39–40).
“I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by Me” (Jhn 14:6).
Relevant Words of God:
Christ of the last days brings life, and brings the enduring and everlasting way of truth. This truth is the path by which man gains life, and it is the only path by which man shall know God and be approved by God. If you do not seek the way of life provided by Christ of the last days, then you shall never gain the approval of Jesus, and shall never be qualified to enter the gate of the kingdom of heaven, for you are both a puppet and prisoner of history. Those who are controlled by regulations, by letters, and shackled by history will never be able to gain life nor gain the perpetual way of life. This is because all they have is turbid water which has been clung to for thousands of years instead of the water of life that flows from the throne. Those who are not supplied with the water of life will forever remain corpses, playthings of Satan, and sons of hell. How, then, can they behold God? If you only try to hold on to the past, only try to keep things as they are by standing still, and do not try to change the status quo and discard history, then will you not always be against God? The steps of God’s work are vast and mighty, like surging waves and rolling thunders—yet you sit passively awaiting destruction, clinging to your folly and doing nothing. In this way, how can you be considered someone who follows the footsteps of the Lamb? How can you justify the God that you hold on to as a God who is always new and never old? And how can the words of your yellowed books carry you across into a new age? How can they lead you to seek the steps of God’s work? And how can they take you up to heaven? What you hold in your hands are letters that can provide but temporary solace, not truths that are capable of giving life. The scriptures you read can only enrich your tongue and are not words of wisdom that can help you know human life, much less the paths that can lead you to perfection. Does this discrepancy not give you cause for reflection? Does it not make you realize the mysteries contained within? Are you capable of delivering yourself to heaven to meet God on your own? Without the coming of God, can you take yourself into heaven to enjoy family happiness with God? Are you still dreaming now? I suggest, then, that you stop dreaming and look at who is working now—look to see who is now carrying out the work of saving man during the last days. If you do not, you shall never gain the truth, and shall never gain life.
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Only Christ of the Last Days Can Give Man the Way of Eternal Life
a. A piece of deadwood: a Chinese idiom, meaning “beyond help.”
Dear brothers and sisters, if you like to study more of God’s words, please click on the link below:

#Wordoflife #intheword #dailyscripture #scriptureverse #jesusiscomingagain #jesusiscomingsoon #verseoftheday #scripturedaily #biblegram #biblestudymoments #biblestudytools #biblestudytime #biblestudymethods #holyword #LordJesus #Jesuschristislord #Jesuschristisgod #jesusiscomingback #Jesuschristloveyou #risen #christianpage #Yahweh #scripturewriting #dailyscripture #godchosenchild  #faith #pray #lastdays #endtimes #endofdays #

Lời Đức Chúa Trời | Cách mưu cầu lẽ thật (9) (Phần 4)


Tarian Lagu Rohani - Kita Berkumpul Memuji Tuhan dengan Penuh Sukacita - Haleluya Puji Tuhan



全能神經典話語 《神末世審判工作的話語》 選段150
150 在聖經舊約裏没有什麽聖父、聖子、聖靈之説,只是耶和華獨一真神作工在以色列。因着時代不同而稱為不同的名,但這并不能證明一個名就是一個位格,這樣神不就有無數個位格了嗎?舊約所記載的就是耶和華的作工,是神自己在律法時代的一步開始的作工,是説有就有命立就立的神的作工。耶和華在什麽時候也没説他是聖父來作工,也没預言要有聖子來救贖人類,到耶穌那時只説神道成肉身來了救贖全人類,并没説是聖子來了。因着時代的不同,神自己要作的工作不同,也就需要在不同的境界裏作工,這樣,所代表的身份也就不一樣了。人認為耶和華是耶穌的父親,耶穌却不承認,他説:「我們原本没有父子之分,我與天上的父原為一,父在我裏面,我在父裏面,人看見了子就是看見了在天上的父。」説來説去,不管是父是子都是一位靈,没有位格的劃分。人一説就複雜化了,又是位格的不同,又是父、子、靈的關係,人一説位格不就把神給物質化了嗎?還分老大老二老三,這都是人的想象,没有一點參考價值,不是現實!你若問他神有幾位,他就説神是聖父、聖子、聖靈三位一體的獨一真神。你再問他聖父是誰,他説聖父是天上那位神的靈,是掌管一切的,是天上的總管。「那耶和華是不是靈?」他説:是!你再問聖子是誰,他就會説聖子當然是耶穌。「耶穌是怎麽回事?他是從哪兒來的?」他説耶穌是馬利亞生的,是聖靈感孕。那他的實質不也是靈嗎?他作的工作不也是代表聖靈嗎?耶和華是靈,耶穌的實質也是靈,到末世這步更不用説還是靈,他們還有什麽位格不同?不就是神的靈站在不同的角度上作靈的工作嗎?這樣,就没有位格的劃分了。耶穌那時是聖靈感孕,無疑耶穌的工作也就是聖靈的工作。第一步耶和華作的工作,他没道成肉身,也没向人顯現,人没看見他長得什麽樣,不管他多高多大,但他是靈,是起初造人的神自己,就是神的靈。他在雲裏向人説話,只是一位靈,誰也没看見他長得什麽樣,只有在恩典時代神的靈來在了肉身中,道成肉身在猶太,人才第一次看見他道成肉身的形像是猶太人的形像,看不出有耶和華的味道。但他是聖靈感孕,也就是耶和華的靈親自感孕,降生的耶穌仍是神靈的化身。當初人看見的是聖靈彷佛鴿子一樣降在了耶穌的身上,不是耶穌自己專用的靈,而是聖靈,那耶穌的靈還能與聖靈分開嗎?若耶穌是耶穌、是聖子,聖靈是聖靈,那怎麽能是一呢?這樣工作就没法作了。耶穌裏面的靈、天上的靈與耶和華的靈都是一,叫聖靈,也叫神的靈,也叫七倍加强的靈,也是包羅萬有的靈。就神的靈能作許許多多的工作,他能創世,能用洪水滅世,也能救贖全人類,更能征服全人類、毁滅全人類,這工作都是神自己作的工作,不是任何一個位格的神可以代替的。他的靈能叫耶和華、叫耶穌,也能叫全能者,是主、是基督,也能成為人子,他在天也在地,在衆宇之上,也在萬人之中,是天上、地上唯一的掌管者!從創世到如今,這工作就是神的靈自己作的,無論在天上的工作,還是肉身中的工作,都是他原有的靈作的,無論天上、地上的受造之物都在他全能的手中掌握,都是神自己的工作,誰也代替不了。在天上是靈,他也是神自己,在人中間他是肉身,仍是神自己,儘管他的名有千千萬,但總歸是他自己,都是他靈的直接發表。上十字架救贖全人類是他靈的直接作工,末世曉諭各國各方,也是他靈的直接作工,無論何時,神只能稱為全能的獨一真神,包羅萬有的神自己,根本不存在位格,更不存在聖父、聖子、聖靈的説法。天上、地上只有一位神!

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・三位一體的神存在嗎?》















နာကျင်စရာဘဝတွေကို ဖယ်ရှားဖို့ ဘုရားသခင်ရဲ့အကူအညီကို လိုချင်ရင် ကျေးဇူးပြုပြီး ပုံလေးကိုနှိပ်ပြီး အာမင်လို့ ပြောလိုက်ပါ။
 အာမင် ဟုအကြောင်းပြန်ကြားပေးသော သူငယ်ချင်းများ ကျေးဇူးပြု၍ ပုံအောက်ရှိ "စာပို့ရန်" ခလုတ်ကို နှိပ်ပါ၊ ထို့နောက် ဘုရားသခင်၏ နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်များကို အခမဲ့ လေ့လာပြီး နာကျင်မှုမှ လွတ်မြောက်ရန် နည်းလမ်းရှာရန် အဖွဲ့တွင် ပါဝင်ရန် "စတင်ရန်" ကိုနှိပ်ပါ။
 အမှန်မှာ၊ ဘုရားသခင်၏ နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်သည် ကျွန်ုပ်တို့ကို အဖြေပေးပြီးသားဖြစ်သည်။
 အနန္တတန်ခိုးရှင်ဘုရားသခင် မိန့်ဆိုသည်က"လူတစ်ယောက်သည် ဘုရားသခင်မရှိသည့်အခါ၊ သူ့ကို မမြင်နိုင် သည့်အခါ၊ ဘုရားသခင်၏ အချုပ်အခြာအာဏာကို ရှင်းရှင်း လင်းလင်း မသိသည့်အခါ၊ နေ့တိုင်းက အဓိပ္ပာယ်မရှိ၊ တန်ဖိုးမရှိ၊ စိတ်မချမ်းမြေ့စရာ ဖြစ်သည်။ လူသည် မည်သည့်နေရာ၌ရှိပါစေ၊ မည်သည့်အလုပ်ကိုလုပ်ပါစေ ၎င်း၏အသက်ရှင်မှုနည်းလမ်းနှင့် ၎င်း၏ ပန်းတိုင်နောက်လိုက်ခြင်းက ၎င်းအား အဆုံးမရှိသည့် ကြေကွဲခြင်းနှင့် သက်သာခြင်းမရှိသည့် ဒုက္ခခံစားမှုတို့ကိုသာ ယူဆောင်လာပေးသည်၊ ယင်းမှာ မိမိ၏ အတိတ်ကို ပြန်လှည့် ကြည့်ဖို့ ခံနိုင်ရည်မရှိသည့်အရာမျိုးဖြစ်သည်။ ဖန်ဆင်းရှင်၏ အချုပ်အခြာအာဏာကို လက်ခံသည့်အခါမှသာ၊ သူ၏ စီစဉ်ညွှန်ကြားမှုများနှင့် အစီအစဉ်များကို ကျိုးနွံနာခံပြီး စစ်မှန်သော လူ့ဘဝကို ရှာဖွေသည့်အခါမှသာ ဘဝ၏ အနှစ်မဲ့ခြင်းဟူသမျှကို ခါချပြီး ကြေကွဲခြင်းနှင့် ဒုက္ခခံစားမှုအားလုံးမှ တဖြည်းဖြည်း လွတ်ကင်းမည်ဖြစ်သည်။"
ယခု ပုံအောက်ရှိ "Send Message" ကို နှိပ်ပါ၊ ထို့နောက် "Get Started" ခလုတ်ကို နှိပ်ပြီး တရားဟောဆရာသည် သင်နှင့် လဲလှယ်ပါမည်။



When Things Get Tough and You Don’t Know What to Do, Turn to Prayer
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When we find ourselves in difficult situations in life, not knowing how to cope, why not try praying?       Just by sincerely praying, we can witness the power of prayer.
Just like Elijah prayed on top of Mount Carmel, when he faced great challenges and enemies, he sought God’s help and guidance. He earnestly prayed until clouds appeared, bringing the blessing of rain. Similarly, Daniel’s three friends, in the face of life-threatening danger, remained steadfast in their faith and refused to worship the idols of Babylon. When they were thrown into the fiery furnace, they fervently prayed for God’s protection and deliverance. As a result, they emerged unharmed because the angels safeguarded them in the midst of the flames.
Now we would like to share with you 2 passages of God’s words.
God says, “Pray first when something happens to you. First tell God and let Him take over. Let God help you, let Him guide you and show you the way. This will prove that you have a God-fearing heart and that you put God first. …Whatever difficulties you face in real life, you must come before God. The first thing to do is to kneel down in prayer. This is what is most crucial. Prayer demonstrates that God has a place in your heart. When you have trouble, looking up to God and praying to Him and seeking from Him show that you have somewhat of a God-fearing heart; you wouldn’t do this if God were not in your heart. Some people say, ‘I prayed, but God still didn’t enlighten me!’ That’s not the way to put it. You must first look at whether the intention behind your prayer is right. If you are sincerely seeking the truth and often pray to God, then there may well be a certain matter in which God enlightens you and allows you to understand. In any case, God will make you understand.”
“When someone encounters an especially thorny difficulty, when they have no one to turn to, and when they feel particularly helpless, they put their only hope in God. What are their prayers like? What is their state of mind? Are they sincere? Is there any adulteration at that time? It is only when you trust God as though He were the last straw that you clutch onto, hoping that He will help you, that your heart is sincere. Though you may not have said much, your heart has already stirred. That is, you give your sincere heart to God, and God listens. When God listens, He sees your difficulties, and He will enlighten you, guide you, and help you.”
If you want to learn more truths about prayer, please feel free to click the WhatsApp link to join our group. We welcome you to learn God’s words with us.
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Gospel Movie 2024 | "A Perilous Gospel Journey" Spreading God's Gospel of the Last Days


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