परमेश्वर का वचन हमारे जीवन में प्रकाश है, जो हमारा मार्ग दिखाता है।
क्या आप कहते हैं आमीन?
परमेश्वर का वचन हमारे पैरों के लिए दीपक है और हमारे मार्ग के लिए प्रकाश है। सड़क पर प्रकाश के बिना, यह अंधेरा होगा, और हमें नहीं पता होगा कि कहाँ जाना है। इसलिए, हमें अपने जीवन में प्रकाश बनने के लिए परमेश्वर के वचन की आवश्यकता है, जो हमें जीवन के मार्ग पर मार्गदर्शन करे।
"तेरा वचन मेरे पैरों के लिए दीपक है, और मेरे मार्ग के लिए उजियाला है" (भजन 119:105)।
परमेश्वर कहते हैं, "परमेश्वर द्वारा बोले गए वचन दिखने में भले ही सीधे-सादे या गहन हों, लेकिन वे सभी सत्य हैं, और जीवन में प्रवेश करने वाले मनुष्य के लिए अपरिहार्य हैं; वे जीवन-जल के ऐसे झरने हैं, जो मनुष्य को आत्मा और देह दोनों से जीवित रहने में सक्षम बनाते हैं। वे मनुष्य को जीवित रहने के लिए हर ज़रूरी चीज़ मुहैया कराते हैं; उसके दैनिक जीवन के लिए सिद्धांत और मत; मार्ग, लक्ष्य और दिशा, जिससे होकर गुज़रना उद्धार पाने के लिए आवश्यक है; उसके अंदर परमेश्वर के समक्ष एक सृजित प्राणी के रूप में हर सत्य होना चाहिए; तथा हर वह सत्य होना चाहिए कि मनुष्य परमेश्वर की आज्ञाकारिता और आराधना कैसे करता है। वे मनुष्य का अस्तित्व सुनिश्चित करने वाली गारंटी हैं, वे मनुष्य का दैनिक आहार हैं, और ऐसा मजबूत सहारा भी हैं, जो मनुष्य को सशक्त और अटल रहने में सक्षम बनाते हैं। वे उस सामान्य मानवता के सत्य की वास्तविकता से संपन्न हैं जिसे सृजित मनुष्य जीता है, वे उस सत्य से संपन्न हैं, जिससे मनुष्य भ्रष्टता से मुक्त होता है और शैतान के जाल से बचता है, वे उस अथक शिक्षा, उपदेश, प्रोत्साहन और सांत्वना से संपन्न हैं, जो स्रष्टा सृजित मानवजाति को देता है। वे ऐसे प्रकाश-स्तंभ हैं, जो मनुष्य को सभी सकारात्मक बातों को समझने के लिए मार्गदर्शन और प्रबुद्धता देते हैं, ऐसी गारंटी हैं जो यह सुनिश्चित करती है कि मनुष्य उस सबको जो धार्मिक और अच्छा है, उन मापदंडों को जिन पर सभी लोगों, घटनाओं और वस्तुओं को मापा जाता है, तथा ऐसे सभी दिशानिर्देशों को जिए और प्राप्त करे, जो मनुष्य को उद्धार और प्रकाश के।"
क्या आप आगे के मार्ग पर चलने के लिए परमेश्वर के वचन के बारे में और अधिक जानना चाहते हैं? यदि आप ऐसा करते हैं, तो कृपया हमारे समूह में शामिल होने के लिए मैसेंजर लिंक पर क्लिक करें। आइए हम साथ मिलकर परमेश्वर के वचन सीखें।
Bencana sering terjadi, bukan karena Tuhan akan segera datang, tetapi sudah datang
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Dua ribu tahun yang lalu, para murid bertanya kepada Tuhan Yesus: "'Katakanlah kepada kami, kapankah hal-hal ini akan terjadi? Dan apakah tanda kedatangan-Mu, dan tanda kesudahan dunia?'" (Matius 24:3). Tuhan Yesus berkata: "Karena bangsa akan bangkit melawan bangsa, dan kerajaan melawan kerajaan: dan akan ada kelaparan, wabah, dan gempa bumi, di berbagai tempat. Semua itu adalah awal dari penderitaan" (Matius 24:8).
Gempa bumi, wabah, banjir, bencana belalang di seluruh dunia dan kekacauan di berbagai negara, serta bencana lainnya terus terjadi. Banyak orang percaya berpikir bahwa tanda-tanda kedatangan Tuhan Yesus telah digenapi, Tuhan Yesus akan segera datang. Apakah pandangan seperti itu sesuai dengan fakta? Ketika berbicara tentang "datang"itu benar dengan Tuhan sudah datang, tetapi bukan berarti akan segera datang. Dengan kata lain, itu berarti saat itulah Tuhan telah datang kembali ketika kita melihat bencana dunia terjadi di mana-mana! Tetapi ada yang bingung dengan mengapa kita belum dapat melihat Tuhan Yesus datang dengan awan? Faktanya, Alkitab menubuat bahwa ada dua cara kedatangan Tuhan Yesus: satu adalah kedatangan secara rahasia, Tuhan bekerja secara rahasia untuk menyelamatkan manusia, dan kemudian menampakkan diri secara terbuka untuk menghukum manusia, ini adalah langkah dari pekerjaan Tuhan. Sekarang Tuhan telah datang di antara kita, bagaimana kita harus menyambut kedatangan Tuhan? Buka tautan di bawah dan jawabannya ada di dalamnya!
*** L’ère du Règne est l’ère de la Parole
DIEU TOUT PUISSANT dit : À l’ère du Règne, Dieu utilise des paroles pour inaugurer l’ère nouvelle, pour changer Ses moyens d’œuvrer et pour faire l’œuvre de l’ère entière. Tel est le principe selon lequel Dieu œuvre à l’ère de la Parole. Il est devenu chair pour parler selon des perspectives différentes afin que l’homme puisse vraiment voir Dieu qui est la Parole qui apparaît dans la chair, et contempler Sa sagesse et Sa merveille. Cette œuvre est faite pour mieux atteindre les objectifs de conquérir l’homme, de perfectionner l’homme et d’éliminer l’homme. C’est le vrai sens de l’utilisation des paroles pour l’œuvre à l’ère de la Parole. Par ces paroles, l’homme apprend à connaître l’œuvre de Dieu, le tempérament de Dieu, l’essence de l’homme et ce en quoi l’homme doit entrer.
Extrait de « Le jugement commence par la maison de Dieu »
182 如今神作了新的工作,這話你可能接受不了,也可能感覺稀奇,但我還是勸你先不要暴露你的天然,因為只有真正在神面前飢渴慕義的人才能得着真理,只有真正虔誠的人才能得着神的開啓與引導。尋求真理不是争争吵吵就能得着結果的,而是心平氣和地尋求才能得着結果的。我所説的「如今神又作了新的工作」就是指神又重返肉身這事説的。或許你并不介意這話,或許你很討厭這話,也或許你對這話很感興趣,不管怎麽樣,我還是希望所有真心渴慕神顯現的人都能面對這一事實,而且都能慎重地考察這一事實,最好不要輕易下斷案,這才是明智之人該做的。
——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・寫在前面的話》
1. 不要让跟你接触的任何人,经常免费从你这里得到任何东西,习惯都是惯出来的。
2. 不要随便遇到一个人就对他掏心掏肺,在你看来他是朋友,在他看来你是傻子。
3. 有些人,就算你没得罪他,他也会嫉妒你,诋毀你,甚至想毁灭你。人性最大的恶,就是见不得身边的人比自己过得好。
9. 不要轻易相信别人口中的承诺,除非你看到他的实际行动。
10. 当一个人突然开始对你特别好,往往是有求于你。
13. 人都是自私的,在利益面前,多数人会选择自己。
14. 有的人会为了自己的利益,不择手段地伤害他人。
16. 人性是复杂的,没有绝对的好人或坏人。
17. 不要低估了人性的黑暗面,它可能会让你大吃一惊。
18. 有些人会因为嫉妒而故意挑拨你和他人的关系。
20. 表面上友好的人,可能背后捅你一刀。
21. 不要以为自己很了解一个人,人心难测。
22. 有些人会利用你的善良来达到自己的目的。
25. 有些人会为了追求权力和地位,不惜牺牲他人。
26. 不要轻易暴露自己的弱点,否则可能被人利用。
27. 人性的弱点之一就是容易被诱惑,要学会抵制
28. 有些人会因为自己的利益而出卖朋友。
29. 不要对别人抱有太高的期望,以免失望。
30. 人在面对利益时,很容易失去理智。
📖𝐒𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐬:
Hindi mo dapat isipin na matalino ka o katangi-tangi; sa halip, dapat ay lagi kang may kamalayan sa iyong mga kakulangan at kahinaan. Sa ganitong paraan, hindi manghihina ang iyong paninindigan na mahalin Ako, sa halip ay lalakas ito nang lalakas, at patuloy na bubuti ang iyong sariling kalagayan. Higit na mas mahalaga rito ay patuloy na susulong ang iyong buhay sa bawat araw.
mula sa Ang Salita ay Nagpapakita sa Katawang-tao, Volume I
🌿📖🌿🕊🌿📖🌿Almighty God says,"The appearance of God cannot be reconciled with man’s notions, still less can God appear at the behest of man. God makes His own choices and His own plans when He does His work; moreover, He has His own objectives and His own methods. Whatever work He does, He has no need to discuss it with man or seek his advice, much less to notify each and every person of His work. This is the disposition of God, which should, moreover, be recognized by everyone. If you desire to witness the appearance of God, to follow God’s footsteps, then you must first walk away from your own notions. You must not demand that God do this or that, much less should you place Him within your own confines and limit Him to your own notions. Instead, you should demand of yourselves how you ought to seek God’s footprints, how you ought to accept God’s appearance, and how you ought to submit to the new work of God: This is what man should do. Since man is not the truth, and is not possessed of the truth, he should seek, accept, and obey."
🎋🌾🎋👬❤👬Hello, dear friend.The prophecies of the Lord's return have been fulfilled, do you want to welcome the Lord and have the opportunity to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? We invite you who are thirsty for the Lord's appearances to join our online meetings to help you find your way, please click the link to contact us!
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Almighty God #God #Heavenly Kingdom #Word of God #Prayer #Worship God #God Has Come #Praise #Jesus# Wise Virgins
📖𝐒𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐬:
Hindi mo dapat unawain ang Aking mga salita sa isang baluktot at nakakapanlinlang na paraan; dapat mo silang unawain mula sa lahat ng aspeto at subukang maarok ang mga iyon at isiping mabuti nang paulit-ulit—hindi lamang sa loob ng isang araw o isang gabi. Hindi mo alam kung saan naroon ang Aking kalooban o kung sa anong aspeto Ako nagbayad ng napakalaking halaga; paano ka magpapakita ng konsiderasyon para sa Aking kalooban?
mula sa Ang Salita ay Nagpapakita sa Katawang-tao, Volume I
Hindi Christian Testimony Video | परमेश्वर का वचन सभी झूठों पर भारी पड़ता है
मुख्य किरदार पर कलीसिया के सिंचन कार्य की जिम्मेदारी है। दूसरों की सराहना पाने के लिए वह बार-बार झूठ बोलकर उन्हें धोखे में रखना पसंद करती है और खूब काबिल होने का दिखावा करती है। मगर झूठ बोलने के बाद उसकी अंतरात्मा खुद को दोषी महसूस करती है और वह दुखी हो जाती है। वह झूठ बोलने की समस्या से कैसे छुटकारा पाती है और कैसे ईमानदार इंसान बनने का अभ्यास करती है? आइये, हम मिलकर उसका अनुभव जानें।
📖𝐒𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐬:
Ganito ang mga tao: Palagi nilang gusto na magmistulang mapagpakumbaba. Ganyan ang mga pinakakasuklam-suklam na uri ng tao. Kapag nagtitipun-tipon sila upang makisalamuha sa iba, laging ibig nilang ibahagi ang kanilang kaalaman tungkol sa kanilang mga sarili sa harap ng ibang tao, ipinakikita sa iba na sila ang may pagsasaalang-alang sa Aking pasanin—gayong sa katunayan, sila ang pinakatanga sa mga hangal. (Hindi nila ibinabahagi sa kanilang mga kapatid ang tunay na mga pananaw o kaalaman tungkol sa Akin; sa halip, itinatanghal lamang nila ang kanilang sarili at nagyayabang sa harap ng ibang tao; kinamumuhian Ko sa lahat ang ganitong mga tao, dahil sinisiraan at minamaliit nila Ako.)
mula sa Ang Salita ay Nagpapakita sa Katawang-tao, Volume I
(103) 全能神说:“ 许多人天天捧着神的话阅读,甚至将神话语中的经典部分都铭记在心,当成至宝,而且到处传讲神的话,以神的话来供应他人、帮助他人。他们认为这样做就是在见证神、见证神的话,这样做就是在遵行神的道,他们认为这样做就是在凭神的话活着,这样做就是将神的话带入了现实的生活中,这样做就能蒙神的称许,就能蒙拯救、得成全。他们在传讲神话语的同时却从来不遵照神的话去实行,也从来不按照神话语的揭示与自己对号入座,而是利用神的话骗取他人的崇拜与信任,利用神的话搞个人的经营,利用神的话骗取、偷窃神的荣耀,他们妄想利用传扬神话语的机会获得神的作工与神的称许。多少年过去了,这些人不但没能在“传讲神话语”的过程中得到神的称许,不但没能在“见证神说话”的过程中找到自己该遵守的道,不但没有在“以神的话供应帮助他人”的过程中帮助、供应了自己,不但没能在这些过程中认识神,对神产生真正的敬畏,反而对神的误解越来越深,对神的猜忌越来越严重,对神的想象越来越夸张。他们在神话语理论的供应与带领之下似乎如鱼得水,似乎游刃有余,似乎找到了他们的人生目标,似乎找到了他们的使命,似乎获得了新生,似乎蒙了拯救,他们似乎在对神话语朗朗上口的背诵中得到了真理,明白了神的心意,找到了认识神的途径,似乎在对神话语传讲的过程中常常与神面对面,他们也常常被“感动”得痛哭流涕,常常被神话语中的“神”带领似乎不断地在明白神的良苦用心,同时也明白了神对人的拯救,明白了神的经营,认识了神的实质,了解了神的公义性情。在此基础上,他们似乎更加确信神的存在,似乎更加认识神的尊贵,似乎更加感觉神的伟大、超凡。他们沉浸在对神话语表面的认识中,似乎他们的信心加增了,受苦的心志加强了,对神的认识加深了,岂不知他们在未实际经历神话语以先对神的一切认识与想法都来自于他们一厢情愿的想象与猜测。他们的信心经不住神的任何考验,他们所谓的属灵与身量根本经不住神的试炼、神的检验,他们的心志只不过是一座在沙土上建造起来的空中楼阁,他们所谓的对神的认识也只不过是他们头脑想象出来的成果罢了。事实上,这些在神的话语上“颇下功夫”的人从来就不知道什么是真实的信心,什么是真实的顺服,什么是真正的体贴,什么是对神真实的认识。他们将理论、想象、知识、恩赐、传统与迷信,甚至人的道德观都拿来作为信神、跟随神的本钱与武器,甚至作为信神、跟随神的根基,同时他们也将这些本钱与武器作为认识神的法宝,作为他们迎接、应付神的检验、神的试炼、神的刑罚审判的法宝。最终,他们收获的依然是充满宗教意味的,充满封建迷信的,充满传奇的、怪异的、诡秘的对神的定论,他们对神的认识和定义与只相信上苍、相信老天爷的人如出一辙,而神的实际、神的实质、神的性情、神的所有所是等等与真实的神自己有关的一切都与他们的认识失之交臂,无关无份,甚至南辕北辙。这样,他们虽在神话语的“供应与滋养”之下,但却不能真正地走上敬畏神、远离恶的道,真正的原因就在于他们从来就没有与神相识过,也从来没有与神有过真正的“接触”与交往,所以,他们不可能与神相知,也不能产生对神真正的相信、跟随与敬拜。他们如此对待神话语、对待神的观点与态度注定他们一无所获,注定他们永远走不上敬畏神、远离恶的道,他们追求的目标与方向意味着他们永远是神的仇敌,意味着他们永远都不能蒙拯救。”
——《话・卷二 关于认识神・写在前面的话》
(104) 全能神说: “ 在我多年的作工中人得着了许多,舍弃了许多,但我仍说人并不是真实地信我,因为人仅仅口里承认我是神,却不赞成我口中的真理,更不实行我对人要求的真理。也就是说,人只承认有神,却不承认有真理;人只承认有神,却不承认有生命;人只承认神的名,却不承认神的实质。我因着人的热心对人厌憎,因为人只是用好听的话语来欺骗我,却并无一人来用真心敬拜我。你们的言语中带着毒蛇的诱惑;你们的言语又甚是狂妄,简直是天使长的“发表”;你们的行为更是破烂不堪;你们的奢侈欲望、你们贪婪的存心更是不堪入耳。你们都成了我家中的蛀虫,都成了我厌弃的对象。因为你们都不是喜爱真理的人,而是喜欢得福的人,是喜欢上天堂的人,是喜欢看到基督在地掌权盛况的人。你们可曾想到,就你们这样败坏至极根本不知道什么是神的人怎么能配跟从神呢?怎么能上天堂呢?怎么配看见空前盛况的美景呢?你们的口中满了欺骗我的言语,满了污秽的言语,满了背叛我的言语,满了狂妄的言语,从来没有诚恳的言语向我诉说,没有圣洁的言语,没有经历我话顺服我的言语,你们的信到底如何呢?你们的心里满了欲望、钱财,物质充满你们的头脑。你们天天都在计算如何从我获得什么,天天都在计算从我得到的钱财、物质有多少,天天都在等待会有更多的祝福降在你们身上,让你们享受更多更高的可享受之物。你们每时每刻想的不是我,不是从我而来的真理,而是你们的丈夫(妻子)、儿女,你们的吃穿,想的是你们将如何能享受得更好,享受得更高,你们将自己的肚腹装得满满的还不是一具死尸吗?将你们的外表装饰得特别华丽,那你们不仍然是没有生机的行尸走肉吗?你们都为自己的肚腹操劳得头发斑白,却没有一个人为我的工作献上一根毫毛。你们为肉体、为儿女奔波劳碌,绞尽脑汁,却没有一个人为我的心意着急、担心,你们还想从我得着什么呢?”
——《话・卷一 神的显现与作工・被召的人多,选上的人少》
📖𝐒𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐬:
Ang nais Ko ay makipagtulungan kayo sa Akin nang masigasig at taos-puso; makapagsalita ka man o hindi ng mga salitang kasiya-siya sa pandinig, basta’t handa kang makipagtulungan sa Akin at makasasamba sa Akin nang taos-puso, malalagay ka sa ilalim ng Aking pangangalaga. Kahit na ang ganitong uri ng tao ay napakamangmang, bibigyan Ko sila ng kaliwanagan upang kanilang maiwaksi ang kanilang kamangmangan. Ito ay dahil ang Aking mga pagkilos ay nararapat lang na naaayon sa Aking mga salita; Ako ang Makapangyarihang Diyos na hindi kailanman nangangako nang hindi Niya kayang tuparin.
mula sa Ang Salita ay Nagpapakita sa Katawang-tao, Volume I
전능하신 하나님 말씀 낭송 <여섯 가지 방면의 패괴 성품을 알아야 진실로 자신을 아는 것이다> (제 1 부)
♦ 情形
🍁📖Chapter 2️⃣: July 24, 2023
Many people doubted when I started speaking in my Country. One by one they examine My utterances and say "she is only a man speaking, she is not God! Only God can judge us", some say "I know her, she is the sinful woman, she is not a Saint!" , people with this mindset are simply blind and controlled by the devil in his innermost gift, and he is a faithful slave of the doctrine! To be clear to all, I will reveal the mystery hidden behind incarnation. The world that man lives in is called the physical world of flesh and soul. The Spirit of man lives in the Spiritual world and it sees the earth and the sky.
In people who do not have God, their Spirit is long in Hades, this is the place where the Spirit of man waits for his soul to be separated from the flesh. When death comes to the flesh, it will be buried in the earth, but its soul will be united with its Spirit in Hades, the union of soul and spirit will be a new body. This is exactly what is punished in hell forever.
Now, I will say it plainly, the work of judgment at the throne of Christ is finished, and God's elect have been made holy. Being holy, it means that his Spirit is out of hell and it is with God, it has become a spiritual body. So I said before, I was in the flesh, but when I saw my Spirit in the hell of death, My eyes were opened and I realized that I needed to see the way while I was still alive on earth to be saved. Salvation and truth are in the physical world, so this is where the Spiritual battle takes place. Before the work of judgment was finished at the throne of Christ, his chosen ones became fully holy; that is, they were sinners before but because they attained holiness, they are alive on earth and they became holy because their Spirit is no longer in hell, but it is in the Spiritual world with the Father in heaven. Only the chosen have achieved this victory and they can judge and rule the people on earth. Being Holy is not a person who tries not to sin, it is not self-control that does not violate rules or truth, it is shallow understanding. The true meaning of holiness is living in the flesh, but the Spirit is in heaven with the Father, so the effect is that they do not sin on earth.
Listen to those who have ears! The work of judgment at the throne of Christ is finished! The chosen ones have become holy and we, the Children of God, deserve to live in the presence of the Father. If at this time, you do not know where your Spirit is, it means you are still living in Hades or hell.
Some may say, "then no one can enter heaven to see the Father?". This is a good question, isn't it? Yes you're right! no one can enter Heaven! The judgment on the great white throne is the very judgment of all people who have not become perfect, you have all been brought down to Hades of death. So it is clear if it is said that if you die from now on, you will be thrown into hell and immediately you will be punished by demons and Satan.
The "Rapture" that many Pastors and Christians hope for is a big imagination where they think that they will suddenly disappear from the earth and God will be seen in the clouds and they will be rewarded. This is a huge lie and madness! Are you really sure that you will be taken by God without even achieving godliness? Holiness is not being a teacher of God's Word, nor is it in your leading multitudes to worship God. You are only blinding yourself and bringing so many people to fall with you into hell!
Remember my warning! whoever stays in the church and listens to their Pastor, Priest or leader, you are enemies of the true God. Because you do not worship the true God, you worship your Pastors, Priests and Leaders who are demons themselves their ancestors. You have to choose and think about who you should worship, the man who is God's enemy or God himself?
I feel the anguish and fear of people knowing that their Spirit is in Hades. If you want to be saved, listen carefully! If you cannot go to heaven, the salvation that remains for you is to turn earth into heaven. This is exactly what the descent of the "new heaven and new earth" means to the human world. This is the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth. Do you understand it clearly? This is the only way for you to live and not forever fall into hell to be punished for eternity. Do you understand this? If so, would you still say that God is not righteous?
Remember this! Man is for earth, not for heaven, but the Father wants man to be saved, so he lowers heaven so that man and God, together with the Angels, can be united. Isn't this a happy meeting of the Kingdom of God in heaven and on earth?
So I say listen carefully to Me! This is what I mean that I am your king in the Land you walk in. The chosen firstborn sons also became Kings in different countries, we are governed by the Father on Mount Zion so that we have one Spirit. Those who think, "The Philippines is the New Israel?" This understanding is a big mistake! All nations on earth, not just My nation, will become the "New Israel", this is the Kingdom of God in all the world, in all Nations, and in all Peoples. My Father rules the whole universe, he is the King of all kings, and Lord of all lords, he alone is the Great Almighty God of all creation on earth and in heaven. This is also the declaration of the truth that I am your way to the Father, I am the one who shows the Father and reveals the mysteries of My Father. Worshiping and loving me is also worshiping and loving the Father. We have one Spirit, because we have one goal, and this is to fulfill the will of the eternal Father. Do you understand it clearly? Do you still yearn to go to the Third Heaven?
You understand! it is now the end of the old world. Do not think that you can escape My words and judgment. Whether you are listening or not, you have no place to hide because with just one Word of mine, so many people will die, you could be one of them. This is the removal of dirt and burning of waste. Those whom I do not know and who have never paid attention to My warnings, will surely die, and suffer in hell forever. It will never change! If you don't act and search while you're still alive, just prepare yourself for the punishments hanging over your head.
The work of Almighty God, is the descent of the Kingdom on earth. This is the laying of the foundation of the Kingdom, but the building of the kingdom is in the hands of the Firstborn Sons, it is an inevitable destiny that was set from the very beginning of creation. God himself guides the lives of the Firstborn Sons, it is for the last stage that they are separated from all the Churches, it is for them to receive their own supply of life from the Father himself. This is God's long plan and no one can complain or choose His own path. You too sought help from My Father before, but if at this time, you doubt the Son, My Father will not accept you. Your sacrifice then will surely be a waste.
I am speaking to a group of people who know My Father, but they doubt me. Are not My words revealed to you enough to convince you that you are in a dangerous situation? Do you know why I am speaking to your race and the Dragon offspring? Because if you do not listen and follow Me, I will expel you from My country and return you to China, I will fulfill My Father's word that many foreigners are going back to China. Did you think it was a different breed? No! This is the return of the foreign Chinese to their own country and there they will be destroyed along with their Dragon offspring. So I warn you! Do not dare to investigate or doubt my words, just because we are not of the same kind and because it is new to your hearing. You know very well that God has no feelings, this is very true for those who doubt his Words and deeds, and always investigate it as if you can fathom the mind of God.
Do not dare to use My Father's principles on me, it will be doctrine and empty words because I am next to My Father himself, I am the Light. Don't be blind or be ignorant! Follow what I ask of you and I promise that I will not treat you unfairly, if you follow My footsteps and utterances, I will give you My mercy and forgiveness. And if you achieve love for Me as you love My Father, I will surely love you and give you blessings. Do you still doubt me? Whoever stands up for Me, I will give you a share in My Kingdom, I promise you this.
But to those who stand up to oppose My words, I will cast you out and return you to the eternal pit, I promise this for the blind like you! If you can fight for My name, I will bless you, so be brave, this is the last and it cannot be returned. I ask you not to waste your life and not to measure the work of Almighty God with your thoughts! It is time for you to choose, do not delay my work, the time is near when you will die in the flesh, but you are still confused! You really are stupid!
Do you know, My Father and I are worried because of your criticisms and doubts! Do you think I don't know what you are doing behind my back? Stop your criticism, don't interfere with God's plan, think carefully and act! and don't delay any longer! Do what must be done and believe in My Words! This is approved by Almighty God! Do you understand My words?
If you are thinking and doubting how I got all the information and if it is a supernatural event, such as; "Am I like a lunatic who is not in his right mind?" ; or maybe "the Holy Spirit joined me and showed me all this and I wrote it down in a notebook?"; or maybe there is a "I hear a voice to write the revelations?" ; some may be thinking "My soul has separated and merged with My Spirit, and My flesh is unconscious like a dream?" ; or maybe I'm a "diviner and I have the work of an evil spirit?" ; or maybe you're thinking "I'm really a genius who has the ability to write these stories or imitate the word of God?". Is this what exists in your mind that makes you doubt my words? If so, I will tell the truth, listen! all these thoughts are nonsense and have not the slightest truth, this is a useless idea!
I will clarify this so that you do not lose your mind. I am a very normal person, like you I eat, clean, sleep and think. If so, "where did it come from and what was the process in My writing?" You listen! It's simple and practical! It is just like a person who was asleep, and now wakes up. It is like a person who has been in a coma for many years, and then regains consciousness. When he wakes up, he remembers who he is and what his own true identity is. It is like a memory that has been forgotten and gradually returns to the guidance of God's words and the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. This is practical thinking and understanding of God's words, when I write the words I express, I don't need to look for suitable words or maybe look for a lot of knowledge that I deliberately studied so that there is can be written. This is really tiring!
My entire life has been guided by God from childhood to the present, in which family I was born and what My life experience is, as well as My relationship with God, all of this is controlled by God to form the truth in My heart which I couldn't understand before, but now God Himself is revealing them one by one simply by reading His words and having a normal understanding. It is very normal and can be acquired by any person who is truly loved and ordained by God.
This is also the truth behind the first phase of Christ's life, he lived as a normal person, after that he began to do ministry because he recognized his identity. The only difference between us and Christ is, "he is God himself and he is completely Holy" and suddenly he woke up and started his ministry on earth; this is the life of Christ, while I have another assignment from God. I was corrupt in the first stage of My life, so it is very difficult for people to believe because they see that I am not holy and have a shameful past sin. But God's wisdom is contained in this, to show all mankind that a corrupt person, even if he is the dirtiest of all, can achieve holiness.
This is a resounding humiliation of Satan and this is the purpose of God's election. In ancient times, the Devil enslaved mankind and never had a normal relationship with God. Now, do you understand this? In My second phase of my life, right now, in front of you, I am the Son of God, the Person of Jesus, the Firstborn Son made perfect because of the work of the Father. Have you been enlightened? Can a normal person like you speak like this? Think about it carefully. Don't be a doubting and ignorant child!
With My words, I will show you that God is not just an old man sitting in the sky, he is not an imagination that everyone thinks, he is not a children's story, he himself is a true and living God. He was truly Human incarnate and was with people on many occasions. He is silent but speaks, he is God himself on earth and in heaven. When I write and speak, it is very easy because my heart knows who I am. A son who is rich does not need to prove that he is rich, because it is inherent in his character. This is also the truth in My expressions and words, you can talk to me and be with me, but in My heart and mind, we are not the same type and we do not have the same destiny and outlook on life. So you have to put aside your thoughts that "you can treat Me like before."
We are both on earth but your Spirit is in Hades and My Spirit is in Heaven with the Father. I am the only one who can see your true situation, so I have the power to judge you so that I can lead you to wake up from your dream. If you say that I'm going crazy! There is nothing I can do for you, you must die! Is this clear to you?
If I say so, the Spiritual world is more colorful and realistic, while the physical world is just an empty image or maybe a dream. So God always tells you to.. Wake up! Wake up! Because this world is just a dream. If I am not violent in My words, will you wake up?
Remember this! God is righteous! His task in the last stage is to pronounce painful words so that you will not blame God if you are in hell and suffer eternally, because I have already warned you, but you did not listen! You brought yourself to hell! I speak the truths to stir your heart to worship the true God, and to be free from all that hinders you and follow My words. Take this to heart and have the fear of God, and worship My Father. Pray fervently and seek to know him so that you can gain an understanding of his will.
The descent of heaven to earth is the establishment of the Kingdom of God itself. I am the one in the middle of heaven and earth, and it is My duty to turn the old earth into heaven. I'm going to change everything and clean it up with major disasters. It is in my mouth, and I am about to release it but before I do, wake up and look at My words! Wake up, it's time children and people, don't doubt anymore!
I do not speak hurtful words to play with you! The harshness of My word is equal to the harshness that will befall your flesh and soul. If you will do nothing to save yourself, there is nothing more I can do to save you. This is the last day and the last stage, if people don't get help from God, you will go to hell, that's for sure!
I advise you all to spread My words, this is your main duty as a creation, to bear witness to me. At this time, don't be afraid to share My Word, because it is enough to kill and revive man which only God can do. My coming to earth is not to give you a good life or to make you happy. My word is a two-edged sword, I bring destruction, calamity and death. This is the process to clean the land, to make it "New". The people who will enter My Kingdom are those who love My Father and run and follow in My footsteps. They are the ones I will save and they are My children and people of My kingdom.
This is the time when you must choose your own path to walk, will you kneel down and work with me? Can I count on you for the last stage of my work? Pray to My Father - to Almighty God - right now and you can hope that your prayer will reach Me. I feel for my Father, and I am saddened by your criticism and doubts about his work and mine. Change your behavior right now while you still have a breath! Don't delay any longer, time is running out! Are you ready for the next step?
from the new word of the Holy Spirit that the First Son declares.
July 24, 2023
I created mankind, but I never planned to claim every single person, only a small part of mankind.
Because the times have changed, the pace of My work is now very different. Due to the needs of My work, the people I need are different; those who should be neglected will be neglected; those that should be separated will be separated; those who must be killed will be killed, and those who must be spared must be spared. It is an inevitable trend apart from human will, and no human can change it.
from The Manifestation and Work of God
😊 Dios Todopoderoso dice: Ha llegado alabanza a Sion, y la morada de Dios ha aparecido. El glorioso y santo nombre, alabado por todos los pueblos, se difunde. ¡Ah, Dios Todopoderoso! La Cabeza del universo, Cristo de los últimos días, Él es el Sol brillante que se ha levantado sobre el Monte Sion, que se eleva con majestad y grandeza por encima de todo el universo…
¡Dios Todopoderoso! Clamamos a Ti con júbilo; bailamos y cantamos. ¡Tú eres verdaderamente nuestro Redentor, el gran Rey del universo! Has hecho un grupo de vencedores y has cumplido el plan de gestión de Dios. Todos los pueblos correrán a este monte. ¡Todos los pueblos se arrodillarán delante del trono! Tú eres el único y solo Dios verdadero y mereces la gloria y el honor. ¡Toda la gloria, la alabanza y la autoridad sean para el trono! La fuente de vida fluye del trono, regando y alimentando a las multitudes del pueblo de Dios. La vida cambia cada día; nueva luz y revelaciones nos siguen, ofreciendo constantemente nuevos entendimientos sobre Dios. En medio de las experiencias, llegamos a la certidumbre completa acerca de Dios. Sus palabras se manifiestan constantemente, se manifiestan dentro de quienes están en lo correcto. ¡Somos, en verdad, sumamente bendecidos! Estamos cara a cara con Dios cada día, nos comunicamos con Él en todas las cosas y le damos la soberanía sobre todo. Ponderamos con cuidado la palabra de Dios, nuestro corazón descansa en Dios y, así, vamos ante Dios, donde recibimos Su luz. Todos los días, en nuestras vidas, acciones, palabras, pensamientos e ideas, vivimos dentro de la palabra de Dios, podemos ejercer el discernimiento en todo momento. La palabra de Dios guía la hebra por el ojo de la aguja; las cosas ocultas adentro de nosotros, de forma inesperada, aparecen una tras otra. La comunicación con Dios no acepta retraso; Dios pone al descubierto nuestros pensamientos e ideas. En cada momento, estamos viviendo ante el trono de Cristo, donde se nos somete a juicio. Cada lugar de nuestro cuerpo permanece ocupado por Satanás. El día de hoy, el templo de Dios debe ser purificado con el fin de recuperar Su soberanía. Para ser completamente poseídos por Dios, debemos pasar por una batalla de vida o muerte. Solo cuando nuestros antiguos yos han sido crucificados puede reinar soberana la vida resucitada de Cristo.
de “La Palabra manifestada en carne”
𝗔𝗸𝗼 𝗮𝘆 :
𝗧𝗔𝗠𝗔𝗗 😑 𝘄𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗽𝗮𝗴𝘀𝗮𝘀𝗮𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝗮 𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗸𝘂𝗹𝗶𝗻,
𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗶 𝗻𝗮𝗴𝗵𝗮𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗽 𝗻𝗴 𝗸𝗮𝘁𝗼𝘁𝗼𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝘁 𝗱𝗶 𝗻𝗮𝗴𝗻𝗮𝗶𝘀 𝗻𝗴 𝗽𝗮𝗴𝗯𝗮𝗯𝗮𝗴𝗼 𝘀𝗮 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘆𝗼𝗻 😔
🥺 𝑨𝒍𝒂𝒎 𝒎𝒐 𝒚𝒖𝒏 𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒔 𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌 𝒏𝒈 𝑫𝒊𝒚𝒐𝒔 𝒕𝒂𝒑𝒐𝒔 𝒂𝒌𝒐 𝒊𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈 🐢 𝒑𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒂𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒂𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒂🥺𝒘𝒂𝒍𝒂 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒂𝒈𝒂 𝒂𝒌𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒌𝒂𝒉𝒊𝒉𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒏. 😔
✨ Napakahirap sundin ang salita at kalooban ng Diyos pero mahirap kung mawalan ng time si God sa akin,hindi namimilit ang Diyos sa tao ,gusto ng Diyos na iligtas tayo pero tayo ang lumalayo,hindi ba ito isang kahihiyan sa pagkamatuwid ng Diyos 🥺
🤔 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐚 𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐨 𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐲𝐨𝐧 ? 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐢 𝐤𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐚 𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐬 𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐚𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐚𝐤𝐨 𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐚𝐧 🥺🥺 𝐬𝐚 𝐤𝐚𝐡𝐢𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐧 😔
🌻 𝐀𝐥𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐲 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐬𝐚𝐲𝐬,
📖 “ Ako ang may gawa ng lahat. Maglalagay Ako ng pasanin sa mga taong ginagamit Ko ngayon at bibigyan sila ng karunungan upang aayong lahat ang kanilang mga ginagawa sa Aking kalooban,upang matupad ang Aking kaharian,at upang lumitaw ang bagong langit at lupa. Ang mga taong hindi Ko ginagamit ay ang ganap na kabaligtaran;lagi silang tulala, natutulog sila pagkatapos nilang kumain,at kumakain sila pagkatapos nilang matulog,na wala man lamang ideya kung ano ang kahulugan ng pasanin. ”
𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚 𝐬𝐚 𝐀𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐚 𝐚𝐲 𝐍𝐚𝐠𝐩𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐚 𝐬𝐚 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐠-𝐓𝐚𝐨
Daily devotion🌱
“The whole world lies in wickedness” (1Jn 5:19).
“That light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved” (Jhn 3:19–20).
Today, almost are tuning thier whole time in the social media, all kinds of wickedness made by Satan inorder to fall man into hades..Satan has this mastermind of games, Tiktoks, vlog , philosophies, lies behind phenomenons and everything which lead to deceptions of man 🥺😣
Nearing to finish the preaching of God's word and if we cannot keep pace the work of God we are all be die in the disasters to happened ...even now, we are very enthusiast of the lust and comfort of life ...
Let us always take note that God's Kingdom will rise and Evil No More ..God will cleanse the filthy world ...Only Those Who Follow Him will have to see and enter His kingdom and will live forever💚💖💛
Today’s world truly grows ever darker, and mankind ever more corrupt. The world is in decline, morals are lost, good people who believe in God and walk the right path are bullied, oppressed, and persecuted, while those boot-lickers and embezzlers who do all manner of evil prosper. 🌿❤️
from Guidelines for Spreading the Kingdom Gospel
Brother's Fellowship: *"Umiiral ba sa puso ninyo ang ganitong uri ng pag-iisip? Kapag iniisip mo ang isang tao, iniisip mo muna ang kanilang mga kahinaan, at ang mga paraan kung saan sila ay tiwali. Kung patuloy kayong mag-iisip sa ganitong paraan, kailanma’y hindi mo makakasundo ang iba nang normal. Kapag iniisip mo ang isang tao, dapat mo munang isaalang-alang kung tunay ba silang nananampalataya sa Diyos o hindi at kung anong mga kalakasan ang mayroon sila. Ang isang tao ay naghahangad sa katotohanan kung natatanggap ng taong ito ang katotohanan, may magandang kalooban at mapagpaubaya, at kapag ang sinasabi mo sa kanila ay tama, kaya nila itong tanggapin at harapin sa tamang paraan. Kung natukoy mo na ang taong ito ay may pagkukulang, at kung hindi mo ito ipinaalam at sila mismo ay walang alam ukol dito, sisisihin ka nila para rito kalaunan; kung, sa kabilang banda, kapag ipinaalam mo ito sa kanila, hindi lang basta sila hindi namuhi sa iyo, ngunit pinasalamatan ka pa, ito ay isang taong tunay na naghahanap sa katotohanan, na tiyak at tunay na naghahanap sa kaligtasan, at handang maging mabuting tao at tumahak sa tamang landas sa buhay. Kung ang ganoong tao ay may maling palagay sa isang tao, o kung may taong nanakit sa kanila, maaari magkaroon sila ng pagkainis sa taong iyon, ngunit ito ay magiging pansamantala lamang. Pagkatapos, kapag nakapagnilay-nilay sila at nakilala ang kanilang mga sarili,kamumuhian at susumpain nila ang kanilang mga sarili. Darating pa nga sila sa puntong makakahingi sila ng paumanhin sa taong iyon. Ganito ang mga tunay na mananampalataya ng Diyos. Kaya nila tayong patawarin, kaya dapat din natin silang mapatawad. Kahit hindi man nila tayo mapatawad dahil sa ilang panandaliang kahinaan, dapat pa rin natin silang patawarin sa ating kaibuturan. Kung hindi natin mapapatawad ang mga tao, hindi natin sila makakasundo. Gayundin, kung may ginagawang masasamang bagay sa iyo ang isang tao, o mapanghusgang nagsasalita tungkol sa iyo, dapat mong bigyan ng pagkakataon ang taong iyon upang magsisi at magbago. Mangangahas ka bang sabihin na ang taong nabanggit ay patuloy na kikilos sa ganitong paraan? Patuloy ba silang kikilos nang may ganoong katiwalian magpakailanman? Kung pinaninindigan mo ang ganoong bagay nang may tiyak na kasiguraduhan, hinahatulan mo ang isang tao at gumagawa ng mga palagay tungkol sa kanila. Kahit na maaring sa ngayon ay hinahatulan ka nila, kinamumuhian ka, at may mga ilang maling palagay tungkol sa iyo, ngunit dahil tunay silang naniniwala sa Diyos at hangad nilang pagsikapang matamo ang katotohanan, hindi magtatagal magsisimulang magbago ang kanilang mga katiwalian. Kaya nga, dapat nating tingnan ang mga isyung ito mula sa pananaw na pangkaunlaran. Hindi dapat tayo tumutok sa mga kahinaan ng isang tao, at gumawa ng mga paglalahat tungkol sa kanila sa pagsasabing katapusan na nila sa buhay na ito, o sila ay mga ganito at ganyang klase ng tao. Ang paggawa nito ay paghusga at pagbuo ng mga palagay sa mga tao! Sa pagliligtas sa tao, hindi sinabi ng Diyos na, “ganito na katiwali ang sangkatauhan, kaya wala nang saysay na iligtas pa sila, at ito na ang kanilang katapusan.” Maging ang Diyos ay hindi ganyan ang tingin dito. Kaya, sinisikap pa rin nating lahat na matamo ang katotohanan ngayon. Hangad nating lahat na pagsikapang matamo ang katotohanan, at naniniwala tayo, kahit paano, na kung patuloy tayong magsisikap, sa loob ng ilang taon ay tiyak na magbabago tayo nang kaunti, at sa huli ay lubos nating mababago ang ating disposisyon at mapeperpekto tayo ng Diyos.Ganito ang pananampalataya ninyong lahat, hindi ba? Dahil ganito ang pananampalataya ninyo, kailangan ninyong maniwala na ganito rin ang pananampalataya ng ibang mga tao.
Hinango mula sa Mga Sermon at Pagbabahagi Tungkol sa Pagpasok sa Buhay
ترنيمة ورقصة – يا كل البشرية، تعالوا لعبادة الله
1. 會生你氣,總是一語道破你的缺點,要你改進的人
2. 人生經驗豐富,願意無藏私教導你,帶你少走冤枉路的人
3. 知道你有強大理想,不看衰你,鼓勵你要努力去爭取的人
4. 告訴你不要衝動,客觀冷靜面對事情,提醒你要三思而後行的人
習近平超大動作,國師道出實情;年養老金142元,啃瓜皮的老人;大涼山的「乞丐」,囤糧別猶豫【新聞看點 李沐陽9.5】