❓️🌸❓️Question 5: Paul said in 2 Timothy 3:16: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God….” This shows that everything in the Bible is the word of God. But there are actually people who say that not everything in the Bible is the word of God. Isn’t this denying the Bible and deceiving people?

💦🕊💦Answer: About the viewpoint “All scripture is given by inspiration of God,” we must understand the context in which Paul said these words. At the time Paul wrote letters to Timothy's church there was only the Old Testament. The New Testament had not been formed yet and there were just dozens of epistles scattered around and kept by various churches. This shows that these words of Paul were referring to the Old Testament. The Israelites only regard the Old Testament as the Bible. The New Testament was not formed until after AD 300. Church leaders at the time held a meeting as they thought the last days were near, and that the utterances of Jesus and the epistles of the apostles should be brought together into a book, and distributed to the various churches like the Old Testament. Therefore, they compiled together the epistles written by Jesus' apostles and disciples, and following research and confirmation, selected 27 books to become the New Testament, which was later combined with the Old Testament to become the complete Bible. This is how the New and Old Testaments were formed. Further, regarding the formation of the Bible, we must also understand just who wrote it and who recorded it. The Bible has several dozen authors, but none of them said the epistles they wrote were inspired by God. if God had said all scripture is given by inspiration of God, then God should have said it via prophets, but the books of prophets contain no such words. The Lord Jesus has also never said such words. The apostles have also never said the epistles they wrote and their testimonies were all inspired by God, and moreover they did not dare to say they were God's words. This is fact! But later on, all believers in God think that all that God uttered is in the Bible, and that even though the New and Old Testament were written by men, they were both inspired by God. But have we ever thought about whether this conforms with the facts?

❓️🌸❓️Question 5: Paul said in ❓️🌸❓️Question 5: Paul said in

The Bible was inspired by God, and everything in the Bible is the word of God. This is a fact openly accepted in Christianity. This is only the opinion of men. Men’s opinions cannot represent God! Only God is most clear on the inside story of the Bible. Let’s take a look at what Almighty God says! Almighty God says, “In fact, apart from the books of prophecy, most of the Old Testament is a historical record. Some of the epistles of the New Testament come from people’s experiences, and some come from the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit; the Pauline epistles, for example, arose from the work of a man, they were all the result of the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment, and they were written for the churches, and were words of exhortation and encouragement for the brothers and sisters of the churches. They were not words spoken by the Holy Spirit—Paul could not speak on behalf of the Holy Spirit, and neither was he a prophet, much less did he see the visions that John beheld. His epistles were written for the churches of Ephesus, Philadelphia, Galatia, and other churches”📖 (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Concerning the Bible (3)). “Not everything in the Bible is a record of the words personally spoken by God. The Bible simply documents the previous two stages of God’s work, of which one part is a record of the foretelling of the prophets, and one part is the experiences and knowledge written by people used by God throughout the ages. Human experiences are tainted with human opinions and knowledge, and this is something which is unavoidable. In many of the books of the Bible are human notions, human biases, and humans’ absurd comprehension. Of course, most of the words are the result of the enlightenment and illumination of the Holy Spirit, and they are correct understandings—yet it still cannot be said that they are entirely accurate expressions of the truth. Their views on certain things are nothing more than knowledge derived from personal experience, or the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. The foretelling of the prophets was personally instructed by God: The prophecies of the like of Isaiah, Daniel, Ezra, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel came from the direct instruction of the Holy Spirit; these people were seers, they had received the Spirit of prophecy, and they were all prophets of the Old Testament. During the Age of Law, these people, who had received the inspirations of Jehovah, spoke many prophecies, which were directly instructed by Jehovah”📖 (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Concerning the Bible (3)). Almighty God’s word has explained it very clearly. The Bible is not a record of all the words personally spoken by God Himself and only documents God’s work. In the Bible, only the words of Jehovah God and the Lord Jesus, as well as the words spoken by prophets as inspired by God are truly the word of God. The rest is mostly historical records, as well as men’s experiences and knowledge. Therefore, the saying “All scripture is given by inspiration of God” does not conform with historical fact!
—The movie script of Disclose the Mystery About the Bible
#Almighty God #God #Heavenly Kingdom #Word of God #Prayer #Worship God #God Has Come #Praise #Jesus# Wise Virgins

❓️🌸❓️Question 5: Paul said in

❓️🌸❓️Question 5: Paul said in

206 人的肉體是受撒但敗壞的,肉體被蒙蔽最深,肉體是受害至深的對象,神親自在肉身作工最根本的原因就是因為拯救的對象是屬肉體的人,而且撒但也利用人的肉體來攪擾神的工作,與撒但的争戰其實就是征服人的工作,而人同時又是被拯救的對象,這樣道成肉身來作工就太有必要了。撒但敗壞人的肉體,人也就成了撒但的化身,成了神打敗的對象,這樣,與撒但争戰、拯救人類的工作都在地上,神務必得成為人與撒但争戰,這是最現實的工作。他在肉身中作工其實也是在肉身中與撒但争戰,在肉身中作工就是作他在靈界的工作,他將他在靈界的工作全部實化在了地上,征服的是悖逆他的人,打敗的是與他敵對的撒但的化身(當然也是人),到最終蒙拯救的還是人,這樣,他更有必要成為一個有受造之物外殻的人,以便能與撒但作實際的争戰,征服悖逆他而且與他有相同外殻的人,拯救與他有相同外殻的受害于撒但的人。他的仇敵是人,征服的對象是人,拯救的對象也是受造的人,所以他務必得成為人,這樣,他的工作就方便多了,既能打敗撒但,也能征服人類,更能拯救人類。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・敗壞的人類更需要道成「肉身」的神的拯救》

207 神拯救人,并不是直接以靈的方式、以靈的身份來拯救人,因為他的靈是人摸不着、看不見而且也是人不可靠近的。以靈的角度來直接拯救人,人就没法得着他的救恩,若不是神穿戴一個受造之人的外殻,人也没法得着這救恩,因為人根本没法靠近他,就如耶和華的雲彩無人能靠近一樣,只有他成為受造的人,也就是他將他的「道」裝在他要成為的肉身中,才能將這「道」親自作在所有跟隨他的人身上,人才能親自聽見他的道、看見他的道,以至于得着他的道,藉此人才能被完全拯救出來。若不是神道成肉身,凡屬血氣的無一人能得着這極大的救恩,也没有一個人能蒙拯救的。若是神的靈直接作工在人中間,那人都會被擊殺的,或者會因着人没法接觸神而被撒但徹底擄去。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・道成肉身的奥秘 四》

❓️🌸❓️Question 5: Paul said in


Good evening dear family of Almighty God,🙄🙄🙄hopefully everyone is doing well under the guidance and protection of God, 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲 I read God's words and I feel that we can   share together to gain more enlightenment📚📚📚👏👏👏
here we gooooo👇👇👇
"💕💕💕💕.... Everything in man’s life is empty and unworthy of commemoration, apart from believing in God, pursuing the truth, and fulfilling their duty as a created being. Even if you have accomplished the most earth-shaking of feats; even if you have been to the Moon and back; even if you have made scientific advances that have been of some benefit or help to mankind, it is futile and all of it will pass away. What is the only thing that will not pass away? (The word of God.) Only the word of God, testimonies to God, all of the testimonies and works that bear witness for the Creator, and people’s good deeds will not pass away. These things will last forever, and they are so valuable. So, cast off all your restrictions, carry out this great endeavor, and don’t let yourselves be constrained by any people, events, and things; sincerely expend yourselves for God, and pour all your energy and effort into performing your duties. This is the thing that God blesses most of all, and it is worth any amount of suffering!"  
Excerpted from "Only in Performing the Duty of a Created Being Well Is There Value in Living"

❓️🌸❓️Question 5: Paul said in

Sabi ng ilang tao, "Bakit kapag may kahirapan o balakid, kumpiyansa ako at hindi ko alam kung ano ang gagawin, at sa palagay ko napakahirap maniwala sa Diyos, bakit kapag dumarating ang mga paghihirap, nagiging ako?" pasibo at kulang sa lakas na magtiwala sa Diyos Bakit minsan hindi ako interesado sa mga pagpupulong o pagbabasa ng salita ng Diyos, ngunit kung pinag-uusapan ko ang mga hindi mananampalataya, nasasabik ako "Ano ang nangyayari dito? Sa totoo lang, kung isasaalang-alang ang kalikasan ng tao , ito ay dahil ang tao ay hindi nagmamahal sa katotohanan, ang kanilang pananampalataya sa Diyos ay maaari bang magkaroon ng puwang para sa Diyos wala kang Diyos sa iyong puso at walang puwang para sa Diyos, ito ay nagpapatunay na wala kang katotohanan sa iyong puso, hindi mo nauunawaan ang anumang katotohanan, at hindi ka magsasabuhay ng anumang katotohanan, samakatuwid, pagdating sa pagninilay ang salita ng Diyos at pagsasagawa ng katotohanan, ang mga tao ay nalulumbay at walang paraan Kung hihilingin sa iyo na kumita ng pera at sasabihin sa iyo na maaari kang kumita ng mas maraming pera sa pamamagitan ng paggawa ng ilang mga bagay, gagawin mo ang lahat ng iyong makakaya upang malampasan ang lahat ng mga paghihirap at magtagumpay. at hindi ka matatakot sa kabiguan ngunit matiyaga Mayroong ilang mga interes na umaakit sa iyo, ang iyong puso ay napapaligiran ng mga interes, ang mga interes ay nauuna sa iyong puso, at sa tingin mo ang pera at interes ay napakahalaga at hindi madaling umalis, kaya kailangan mong makamit ang iyong layunin Gagawin ang mga posibleng pagsisikap sa mga hangarin at layunin, anuman ang halaga. magkaroon ng oras, hindi ka makakaranas ng anumang kahirapan na magdudulot sa iyo ng paghahanap ng katotohanan at ito ay magiging hadlang.
 —Ang salita ay nahayag sa katawan

❓️🌸❓️Question 5: Paul said in

♦ 情形
“神要求人尽好本分,不是让人能做多少事、搞多大事业,也不需要人有什么伟大的创举,神要的是人能踏踏实实地尽上自己的所能,凭神的话活着。神不需要你多么伟大,不需要你多么尊贵,不需要你创造什么奇迹,神也不想在你身上看到任何的惊喜,不需要这些,神就需要你踏踏实实地按神的话去实行。听神的话,听懂了就去做,听明白了就去落实,听见了就记在心里,然后到该实行的时候就根据神的话去实行,让神的话成为你的生命,成为你的活出、实际,这样神就满意了。你总追求伟大,总追求高尚,总追求地位,总追求高高在上,神看了是什么感觉?神厌憎,神远离。你越追求伟大,越追求高尚,越追求高人一等、出人头地、出众、出彩,神就越厌烦你,如果你不反省、不悔改,神就会厌憎你、弃绝你。千万别做神厌烦的人,要做神喜爱的人。那怎么能达到让神喜爱呢?就是老老实实地接受真理,站好受造之物的地位,脚踏实地地根据神的话做事,尽好本分,做诚实的人,活出人样,这就够了,神就满意了。人千万别有野心,别做美梦,别追求名利地位、出人头地,更不能追求做超人、伟人,在人中间高人一等,让人崇拜,这是败坏人类的向往,是撒但的道路,神不拯救这类人。如果人一味地追求名利、地位,死不悔改,那就不可救药了,结局只有一个——被淘汰。现在,你们赶紧悔改还来得及,如果到有一天,神的工作结束了,灾难越来越大,就没有悔改的机会了,到那时,所有追求名利地位死不悔改的人都得被淘汰。神作工要拯救什么样的人,神拯救人的意义是什么,你们都得清楚,神就是让人来到神面前听神的话,接受真理,脱去败坏性情,按照神所说的、神所吩咐的实行,就是凭神的话活着,而不是按照人自己的观念想象、凭撒但哲学活着,追求人所谓的幸福。”--《话・卷三 末世基督座谈纪要・尽好本分必须有和谐配搭》

❓️🌸❓️Question 5: Paul said in

每日神話 - 三步作工系列 選段20
                                                                                     ——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・律法時代的工作》
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#阿們 #天父 #基督徒 #主耶穌  #教會歌曲  #認識神 #亞伯拉罕#挪亚#约伯#生活语录 #依靠 #仰望神 #祷告 #福音 

❓️🌸❓️Question 5: Paul said in

Hermanas y hermanos,
a Dios no le importan los rituales religiosos. Lo importante para Dios es el fruto que pueda dar la práctica de Sus Palabras de hoy..
Gracias a Dios Todopoderoso, Cristo de los Últimos Días por Su obra de Juicio y Castigo para la Purificación de la humanidad.

❓️🌸❓️Question 5: Paul said in

PIEUX sont ceux qui sont souvent apaisés devant Dieu. Place -toi devant Dieu, lis et médite ses paroles, accepte qu'il te guide, soumets- toi a toutes personnes. Et toutes choses que Dieu mettra sur ta route. En ce qui concerne les choses qui t'échappent   , prie souvent tout en cherchant la vérité ; ce n'est qu'en comprenant sa volonté que tu pourras avancer. Tu vénérer Dieu, faire ton devoir, et le faire prudemment, être en paix devant Dieu et rejeter la débauche

❓️🌸❓️Question 5: Paul said in

Nagawa Ko ang maraming gawain sa tao, at sa panahong ito nagpahayag din Ako ng maraming mga salita. Ang lahat ng mga salitang ito ay para sa kapakanan ng kaligtasan ng tao at ipinahayag upang ang tao ay maging kaayon sa Akin. Gayunman, iilang mga tao lamang sa lupa na nakamit Ko ang kaayon sa Akin, at kaya sinasabi Kong hindi pinahahalagahan ng tao ang mga salita Ko—ito ay sapagkat hindi kaayon ang tao sa Akin. Sa ganitong pamamaraan, ang gawaing ginagawa Ko ay hindi lamang upang sumamba sa Akin ang tao; mas mahalaga, ito ay upang maging kaayon sa Akin ang tao. Naging tiwali ang tao at namumuhay sa bitag ni Satanas. Nabubuhay sa laman ang lahat ng mga tao, nabubuhay sa mga makasariling pagnanasa, at walang ni isa man sa kanila ang kaayon sa Akin. Mayroong yaong mga nagsasabing kaayon sila sa Akin, ngunit ang ganitong mga tao ay sumasamba lahat sa mga malalabong diyos-diyosan. Bagamat kinikilala nilang banal ang pangalan Ko, tumatahak sila sa landas na taliwas sa Akin, at puno ang mga salita nila ng pagmamataas at kumpiyansa sa sarili. Ito ay dahil, sa ugat, laban silang lahat sa Akin at hindi kaayon sa Akin. Araw-araw, naghahanap sila ng mga bakas Ko sa Biblia at nakahahanap nang walang pili ng “angkop” na mga siping kanilang walang katapusang binabasa at binibigkas bilang mga banal na kasulatan. Hindi nila alam kung paano maging kaayon sa Akin ni ang kahulugan ng maging laban sa Akin. Nagbabasa lamang sila ng mga banal na kasulatan nang walang taros. Sa loob ng Biblia, ipinipilit nila ang isang malabong Diyos na hindi pa nila kailanman nakikita, at walang kakayahang makita, at inilalabas upang tingnan sa kanilang pagliliwaliw. Naniniwala sila sa pag-iral Ko sa loob lamang ng saklaw ng Biblia, at ipinapantay nila Ako sa Biblia; kung wala Ako wala ang Biblia, at kung wala ang Biblia wala Ako. Hindi sila nagbibigay ng pansin sa pag-iral o mga kilos Ko, ngunit sa halip ay nag-uukol ng sukdulan at espesyal na pansin sa bawat salita ng Banal na Kasulatan. Marami pa ang naniniwala na hindi Ko dapat gawin ang anumang bagay na nais Kong gawin maliban kung ito ay hinulaan ng Banal na Kasulatan. Nagbibigay sila ng sobrang pagpapahalaga sa Banal na Kasulatan. Masasabing nakikita nilang napakahalaga ang mga salita at mga pagpapahayag, hanggang sa ginagamit nila ang mga bersikulo mula sa Biblia upang sukatin ang bawat salitang sinasabi Ko at upang kondenahin Ako. Ang hinahangad nila ay hindi ang daan ng pagiging-magkaayon sa Akin o ang daan ng pagiging-magkaayon sa katotohanan, ngunit ang daan ng pagiging-magkaayon sa mga salita ng Biblia, at naniniwala silang anumang hindi umaayon sa Biblia ay, walang pagbubukod, hindi Ko gawain. Hindi ba ang ganitong mga tao ay ang masusunuring mga inapo ng mga Fariseo? Ginamit ng mga Fariseong Hudyo ang batas ni Moises upang parusahan si Jesus. Hindi nila hinangad ang pagiging-magkaayon sa Jesus ng panahong iyon, ngunit masusing sinunod ang eksaktong sinabi ng batas, hanggang—matapos Siyang kasuhan ng hindi pagsunod sa batas ng Lumang Tipan at pagiging hindi ang Mesiyas—sa huli ipinako nila sa krus ang walang-salang Jesus. Ano ang pinakadiwa nila? Hindi ba’t hindi nila hinangad ang daan sa pagiging-magkaayon sa katotohanan? Nahumaling sila sa bawat salita ng Banal na Kasulatan habang hindi nagbibigay pansin sa kalooban Ko o sa mga hakbang at mga kaparaanan ng gawain Ko. Hindi sila mga taong naghangad ng katotohanan, ngunit mga taong mahigpit na kumapit sa mga salita; hindi sila mga taong naniwala sa Diyos, ngunit mga taong naniwala sa Biblia. Sa pinakadiwa, mga tagapagbantay sila ng Biblia. Upang mapangalagaan ang mga interes ng Biblia, upang mapanatili ang dangal ng Biblia, at upang maprotektahan ang reputasyon ng Biblia, humantong sila sa pagpako nila sa krus sa mahabaging Jesus. Ginawa nila ito alang-alang lamang sa pagtatanggol sa Biblia, at alang-alang sa pagpapanatili ng katayuan ng bawat salita ng Biblia sa puso ng mga tao. Kaya ginusto nilang talikdan ang kinabukasan nila at ang handog para sa kasalanan upang kondenahin si Jesus, na hindi umayon sa doktrina ng Banal na Kasulatan, sa kamatayan. Hindi ba sila mga manghihibo sa bawat salita ng Banal na Kasulatan?
mula sa Mahahalagang Salita Mula sa Makapangyarihang Diyos, ang Cristo ng mga Huling Araw

❓️🌸❓️Question 5: Paul said in ❓️🌸❓️Question 5: Paul said in

Hindi Christian Song | हर युग में नया कार्य करता है परमेश्वर | The Essence of God Never Changes
बदलती नहीं कभी बुद्धि परमेश्वर की, 
बदलता नहीं कभी चमत्कार परमेश्वर का,
बदलती नहीं कभी धार्मिकता परमेश्वर की, 
बदलता नहीं कभी प्रताप परमेश्वर का।
बदलता नहीं कभी सार-तत्व परमेश्वर का,
बदलता नहीं कभी स्वरुप परमेश्वर का,
और कार्य उसका आगे बढ़ रहा है, गहरा हो रहा है;
कभी पुराना नहीं होता, सदा नया रहता है परमेश्वर।
नया नाम, नया काम, नई इच्छा, नया स्वभाव होता है हर युग में।
नया नाम, नया काम, नई इच्छा, नया स्वभाव होता है हर युग में।
लोग अगर न देख पाए इस स्वभाव को,
तो चढ़ा देंगे सूली पर, सीमांकित कर देंगे परमेश्वर को!
कार्य परमेश्वर का नया होता है सदा, कभी पुराना नहीं होता, 
मगर स्वरूप परमेश्वर का कभी परिवर्तित नहीं होता।
परिभाषित कर नहीं सकते तुम गतिहीन भाषा में, 
6,000 साल परमेश्वर के काम के।
जितना समझते हो तुम उतना सरल नहीं है परमेश्वर, 
युगयुगांतर तक चलता है काम उसका।
यहोवा से यीशु बदल गया नाम उसका।
युगयुगान्तर में देखो बदल गया काम उसका!
नया नाम, नया काम, नई इच्छा, नया स्वभाव होता है हर युग में।
अग्रसर हो रहा है इतिहास, और आगे बढ़ रहा है।
6,000 साल की योजना का अंत करने, 
काम परमेश्वर का सदा आगे बढ़ रहा है।
मगर अभी भी हर दिन, हर वर्ष, करने के लिये है नया काम।
नए मार्ग, नया काल, नई चीज़ें और ज़्यादा बड़े काम।
अटका नहीं है परमेश्वर पुराने तरीकों पर, 
सदा अविरल चल रहा है नया काम।
नया नाम, नया काम, नई इच्छा, नया स्वभाव होता है हर युग में।
नया नाम, नया काम, नई इच्छा, नया स्वभाव होता है हर युग में।
—वचन, खंड 1, परमेश्वर का प्रकटन और कार्य, परमेश्वर के कार्य का दर्शन (3) से रूपांतरित

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3 ayat Alkitab ini menunjukkan jalan untuk menyambut Tuhan, tapi sayangnya 80% orang tidak tahu
1. "Lihat! Aku berdiri di depan pintu dan mengetuk: kalau ada yang mendengar suara-Ku dan membuka pintu, Aku akan datang padanya, dan makan bersamanya, dan dia akan bersama-sama dengan-Ku."(Wahyu 3:20)
2. “Tengah malam ada seruan, Mempelai laki-laki datang; keluarlah dan jumpai Dia.” (Matius 25:6)
3. "Domba-domba-Ku mendengarkan suara-Ku dan Aku mengenal mereka, dan mereka mengikut Aku" (Yohanes 10:27).
Apa yang Anda lihat dalam tiga perkataan Tuhan Yesus ini?
Pertama: Ketika Tuhan kembali di akhir zaman, Tuhan akan berbicara dan mengetuk pintu hati kita. Hanya mereka yang berusaha mendengar suara Tuhan dan membuka pintu bagi Tuhan yang dapat menyambut Tuhan;
Kedua: Beberapa orang akan menyebarkan berita tentang kedatangan Tuhan kembali, dan kehendak Tuhan adalah agar kita mencari dan menyambut Dia.
Ketiga: Melalui mendengarkan suara Tuhan, domba-domba Tuhan mengenal Tuhan, dan kembali kepada-Nya. 
Saat ini, di seluruh dunia, hanya Gereja Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa yang bersaksi secara terbuka bahwa Tuhan Yesus telah datang kembali, yaitu Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa yang berinkarnasi. Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa telah mengungkapkan semua kebenaran untuk menyelamatkan umat manusia. Banyak orang dari seluruh dunia yang mengasihi kebenaran dan merindukan penampakan Tuhan, melalui mencari, menyelidiki dan mendengar perkataan Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa, mereka mengenali suara Tuhan dari perkataan Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa, mengakui bahwa Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa adalah Tuhan yang telah datang kembali, dan dengan demikian telah menyambut Tuhan! 
Izinkan saya membagikan satu bagian dari perkataan Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa, sehingga Anda juga dapat mendengarkan apakah perkataan ini adalah suara Tuhan atau tidak.
Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa berkata: "Di seluruh alam semesta, Aku sedang melakukan pekerjaan-Ku, dan di Timur, guruh menggelegar tanpa henti, mengguncangkan semua bangsa dan denominasi. Suara-Kulah yang membawa semua manusia ke masa kini. Aku akan membuat semua manusia ditaklukkan oleh suara-Ku, masuk ke dalam aliran ini, dan tunduk di hadapan-Ku, sebab sudah sejak lama Aku mengambil kembali kemuliaan-Ku dari seluruh bumi dan menyatakannya sekali lagi di Timur. Siapa yang tak rindu melihat kemuliaan-Ku? Siapa yang tak harap-harap cemas menantikan kedatangan-Ku kembali? Siapa yang tidak haus akan penampakan-Ku kembali? Siapa yang tidak mendambakan keindahan-Ku? Siapa yang tak mau datang kepada terang? Siapa yang tak mau melihat kekayaan Kanaan? Siapa yang tak merindukan kedatangan kembali Sang Penebus? Siapa yang tak memuja Dia yang besar kuasa-Nya? Suara-Ku akan menyebar ke seluruh bumi; Aku akan berhadapan dengan umat pilihan-Ku dan menyampaikan lebih banyak firman kepada mereka. Seperti guruh hebat yang mengguncangkan gunung-gunung dan sungai-sungai, Aku mengucapkan firman-Ku kepada seluruh alam semesta dan umat manusia. Oleh karena itulah, firman yang keluar dari mulut-Ku telah menjadi harta umat manusia, dan semua manusia menghargai firman-Ku. Kilat memancar dari Timur terus sampai ke Barat. Firman-Ku begitu berharga sampai-sampai manusia enggan melepaskannya dan pada saat yang sama mendapati bahwa firman itu tak terselami, tetapi semakin bersuka di dalamnya. Semua manusia senang dan bergembira, merayakan kedatangan-Ku, seolah-olah seorang bayi baru saja dilahirkan. Dengan suara-Ku, Aku akan membawa semua manusia ke hadapan-Ku. Sejak saat itu, Aku resmi masuk ke dalam ras manusia supaya mereka datang menyembah-Ku. Dengan kemuliaan yang Aku pancarkan dan firman dalam mulut-Ku, Aku akan menjadikannya sedemikian rupa sehingga semua manusia datang ke hadapan-Ku dan melihat kilat yang menyambar dari Timur dan melihat bahwa Aku juga telah turun ke "Bukit Zaitun" di Timur. Mereka akan melihat bahwa Aku sudah lama ada di bumi, bukan lagi sebagai Anak Orang Yahudi, tetapi sebagai Kilat dari Timur. Karena Aku telah lama bangkit, dan telah beranjak dari tengah-tengah umat manusia, lalu menampakkan diri lagi dengan kemuliaan di antara manusia. Akulah Dia yang disembah berabad-abad lamanya sebelum saat ini, dan Aku juga adalah bayi yang ditelantarkan oleh orang Israel berabad-abad sebelum saat ini. Selain itu, Akulah Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa dan penuh kemuliaan pada zaman sekarang ini! Biarlah semua manusia datang ke hadapan takhta-Ku dan melihat wajah kemuliaan-Ku, mendengar suara-Ku, dan memandang perbuatan-perbuatan-Ku. Inilah keseluruhan kehendak-Ku; inilah akhir dan puncak rencana-Ku, serta tujuan pengelolaan-Ku: membuat semua bangsa menyembah-Ku, setiap lidah mengakui-Ku, semua manusia memercayai-Ku, dan semua suku bangsa tunduk kepada-Ku!"
Jika engkau dapat menegaskan dari hatimu bahwa perikop ini memiliki otoritas dan kuasa, dan adalah suara Tuhan, maka engkau adalah anak domba yang ingin Tuhan cari di akhir zaman!

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💥💸俄國氣炸!390億美元就這樣沒了;以空襲貝魯特! 擊斃真主黨精銳「拉德萬部隊」指揮官及10名高層;死灰復燃?習時代文革2.0?湖南女廳長被殺案:警方避提一嫌犯身份 官版沒人買賬【阿波羅網CJ】

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❓️🌸❓️Question 5: Paul said in

罹難孩子叫航平,男童父親的公開信;民間自發悼念男童,罪魁早有預謀;日本終於憤怒了,日企撤華不可擋;絕望青年共赴黃·泉,刑警噶了女廳長?【新聞看點 李沐陽9.20】

❓️🌸❓️Question 5: Paul said in

松下出資送員工回國 廣東再出大案!各大日資廠商都要跑了?

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