📚*・:✝️ Bible Verse of the Day ✝️:・*📚

This verse tells us what kind of person God loves and what kind of person God despises. God examines the innermost heart of man. God looks after and protects those whom He calls righteous; He hates evildoers and will repay them with wrath. From this, we can see God’s holy and righteous disposition. Then what kind of people are righteous? What should we do to be called righteous and truly become the righteous people? God says, “‘Righteousness’ does not mean giving alms, it does not mean loving your neighbor as yourself, and it does not mean not fighting, arguing, robbing, or stealing. Righteousness means taking God’s commission as your duty and obeying God’s orchestrations and arrangements as a heaven-sent vocation, regardless of the time or place, just like all that was done by the Lord Jesus. This is the very righteousness spoken of by God.” “In God’s eyes, all those who accept God’s care, protection, and perfection and who are gained by Him, are righteous and looked upon with cherishment by God.” From God’s words, we have accurate understanding and knowledge of righteousness. That is, we can unconditionally accept God’s commission and complete His commission with all our heart, all our mind, and can absolutely obey His orchestrations and arrangements without complaints, just like Noah did. In Noah’s generations, mankind was evil and corrupt. None but Noah could accept God’s commission to build an ark. No matter what God said, he could truly obey without reasons or conditions, and offered his all to complete God’s commission. Thus, he gained God’s praise and blessings. If we want to be righteous people in God’s eyes and gain God’s perfection, we should not make deals with God but offer up our whole beings for God’s commission, and submit to His orchestrations and arrangements in all things.

    創作者 人間過客 的頭像


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