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【Worship Song】
Emulate the Lord Jesus

Jesus completed God's mission, the redemption work of all man by giving His cares to God's will, without selfish purpose or plans. At the center He placed God's plan. To heavenly Father He prayed, seeking heavenly Father's will. He would seek and He'd always pray. If like Jesus you give all your cares to God and turn your back to flesh, God will trust you with vital tasks to enable you to serve Him.

He prayed and said, "God the Father! Accomplish that which is Your will. Don't act based on My intentions, act so that Your plan is fulfilled. Why should You care for man who's weak, who is like an ant in Your hand? I wish only to do Your will. Do in Me as You would intend." If like Jesus you give all your cares to God and turn your back to flesh, God will trust you with vital tasks to enable you to serve Him.

On the road to Jerusalem, Jesus's heart felt agonized. Yet He kept His word, powered forth towards where He would be crucified. At last He was nailed to the cross, became an image of sinful flesh, completing work of redemption, rising above shackles of death. If like Jesus you give all your cares to God and turn your back to flesh, God will trust you with vital tasks to enable you to serve Him.

Jesus lived for thirty-three years, doing all to satisfy God, never thinking of loss or gain but the will of God the Father. The service of the Lord Jesus was always in line with God's will. So the burden of redemption He was qualified to fulfill. Boundless suffering He endured, and countless times Satan tempted. Yet disheartened He never was. In trust and love, God gave Him this task. If like Jesus you give all your cares to God and turn your back to flesh, God will trust you with vital tasks to enable you to serve Him. And only at times like these will you dare to say you do His will, you complete His commission, that you truly are serving God.

from The Word Appears in the Flesh

The Church of Almighty God


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