To Gain Eternal Life, You Must Know the Source of It
God is the source of the life of man; heaven and earth live by His power. Nothing alive can free itself from God's rule and authority. It doesn't matter who you are, everyone must obey God, submit to His dominion, to His control and commandments! Maybe you are eager to find the life and the truth, find the God whom you can trust to receive the eternal life. If you want to get life eternal, find its source and where God is. God is life that does not change, only He has the way of life. Since God is the way of life, God is the way to eternal life.
In the last days God's work is new. He's sovereign in the universe. He's the mainstay in every heart, and He lives and breathes among man. Only then can He bring new life and lead man into the way of life. God comes to earth to live among man, so man may gain life and exist. God commands the universe to serve His management work. Not just in heaven or man's heart, God is living in this world. Denial of this truth will bring you neither the way of truth nor life. If you want to get life eternal, find its source and where God is. God is life that does not change, only He has the way of life. Since God is the way of life, God is the way to eternal life. If you want to get life eternal, find its source and where God is. God is life that does not change, only He has the way of life. Since God is the way of life, God is the way to eternal life. God commands the universe, He is the only way to life. God is the way to eternal life.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs
2018.12.27 갓피플 오늘의말씀
좁은 문으로 들어가라 멸망으로 인도하는 문은 크고 그 길이 넓어 그리로 들어가는 자가 많고 생명으로 인도하는 문은 좁고 길이 협착하여 찾는 자가 적음이라 _마태복음 7:13-14
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. _Matthew 7:13-14,NIV
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🌺I Am Too Busy to Stay Close to God. What Should I Do?
In the course of believing in God, most of the time we’re unable to calm our heart in His presence, nor can we share the words in our heart with Him. As a result, we often distance ourselves from God and live in the darkness. Then how should we do to quiet our heart before God?