得勝者之歌 https://reurl.cc/2mrY9
1 國度在人中間擴展,在人中間成形,在人中間站立起來,在人中間站立起來,沒有任何勢力能將神的國度摧毀。在今天國度中的子民,你們有誰不是人中間的一個?有誰是人以外的情形呢?在神新的起點公布於眾時,人的反應又會是如何呢?人的反應又會是如何呢?人間之狀,你們曾親眼目睹,難道還不打消在世長存的念頭嗎?
2 神現在是行走在眾子民之中,是生活在眾子民之間,今天對神有真實的愛,這樣的人有福了;對神順服之人有福了,必在神國中存留;對神認識的人有福了,必在神國度之中掌權;對神追求的人有福了有福了,必從撒但的捆綁之中逃脫出來,而享受在神之福;能夠背叛自己的人有福了,必被神佔有,承受神國中之豐富。承受神國中之豐富。
3 為神跑路的神紀念,為神花費的神悅納,向神獻上的神給予給予其享受之物,享受神話的神祝福,必是神國中的棟梁之柱,在神家中必然豐富無比,無人能相比。享受神話的神祝福,必是神國中的棟梁之柱,在神家中必然豐富無比,無人能相比。
4 為你們的祝福你們可曾接受?為你們的應許你們可曾去追求?你們必在神光的引領之下而衝破黑暗勢力的壓制,必在黑暗之中不失去不失去光的引領,必在萬物之中做主人,必在撒但之前做得勝者,必在大紅龍的國垮台之際,而站立在萬人之中作神的得勝之證據,在秦國之地你們必堅強不動搖,因著所受之苦而承受在神之福,必在全宇之下閃現出神的榮光。
God Blesses Those Who Are Honest
When you give your heart to God alone and you don't play false to Him, when you never do what would deceive those above you or below, when you're open with God in all things, when you don't do things simply to win the favor and smile of God, this is being honest. Honesty means when you run from impurity in each word and each deed, when you cheat not God nor people. Honesty means when you run from impurity in each word and each deed, when you cheat not God nor people. This is honesty, oh, this is honesty.
If your words are filled with excuses, filled with vain explanations, then you are not practicing the truth, you're not willing to do so. How will you find the light and salvation, if you don't bare your secrets? But if you like seeking the way of truth, you will always live in light. Honesty means when you run from impurity in each word and each deed, when you cheat not God nor people. Honesty means when you run from impurity in each word and each deed, when you cheat not God nor people. This is honesty, oh, this is honesty.
If you're willing to serve in God's house, hard-working, seeking no gain, then you are a faithful saint of God who just seeks to be honest. If you're frank, can give your life to witness God, if you only wish to please Him and never consider yourself, you'll be nourished by the light and live in the kingdom forever. Honesty means when you run from impurity in each word and each deed, when you cheat not God nor people. Honesty means when you run from impurity in each word and each deed, when you cheat not God nor people. This is honesty, oh, this is honesty.
from The Word Appears in the Flesh
The Church of Almighty God—The Second Coming of Jesus Christ