
⭐️⭐️God is the truth, the way and the life. No one can bestow life upon us except God. Share one passage with you.
⭐️⭐️God says, “God Himself is life, and the truth, and His life and truth coexist. Those who are incapable of gaining the truth shall never gain life. Without the guidance, support, and provision of the truth, you shall only gain letters, doctrines, and, moreover, death. God’s life is ever-present, and His truth and life coexist. If you cannot find the source of truth, then you will not gain the nourishment of life; if you cannot gain the provision of life, then you will surely have no truth....”





[] When we pursue more money to satisfy our material needs, what have we forgotten?

"God’s everything are the most important things for every single person and they cannot be replaced by any material object. I’ll give you an example: When you’re hungry, you need food. This food can be relatively good or relatively lacking, but as long as you have your fill, that unpleasant feeling of being hungry will no longer be there—it will be gone. You can sit there in peace, and your body will be at rest. People’s hunger can be resolved with food, but when you’re following God and feel that you have no understanding of Him, how can you resolve the emptiness in your heart? Can it be resolved with food? Or when you’re following God and don’t understand His will, what can you use to make up for that hunger in your heart? In the process of your experience of salvation through God, while pursuing a change in your disposition, if you don’t understand His will or don’t know what the truth is, if you don’t understand God’s disposition, don’t you feel very uneasy? Don’t you feel a strong hunger and thirst in your heart? Don’t these feelings prevent you from feeling at rest in your heart? So how can you make up for that hunger in your heart—is there a way to resolve it?

Some people go shopping, some find their friends to confide in, some people sleep their fill, others read more of God’s words. … Can these things resolve your actual difficulties? All of you fully understand these kinds of practices. When you feel powerless, when you feel a strong desire to gain enlightenment from God to allow you to know the reality of truth and His will, what do you need most? What you need isn’t a full meal, and it’s not a few kind words. More than that, it’s not the transient comfort and satisfaction of the flesh—what you need is for God to directly, clearly tell you what you should do and how you should do it, to clearly tell you what the truth is.

After you’ve understood this, even if it’s just a tiny bit, don’t you feel more satisfied in your heart than if you had eaten a good meal? When your heart is satisfied, doesn’t your heart, your whole person, gain true rest? Through this analogy and analysis, do you understand now why I wanted to share with you this sentence, “the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day”? Its meaning is that what comes from God, what He has and is, and His everything are greater than any other thing, including the thing or the person you once believed you treasured most. That is to say, if a person cannot have words from the mouth of God or they do not understand His will, they cannot gain rest. In your future experiences, you will understand why I wanted you to see this passage today—this is very important.

Everything that God does is truth and life. The truth for mankind is something that they cannot lack in their lives, that they can never do without; you could also say that it’s the greatest thing. Although you can’t look at it or touch it, its importance to you cannot be ignored; it is the only thing that can bring rest to your heart."




דרך החיים | עבודתו של אלוהים, טבעו של אלוהים ואלוהים עצמו ב' חלק 1 - המשך

דבריו של אלוהים בסרט זה הם מתוך הספר 'הדבר מופיע בבשר'. תוכנו של סרט זה:
איש לא יכול לשבש את העבודה שאלוהים גומר בדעתו לבצע
עבודת הניהול של אלוהים ועבודתו להושעת האנושות מתחילות בעקידת יצחק
לאלוהים לא אכפת אם האדם טיפש – כל מה שהוא דורש הוא שהאדם יהיה נאמן
האדם זוכה בברכת אלוהים משום היושר והמשמעת שלו
משא נפשו של אלוהים הוא תמיד זכייה במי שמכיר את אלוהים ומסוגל לשאת עליו עדות

הברק ממזרח, כנסיית האל הכול יכול נוסדה בעקבות הופעתו ועבודתו של האל הכול יכול, הביאה השנייה של ישוע אדוננו, המשיח של אחרית הימים. החברים בכנסייה הם אלה המקבלים את עבודתו של האל הכול יכול באחרית הימים, והנכבשים וניצלים באמצעות דבריו. האל הכול יכול ייסד את הכנסייה לבדו והוא שמנהיג אותה כרועה. היא במפורש לא נוסדה על ידי אדם. המשיח הוא האמת, הדרך והחיים. צאנו של אלוהים שומעות בקולו של אלוהים. כל עוד תקראו את דברי האל הכול יכול, תבינו שאלוהים אכן הופיע.

החומרים לקוחים בחלקם מתוך:









"So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just" (Matthew 13:49).


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