【Hot Discussion of Easter】

🤔🤔 Question: Since God is almighty, there is nothing difficult for Him to accomplish. And He can change the heaven and earth tremendously with one word. Thus, He can save mankind from the influence of Satan with only one word. But why did He redeem mankind by the crucifixion?

📚📚 Answer: 
God says, "The crucifixion was endured so that man could be redeemed, yet man does not understand God and always harbors some conceptions about God, saying: ‘To redeem all mankind God had only to say to Satan, “I am almighty. You dare to withhold mankind from Me? You must give them to Me.” With these few words everything could have been resolved—did God not have authority? All that was needed was for God to say that mankind is redeemed and that man’s sins are pardoned, then man would have been without sin. Were these things not decided by God’s words? If the heaven and earth and all things came into being with words from God, how then could God not resolve this issue? Why did He Himself need to be crucified?’ Both God’s almighty side and His practical side are at work here. With regard to His practical side, God incarnate endured much suffering in His thirty-three and a half years on earth, in the end being crucified until His blood ran dry. He endured the most terrible suffering but then was resurrected from death. His resurrection was God’s aspect of almightiness at work. He did not make any indication, or shed any blood or make it rain and say this was a sin offering. He didn’t do anything like that, but instead He personally became flesh to make contact with the whole of mankind and was nailed to the cross, so that mankind would know of this deed. By means of this deed, mankind came to know that God had redeemed them and this was proof that God had indeed saved man. … The Spirit cannot bleed; only the flesh can bleed and His precious blood was the proof of a sin offering. His flesh became in the likeness of sinful flesh and He suffered pain on behalf of mankind. The Spirit could not have been nailed to the cross, so the Spirit cannot suffer pain on behalf of mankind and cannot redeem man’s sins. This was done for mankind and this is God’s practical side. But that God could do this, that He could love man, was something unachievable by man himself, so this was God’s almightiness at work. Why is it said that He is God and that He has the aspect of almightiness? Every deed God does contains within it His aspect of almightiness, and it also contains His aspect of practicality. God’s almightiness is His essence, but His practicality also embodies one side of His essence; these two aspects are inseparable."

That we have such confusion is totally because we lack the knowledge of God’s almightiness and practicality. God is almighty, and the heavens and earth and all things were complete through His words. So we don’t have any conceptions about God’s almightiness, but have conceptions about His practicality. Actually, in His actions, both His almightiness and practicality are always revealed to us. For example, to save Israelites, God called Moses to lead them out of Egypt. This is the practical aspect of God’s work. When the Pharaoh of Egypt hindered them from leaving, God descended ten plagues on Egypt. This is God’s almightiness. We also remember that, to save the people of Nineveh, God told Jonah to go to Nineveh to convey God’s will. This is the real side of God’s work. But Jonah didn’t listen and fled to Tarshish from the presence of Jehovah God. When he was in the ship, God made a mighty tempest in the sea, and Jonah was cast forth into it. But he survived being in the whale’s stomach for three days. This is God’s almighty side. At the end of the Age of Law, because the Israelites couldn’t keep the law and lived in sins every day, they faced the danger of being condemned and executed under the law, and they needed a sin offering forever. Therefore, God became flesh and endured actual suffering and crucifixion to redeem people from sin and complete His work of redemption. This is God’s practical side. Three days after being crucified, the Lord Jesus was resurrected and then appeared to His disciples for forty days. This is God’s almighty side. In God’s actions, we can see every step of God’s work contains within it His aspect of almightiness, and also His aspect of practicality. This is a factual evidence of God’s saving mankind and a powerful evidence of His victory over Satan. It makes Satan have no choice but to be convinced. 





📚📚【Christian Testimony】
A Christian’s Experience of Hunting Job – Learning to Wait For God’s Perfect Time

For a young person who is about to enter into society after graduation, the biggest trouble he has to face is job hunting. Indeed, there are many enterprises and public institutions in today’s society. There seems to be lots of job opportunities. But the number of graduates every year is even greater, and the competition is also very intense. And all graduates try every means possible to gain a position in a big name company, as getting a good job is a turning point in one’s life and can also determine one’s future. I, a very ordinary and unremarkable graduating student, also had to face the difficulty of job hunting like other graduates. The only difference between me and them is that I am a Christian of The Church of Almighty God and I believe God has prepared everything.

Resumes Running Rampant, It’s Extremely Difficult to Get an Ideal Job

As large enterprises and institutions hung out their recruitment banners, various advertisements were posted up in our school, and my schoolmates often gathered before the bulletin board and read carefully every piece of information. The topics we discussed most frequently in our daily life were working place, payment, employment conditions, and so on. For a time, an intense atmosphere prevailed in our school. Everyone was revving up for their interview as if they were going to battle.

One day, my roommate—a straight-A student—came back in dejection and said dully, “I got rejected again. Each enterprise told me to wait for a response, yet none of them gave me a reply.” Hearing her words, my heart tightened. I thought: She is the top student in our dormitory. If she can’t even find a job, then what should I do? She continued, “Those companies don’t care about your GPA, and they only look at your appearance. If your appearance is not attractive, they will not waste time talking with you.” At her words, I said to myself, “It’s true. In present-day society, people only lay stress on your appearance and social background. Graduates like my roommate, a straight-A student, who is little, plain and not good looking, are just foils regardless of how good their grades. I’m also small and average-looking, and must be invisible among the crowd. How can I find a job?” During that time, I accompanied my classmates to attend several job interviews. When we stepped into the school hall, I was stunned by the scene before my eyes: A large crowd of students had already gathered there. There was a long line before each company’s stand. Everybody was trying to submit their resumes, yet few of them got an offer. Some exquisitely made resumes with facial photographs on them fell to the floor, and there were footprints on some of them. Seeing this, I felt sad and could not help but sigh in my heart: Who says people going to college will have a good future? The first step—finding an ideal job, is as hard as climbing to heaven! Constant rejections had sapped my classmates’ confidence. Some of them began to give up, saying, “Forget it! It seems hopeless. I might as well sign with whatever company. Anything is better than nothing.” After I heard these words, my heart rose into my throat. I had prayed to God before, committing my job-hunting into God’s hands and allowing God to reign over it. I wanted to find a job with a flexible work schedule so that I could have time to attend the meetings with brothers and sisters. Under such circumstance, I settled on a company. However, this company hadn’t begun recruitment, which made me burn with anxiety. I thought: Why does my ideal company not come to recruit? If they are not coming, will my passive waiting not spoil my prospects?

Placing Everything at God’s Disposal Rather Than Waiting Anxiously

Seeing I had never attended any interview of other companies, my classmates said to me, “Are you just gonna keep waiting like this? You don’t know whether that company will come to our school to recruit new staff. If you just wait, and they don’t come, you’ll have already lost all other opportunities to be recruited by other companies” At their words, I couldn’t help but feel a little worried: Right, if that company doesn’t come and other companies have finished their recruitment, all my efforts will have been in vain. If I go back to my hometown after four years of college, how can I face my family and friends who have a lot of expectations for me? But then I thought of God. I always felt that God would prepare everything for me. Since that company benefited me in believing in God, after much toing and froing, I decided to wait. However, the days of waiting appeared to be extremely long. I heard several times from others that my ideal company would not come to our school for recruitment. And every time I heard such news, I became perturbed and worried about my future. Once, a relative phoned me up and asked about my job hunting, and I told him about my situation. He asked, “Do you have the second-level computer certificate?” “No, I don’t.” I answered. He then asked, “Are you in a leading position in your school?” “No.” “A Party member?” “No.” My replies made him speechless and he just said, “Let’s just say that company is coming to your school, but with your low qualifications, it will be hard for you to enter that company.” His words damped my enthusiasm and I was greatly disheartened. I thought: If only I had the certificate and had enthusiastically participated in all sorts of school activities. But then I had a second thought: My roommate has gotten everything, yet isn’t she still unable to get a job?

Time passed day by day. As the recruiters left our school one after another, I began to feel anxious and awful, as if a fire were burning in my heart. I could do nothing except come to God and pray, “Oh God! You know I’m in agony now and I don’t know what course to follow. I’m afraid of losing my future, and even dread the derision of my classmates if I gain nothing in the end. What shall I do now? May You lead me.” After prayer, I took out my notebook for spiritual devotions and browsed it. Suddenly I saw a poem written by David, “One thing have I desired of Jehovah, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of Jehovah, and to inquire in his temple. For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up on a rock. And now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to Jehovah. Hear, O Jehovah, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also on me, and answer me. When you said, Seek you my face; my heart said to you, Your face, Jehovah, will I seek. … Teach me your way, O Jehovah, and lead me in a plain path, because of my enemies. Deliver me not over to the will of my enemies. … I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of Jehovah in the land of the living. Wait on Jehovah: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart: wait, I say, on Jehovah” (Psalms 27:4-8, 11-14). The words “Wait on Jehovah” were mentioned twice in the last two lines, and I was attracted by them. Then I read on and saw the following words of God: “That which My light shines upon, you must rely on Me to cast it away, live by Me always, be close to Me, and your actions must reveal My likeness. You shall fellowship with Me more when you are unsure of what to do, and I will guide you toward the right actions so that you may move forward. If you are unsure, do not take arbitrary actions; just wait for My time.” “You truly lack faith in My presence and often rely on yourselves to do things. ‘You can’t do anything without Me!’ But you corrupt people are always taking My words into one ear and out the other. Life nowadays is a life of words; without words there is no life, there is no experience, not to mention that there is no faith. Faith is in words; only by throwing yourselves more into God’s words can you have everything. Don’t worry about not growing up; life is sprouting up, it is not that people grow by worrying. You are always apt to become anxious and don’t listen to My instructions. You always want to exceed My pace. What is that about? It is people’s wild ambitions. … You are blind! Why don’t you come to My presence more and seek? Why are you messing around? You must see clearly! It is certainly not a person who is working now, but rather it is the Ruler of all, the one true God—the Almighty!” After reading God’s words, I felt brightened within: It’s true! Am I not blind and ignorant, and wanting to take arbitrary actions and rely on myself? My faith in God is too little. Although I have committed my job-hunting to God and allowed God to reign over it, I still want to rely on myself to do things. Why didn’t I come before God and pray to Him earlier? David wrote poems in praise of Jehovah, for he had seen many of the deeds of God in his experiences. Why don’t I rely on God and look unto Him so as to taste His authority and deeds? In God’s words I saw a way, which was to come close to God in everything and wait for God’s time. Then I came into God’s presence and prayed, “Oh Almighty God! I don’t have enough faith. I’m just a created being and am incapable of controlling myself. Oh God! I’m not willing to worry about my job-hunting any longer. My only wish is to commit it into Your hands and wait for Your time. I believe what You have prepared for me is the best.”

Tasting God’s Unfathomable Deeds in Reality

Three days later, on one afternoon, my phone suddenly rang. It was my acquaintance from the dean’s office. He said urgently on the phone, “Go to such and such immediately. The leader of that company is there, and he may leave by air tonight. Time is going to be tight, so you’d better hurry.” The sudden joyful surprise made me think of God’s words: “any and all things, living or dead, will shift, change, renew, and disappear according to God’s thoughts. This is how God rules over all things.” Just three days after my prayer, my ideal company, which I had been waiting for for a long time, showed up when I least expected it. I couldn’t help praising God for His wondrousness. Then I put on my overcoat, took my resume and hurried to the place where there were recruiting staff. On the way there, I imagined many interview questions, what kind of questions the leader would ask me, and how I should answer them, and these thoughts made me extremely nervous. So I prayed to God to quiet my heart. When I got there, some schoolmates had already gathered outside the door. It seemed I was the last to get the news. I waited at the rear of the line. My schoolmates talked to the leader and answered his questions one by one, but he politely refused them all with different excuses. For example, he said they didn’t want girls or those who were taking part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools. Finally, it was my turn. I cautiously handed my resume to the leader. It was the first resume I had submitted and also the only one I had printed. Then he opened my resume and leafed through it, and asked me whether I had brought my employment agreement. I answered yes. Unexpectedly, he didn’t ask me any other questions, but said calmly, “Let’s sign it.” At that time, I simply dared not believe what I heard, as if I were in a dream. After signing the agreement, I was still in a trance. No words could express my feelings at that time. Gratitude? Or, excitement? The only thing I could do was give thanks and praises to God, for I had not only got a stable job, but had also seen God’s wondrousness and unfathomableness as well as His great power and authority, and more than that, I had seen that God’s deeds are inestimable. God’s word says: “Without God’s work, no matter how good man’s doing, it will count for nothing, for the thoughts of God shall always be higher than the thoughts of man, and the wisdom of God is unfathomable to man.” This experience made me have a deep understanding of these words.

Through my experience of job hunting, I truly saw that God’s wondrousness and unfathomableness are beyond my thoughts. Although those days of waiting were long and difficult, it was just because my faith in God was too little. God wanted to temper my faith in this process, so that I could learn to turn my true heart over to God and submit to His sovereignty and arrangements. I felt that no matter how long I needed to wait, it was worthwhile. For God would reveal His deeds in His time and show me that He has authority, and that He is faithful and worthy of trusting my whole life. All the glory be to Almighty God!





🤔🤔 Question: What Are God’s Intentions Behind This Miracle of the Resurrection of Lazarus?

📚📚 Answer:

🍀🍀 1. The Resurrection of Lazarus Proved That the Lord Jesus Was the Incarnate God Himself

The book says, “The Lord Jesus doing something like this was extremely significant in that age. Because God had become flesh, people could only see His physical appearance, His practical side, and His insignificant side. Even if some people saw and understood some of His character or some strengths that He appeared to have, no one knew where the Lord Jesus came from, who His essence truly was, and what more He really could do. All of this was unknown to mankind. Too many people wanted proof of this thing, and to know the truth. Could God do something to prove His own identity? For God, this was a breeze—it was a piece of cake. He could do something anywhere, anytime to prove His identity and essence, but God did things with a plan, and in steps. He didn’t do things indiscriminately; He looked for the right time, and the right opportunity to do something most meaningful for mankind to see. This proved His authority and His identity. So then, could the resurrection of Lazarus prove the Lord Jesus’ identity? Let’s look at this passage of scripture: ‘And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. And he that was dead came forth.’ When the Lord Jesus did this, He said just one thing: ‘Lazarus, come forth.’ Lazarus then came out from his tomb—this was accomplished because of a single line uttered by the Lord” (“God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself III”).

Through this passage of words I saw that when the Lord Jesus worked and appeared to man two thousand years ago, nobody knew who He was. Many people were filled with a curiosity and doubt toward Him. The disciples that followed Him didn’t recognize the identity of Him either. Some of them called Him teacher; some also said He was the greatest of prophets. From these facts, I saw that no more than a few people knew His true identity in that age.

In order to prove His identity to mankind, the Lord Jesus used the miracle of bringing the dead back to life to reveal His authority and power to make man know that He is God Himself. From this miracle He performed, I saw that He neither observed any rituals nor set up an altar to pray to the God in heaven before He spoke. He only said loudly, “Lazarus, come forth.” Then Lazarus who had been dead for four days came out of the tomb. As soon as God says one sentence, the matter is finished. The prophets in ages past also performed a lot of miracles, but the miracle of bringing the dead back to life could not even have been performed by any prophets. This miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead has proved the identity of the Lord Jesus—the incarnate God, for only God seizes the key to Hades. The time when we are born or die is only determined by God. Evil spirits and Satan, including servants from Hades, are all unable to command mankind’s life and death. It is only God Himself who can perform this miracle.

The Lord Jesus performed the miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead, which lets us recognize that His identity is God Himself and achieve a completely new awareness of His true identity and all that He has and is, and finally we are able to truly believe in and follow Him. This miracle the Lord Jesus performed is extremely meaningful.

🍀🍀 2. The Resurrection of Lazarus—the Manifestation of God’s Authority
The book says, “When the Lord Jesus brought Lazarus back from the dead, He used one line: ‘Lazarus, come forth.’ He said nothing aside from this—what do these words represent? They represent that God can accomplish anything through speaking, including resurrecting a dead man. When God created all things, when He created the world, He did so with words. He used spoken commands, words with authority, and just like that all things were created. It was accomplished like that. This single line spoken by the Lord Jesus was just like the words spoken by God when He created the heavens and earth and all things; it equally held the authority of God, the ability of the Creator. All things were formed and stood fast because of words from God’s mouth, and just the same, Lazarus walked out from his tomb because of the words from the Lord Jesus’ mouth. This was the authority of God, demonstrated and realized in His incarnate flesh. This type of authority and ability belonged to the Creator, and to the Son of man in whom the Creator was realized. This is the understanding taught to mankind by God bringing Lazarus back from the dead” (“God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself III”).

After reading the words in the book, I realized that this miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead makes us not only know the true identity of the Lord Jesus—the flesh of God incarnate, but also understand a fact: Though in outward appearance the Lord Jesus seems ordinary and normal, the words from His mouth are the truth, with the authority and power, and are able to command man’s birth and death and rule over the life and death of all things.

From Genesis we see that in the beginning, God used words to create heavens, earth, and everything that exists. Soon after that, He created Adam with the dust and breathed the breath of life into him and then Adam became a living man with a spirit. God has the authority to create the heavens and earth and all things, and is able to give the breath of life to mankind. All things are established and made complete by God’s words. God’s words can give life to men, and can also have men die; God’s words can accomplish everything, and moreover, can supply mankind with life. Through this miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus, the Lord Jesus allows us to know that though God has become flesh, He is still God Himself and has the unique authority and power, and such power is not possessed by any created being.






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#HealthyAging #擁抱年輕保養趁早







摘自《獨一無二的神自己 二 神的公義性情》
#只有造物主疼惜這個人類 #造物主 #憐憫 #真情真





【The Topic of Easter】

🤔🤔 Question: In the Age of Law of the Old Testament, Jehovah God worked in the Spirit, but why did God become flesh to work in the Age of the New Testament? What’s the advantage of God working in the flesh?

📚📚 Answer:
🍀🍀1. Only God become flesh can man approach to God and accept the salvation from God

God says, "If God does not become flesh, He remains the Spirit both invisible and intangible to man. Man is a creature of flesh, and man and God belong to two different worlds and are different in nature. The Spirit of God is incompatible with man of flesh, and no relations can be established between them; moreover, man cannot become a spirit. As such, the Spirit of God must become one of the creatures and do His original work. God can both ascend to the highest place and humble Himself by becoming a man of creation, doing work and living among man, but man cannot ascend to the highest place and become a spirit and much less can he descend to the lowest place. Therefore, God must become flesh to carry out His work. … only the flesh of God incarnate could redeem man through His crucifixion, whereas it was not possible for the Spirit of God to be crucified as a sin offering for man. God could directly become flesh to serve as a sin offering for man, but man could not directly ascend to heaven to take the sin offering that God had prepared for them. As such, God must journey to and fro between heaven and earth, rather than letting man ascend to heaven to take this salvation, for man had fallen and could not ascend to heaven, much less obtain the sin offering. Therefore, it was necessary for Jesus to come among men and personally do the work that simply could not be accomplished by man."

These words explained God’s incarnation so clearly. Indeed! God is Holy. How can we humans who are deeply corrupted ascend to heaven to see Him? If we saw the face of God’s Spirit, all of us would be smitten. So God became flesh and came to the filthy land to save us. In the latter period of the Age of Law, people were corrupted more and more deeply by Satan, and lived in sin, often breaking the law and offending Jehovah God; yet without power to overcome sin, their offering the sacrifices and confessing their sins became rituals; they were unable to observe the law and faced the danger of execution. God didn’t have the heart to see mankind, created by Him, be condemned and executed by the law, so He was incarnated to be man’s sin offering and bore the sins of all mankind, redeeming them from sin. It was not possible for the Spirit of God to be crucified, and mankind was incapable of ascending to heaven to take the sin offering. Therefore, God had to become flesh to be a sin offering and personally bear all men’s sins through His crucifixion, redeeming us mankind from the cross, that is, redeeming us from sin. Only in this way can we mankind have opportunities to repent and confess to God and receive the Lord’s salvation. After understanding this, I was very touched: God is holy and possesses no filthiness and corruption, but He would rather endure extreme humiliation to come to the filthy land, eating, staying, and living together with men, in order to save us corrupt mankind. God’s love is so real and His essence is so beautiful and good. Only God will pay such a high price for us mankind!


🍀🍀2. Only by being incarnated to do His work, can God bring us His accurate words, His will and His requirements, so that we can have more knowledge of Him

God says, "The best thing about His work in the flesh is that He can leave accurate words and exhortations, and His accurate will for mankind to those who follow Him, so that afterward His followers can more accurately and more concretely pass on all of His work in the flesh and His will for the whole of mankind to those who accept this way. Only the work of God in the flesh among man truly accomplishes the fact of God’s being and living together with man. Only this work fulfills man’s desire to behold the face of God, witness the work of God, and hear the personal word of God."

Only by being incarnated to do His work, can God bring us His accurate words, His will and His requirements, so that we can have more knowledge of Him. During the period of His getting along with the disciples, the Lord Jesus gave them many teachings: being tolerant and patient, loving their enemies, preaching His gospel to the ends of the earth, and so on. He straightforwardly told man how to practice conforming to God’s intention. For example, Peter once asked the Lord Jesus, ‘Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?’ And the Lord Jesus directly told him, ‘I say not to you, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven’ (See Matthew 18:21-22). From the words of the Lord Jesus, we can accurately understand God’s will, know what He likes and what He hates, and have the accurate way to practice according to God’s words, instead of racking one’s brain and conjecturing. So the Lord Jesus’ being incarnated to do His work is helpful for us to understand His intentions and practice His word, and moreover it allows us to get closer to God, genuinely feel the real existence of God, and obtain true knowledge of and faith in God. These are the greatest advantages of God’s incarnation.

🍀🍀3. Only God become flesh can man have knowledge and understanding of the normal humanity of God incarnate and have a closer relationship with God

God says, "The reason why I became flesh is so that you may see what I am and have in My humanity. In the future, I will let you witness what I am and have in My divinity. Things must proceed step by step in this way. Otherwise, people will simply be unable to believe, and they will have no knowledge of Me. Instead they will only be unclear and indistinct about visions and will be unable to have a clear understanding of Me."

These words are very well spoken! Jesus’ incarnation indeed allowed us to have knowledge and understanding of the normal humanity of God incarnate and have a closer relationship with God. Otherwise, we would always think that God can only do His work in the Spirit and that He is unfathomably mysterious and unapproachable. The incarnate Lord Jesus, who looked just the same as an ordinary person outwardly, underwent a normal human growth process, and ate, clothed, lived, and walked like a normal man and also had emotions. For example, the Lord Jesus cried when He heard the news that Lazarus had died; He felt happy when He saw people getting married. Not only does God have real, ordinary, and normal humanity, but He also has the divine substance not possessed by man. For example, after Jesus was nailed to the cross and then resurrected, He could penetrate walls, and move and work freely on earth, unfettered by flesh. The most important thing was that the Lord Jesus in the flesh could express the truth and preach the way of repentance, and moreover bore the sins of man as the sin offering. He redeemed mankind from sin and forgave their sins so that people could have opportunities to come before God to pray and continue receiving His salvation. Only God incarnate can do such work; none of corrupt mankind can. Only in this way can man have knowledge of God in the flesh, and see His dearness, loveliness, wisdom and almightiness. The significance of God’s incarnation is incredibly deep! God’s incarnation is truly a huge blessing for us who follow God, allowing us to have the opportunity to know God and attain His salvation. Thank God!


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