When You Behold the Spiritual Body of Jesus Will Be When God Has Made Anew Heaven and Earth (Excerpt II)

Your loyalty is in word only, your knowledge is merely intellectual and conceptual, your labors are for the sake of gaining the blessings of heaven, and so what must your faith be like? Even today, you still turn a deaf ear to each and every word of truth. You do not know what God is, you do not know what Christ is, you do not know how to revere Jehovah, you do not know how to enter into the work of the Holy Spirit, and you do not know how to distinguish between the work of God Himself and the deceptions of man. You know only to condemn any word of truth expressed by God that does not conform to your thought. Where is your humility? Where is your obedience? Where is your loyalty? Where is your desire to seek the truth? Where is your reverence of God? I tell you, those who believe in God because of the signs are surely the category that shall suffer destruction. Those who are incapable of accepting the words of Jesus who has returned to flesh are surely the progeny of hell, the descendants of the archangel, the category that shall be subjected to everlasting destruction. Many people may not care what I say, but I still want to tell every so-called saint who follows Jesus that, when you see Jesus descend from the heaven upon a white cloud with your own eyes, this will be the public appearance of the Sun of righteousness. Perhaps that will be a time of great excitement for you, yet you should know that the time when you witness Jesus descend from the heaven is also the time when you go down to hell to be punished. It will herald the end of God’s management plan, and will be when God rewards the good and punishes the wicked. For the judgment of God will have ended before man sees signs, when there is only the expression of truth. Those who accept the truth and do not seek signs, and thus have been purified, shall have returned before the throne of God and entered the Creator’s embrace. Only those who persist in the belief that “The Jesus who does not ride upon a white cloud is a false Christ” shall be subjected to everlasting punishment, for they only believe in the Jesus who exhibits signs, but do not acknowledge the Jesus who proclaims severe judgment and releases the true way of life. And so it can only be that Jesus deals with them when He openly returns upon a white cloud. They are too stubborn, too confident in themselves, too arrogant. How could such degenerates be rewarded by Jesus? The return of Jesus is a great salvation for those who are capable of accepting the truth, but for those who are unable to accept the truth it is a sign of condemnation. You should choose your own path, and should not blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and reject the truth. You should not be an ignorant and arrogant person, but someone who obeys the guidance of the Holy Spirit and longs for and seeks the truth; only in this way will you benefit. I advise you to tread the path of belief in God with care. Do not jump to conclusions; what’s more, do not be casual and carefree in your belief in God. You should know that, at the very least, those who believe in God should be humble and reverential. Those who have heard the truth and yet turn their nose up at it are foolish and ignorant. Those who have heard the truth and yet carelessly jump to conclusions or condemn it are beset by arrogance. No one who believes in Jesus is qualified to curse or condemn others. You should all be someone who is rational and accepts the truth. Perhaps, having heard the way of truth and read the word of life, you believe that only one in 10,000 of these words are in line with your convictions and the Bible, and then you should continue to seek in that 10,000th of these words. I still advise you to be humble, to not be over-confident, and to not exalt yourself too highly. With your heart holding such meager reverence for God, you will gain greater light. If you carefully examine and repeatedly contemplate these words, you shall understand whether or not they are the truth, and whether or not they are life. Perhaps, having only read a few sentences, some people will blindly condemn these words, saying, “This is nothing more than some enlightenment of the Holy Spirit,” or, “This is a false Christ come to deceive people.” Those who say such things are blinded by ignorance! You understand too little of the work and wisdom of God, and I advise you to start again from scratch! You must not blindly condemn the words expressed by God because of the appearance of false Christs during the last days, and must not be someone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit because you fear deception. Would that not be a great pity? If, after much examination, you still believe that these words are not the truth, are not the way, and are not the expression of God, then you shall ultimately be punished, and be without blessings. If you cannot accept such truth spoken so plainly and so clearly, then are you not unfit for God’s salvation? Are you not someone who is not fortunate enough to return before the throne of God? Think about it! Do not be rash and impetuous, and do not treat belief in God as a game. Think for the sake of your destination, for the sake of your prospects, for the sake of your life, and do not play around with yourself. Can you accept these words?
Excerpted from “When You Behold the Spiritual Body of Jesus Will Be When God Has Made Anew Heaven and Earth”















Palabras diarias de Dios | Cristo hace la obra de juicio con la verdad (Fragmento 2)

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Relámpago Oriental, la Iglesia de Dios Todopoderoso nació debido a la aparición y a la obra de Dios Todopoderoso, el retorno del Señor Jesús, Cristo de los últimos días. La iglesia está compuesta de todos aquellos quienes sinceramente aceptan la obra de los últimos días de Dios Todopoderoso y están conquistados y salvados por la palabra de Dios. Fue completamente fundada por Dios Todopoderoso personalmente y personalmente la orienta y la pastorea y de ninguna manera fue establecida por ningún hombre. Cristo es la verdad, el camino y la vida. Las ovejas de Dios oyen la voz de Dios. En tanto leas las palabras de Dios Todopoderoso, verás que Dios ha aparecido.

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Palabras diarias de Dios | Sólo el que experimenta la obra de Dios verdaderamente cree en Dios (Fragmento 4)





當你看見耶穌的靈身體, 上帝創造天地的時候(摘錄二)

你的忠誠只是在言語上, 你的知識只是智力和概念, 你的勞碌是為了獲得天堂的祝福, 那麼你的信仰是怎樣的? 即便是今天, 你仍然對每一個真理的每一個字視而不見. 你們不知道上帝是什麼, 你不知道基督是什麼, 你不知道怎樣顛倒耶和華, 你不知道如何進入聖靈的工作, 也不知道如何區分. 上帝自己的工作和人的欺騙. 你只知道譴責上帝表達的任何不符合你思想的真理的話. 你的謙卑在哪裡? 你的服從在哪裡? 你的忠誠在哪裡? 你尋求真相的慾望在哪裡? 你對上帝的尊重在哪裡? 我告訴你們, 那些因跡象而信仰上帝的人, 必定是受毀滅的. 那些無法接受耶穌的話, 回到肉體的, 肯定是地獄的後代, 是大天使的子孫, 這一類將永遠毀滅. 很多人可能不在乎我說甚麼, 但我還是想告訴每個所謂的跟隨耶穌的聖徒, 當你看到耶穌親眼從天上降下在白雲上, 這將是公開出現 正義的陽光. 也許這將是一個非常興奮的時刻, 但你應該知道, 你見證耶穌從天上降下地獄的時候, 也是你下地獄受懲罰的時候. 這將預示著真主的管理計劃的結束, 當真主獎勵善良者, 懲罰惡人的時候. 因為只有真理的表達, 神的審判必在人看見神蹟之前就結束了. 通道而不尋求蹟象, 因此被純潔的人, 將在真主的寶座前返回, 進入造物主的擁抱. 只有那些堅持相信"不 騎 白雲 的 耶穌 是 假 基督"的人, 才會受到永恆的懲罰, 因為他們只信顯現神蹟的耶穌, 卻不承認那宣揚的耶穌. 嚴厲的判斷, 釋放了真正的生活方式. 所以, 耶穌只能在白雲上公開與他們打交道. 他們太固執, 對自己太自信, 太傲慢了. 耶穌怎麼能獎勵這種墮落? 耶穌的歸來是那些有能力接受真理的人的大救恩, 但對於那些無法接受真理的人來說, 這是譴責的跡象. 你應該選擇自己的路, 不可褻瀆聖靈, 拒絕真理. 你不應該成為無知, 傲慢的人, 而是服從聖靈的引導, 渴望真理, 追求真理, 只有這樣, 你才會受益. 我建議你小心踏上信仰上帝的道路. 不要跳到結論; 此外, 不要隨意, 相信上帝. 你應該知道, 至少, 相信上帝的人應該謙卑, 敬拜. 那些聽見真理卻反駁真理的人, 是愚昧無知的. 那些聽到真理卻卻不小心跳出結論或譴責的人, 卻被傲慢所困擾. 沒有任何相信耶穌的人可以詛咒或譴責別人. 你們都應該是理智和接受真理的人. 也許, 聽到真理的路, 閱讀了生命之道, 你相信, 其中10,000個字中只有一句話符合你的信念和聖經, 然後你應該繼續在那10,000號尋求 這些詞. 我仍然建議你謙卑, 不要過分自信, 不要太高傲. 你的心對上帝如此微薄的尊重, 你將獲得更大的光. 如果你仔細檢查並反復思考這些話, 你就要明白它們是否真實, 以及它們是否是生命. 也許, 只讀了幾句話, 有些人會盲目地譴責這些話, 說,"這不過是聖靈的一些啓示,"或者"這是假基督來欺騙人."這些人." 誰說這種事情被無知蒙蔽了! 你對上帝的工作和智慧瞭解太少, 我建議你從頭開始! 你們不可因為最後幾天出現虛假基督徒而盲目地譴責上帝所表達的言語, 也不可因為害怕欺騙而褻瀆聖靈的人. 那難道不是一個非常遺憾嗎? 如果經過仔細檢查, 你仍然相信這些話不是真理, 不是道路, 也不是上帝的表達, 那你最終會受到懲罰, 沒有祝福. 如果你無法接受如此直言明的真理, 那麼你難道不適於上帝的救恩嗎? 難道你不是一個沒有足夠幸運回到上帝的寶座前的人嗎? 想想吧! 不要急躁, 不要把信仰上帝當作遊戲. 為了你的目的地, 為了你的前景, 為了你的生活, 為了你的生命, 不要玩自己. 你能接受這些話嗎?
摘自"當你 看見 耶穌 的 靈 身體, 上帝 創造 天地 的 時候"


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Araw-araw na mga Salita ng Diyos | "Ang Gawain sa Kapanahunan ng Kautusan" (Sipi 1)

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Ang Gawain ng Diyos, ang Disposisyon ng Diyos, at ang Diyos Mismo III (Ikawalong Bahagi)

Sabi ng Makapangyarihang Diyos: "Bagamat ang Panginoong Jesus ay muling nabuhay, ang Kanyang puso at ang Kanyang gawain ay hindi iniwanan ang sangkatauhan. Sinabi Niya sa mga tao sa Kanyang pagpapakita na sa anumang anyo Siya umiiral, sasamahan Niya ang mga tao, lalakad kasama nila, at sasakanila sa lahat ng oras at sa lahat ng dako. At sa lahat ng oras at sa lahat ng dako, magkakaloob Siya sa sangkatauhan at papastulin sila, tutulutan silang makita at mahipo Siya, at titiyakin na hindi na nila kailanman mararamdaman ang kawalan ng pag-asa. Gusto din ng Panginoong Jesus na malaman ng mga tao ito: Ang kanilang mga buhay sa mundong ito ay hindi nag-iisa. Ang sangkatauhan ay may pagmamalasakit ng Diyos, kasama nila ang Diyos; ang mga tao ay palaging makaaasa sa Diyos; Siya ang pamilya ng bawat isa sa Kanyang mga tagasunod. Kasama ang Diyos para sandigan, ang sangkatauhan ay hindi na magiging malungkot at mawawalan ng pag-asa, at yaong tumanggap sa Kanya bilang handog sa pagkakasala ay hindi na matatali sa kasalanan. Sa mga mata ng tao, ang mga bahaging ito ng Kanyang gawain na pinatupad ng Panginoong Jesus pagkatapos ng Kanyang muling pagkabuhay ay masyadong malilit na mga bagay, ngunit sa tingin Ko, ang bawat isang bagay ay totoong makahulugan, totoong mahalaga, at lahat sila ay totoong mahalaga at mabibigat."

Ang Kidlat ng Silanganan, nilikha ang Iglesia ng Makapangyarihang Diyos dahil sa pagpapakita at gawain ng Makapangyarihang Diyos, ang ikalawang pagdating ng Panginoong Jesus, ang Cristo ng mga huling araw. Binubuo ito ng lahat ng mga taong tumatanggap sa gawain ng Makapangyarihang Diyos sa mga huling araw at nilupig at niligtas ng Kanyang mga salita. Lubos itong itinatag nang personal ng Makapangyarihang Diyos at pinamumunuan Niya bilang Pastol. Talagang hindi ito nilikha ng tao. Si Kristo ay ang katotohanan, daan, at buhay. Kordero ng Diyos pakinggan ang tinig ng Diyos. Hangga't nababasa ninyo ang mga salita ng Makapangyarihang Diyos, makikita ninyo na nagpakita ang Diyos.

Espesyal na pahayag: Ginawa ang video production na ito bilang isang proyektong hindi pangkalakal ng Iglesia ng Makapangyarihang Diyos. Hindi maaaring ipamahagi ang video na ito bilang pangkalakal sa anumang ikatlong partido, at umaasa kaming ibabahagi at ikakalat ito ng lahat nang walang bayad. Kapag ipinamahagi ninyo ito, mangyaring tandaan ang pinagmulan. Nang walang pahintulot ng Iglesia ng Makapangyarihang Diyos, walang organisasyon, panlipunang grupo, o indibidwal ang maaaring pakialaman o katawanan nang mali ang mga nilalaman ng video na ito.

Ang nilalaman ng video na ito ay isinalin sa kabuuan ng mga propesyonal na tagasalin. Gayunpaman, dahil sa mga pagkakaiba sa wika atbp., may kaunting hindi maiiwasang hindi tumpak. Kung may makita kayong anumang hindi tumpak, mangyaring sumangguni sa orihinal na bersiyon sa wikang Tsino, at huwag mag-atubiling makipag-ugnayan sa amin para ipaalam ito.

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Myanmar Gospel Music 2020 (ဘုရားသခင္၌ ယုံၾကည္ျခင္းဆိုင္ရာ ခံယူထြက္ဆိုခ်က္မ်ား) Chinese Gospel Song
အႀကံျပဳ :
Myanmar Gospel Music Video 2020 - လူသားမ်ိဳးႏြယ္အေပၚ ဖန္ဆင္းရွင္၏ ႐ိုးသားစစ္မွန္ေသာ စိတ္ခံစားမႈမ်ား


Myanmar Gospel Music 2020 (အမႈေတာ္သစ္လက္ခံသူမ်ား မဂၤလာရွိ) Chinese Gospel Song | MV

Myanmar Worship Music (ေန႔တိုင္း ဘုရားသခင္ႏွင့္အတူ ကြၽႏ္ုပ္ရွိခဲ့ဖို႔ ဆႏၵရွိေပ) Chinese Gospel Song

Myanmar Christian Music (သင့္ဘဝကိုဘုရားရဲ႕ ႏႈတ္ကပတ္ေတာ္ ႏွင့္ျပည့္ေစပါ) Chinese Gospel Song | MV

Myanmar Gospel Skit (အမွန္ဆိုတာ အမွား မဟုတ္ႏိုင္ပါ) How to Discern the True Christ and False Christs

Myanmar Gospel Music 2020 (ဘုရားသခင္၌ ယုံၾကည္ျခင္းဆိုင္ရာ ခံယူထြက္ဆိုခ်က္မ်ား) Chinese Gospel Song
ယုံၾကည္ျခင္း၏ အေျခခံက်ဆုံးအစိတ္အပိုင္းမွာ
ေန႔စဥ္ ႏႈတ္ကပတ္ေတာ္ကို ဖတ္ရႈျခင္းျဖစ္သည္
ေန႔စဥ္ ေဆာင္႐ြက္ရမည့္အမႈမွာ
ဘုရားရွင္ထံ ဆုေတာင္းျခင္းႏွင့္ မိမိကိုယ္ကို သုံးသပ္ျခင္းျဖစ္သည္
ယုံၾကည္ျခင္း၏အဓိကပစ္မွတ္မွာ သမၼာတရားကို လက္ေတြ႕က်င့္သုံးရန္ႏွင့္
ျပဳမူရန္ မူမ်ားရွိျခင္း ျဖစ္သည္
ယုံၾကည္ျခင္း၌ ထားရွိရမည့္ အသိစိတ္မွာ
ဘုရားသခင္၏ေစခိုင္းခ်က္ကို ျပည့္စုံေစရန္ တာဝန္၌ သစၥာရွိျခင္းျဖစ္သည္
ဘုရားသခင္ကို ႏွစ္သက္ျမတ္ႏိုးသည့္အခါ ၎သည္ စစ္မွန္ေသာ ယုံၾကည္ျခင္းျဖစ္သည္
ဘုရားသခင္ကို ျမတ္ႏိုးျခင္းသည္ သင့္ကို သမာဓိရွိေစ၍ ျမင့္ျမတ္ေစသည္
ဘုရားသခင္ကို အစဥ္ျမတ္ႏိုး၍ ဘုရားအတြက္ အသက္ရွင္လွ်င္
သင္ ဘယ္ေတာ့မွ ေနာင္တရမည္ မဟုတ္ပါ
ဘုရားသခင္ကို အမွန္ပင္ ခ်စ္ျမတ္ႏိုးသူသာလွ်င္
ဘုရားအတြကို သက္ေသခံ၍ သူ႔ကို ခ်ီးေျမာက္ႏိုင္မည္
အမွန္သည္ကား ဘုရားသခင္ကို ခ်စ္ျခင္းထက္၊ ဘုရားသခင္ကို ခ်စ္ျခင္းထက္
ဘယ္အရာမွ ပို၍ အဓိပၸာယ္မရွိပါ ဘယ္အရာမွ ပို၍ မဂၤလာမရွိပါ
ကယ္တင္ျခင္း ရရွိရန္ လမ္းသည္
ဘုရား၏အမႈကို နာခံျခင္း၊ သမၼာတရားေနာက္ လိုက္ျခင္းျဖစ္သည္
သူ၏ေျဖရွင္းခ်က္ႏွင့္ စီရင္ျခင္းကို လက္ခံျခင္းသည္
အေရးႀကီးဆုံး အမွန္တရားသည္
သမၼာတရားရွိျခင္းႏွင့္ ႐ိုးသားေျဖာင့္မတ္ျခင္းျဖစ္သည္
သင့္တစ္သက္တာ ဝတၱရားအျဖစ္ သမၼာတရားကို နာခံပါ
၎သည္ လက္ေတြ႕ယုံၾကည္ျခင္းအသက္တာ၏ အျမင့္ဆုံးမူျဖစ္သည္
ဘုရားသခင္ကို ႏွစ္သက္ျမတ္ႏိုးသည့္အခါ
၎သည္ စစ္မွန္ေသာ ယုံၾကည္ျခင္းျဖစ္သည္
ဘုရားသခင္ကို ျမတ္ႏိုးျခင္းသည္ သင့္ကို သမာဓိရွိေစ၍ ျမင့္ျမတ္ေစသည္
ဘုရားသခင္ကို အစဥ္ျမတ္ႏိုး၍ ဘုရားအတြက္ အသက္ရွင္လွ်င္
သင္ ဘယ္ေတာ့မွ ေနာင္တရမည္ မဟုတ္ပါ
ဘုရားသခင္ကို အမွန္ပင္ ခ်စ္ျမတ္ႏိုးသူသာလွ်င္
ဘုရားအတြကို သက္ေသခံ၍ သူ႔ကို ခ်ီးေျမာက္ႏိုင္မည္
အမွန္သည္ကား ဘုရားသခင္ကို ခ်စ္ျခင္းထက္၊ ဘုရားသခင္ကို ခ်စ္ျခင္းထက္
ဘယ္အရာမွ ပို၍ အဓိပၸာယ္မရွိပါ ဘယ္အရာမွ ပို၍ မဂၤလာမရွိပါ
ဘုရားကို ယုံၾကည္ျခင္း၌ အႀကီးမားဆုံး က်ရႈံးျခင္းသည္
လူေနာက္လိုက္ျခင္း၊ လူကို ကိုးကြယ္ျခင္းျဖစ္သည္
ဘုရားသခင္ကို ယုံၾကည္သည့္အခါ
ဘုရားကို သစၥာမေဖာက္ရန္၊ မဆန္႔က်င္ရန္ သတိျပဳပါ
ဘုရားသခင္ကို ေၾကာက္႐ြံ႕ၿပီး မေကာင္းမႈကို ေရွာင္ၾကဥ္ရမည္
ဤအရာသည္ မေျပာင္းလဲေသာ ယုံၾကည္ျခင္းလမ္းစဥ္ျဖစ္သည္
ယုံၾကည္ျခင္း၏ေနာက္ဆုံး ရည္႐ြယ္ခ်က္မွာ
ဘုရားသခင္ကို သိကြၽမ္းရန္ သင္ယူျခင္းႏွင့္ သူ႔အတြက္ု သက္ေသခံရန္ ျဖစ္သည္
ဘုရားသခင္ကို ႏွစ္သက္ျမတ္ႏိုးသည့္အခါ
၎သည္ စစ္မွန္ေသာ ယုံၾကည္ျခင္းျဖစ္သည္
ဘုရားသခင္ကို ျမတ္ႏိုးျခင္းသည္ သင့္ကို သမာဓိရွိေစ၍ ျမင့္ျမတ္ေစသည္
ဘုရားသခင္ကို အစဥ္ျမတ္ႏိုး၍ ဘုရားအတြက္ အသက္ရွင္လွ်င္
သင္ ဘယ္ေတာ့မွ ေနာင္တရမည္ မဟုတ္ပါ
ဘုရားသခင္ကို အမွန္ပင္ ခ်စ္ျမတ္ႏိုးသူသာလွ်င္
ဘုရားအတြကို သက္ေသခံ၍ သူ႔ကို ခ်ီးေျမာက္ႏိုင္မည္
အမွန္သည္ကား ဘုရားသခင္ကို ခ်စ္ျခင္းထက္၊ ဘုရားသခင္ကို ခ်စ္ျခင္းထက္
ဘယ္အရာမွ ပို၍ အဓိပၸာယ္မရွိပါ ဘယ္အရာမွ ပို၍ မဂၤလာမရွိပါ

သိုးသငယ္ေနာက္လိုက္ၿပီး သီခ်င္းအသစ္မ်ားကိုသီဆိုပါ မွ

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