

מערכון 'הכומר שלנו אמר...' | למי עלינו להאזין כשאנו מאמינים באלוהים?

יו שונפו היא מאמינה מהעולם הדתי, שמעריצה כמרים ובכירים. היא חושבת כך: "אלוהים מינה את כל הכמרים והבכירים, וההישמעות לכמרים ולבכירים היא הישמעות לאלוהים". לכן היא נשמעת לכומר שלה בכל מעשיה, אפילו כשמדובר בקידום פניו של ישוע בשובו. אך לאחר דיון שמנוהל בצורה מבריקה, יו שונפו מבינה שזה מגוחך ולא הגיוני להיצמד לתפיסות דתיות. בסופו של דבר היא רואה שכאדם מאמין, עליה לפאר קודם כול את אלוהים, ולשמור לאלוהים את "בית המקדש" שבלבה. לכן היא מחליטה לברר ולחקור את דרך האמת בכוחות עצמה...

הברק ממזרח, כנסיית האל הכול יכול נוסדה בעקבות הופעתו ועבודתו של האל הכול יכול, הביאה השנייה של ישוע אדוננו, המשיח של אחרית הימים. החברים בכנסייה הם אלה המקבלים את עבודתו של האל הכול יכול באחרית הימים, והנכבשים וניצלים באמצעות דבריו. האל הכול יכול ייסד את הכנסייה לבדו והוא שמנהיג אותה כרועה. היא במפורש לא נוסדה על ידי אדם. המשיח הוא האמת, הדרך והחיים. צאנו של אלוהים שומעות בקולו של אלוהים. כל עוד תקראו את דברי האל הכול יכול, תבינו שאלוהים אכן הופיע.


約伯敬畏神的三大表現 你知道嗎(有聲讀物)




親愛的弟兄姊妹,主內平安!提到「敬畏神」,多數人都會想到聖經中記載的約伯。約伯敬畏神遠離惡事,在試煉中為神站住見證,得到了神的稱許、祝福,活出了有價值、有意義的人生,令我們羨慕。今天,讓我們再次重溫《約伯記》,細數約伯敬畏神的表現,以便幫助我們對敬畏神這項真理有一些新的認識與進入。今天朗讀的文章是:《約伯敬畏神的三大表現 你知道嗎》。




約伯不僅唯恐自己偏離了神的道,還擔心他的兒女們因常常筵宴而做出得罪神的事,從中看到,約伯並沒有因為肉體親情而縱容兒女們犯罪,而是恨惡、厭憎兒女們吃喝玩樂,因他知道這是令神厭憎的。於是筵宴一過,約伯就打發人叫兒女們自潔,還常常為他們獻燔祭。聖經中記載「約伯常常這樣行」,更加證明了約伯是用心來敬畏神的,他敬畏神的行為表現不是掛在嘴上的,更不是偶爾情緒高漲、一時興起才去實行的,而是把敬畏神遠離惡的道放在心裡,從點點滴滴的小事做起。正如神的話說:「約伯不是偶爾或一時高興去看一看,也不是通過禱告跟神認罪,而是常常叫他們自潔,為他們獻燔祭。這裡的『常常』不是一朝一夕、不是片刻,而是指約伯敬畏神的表現不是一時的,不是只停留在認識上,也不是只掛在嘴上,而是敬畏神遠離惡的道在主導他的心,也支配他的行為,在他的心中是他生存的根本。他常常有這樣的行為,這代表他心裡常常唯恐自己得罪神,也唯恐他的兒女們得罪神,也代表『敬畏神,遠離惡事』這個道在他心裡的分量是多麼重。」(摘自《神的作工、神的性情與神自己 二》)




撒但在神面前控告約伯,得到神的許可後,就急不可待地試探約伯。不久,牲畜被擄、僕人被殺害、十個兒女被奪去性命的消息接踵而來,一時間,約伯從腰纏萬貫的富翁變得一無所有。我們可以想像出當時的畫面多麼觸目驚心,無論是誰臨到這樣的試煉都會承受不了,但約伯卻表現得十分鎮定,他沒有慌張,也沒有派人去追回他的財產,而是起身「撕裂外袍」「剃頭」「伏在地上下拜」,他表現出來的冷靜出乎人的意料。神的話說:「此時的約伯心裡很平靜,也很清醒,他完全正直的人性讓他理性地、自然地對他所臨到的禍患作出準確的判斷與決定,所以,他表現得異乎尋常的冷靜:起來,撕裂外袍,剃了頭,伏在地上下拜。『撕裂外袍』意指他赤身露體、一無所有;『剃了頭』意指他如新生的嬰兒歸到神的面前;『伏在地上下拜』意指他赤身露體來到世上,如今仍是一無所有,如新生的嬰兒歸還給神。約伯如此對待臨到他的這一切事的態度是任何一個受造之物都做不到的,他對耶和華神的信超出了相信的範圍,這就是他對神的敬畏與他對神的順服,他不但能感謝神對他的賞賜,而且還能感謝神對他的奪取,更能主動歸還自己所擁有的一切,包括他的性命。」(摘自《神的作工、神的性情與神自己 二》)「他雖然沒有看到神,但他卻體會到神的真實存在,他因著自己的體會而敬畏神,又因著對神的敬畏而能順服神,任由神奪去他的所有卻沒有任何怨言,而且俯伏在地告訴神此時此刻哪怕奪去他的肉體他也心甘情願,沒有任何怨言,他的這一切表現都是因著他完全正直的人性。就是說,因著約伯此人單純、誠實、善良,所以對於他體會、感受到的神的存在他堅信不移,在此基礎上他按著神所引導他的或他在萬物中看到的神的作為而要求自己、規範自己在神面前的心思、行為、表現與行事原則,久而久之,他便因著他的經歷對神有了真實的、實際的敬畏,同時,也達到了遠離惡事,這就是約伯所持守的『純正』的由來。」(摘自《神的作工、神的性情與神自己 二》)






神的話中說:「約伯妻子看到約伯如此受痛苦,便試圖勸說約伯,以便幫助約伯從痛苦中解脫出來,但妻子的『好意』並沒有得到約伯的讚許,反而惹怒了約伯,因為她否認約伯對耶和華神的信與順服,同時也否認了耶和華神的存在,這在約伯是不能容忍的,因為他從來就不容許自己做出抵擋神的事,也不容許自己做出傷神心的事,更何況是他人呢?他怎麼能眼看著別人說出褻瀆神、對神污辱的話而無動於衷呢?所以,他才稱妻子為『愚頑的婦人』。約伯對待妻子的態度帶著怒氣、恨惡,也帶著責備、訓斥,這正是他愛憎分明的人性的自然流露,也是他正直人性的真實表現。約伯是有正義感的人,他的正義感讓他能恨惡邪惡的風氣、潮流,恨惡、定罪、棄絕謬理邪說、奇談怪論或荒誕之說,也讓他在『眾叛親離』的情況下能依然堅守自己的正確原則與立場。」(摘自《神的作工、神的性情與神自己 二》)神是真理、道路、生命,代表一切的正面事物,一切否認神、抵擋神的都是屬撒但的,是反面事物。約伯敬畏神遠離惡,喜愛正面事物,完全正直,愛憎分明,他心裡神的地位是最高的,他不能容忍任何人否認神、論斷神、褻瀆神,看到誰若否認神他心裡就厭惡,就算是他的親人也不例外,他也要堅守敬畏神遠離惡的道,站在正義、真理一邊,不怕得罪人。所以,當約伯的妻子讓約伯棄絕神、否認神的公義時,約伯不憑情感活著,他毫不留情地斥責妻子是愚頑的婦人,又一次勝過了撒但的試探,為神站住了見證。


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I Am Willing to Accept the Supervision of All


By Xianshang

A little while ago, whenever I heard that upper-level leaders were coming to our church to implement some work, I would feel a bit ill at ease. I didn’t reveal my feelings outwardly, but my heart was full of opposition. I thought: “It would be best if you all didn’t come. If you do come, at least don’t water the church with me. Otherwise, I’ll be restricted and unable to commune.” Later, the situation got so bad that I actually hated their coming. But being so numb, I had no understanding of the state I was in, much less did I think to seek the truth to resolve it.

honest people, Christian life, I Am Willing to Accept the Supervision of All,


One day, I read the following passage in the work arrangement “Regulations on the Duties of Church Leaders and Workers of All Levels”: “They must visit each regional decision-making team and get a good grasp of their work, resolve the work mistakes and deviations occurring for each regional decision-making team in a timely manner, and especially provide guidance and assistance to those weaker regional decision-making teams so that they can better perform the work for their regions” (Selected Annals of the Work Arrangements of The Church of Almighty God). From these words in the work arrangement, I realized that leaders of all levels should comprehend and come to grips with the real situation of every church they take charge of. Only in this way can they resolve practically all the problems, errors and wrong methods that exist within the work of the church and ensure the smooth running of all church work. This is the primary work responsibility of church leaders. I contemplated the meaning of this passage while reflecting on my recent condition: Why was it that I so disliked the leaders coming to our church? Why wasn’t I willing to water the church alongside them? Was it not because I was worried that, if they were to come into the church, they would find the deviations in my work, and would prune and deal with me for this issue? What’s more, I was scared that they would commune better than me and cause me to lose my privileged status in the hearts of my brothers and sisters. If they didn’t come, I could go about my work plans just as I pleased. Even if my methods did not accord with the truth or with the principles, no one would know and certainly no one would deal with me or criticize me. In this way, my standing in the hearts of my brothers and sisters would only become greater and more stable. All the brothers and sisters of the church would look up to me, admire me and obey my orders. The whole church would revolve around me. Was this not my true purpose? Thinking these thoughts, I became afraid. As it so happened, was I not scheming to drive out God from the hearts of my brothers and sisters so that I may gain status in their hearts? Was I not a living, breathing example of those poisons of the great red dragon, “The emperor is as far away as the sky,” and “There is no king but me”? Later, I read the following passage of God’s words: “The teaching of the feudal code of ethics and passing down of knowledge of ancient culture has long infected man and turned man into devils big and small. … Man’s face is filled with murder, and in all places, death is in the air. They seek to cast God out from this land…. It wishes to wipe out God’s all in one blow, to again insult and assassinate Him, and attempts to tear down and disturb His work. How could it allow God to be of equal status? How can it tolerate God ‘interfering’ with the work among men? How can it allow God to unmask its odious face? How can it allow God to disrupt its work? How could this devil, fuming with rage, allow God to govern its court of power on earth? How could it willingly admit defeat? Its odious countenance has been revealed for what it is, hence one finds himself not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and it is truly difficult to speak of. Is this not its essence? … Demons and evil spirits … have closed off the will and painstaking effort of God, making them impenetrable. What a mortal sin! How could God not feel anxious? How could God not feel wrathful? They cause grievous hindrance and opposition to the work of God. Too rebellious!” (“Work and Entry (7)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). In order to control and claim dominion over humanity, the great red dragon combated the coming of God with full force, not allowing God to have a hand in the affairs of men, to expose its ghoulish face, to interfere in its plans or govern in its dominion. Thus, it wildly opposed, disrupted, tore down and decimated God’s work. It fantasized that, one day, it could wrest God from the hearts of humankind and fulfill its despicable objective of becoming the eternal arbiter of man and forcing mankind to worship it. What difference was there between my own thoughts and the actions of the great red dragon? Because I wanted to maintain my own status and assure that I could go my own way and not be restricted in my work, I didn’t want to let other leaders or co-workers supervise or inspect my work. I didn’t want anyone else meddling in the work of the church I led or watering my brothers and sisters. Was it not just because I wanted to control and claim dominion over others? Was my purpose not to proclaim myself king and earthly ruler over my brothers and sisters? I saw that the poison of the great red dragon—that unchecked arrogance and megalomania—had already penetrated to the core of my being. On the surface, I was working to fulfill my duty, but my heart held ulterior motives. The essence of my action was the desire to establish my own empire, and I was defying God and obstructing God’s will from being carried out. My nature was so terrifying! If not for the harsh revelation and judgment of God’s word, I never would have known to what degree I had been corrupted by Satan and opposed God. I never would have come to realize that, deep within my soul, satanic plots had been hatched and that my nature and substance had become so corrupt. I had indeed become the offspring of the great red dragon as revealed in God’s words, and I was the progeny of Satan!

Thank God for His revelations and enlightenment, which allowed me to realize my satanic nature. I vow to pursue the truth with diligence and come to a deeper understanding of satanic poisons within my nature. I vow, more so, to accept the inspection and supervision of other co-workers and leaders. I will accept the dealing and pruning of all. I shall place myself under the inspection of the entire congregation so I may fulfill my duties conscientiously to comfort God’s heart. 


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