"The Method and Principle of God's Work in Humanity" | New Praise and Worship Hymn
Verse 1
When God was not in flesh, man did not understand
much of what He said, for it came from His divinity.
Its perspective and context intangible to man.
It was from the spiritual realm,
which man couldn’t see or pass through.
Once God became flesh, He spoke as a human,
showing His divine will and disposition,
through things man saw or imagined,
ways and tongues they understood.
So they knew God and learned His standards and intention.
This was the method and principle of God’s work in humanity.
Verse 2
When God worked in humanity, He expressed many truths,
many methods of His work in a human way.
His disposition and will, what He has and is
were also expressed that people may know them.
They understood His essence, what He has and is,
which show His identity and place as God Himself.
Once God became flesh, He spoke as a human,
showing His divine will and disposition,
through things man saw or imagined,
ways and tongues they understood.
So they knew God and learned His standards and intention.
This was the method and principle of God’s work in humanity.
The Son of man in flesh expressed God’s disposition
and His essence as clearly as could be.
His humanity was no hindrance for man to talk with God,
but the only way for man to connect to the Creator.
Once God became flesh, He spoke as a human,
showing His divine will and disposition,
through things man saw or imagined,
ways and tongues they understood.
So they knew God and learned His standards and intention.
This was the method and principle of God’s work in humanity.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs
The Church of Almighty God: https://en.godfootsteps.org
Gospel of the Descent of the Kingdom: https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org
매일의 하나님 말씀 <너는 종착지를 위해 충분한 선행을 예비해야 한다> (발췌문 2)
전능하신 하나님이 말씀하셨습니다. 『지금은 내가 사람을 만드는 사역을 시작하는 단계가 아니라 모든 사람의 결말을 확정할 때이다. 나는 모든 사람의 말과 행위, 그리고 그가 따라온 과정과 원래 지니고 있는 속성, 혹은 그의 최종적인 태도를 하나하나 나의 기록부에 적어 놓는다. 그러므로 어떤 사람이든 내 손에서 벗어나기 어려우며 모두 나의 배정에 따라 각기 부류대로 나뉠 것이다. 나는 사람의 종착지를 정할 때, 그의 나이나 관록, 또는 그가 겪은 고난의 양을 보지 않는다. 그가 얼마나 가련한지에 따라 종착지를 정하는 일은 더더욱 없다. 그에게 진리가 있는지 여부만 볼 뿐, 그 외에 다른 선택 기준은 없다. 너희는 하나님의 뜻대로 행하지 않은 사람도 똑같이 징벌받게 된다는 사실을 알아야 한다. 이는 어느 누구도 바꿀 수 없는 것이다. 그러므로 징벌받는 사람은 모두 하나님의 공의로 인해 징벌받는 것이고, 그들 스스로 저지른 갖가지 악행으로 인해 죗값을 치르는 것이다. 나의 계획은 시종일관 조금도 변함이 없다. 그저 사람들이 보기에 내가 말하는 대상이 점점 줄어들고, 진정으로 나의 칭찬을 받을 수 있는 사람도 점점 줄어들 뿐이다. 하지만 나는 내 계획이 한 번도 바뀐 적이 없으며, 반대로 사람의 믿음과 사랑이 계속 변하고 줄어들고 있다고 말한다. 나에게 빌붙어 아부하던 모든 사람이 내게 냉담해져 결국에는 나를 문밖으로 쫓아내게 될 수도 있다고 말이다. 너희를 대하는 나의 태도는 미온적이던 데서 반감과 혐오로 바뀌어 결국에는 너희를 징벌하게 될 것이다. 하지만 너희를 징벌하는 날이 되면 나는 여전히 너희를 볼 수 있지만 너희는 더 이상 나를 볼 수 없을 것이다. 나는 너희들 속에서 사는 것이 무료하고 답답하다고 느꼈기 때문에 자연스럽게 다른 생활 환경을 선택했다. 그리하여 너희의 악한 말에 상처받지 않고 더럽기 짝이 없는 너희의 행위를 멀리함으로써 너희가 계속 나를 속이거나 건성으로 대하지 못하게 할 것이다. 너희를 떠나기 전까지 나는 계속해서 너희에게 권할 것이다. 진리에 부합하지 않는 일은 하지 말고, 모두가 좋아하는 일을 하며, 모두에게 이로운 일과 자신의 종착지에 도움이 되는 일을 해라. 그렇지 않으면 재난 속에서 고통받는 사람은 다른 누구도 아닌 바로 너 자신이 될 것이다.』
― ≪말씀이 육신으로 나타남≫ 중에서
전능하신 하나님 교회:https://kr.godfootsteps.org
하나님 나라 강림 복음 사이트:https://kr.kingdomsalvation.org
2019 Myanmar Christian Crosstalk | (႐ြာကိုပိတ္ဆို႔ထားျခင္း) | The Status Quo of Christians in China
“ရြာအားပိတ္ဆို႔လိုက္ျခင္း” ဟာသစကားေျပာပြဲသည္ အေဒၚျဖစ္သူႏွင့္ ဧဝံေဂလိတရားမွ်ေဝေနစဥ္ တရုတ္ကြန္ျမဴနစ္ပါတီအစိုးရ၏ သူလ်ွိဳမ်ားမွ ေနာက္ေယာက္ခံလိုက္ၿပီး အဖမ္းခံရလုနီးနီးျဖစ္ခဲ႔သည့္ ခရစ္ယာန္တစ္ေယာက္ျဖစ္သူ ယန္မင္၏ ဇာတ္လမ္းျဖစ္သည္။ သရုပ္ေဆာင္ႏွစ္ေယာက္တို႔သည္ ဧဝံေဂလိတရားကို ေဟာၾကားသူ တရုတ္ႏိုင္ငံရွိ ခရစ္ယာန္မ်ားခံစားရသည့္ ဆင္းရဲဒုကၡတို႔ကို ျပသလွ်က္ ရွင္းလင္း၍ ရယ္ရႊင္စရာ တင္ဆက္မႈျဖင့္ တင္ဆက္ထားပါသည္။ တရုတ္ကြန္ျမဴနစ္ပါတီ၏ ဘာသာေရးယုံုၾကည္မႈမ်ားကို တိုက္ခိုက္ျခင္းႏွင့္ ဖိႏွိပ္ျခင္းနည္းဗ်ဴဟာတို႔သည္ ဆိုးဝါးပါသည္။သူတို႔၏ လွည့္ကြက္မ်ားသည္ အလြန္မ်ားျပားၿပီး ေနရာတိုင္းတြင္း ေစာင့္ၾကပ္ၾကည့္ရႈမႈမ်ားရွိသည္။ ေသးငယ္သည့္ရြာေလးမ်ားပင္ ယခု သတိႀကီးစြာထားေနရသည္။ အစိုးရ၏ သူလွ်ိဳမ်ားသည္ အျပင္လူမ်ားအား သိမ္းငွက္မ်ားကဲ့သို႔ ေစာင့္ၾကည့္ေနသည္။ သူတို႔က ေသခ်ာရွာေဖြစံုစမ္းၾကၿပီး ခရစ္ယာန္မ်ားစုေဝးျခင္း၊ တရားေဟာျခင္းတို႔ကို ျပင္းထန္စြာ ကန္႕သတ္ထားသည္။ သို႕ေသာ္ တရုတ္ကြန္ျမဴနစ္ပါတီအစိုးရမွ သူတို႕အားမည္မွ်ပင္ ရူးသြပ္စြာ ႏွိပ္ကြပ္ပါေစ၊ ခရစ္ယာန္မ်ားသည္ ဘုရားသခင္မွ သူတို႔အားေပးအပ္ထားသည့္ ဥာဏ္ပညာႏွင့္ယံုၾကည္ျခင္းတို႔ကို အမွီျပဳၿပီး ဘုရားသခင္၏ ႏိုင္ငံေတာ္ဧဝံေဂလိတရားအား ျဖန္႔ေဝၾကဆဲျဖစ္သည္။
အနႏၲတန္ခိုးရွင္ ဘုရားသခင္ အသင္းေတာ္: https://my.godfootsteps.org/
ႏိုင္ငံေတာ္သက္ဆင္းႂကြေရာက္ျခင္း၏ ဧဝံေဂလိတရားေတာ္:းေတာ္:
Palabras diarias de Dios | Dios y el hombre entrarán juntos en el reposo (Fragmento 2)
Relámpago Oriental, la Iglesia de Dios Todopoderoso nació debido a la aparición y a la obra de Dios Todopoderoso, el retorno del Señor Jesús, Cristo de los últimos días. La iglesia está compuesta de todos aquellos quienes sinceramente aceptan la obra de los últimos días de Dios Todopoderoso y están conquistados y salvados por la palabra de Dios. Fue completamente fundada por Dios Todopoderoso personalmente y personalmente la orienta y la pastorea y de ninguna manera fue establecida por ningún hombre. Cristo es la verdad, el camino y la vida. Las ovejas de Dios oyen la voz de Dios. En tanto leas las palabras de Dios Todopoderoso, verás que Dios ha aparecido.
Correo: contact.es@kingdomsalvation.org
WhatsApp: +34-663-435-098
Palabras diarias de Dios | Dios y el hombre entrarán juntos en el reposo (Fragmento 8)
头颅骨被警察打碎 基督徒命在旦夕
Did You Know? God’s Name Contains Mysteries
Xu Xin is a co-worker in the church. Based on the verse “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12), she thought: The name of the Lord Jesus will never change. When the Lord comes the second time, His name should still be Jesus. He cannot have any new name. But her niece Xiaojing’s words later made her realize that the name of God contained mysteries, which was not so simple as she had thought. Do you want to know whether the Lord will still be called Jesus when He returns? What mystery is hidden in God’s name? Watch the skit God’s New Name to learn more.
The Church of Almighty God: https://en.godfootsteps.org
Gospel of the Descent of Kingdom: https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org
لو كان لديك أي أسئلة فنرجو التواصل معنا:http://bit.ly/3bc2CUB
ترنيمة من كلام الله – لا أحد يدري بوصول الله – كلمات ترنيمة
لا أحد يدري بوصول الله،
لا أحد يرحّب به.
وما زاد، أنّ لا أحد يعرف كلّ ما سيفعله.
تظلّ حياة الإنسان ثابتةً؛
نفس القلب، والأيّام المعتادة.
يحيا الله بيننا
كأدنى عضو في الاتباع، كمؤمن عاديّ.
لديه ما يسعى ويهدف إليه.
ويملك لاهوتًا لا يملكه النّاس.
لم يلاحظ أحد وجود لاهوته أو الفرق
بين جوهره وجوهر الإنسان.
لا أحد يدري بوصول الله.
لا أحد يرحّب به.
وما زاد، أنّ لا أحد يعرف كلّ ما سيفعله.
نحن نحيا معه غير مُكرَهين أو خائفين،
لأنّنا لسنا نراه إلاّ كمؤمن ضئيل.
يراقب كلّ تحركاتنا،
وكافّة معتقداتنا وأفكارنا عارية أمامه،
لا أحد يدري بوصول الله.
لا أحد يرحّب به.
وما زاد، أنّ لا أحد يعرف كلّ ما سيفعله.
لا أحد يهتمّ بوجود الله،
لا أحد يتخيّل وظيفته،
ولا أحد يشكّ فيمَن هو.
نحن فقط نستمرّ في مساعينا،
وكأنّ الله لا علاقة له بنا.
وكأنّ الله لا علاقة له بنا.
لا أحد يدري بوصول الله.
لا أحد يرحّب به.
وما زاد، أنّ لا أحد يعرف كلّ ما سيفعله.
من "اتبعوا الحمل ورنموا ترنيمات جديدة"
كنيسة الله القدير: https://ar.godfootsteps.org/
إنجيل جيل الملكوت: https://ar.kingdomsalvation.org/