
How to Understand the Normal Humanity of Christ

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God says, “The life that Jesus lived on earth was a normal life of the flesh. He lived in the normal humanity of His flesh. His authority—to do His work and speak His word, or to heal the sick and cast out demons, to do such extraordinary things—did not manifest itself, for the most part, until He began His ministry. His life before age twenty-nine, before He performed His ministry, was proof enough that He was just a normal fleshly body. Because of this, and because He had not yet begun to perform His ministry, people saw nothing divine in Him, saw nothing more than a normal human being, an ordinary man—just as at that time, some people believed Him to be Joseph’s son. People thought that He was the son of an ordinary man, they had no way of telling that He was God’s incarnate flesh; even when, in the course of performing His ministry, He performed many miracles, most people still said that He was Joseph’s son, for He was Christ with the outer shell of normal humanity. His normal humanity and His work both existed in order to fulfill the significance of the first incarnation, to prove that God had entirely come into the flesh, that He had become an utterly ordinary man. His normal humanity before He began His work was proof that He was an ordinary flesh; and that He worked afterward also proved that He was an ordinary flesh, for He performed signs and wonders, healed the sick and cast out demons in the flesh with normal humanity. The reason that He could work miracles was that His flesh bore the authority of God, was the flesh in which God’s Spirit was clothed. He possessed this authority because of the Spirit of God, and it did not mean that He was not a flesh. Healing the sick and casting out demons was the work that He needed to perform in His ministry, it was an expression of His divinity hidden in His humanity, and no matter what signs He showed or how He demonstrated His authority, He still lived in normal humanity and was still a normal flesh. Up to the point that He was resurrected after dying upon the cross, He dwelt within normal flesh. Bestowing grace, healing the sick, and casting out demons were all part of His ministry, they were all work He performed in His normal flesh. Before He went to the cross, He never departed from His normal human flesh, regardless of what He was doing. He was God Himself, doing God’s own work, yet because He was the incarnate flesh of God, He ate food and wore clothing, had normal human needs, had normal human reason, and a normal human mind. All of this was proof that He was a normal man, which proved that God’s incarnate flesh was a flesh with normal humanity, and not supernatural. His job was to complete the work of God’s first incarnation, to fulfill the ministry that the first incarnation ought to perform. The significance of incarnation is that an ordinary, normal man performs the work of God Himself; that is, that God performs His divine work in humanity and thereby vanquishes Satan. Incarnation means that God’s Spirit becomes a flesh, that is, God becomes flesh; the work that the flesh does is the work of the Spirit, which is realized in the flesh, expressed by the flesh. No one except God’s flesh can fulfill the ministry of the incarnate God; that is, only God’s incarnate flesh, this normal humanity—and no one else—can express the divine work. If, during His first coming, God had not possessed normal humanity before the age of twenty-nine—if as soon as He was born He could work miracles, if as soon as He learned to speak He could speak the language of heaven, if the moment He first set foot upon the earth He could apprehend all worldly matters, discern every person’s thoughts and intentions—such a person could not have been called a normal man, and such flesh could not have been called human flesh. If this were the case with Christ, then the meaning and the essence of God’s incarnation would be lost.”
From God’s words we understand: Outwardly, Christ is an ordinary and normal person, who is born of man and has parents and siblings. He grows up as a normal man, obeys the laws of human life, and has normal weaknesses. He is not supernatural at all, but He is God’s Spirit realized in flesh, so He possesses divine essence and can do God’s own work. No created being can achieve this. Just as the Lord Jesus, He is God become flesh. He had normal humanity, and more than that, He had complete divinity that no human possesses. All of His work and words, including performing signs and miracles, were done and spoken within His normal humanity. Therefore, to know Christ, not only should we understand His normal humanity, but also we need to have knowledge of His divine essence.
Then how can we understand Christ’s divinity and gain more knowledge of Him? Please join our group on Messenger, and let’s learn God’s way together.



        1 神哪!求你在我身上作審判工作,潔净我,變化我,讓我在凡事上都能明白你的心意,讓我在凡事上都能順服你的意思。你拯救我有你極大的愛,有你的心意。你拯救我有你極大的愛,有你的心意。 
        2 我雖然悖逆,有敗壞性情,我的本性是背叛的,但是我現在明白了你拯救人的心意,明白了你拯救人的心意,願你在我身上加添更多的環境、試煉、痛苦,讓我在這些痛苦當中看見你的手,看見你的作為。 
        3 雖然你試煉我、熬煉我,我知道這是你的愛,求你按我的缺少供應我,求你按我的缺少供應我,無論經歷什麽試煉,受多大痛苦,都能明白你的心意,不背叛你,不發怨言,能够完全順服達到讓你滿意,能够完全順服達到讓你滿意。 

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神話語詩歌(歌詞版)- 見證神系列



Thánh Ca Cơ Đốc | Đức Chúa Trời tìm kiếm tâm hồn và linh hồn của ngươi
Nhân loại, đã lạc khỏi sự cung cấp sự sống của Đấng Toàn Năng,
thì không biết gì về mục đích tồn tại, nhưng dù sao vẫn sợ chết.
Họ chẳng có sự giúp đỡ hay cứu trợ nào,
nhưng vẫn không cam lòng nhắm mắt,
và họ gồng mình lên để kéo lê một sự tồn tại thấp hèn trong thế gian này,
như những bị thịt không có ý thức gì về linh hồn của chính mình.
Ngươi sống theo cách này, không có hy vọng,
cũng như những người khác, sống chẳng có mục đích.
Chỉ có Đấng Thánh trong truyền thuyết
mới cứu rỗi những ai đang rên rỉ trong khổ đau,
tuyệt vọng mong mỏi Ngài đến.
Cho đến nay, niềm tin ấy 
vẫn chưa thành hiện thực với những ai thiếu tỉnh thức.
Tuy nhiên, mọi người vẫn mong chờ điều đó.

Đấng Toàn Năng có lòng thương xót những người đã chịu đau khổ tột cùng này;
đồng thời, Ngài cũng chán ngấy những con người thiếu tỉnh thức này,
bởi vì Ngài đã phải chờ đợi quá lâu cho một câu trả lời từ loài người.
Ngài khao khát tìm kiếm, tìm kiếm tấm lòng ngươi và linh hồn ngươi,
mang thức ăn nước uống cho ngươi, và đánh thức ngươi, 
để ngươi có thể không còn bị đói khát nữa.
Khi ngươi mệt mỏi 
và khi ngươi bắt đầu cảm thấy một chút hoang tàn ảm đạm của thế gian này,
đừng bối rối, đừng khóc.
Đức Chúa Trời Toàn Năng, Đấng Canh Giữ sẽ đón nhận ngươi đến bất cứ lúc nào.

Ngài vẫn đang dõi theo bên cạnh ngươi,
chờ ngươi quay trở lại.
Ngài đang đợi ngày ngươi đột nhiên nhớ lại:
khi ngươi nhận ra rằng ngươi đến từ Đức Chúa Trời,
rằng tự lúc nào ngươi mất phương hướng,
tự lúc nào ngươi mất ý thức trên đường,
và tự lúc nào ngươi có được một “người cha”;
hơn thế nữa, khi ngươi nhận ra rằng Đấng Toàn Năng đã luôn dõi theo,
chờ đợi sự trở lại của ngươi ở đó từ rất, rất lâu rồi,
chờ đợi sự trở lại của ngươi ở đó từ rất, rất lâu rồi.

#ThánhCaTinLành #ThánhCa #nhactinlanh

#SuyNiệmLờiChúa #KinhThánh #LờiChúa
Chính Đức Chúa Trời, Đấng độc nhất II Tâm tính công chính của Đức Chúa Trời (Phần 2)
Con đường để biết Đức Chúa Trời
#SuyNiệmLờiChúa #KinhThánh #LờiChúa

Chính Đức Chúa Trời, Đấng độc nhất X Đức Chúa Trời là nguồn sống cho muôn vật (IV) (Phần 3)
#ChúaJêsus #chúagiêsu #Chúa

Lời chứng về đời sống hội thánh
#NhạcThánhCa #ThánhCa #NhacThanh

Video nhạc Thánh Ca
#NhạcThánhCa #ThánhCa #NhacThanh

Video nhạc Thánh Ca | Đức Chúa Trời ở giữa chúng ta
#NhạcThánhCa #ThánhCa #NhacThanh

Video nhạc Thánh Ca | Công tác phán xét là để làm tinh sạch sự bại hoại của con người
#NhạcThánhCa #ThánhCa #NhacThanh

Video nhạc Thánh Ca | Tại sao con người thất bại trong đức tin của mình
#ThánhCa #nhactinlanh #NhacThanh

Nhạc Thánh Ca | Thẩm Quyền Của Đức Chúa Trời Ở Khắp Mọi Nơi

#SuyNiệmLờiChúa #KinhThánh #LờiChúa
Chính Đức Chúa Trời, Đấng độc nhất II Tâm tính công chính của Đức Chúa Trời (Phần 1)

Nếu bạn có bất kỳ khó khăn hay thắc mắc nào trong đức tin, hãy liên lạc với chúng tôi bất kỳ lúc nào: Facebook Messenger:
Thánh Ca ngợi khen
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(Hebrew Dubbed) עדות של משיחי בסרטון וידיאו | חרטת הקצין

הגיבור הראשי בחרטת הקצין הוא בנו של חקלאי פשוט. זמן קצר אחרי שהתגייס לצבא, הוא מתחיל לציית לכללים הבלתי כתובים ביחידה שלו בניסיון להשיג מעמד, שבחים וקידום, והוא מחמיא ומתחנף למפקדיו, מזמין אותם לארוחות וקונה להם מתנות. הוא מקודם לתפקיד של מפקד גדוד ומתחיל לפעול בדרכים מושחתות. הוא פותח דף חדש אחרי שהוא מגלה את האמונה באלוהים ומשתחרר מהצבא, אבל מגלה שהוא עדיין כבול בפילוסופיות ובחוקים של השטן. כדי להיעשות מנהיג כנסייה, הוא שוב משתמש באמצעים פסולים, אבל האחים והאחיות חושפים אותו ומטפלים בו. הוא נעשה מדוכדך ואומלל בשל כישלונו להשיג את התפקיד. באמצעות השיפוט וההתגלות שבדברי האל, הוא מבין אט-אט את המהות ואת ההשלכות של חיפוש מעמד, ומתחיל לדבוק באמת וללכת בנתיב הנכון בחיים.

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אם יש לכם שאלות, אנו צרו קשר:
 עדויות מחיי הכנסייה
דבר אלוהים - "רק מי שהובא לידי שלמות יכול לחיות חיים בעלי משמעות"
דרשותיו של המשיח בכנסייה
דבר אלוהים - "כיצד להכיר את טבעו של אלוהים ואת תוצאת עבודתו" (חלק 2)
הדרך להכיר את אלוהים
סרט משיחי | 'תעלומת האלוהות'
דבר אלוהים - "אמירותיו של אלוהים לתבל כולה: האמירה העשירית"
דבר אלוהים - "בני האדם שאוהבים את אלוהים יחיו לאורו לנצח"
סרטון מזמור מכנסיית האל הכול יכול | 'האל בהתגלמותו באחרית הימים הופך את האדם למושלם בעזרת דבריו'
סרטון מזמור מכנסיית האל הכול יכול | 'כל הדברים הינם בידי האל' (מזמור סולו)
שיר משיחי | 'הדרך לחיפוש אחר האמת'

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