🌈【法会开示视频】别人的光芒, 不会影响你的光芒 | 20181007 洛杉矶
大悲咒最好聽的版本 佛歌經典!一日兩遍,積累福報。
Hey what's up dear siblings🤩🤩☺️☺️
How do you pray to God daily?😊🙏
How can we make our prayers answered by God?🤔
Let's find the answer in this video dear everyone🙏🥰
Only Those Who Pay Attention to Listening to God’s Voice Can Gain God’s Blessing
Here is GOOD NEWS for you: Our long-awaited Lord Jesus has returned, speaking and working to save people!
Are you anxiously yearning for the coming of the Lord? When you hear this news, will you deny and reject it, or will you seek and investigate to listen to the voice of God?
If you want to seek and investigate, please click 👉the blue link to join our online fellowship and the preacher will help you.
I would like to share with you a passage of God’s words: “I urge the people of all nations, of all countries, and even of all industries to listen to the voice of God, to behold the work of God and to pay attention to the fate of mankind, in order to make God the most holy, the most honorable, the highest, and the only object of worship among mankind, and to allow the whole of mankind to live under the blessing of God, just as the descendants of Abraham lived under the promise of Jehovah, and just as Adam and Eve, whom God created first, lived in the Garden of Eden.
🧐🧐Many People Want to Know Christ, and One of Them Is Reading This Post
If you are attracted by this title, it shows that you are a person who thirsts for the truth.❤️❤️
As believers in the Lord, we all know that the Lord Jesus is Christ, so have you ever thought about this: The Lord Jesus appeared to be an ordinary person, so why was He called Christ? What exactly is Christ? God’s words have revealed the mysteries within.
God says, “The incarnate God is called Christ, and Christ is the flesh donned by the Spirit of God. This flesh is unlike any man that is of the flesh. This difference is because Christ is not of flesh and blood; He is the incarnation of the Spirit. He has both a normal humanity and a complete divinity. His divinity is not possessed by any man. His normal humanity sustains all His normal activities in the flesh, while His divinity carries out the work of God Himself.”
“The ‘incarnation’ is God’s appearance in the flesh; God works among created mankind in the image of the flesh. So for God to be incarnated, He must first be flesh, flesh with normal humanity; this is the most basic prerequisite. In fact, the implication of God’s incarnation is that God lives and works in the flesh, that God in His very essence becomes flesh, becomes a man.”
From this, we can see that only God incarnate is called Christ. Christ is God’s Spirit clothed in the flesh and becoming the Son of man to work and speak among mankind. That is to say, the Son of man looks like an ordinary and normal person on the outside, and He eats, dresses, lives, and walks just totally normally. But He has the Spirit of God inside, so He can express the truth to all mankind in His capacity as God and do God’s own work. This is the incarnate God, Christ. Just like the Lord Jesus Christ, He looked like a regular and ordinary person from the outside, but He could express the truth, bestow the way of repentance upon man, do the work of crucifixion to redeem the whole of mankind, save them from sin, and give us peace and joy and an abundance of grace. No one other than Him could do this work because man is just man and doesn’t possess God’s essence. This is why the Lord Jesus is called Christ.
Do you want to learn more about the truth about God’s incarnation? Click the “Send message” button below the post and then click the “Get Started” button to contact us.
#Christ #God #Truth #Jesus #Lord
Ervaringen en getuigenissen van christenen 'Ontwaakt uit mijn arrogantie'
Nadat hij wat succes heeft geboekt en wat ervaring heeft opgedaan met zijn evangeliewerk, krijgt hij het idee dat hij een onmisbaar talent is. Hij wordt erg arrogant en autocratisch en gaat zelfs zo ver dat hij andere broeders en zusters berispt en beteugelt. Wat is het, wanneer hij op zijn arrogantst is, wat hem wakker schudt en laat zien hoe hij echt is? Bekijk deze video om erachter te komen.
De Kerk van Almachtige God: https://nl.godfootsteps.org/
Evangelie van de komst van het Koninkrijk: https://nl.kingdomsalvation.org/
2022 English Christian Song | "Do You Have True Love for God?"
2021 English Christian Song | "God Endures Great Humiliation"
2020 Praise Song | "Only God Loves Man Most"
The Church of Almighty God: https://en.godfootsteps.org
Gospel of the Descent of the Kingdom: https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org
國度降臨福音網 : https://tr.kingdomsalvation.org
Kesaksian Rohani 2022 - "Tugas Tidak Bisa Menghasilkan Tanpa Prinsip"
Untuk membuktikan kemampuannya bekerja dan mendapatkan pujian dari para pemimpinnya, dia mencari kesuksesan instan dan jalan pintas dalam tugasnya, dan tidak mengganti atau mempromosikan orang sesuai prinsip. Selama waktu ini, rekan sekerjanya mengingatkannya berkali-kali, tapi dia tetap bertindak sesuai dengan gagasannya sendiri. Akibatnya, pekerjaan terganggu dan terhalang karena memakai orang yang salah. Setelah dilaporkan dan disingkapkan oleh saudara-saudarinya, dia mulai merenungkan dirinya sendiri. Apa yang dia temukan dan kenali tentang dirinya sendiri? Apa yang dia dapatkan? Silakan saksikan videonya.
#KesaksianRohani #Kesaksian
Injil Turunnya Kerajaan Tuhan:https://id.kingdomsalvation.org/
Gereja Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa:https://id.godfootsteps.org/
Testimonianza di fede - "Compiere responsabilmente il proprio dovere significa possedere una coscienza"
Quando i suoi fratelli e sorelle le riferiscono di problemi nel lavoro, la protagonista non la percepisce come una sua responsabilità, quindi non monitora né risolve quei problemi, e questa sua irresponsabilità influisce sul lavoro. In seguito, in preda al rimorso e al senso di colpa, si presenta davanti a Dio per riflettere: perché è stata così egoista? Solamente attraverso il giudizio e la rivelazione della parola di Dio si rende conto di quale sia la radice del problema.
#LaparoladiDio #Paroladicristo #Paroladivita
Film cristiano in Italiano "Crescita" - Testimonianza di fede cristiana
Film cristiano completo in italiano - "Una felicità a lungo attesa"
Film cristiano completo in italiano "Dov'è la mia casa" - Dio mi ha dato una famiglia felice
Serie di film evangelici
Testimonianze della vita della Chiesa
Sermoni di Cristo nella Chiesa
La Chiesa di Dio Onnipotente: https://it.godfootsteps.org/
Vangelo della Discesa del Regno: https://www.kingdomsalvation.org/it/
Video Về Lời Chứng Lồng tiếng Việt | Suy nghĩ của tôi khi làm bổn phận thầm lặng
Nhân vật chính phát hiện có lẽ chị đang bị cảnh sát Đảng Cộng sản Trung Quốc theo dõi, nên chị phải làm việc một cách thầm lặng ở nhà, hỗ trợ người chị em cộng sự của mình. Khi nhận thấy các anh chị em khác ngày càng ngưỡng mộ người cộng sự mà không thấy được nỗ lực của chị, chị cảm thấy bất bình và bắt đầu âm thầm phô trương. Sau này, nhờ sự phán xét và mặc khải của lời Đức Chúa Trời, chị ấy đã suy ngẫm thế nào về bổn phận “đằng sau hậu trường” của mình? Chị đã thu hoạch được gì từ việc này? Mời quý vị xem video này nhé.
Hội Thánh Đức Chúa Trời Toàn Năng: https://vi.godfootsteps.org/
Phúc Âm của vương quốc: https://vi.kingdomsalvation.org/
卢台长【为什么有些人救不了 ~ 福报不够 前世好事做得太少了】
台长答:像这种已经晚期了,就比较麻烦了,真的很难。因为像这种情况本身就是,第一,他自己的业障还是很重;第二,他自己本身前世的冤结很重,所以他这辈子福报就不够(我们想让他能够延寿几天)只能这样了。因为人的前世跟今生都自己有福报的,所以,有时候为什么有些人救不了?就是说他前世好事做得太少了。为什么现在说这辈子都要多做好事呢?其实就是一种福报。这个人杀生杀得太多,自己业报来的时候,救都救不了的。所以,台长有时候看人家图腾,这个人真的……我看到他过去真的很恶,所以我也讲不出话来。我有一次帮人家看图腾也是的,我跟那个鬼讲:“你算了,原谅原谅他吧,能够放了……”结果他就把他过去怎么欺负他的给我看了,然后他就跟我说:“这种人我能原谅他吗?”台长在看了这些灵性给我看的东西之后,一句话都讲不出来,那个男的是抽他筋、剥他皮啊!你想想看,这种恶的人……现在杀鱼、杀鸡、杀鹅、杀鸭、杀猪……你不是在抽人家筋、剥人家皮吗?!(是的)这种恶业你说说看,怎么可能不报呢?所以,他不懂啊,这种事情台长没办法讲(他刚开始在医院化疗的时候,旁边就叫他吃活的,我告诉他活的不能吃,要吃素,他很听的,马上就吃全素了。家里也没供佛台) 现在对他来讲,也只能延寿,只能延一点寿,但是可能好也好不起来,因为他福报不够,很难的。你们尽点心吧,也不要太执著,因为人总归会死的。但是这个“死”有的人就是上天,有的人下地(就是死的时候不要太痛苦)对,第一不要死得太痛苦(他昨天大便已经出血了,医生叫他打止血针)没有用了,像这种到了这个时候……(我们只好帮他放生,延点寿。他已经许愿1万条,钱没有,就用小鱼。小一点没事的哦?)没关系的,有愿力就好(他没钱嘛,是借来的。他养女说“我以后能还就把它还掉”。他两个人都是流浪的)唉,所以你要记住,为什么有些人没有福报就是这个道理,让他今生吃苦了就是说明他在受报,所以受报人的福气就不够,真的是这样的。不是你嘴巴里说:“哎呀,不是平等吗?”不是不平等的,因为他上辈子没做好事,所以这辈子就很平等啊,对不对啊?就让他受苦,怎么叫不平等啊?这个事情没办法的。你自己多努力(师父,我们这次去香港法会,火车票已经买了,他很想去,可以吗?)他要是还能走得动,你就让他去,去了至少能有点加持吧,因为菩萨会去很多的(我们火车票已经买好了,他全部准备好了,我们18号就过来)你就拼命地念经就可以了,好吗?求菩萨保佑他(因为他不识字)好了,不要太执著了,这种事情不要太执著,随缘吧。
Shuohua20150522 00:56