
全能神經典話語 《揭示道成肉身奥秘的話語》 選段217
——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・神所在「肉身」的實質》


♦ 应付糊弄如何解决♦
A: 最近尽本分应付糊弄被多次对付,该怎么解决?
B: 神说:“那怎么对待本分,神有没有要求?对待本分神要求人实行的真理是什么?(尽心、尽力尽好自己的本分。)你能遵循这个原则,你偷懒、不想干或者是有怨言的时候就得寻求,“我有这样的情形这是什么问题呢?这也不是在按神的要求实行啊,我得放弃自己的想法,放弃自己的要求,得扭转自己里面不对的情形”,这时人得能放下个人的意愿、打算。......首先,你得放下这些,通过解剖发现自己尽本分还想贪图地位之福,还有野心欲望与额外的要求,再来到神面前祷告:“神哪,我这样的情形不对,求你管教我、责罚我,审判临到我,让我能够悔改。”你有悔改的心,神根据你的身量,可能给你管教,也可能会一点点地引导你。给你管教是因为你有一些身量了,不管教你,一点点地引导你呢,是因为可能你有软弱,神要一点点地扶持你,让你在尽本分的过程当中能够顺服下来。在什么先决条件之下神能这样作呢?你有悔改的心,你有顺服神与神配合的心,你有向往真理的心,神就会这么作。”----(摘自《末世基督的座谈纪要·寻求真理原则才能尽好本分》)



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💞Discerning False Christs From the True Christ: 💞
📚✨Today I’d like to talk about how to discern false Christs from the true Christ. Some may ask what that has to do with our faith in God. Quite a lot. Does everyone know who Christ is? If you do know that Christ is the Savior come to earth, now that the disasters are coming and the last days are upon us, do you think you need a Savior? If you need a Savior, do you know which one you need to save you? Do you know how to welcome the Savior? Do you think this is important and relevant to you? As an example, 2,000 years ago, our Savior Jesus came to redeem mankind, and expressed many truths. The Jewish people at that time knew His words were authoritative, powerful, and were all the truth. But because He wasn’t named Messiah and He didn’t save them from Roman rule like they’d imagined, they didn’t acknowledge the Lord Jesus as Christ. They condemned and blasphemed Him as deceiving people and in the end had Him nailed to the cross alive. What were the consequences? Was God incarnate being crucified by the Jewish people a simple matter?It was certainly damned by God. We know that 60 years later, the Israeli nation was wiped out by Titus of Rome. How long was Israel a destroyed nation? Nearly 2,000 years! Because they had the Savior crucified, the Israelites paid an extremely heavy price. So then, is welcoming the Savior critical? Who can afford to offend the Savior on earth? If you don’t know or accept Him, but even oppose and condemn Him, you are finished—utterly finished, and you’re certain to perish. If you want to be saved and survive the disasters, you must accept the Savior! Almighty God is here now, and He is the Savior come down, expressing truths and doing the last days’ judgment work to save mankind from sin and from the disasters. But would you recognize Him? Would you accept Him? Although many acknowledge that Almighty God’s words are powerful and authoritative, when they see that He didn’t come on a cloud and He’s not called Lord Jesus, they steadfastly refuse to accept Almighty God. They even follow along with the religious world, condemning and blaspheming Him, saying that the Lord coming incarnate would be a false Christ, that this is deception. And the religious antichrist forces are on the same page with the Communist Party demons, madly hunting Christ, trying to destroy Him. They persecute those who share God’s kingdom gospel and are dying to entirely destroy The Church of Almighty God and drive God out of humanity. This is committing the tremendous sin of crucifying God all over again, and they’ll certainly be damned and punished by God. Just as Almighty God says, “Woe be unto those who crucify God” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. The Wicked Will Surely Be Punished). “Wherever the incarnation appears is a place from which the enemy is exterminated. China will be the first to be annihilated; it will be laid to waste by the hand of God. God will give absolutely no quarter there” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Interpretations of the Mysteries of God’s Words to the Entire Universe, Chapter 10). So, people’s attitude toward the Savior determines whether they survive or are wiped out.
Now everyone knows that being able to welcome the Savior relates to someone’s success or failure in faith, and relates to their final outcome and destination! So, moving on, let’s talk about how the Savior returns in the last days. Based on traditional notions held by the religious world, the Lord is certain to come on a cloud and take believers up into the sky to meet with Him. This is absolutely mistaken. This is just a human notion and is not remotely in line with the Lord’s words. The Lord Jesus personally prophesied “the coming of the Son of man,” “the Son of man is revealed,” “the Son of man comes,” and “the Son of man in His day.” He repeatedly emphasized “the Son of man,” which shows that when the Lord returns, He is incarnate as the Son of man again, and this is Christ’s appearance to mankind. There’s no two ways about it. Some may ask, “If it’s the Son of man incarnate, isn’t He the same as the Lord Jesus? He must look like a regular person. There are people all over the world claiming to be Christ returned. Some say one person is Christ, some say another is.So which one is true, and which ones are false? How can we welcome the Savior?” This is where most people get stuck when they’re looking into the true way. In fact, this isn’t a difficult question. As long as we earnestly ponder the Lord Jesus’ prophecies, we’ll find the path. The Lord Jesus said, “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:12–13). “And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him” (Matthew 25:6). “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27).“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears My voice, and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20). “Then if any man shall say to you, See, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect” (Matthew 24:23–24). The Lord spoke very clearly. When the Lord Jesus returns in the last days, He’ll utter many more words and guide man to understand and enter into all truths.So He reminded people over and over again that the key to welcoming the Lord is to hear God’s voice. And if we hear someone bear witness that “the bridegroom comes,” we have to be the wise virgins, and seek and listen for God’s voice. That’s the only way to greet the Lord. It’s the only path to welcoming His return. Christ has come in the last days, so of course He is expressing more truths for mankind’s salvation, but false Christs just rely on showing some signs and wonders to mislead people. This is a key principle that the Lord Jesus told us for discerning false Christs from the true Christ. According to this principle, we can know if it’s a true or false Christ by whether they express the truth. If they can, it must be Christ. Those who cannot express the truth must be false Christs.If someone claims to be Christ but they cannot express any truth, instead relying on signs and wonders, it is without a doubt the facade of an evil spirit, a false Christ come to misguide people. When we go by the Lord Jesus’ words to discern true Christ from false ones, it’s very simple, isn’t it? But unfortunately, religious adherents don’t seek the truth or seek God’s voice according to the Lord’s wordsSo afraid of being misled by a false Christ, they won’t even seek the Lord’s appearance and work. Isn’t that cutting off your nose to spite your face, being penny wise but pound foolish? They blindly cling to Scripture about the Lord coming on a cloud, condemning and rejecting the work of Christ of the last days. As a result, they lose their chance to welcome the Savior and fall into the disasters. Isn’t that a result of their foolishness and ignorance? This fulfills these Bible verses: “Fools die for want of wisdom” (Proverbs 10:21). “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6).
As for how to know the true Christ from false ones, let’s go into detail on the topic according to Almighty God’s words. Almighty God says, “The incarnate God is called Christ, and Christ is the flesh donned by the Spirit of God. This flesh is unlike any man that is of the flesh. This difference is because Christ is not of flesh and blood; He is the incarnation of the Spirit. He has both a normal humanity and a complete divinity. His divinity is not possessed by any man. His normal humanity sustains all His normal activities in the flesh, while His divinity carries out the work of God Himself” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. The Essence of Christ Is Obedience to the Will of the Heavenly Father).
God become flesh is called Christ, and so the Christ that can give people the truth is called God. There is nothing excessive about this, for He possesses the essence of God, and possesses God’s disposition, and wisdom in His work, that are unattainable by man. Those who call themselves Christ, yet cannot do the work of God, are frauds. Christ is not merely the manifestation of God on earth, but also the particular flesh assumed by God as He carries out and completes His work among man. This flesh cannot be supplanted by just any man, but is a flesh that can adequately bear God’s work on earth, and express the disposition of God, and well represent God, and provide man with life.Sooner or later, those who impersonate Christ will all fall, for although they claim to be Christ, they possess none of the essence of Christ. And so I say that the authenticity of Christ cannot be defined by man, but is answered and decided by God Himself” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Only Christ of the Last Days Can Give Man the Way of Eternal Life).
“He who is God incarnate shall possess the essence of God, and He who is God incarnate shall possess the expression of God. Since God becomes flesh, He shall bring forth the work He intends to do, and since God becomes flesh, He shall express what He is, and shall be able to bring the truth to man, bestow life upon him, and point the way for him. Flesh that does not have the essence of God is decidedly not the incarnate God; of this there is no doubt. If man intends to inquire into whether it is God’s incarnate flesh, then he must corroborate this from the disposition He expresses and the words He speaks. Which is to say, to corroborate whether or not it is God’s incarnate flesh, and whether or not it is the true way, one must discriminate on the basis of His essence. And so, in determining whether it is the flesh of God incarnate, the key lies in His essence (His work, His utterances, His disposition, and many other aspects), rather than external appearance. If man scrutinizes only His external appearance, and as a result overlooks His essence, this shows that man is benighted and ignorant” (Preface to The Word Appears in the Flesh).
“There are some who are possessed by evil spirits and cry out vociferously, ‘I am God!’ Yet, in the end, they are revealed, for they are wrong in what they represent. They represent Satan, and the Holy Spirit pays them no heed. However highly you exalt yourself or however strongly you cry out, you are still a created being and one that belongs to Satan. … You are unable to bring forth new paths or to represent the Spirit.You cannot express the work of the Spirit or the words that He speaks. You are unable to do the work of God Himself, and that of the Spirit you are unable to do. The wisdom, wonder, and unfathomability of God,and the entirety of the disposition by which God chastises man—all of these are beyond your capacity to express. It would therefore be useless to try to claim to be God; you would have only the name and none of the substance. God Himself has come, but no one recognizes Him, yet He continues on in His work and does so in representation of the Spirit.Whether you call Him man or God, the Lord or Christ, or call Her sister, it does not matter. But the work He does is that of the Spirit and represents the work of God Himself. He does not care about the name by which man calls Him. Can that name determine His work? Regardless of what you call Him, as far as God is concerned, He is the incarnate flesh of the Spirit of God; He represents the Spirit and is approved by the Spirit. If you are unable to make way for a new age, or to bring the old to an end, or to usher in a new age, or to do new work, then you cannot be called God!” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. The Mystery of the Incarnation (1)).🙇🤗😇💟🙏


“God continues His utterances, employing various methods and perspectives to admonish us about what we should do while, at the same time, giving voice to His heart. His words carry life power, show us the way we should walk, and enable us to understand what the truth is. We begin to be drawn by His words, we begin to focus on the tone and manner of His speaking, and subconsciously we begin to take an interest in the innermost feelings of this unremarkable person. He spits up His heart’s blood in working on our behalf, loses sleep and appetite on our account, weeps for us, sighs for us, groans in sickness for us, suffers humiliation for the sake of our destination and salvation, and our numbness and rebelliousness draw tears and blood from His heart. This way of being and of having belongs to no ordinary person, nor can it be possessed or attained by any corrupted human being. He shows tolerance and patience possessed by no ordinary person, and His love is not something with which any created being is endowed. No one apart from Him can know all of our thoughts, or have such a clear and complete grasp of our nature and essence, or judge the rebelliousness and corruption of mankind, or speak to us and work on us like this on behalf of God in heaven. No one apart from Him is endowed with the authority, wisdom, and dignity of God; the disposition of God and what God has and is are brought forth, in their entirety, in Him. No one apart from Him can show us the way and bring us light. No one apart from Him can reveal the mysteries that God has not disclosed since creation until today. No one apart from Him can save us from Satan’s bondage and our own corrupt disposition. He represents God. He expresses the inmost heart of God, the exhortations of God, and God’s words of judgment toward all mankind. He has begun a new age, a new era, and ushered in a new heaven and earth and new work, and He has brought us hope, ending the life we led in vagueness and enabling our whole being to behold, in total clarity, the path to salvation. He has conquered our whole being and gained our hearts. From that moment onward, our minds have become conscious, and our spirits seem to be revived: This ordinary, insignificant person, who lives among us and has long been rejected by us—is this not the Lord Jesus, who is ever in our thoughts, waking or dreaming, and for whom we long night and day? It is He! It really is He! He is our God! He is the truth, the way, and the life! He has enabled us to live again and to see the light and has stopped our hearts from wandering. We have returned to the home of God, we have returned before His throne, we are face-to-face with Him, we have witnessed His countenance, and we have seen the road that lies ahead. At this time, our hearts are completely conquered by Him; we no longer doubt who He is, no longer oppose His work and His word, and we fall down prostrate before Him. We wish for nothing more than to follow the footprints of God for the rest of our lives, and to be made perfect by Him, and to repay His grace, and repay His love for us, and to obey His orchestrations and arrangements, and to cooperate with His work, and to do everything we can to complete what He entrusts to us.”























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