
32 七雷巨响——预言国度的福音将扩展全宇
—— 《审判从神家起首 基督的发表》32


全能神經典話語 《認識神作工的話語》 選段301-302
301 在大紅龍國家,我作了一步令人莫測的工作,使人都在風中摇擺,隨之許多人都隨着風的颳動而悄悄飄去,這也正是我所要揚盡的「場」,是我所盼望的,也是我的計劃。因在我作工之時,不知不覺進來許多「惡者」,但我并不急于將其趕走,而是在適當的時候將其沖散。從此,我才作生命的起源,讓那些真心愛我的人從我得着無花果樹的果子,從我得着百合花的香氣。因為在撒但寄居之地、在屬灰塵之地上無有純金存留,只有沙土,所以,面對此情,我就作了一步這樣的工作。要知道,我得着的是提煉出來的純金,不是沙土,惡者怎能存留在我的家中呢?我怎能容讓狐狸寄生在我的樂園中呢?我千方百計將其趕走,在我的心意未顯明以先,誰也不知我要作什麽,趁此機會,我便將那些惡者趕了出去,他們被迫離開我。對待惡者,我就是這樣作,但其仍有為我效力的一天。因着人得福的心太强烈,所以我便扭轉身軀將榮臉顯現「外邦」,讓人都活在自己的天地裏而自我審判,我却説着我該説的話,「供應」着人的所需。當人都醒悟之時,我早已將我的工作擴展開來,我便將我的心意向人發表出來,在人身上開始我第二部分的工作,讓人都緊緊隨着我,以便配合我的工作,讓人都盡其所能地與我一起作我該作的工作。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・七雷巨響——預言國度的福音將擴展全宇》

302 撒但在我的計劃當中始終步步尾隨,作為我智慧的襯托物,一直在想方設法打亂我原有的計劃。但我能屈服于它的詭計嗎?天地之中有誰不做我的效力品,難道撒但的詭計除外嗎?這正是我智慧的交接之處,正是我作為的奇妙之處,是我整個經營計劃的實行原則。在國度建造時代,我仍不迴避撒但的詭計而繼續作我要作的工,我在宇宙萬物之中挑選了撒但的所作所為作我的襯托物,這不是我的智慧嗎?不正是我作工的奇妙之處嗎?當進入國度時代之時,天下、天上的萬物都巨變,都在慶幸,都在歡騰,你們不也是如此嗎?誰的心中不是甜如蜜呢?誰的心中不是樂開了花呢?誰的手脚不在歡舞?誰的口中不是贊美呢?

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・神向全宇的説話・第八篇》










全能神話語朗誦《神的作工、神的性情與神自己 一》第一部分36:37







🌳🌳Paano winawakasan ng pagkakatawang-tao ng Diyos para gawin ang gawain ng paghatol ang kapanahunan ng pananalig ng sangkatauhan sa malabong Diyos at ang madilim na kapanahunan na sakop ni Satanas?🌳🌳
📖📖“Pinasasalamatan ka namin, Oh Panginoong Dios, na Makapangyarihan sa lahat, na ikaw ngayon, at naging ikaw nang nakaraan; sapagka’t hinawakan mo ang iyong dakilang kapangyarihan, at ikaw ay naghari. At nangagalit ang mga bansa, at dumating ang iyong poot, at ang panahon ng mga patay upang mangahatulan, at ang panahon ng pagbibigay mo ng ganting-pala sa iyong mga alipin na mga propeta, at sa mga banal, at sa mga natatakot sa iyong pangalan, maliliit at malalaki; at upang ipahamak mo ang mga nagpapahamak ng lupa” (Pahayag 11:17–18).
📘📒Sabi ng Makapangyarihang Diyos,"Sa pagparito sa tao ngayon, ang layunin ng Diyos ay walang iba kundi baguhin ang mga iniisip at espiritu ng mga tao, pati na ang larawan ng Diyos sa kanilang puso na milyun-milyong taon na nilang taglay sa kanilang puso. Gagamitin Niya ang pagkakataong ito upang gawing perpekto ang tao. Ibig sabihin, sa pamamagitan ng kaalaman ng tao, babaguhin Niya ang paraan ng pagkilala ng mga tao sa Kanya at ang kanilang saloobin sa Kanya, na magbibigay ng kakayahan sa tao na gumawa ng isang matagumpay na bagong simula sa pagkilala sa Diyos, at magkamit ng paninibago at pagbabago ng espiritu ng tao. Pakikitungo at pagdidisiplina ang mga paraan, samantalang ang paglupig at pagpapanibago ang mga layunin. Ang pagwawaksi sa mapamahiing mga kaisipang taglay ng tao tungkol sa malabong Diyos ang layon ng Diyos noon pa man, at nitong huli ay naging isa ring agarang bagay para sa Kanya. Sana’y pag-isipan pang mabuti ng lahat ng tao ang mangyayari sa sitwasyong ito sa hinaharap.
mula sa Makinig sa Tinig ng Diyos Masdan ang Pagpapakita ng Diyos


From the moment you come crying into this world, you begin to fulfill your duty. For God’s plan and for His ordination, you perform your role and start your life’s journey. Whatever your background, and whatever the journey ahead of you, no one can escape the orchestrations and arrangements of the Heaven, and no one is in control of their own destiny, for only He who rules over all things is capable of such work. Since the day man came into existence, God has ever worked thus, managing the universe, directing the rules of change for all things and the trajectory of their movement. Like all things, man is quietly and unknowingly nourished by the sweetness and rain and dew from God; like all things, man unknowingly lives beneath the orchestration of God’s hand. Man’s heart and spirit are held in the hand of God, everything of his life is beheld in the eyes of God. Regardless of whether or not you believe this, any and all things, whether living or dead, will shift, change, renew, and disappear in accordance with God’s thoughts. Such is the way in which God presides over all things


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全能神説:「審判工作是神自己的工作,當然還得由神自己親自來作,這工作是人所不能代替的。因為審判是用真理來征服人類,所以無可异議的,神仍是以道成肉身的形像來出現在人中間作此工作。這就是説,末世基督將用真理來教導各方的人,將所有的真理曉諭給各方的人,這就是神的審判工作。」《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・基督用真理來作審判的工作》
「末世基督是用諸多方面的真理來教訓人,來揭露人的本質,解剖人的言語行為,這些言語中都包含着諸多方面的真理,例如:人的本分,人對神如何順服,對神如何忠心,人當如何活出正常人性,神的智慧,神的性情,等等。這些言語都是針對人的本質,針對人的敗壞性情,尤其那些揭露人如何弃絶神的言語更是針對人本是撒但的化身、針對人本是神的敵勢力而言的。神作審判的工作不是三言兩語就道盡人的本性的,而是來作長期的揭露、對付、修理,這各種方式的揭露、對付與修理并不是用一般的語言能代替的,而是用人根本就没有的真理來代替,這樣的方式才叫審判,這樣的審判才能將人折服,才能使人對神心服口服,而且對神有真正的認識。審判工作帶來的是人對神本來面目的了解,帶來的是人對悖逆真相的認識。審判工作使人對神的心意明白了許多,對神的工作宗旨明白了許多,對人所不能明白的奥秘理解了許多,而且也使人認識了、知道了人的敗壞實質、敗壞根源,也使人發現了人的醜惡嘴臉。這些工作的果效都是審判工作帶來的,因為審判工作的實質其實就是神的真理、道路、生命向所有信他的人打開的工作。這工作就是神作的審判工作。」《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・基督用真理來作審判的工作》
「對于審判人肉體敗壞的工作,只有肉身中的神最適合作,只有肉身中的神最有資格作,……只有在肉身中的神審判人類的敗壞才是徹底打敗撒但,同樣是有正常人性的人,在肉身中的神能直接審判人的不義,這是他本來就聖潔的標志,也是他與衆不同的標志,只有神能有資格、有條件審判人,因為他有真理,他有公義,所以他能審判人,没真理、没公義的人是不配審判别人的。」《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・敗壞的人類更需要道成「肉身」的神的拯救》
「正因為這些審判才讓你們看見神是公義的神,神是聖潔的神;正因為他的聖潔、正因為他的公義他才對你們審判,才對你們施下烈怒;正因為他看見人的悖逆能顯露出他的公義性情,看見人的污穢能顯露出他的聖潔,才足可説明他就是聖潔無污點的但又生活在污穢之地的神自己。若是與人同流合污的人,他没有聖潔的成分,没有公義的性情,他就没資格審判人的不義,也没資格作人的審判。人若審判人,不是自己打自己的臉嗎?同樣污穢的人,哪有資格審判他的同類呢?能審判污穢的全人類的只有聖潔的神自己,人怎麽能審判人的罪呢?人又怎麽能看見人的罪,怎麽能有資格定人的罪呢?神若没有資格審判人的罪,他怎麽會是公義的神自己呢?人有敗壞性情的顯露,他説話審判人,才讓人看見他是聖潔的。」《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・第二步征服工作是如何達到果效的》
有許多人都看不透神為什麽不使用人作末世審判工作,最主要是因人的實質屬于敗壞人類,有撒但性情,即使被成全了有聖靈支配,也不配發表神的話,更不配發表神的性情,發表神的全能智慧,發表神的所有所是。因為被神使用的人是人性實質,没有神性,所以他就没有資格以神的身份作工,無論説什麽話、做什麽事都不能代表神,所以作不了拯救人類的工作。比如神使用摩西作律法時代的工作,摩西只能像先知一樣傳達神的話,他為什麽不敢代表神説話?就是因為他是人,不是神道成肉身。這就是神道成的肉身與神使用之人的實質性區别。剛才有人問,既然神在律法時代使用摩西作工,為什麽不使用人作末世的審判工作呢?我們應該知道,神使用摩西作律法時代的工作是有特殊背景的,律法時代的人被撒但敗壞得很淺,律法時代的工作不是變化人性情的工作,而是頒布誡命和律例典章帶領人類生活的工作。神使用摩西主要就是頒布誡命和律例典章,告訴人該怎樣遵行耶和華神的律法誡命和人類生存該有的原則,讓人明白該怎樣活在神面前、怎樣敬拜神,以此來帶領初生的人類學會如何在地上生活,這工作神使用摩西作就能達到果效。可見,每個時代神是道成肉身來作工還是使用人來作工,都是根據神的經營計劃,根據敗壞人類的需要。恩典時代的救贖工作與末世的審判工作都是開闢時代、結束時代的工作,是救贖人類、拯救人類的工作,必須得神道成肉身親自作,這是任何人都没法取代的。正如全能神説:「神自己的工作由神自己來作,他是開展工作的,也是結束工作的,他是計劃工作的,也是經營工作的,更是成就工作的。正如聖經裏説的,『我是初也是終,我是撒種的,也是收割莊稼的』。這一切的關乎他經營中的工作都由他自己來作,他是六千年經營計劃的主宰,没有一個人能代替他的工作,没有一個人能結束他自己的工作,因他掌握一切。他既創世,便會帶領整個世界來活在他的光中,他也必結束整個時代,來成就他的所有計劃!」《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・道成肉身的奥秘 一》



🌍✨“God is the One who rules over all things and administers all things. He created all that there is, He administers all that there is, He rules over all that there is, and He provides for all that there is. This is the status of God, and it is His identity. For all things and all that there is, God’s true identity is the Creator and the Ruler of all of creation. Such is the identity possessed by God, and He is unique among all things. None of God’s creatures—whether they be among mankind or in the spiritual world—can use any means or excuse to impersonate or replace God’s identity and status, for there is only One, among all things, who is possessed of this identity, power, authority, and ability to rule over creation: our unique God Himself. He lives and moves among all things; He can rise to the highest place, above all things. He can humble Himself by becoming human, becoming one among those of flesh and blood, coming face-to-face with people and sharing weal and woe with them, while at the same time, He commands all that there is, deciding the fate of all that there is and in what direction it all moves. Moreover, He guides the fate of all mankind, and steers the direction of mankind. A God such as this should be worshiped, obeyed, and known by all living beings. Thus, regardless of which group or type among mankind you belong to, believing in God, following God, revering God, accepting His rule, and accepting His arrangements for your fate is the only choice—the necessary choice—for any person and for any living being.”
—The Word, Vol. 2. On Knowing God. God Himself, the Unique X


John 12:47_48-Verse
Meaning-Jesus'Judgmet in the Last Days

Today’s Verse
The Lord Jesus said, “And if any man hear My words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He that rejects Me, and receives not My words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.”
- John 12:47–48
Thoughts on Today's Verse…
These verses tell us that instead of expressing words to do the work of judgment and purification of the last days, Jesus Christ was incarnated into the world to redeem mankind from sin, so that mankind could avoid being condemned and cursed by the law and enjoy God’s grace and blessings. Although we have been redeemed by Jesus Christ and forgiven of our sins, our sinful nature and satanic corrupt disposition are still deeply rooted in us. We are still bound by sin, so we frequently lie and deceive others and thus sin against the Lord, and we often reveal arrogance, conceit, selfishness and despicableness, deceit and craftiness, and other corrupt satanic dispositions. We live in a cycle of sinning and confessing with no ways to extricate ourselves. As a result, we often cannot obey God’s words. So, Jesus Christ will return to express all the truths that save mankind in the last days, and do the work of judgment to purify our sinful nature and change our satanic disposition, so that we will be cleansed and saved, and become people who fear God, obey God and love God, and be brought by God into His kingdom. From this, we can see that God’s expressing words to do the work of judgment in the last days is the most crucial work that allows mankind to be cleansed and saved.
God says, “Though Jesus did much work among man, He only completed the redemption of all mankind and became man’s sin offering; He did not rid man of all his corrupt disposition. Fully saving man from the influence of Satan not only required Jesus to become the sin offering and bear the sins of man, but it also required God to do even greater work to rid man completely of his satanically corrupted disposition. And so, now that man has been forgiven of his sins, God has returned to the flesh to lead man into the new age, and begun the work of chastisement and judgment. This work has brought man into a higher realm. All those who submit under His dominion shall enjoy higher truth and receive greater blessings. They shall truly live in the light, and they shall gain the truth, the way, and the life.”


✨💖What Is the Meaning of Life That God Has Given Us Today? 
God has given us the breath of life, so that we can live and enjoy all that He has bestowed upon us. But do you know the meaning of life that God has given us? Is it for us to pursue wealth, fame, and material pleasures? Actually, it’s not. Keep reading, and you will find the answer. God says, “If one views life as an opportunity to experience the Creator’s sovereignty and come to know His authority, if one sees one’s life as a rare chance to perform one’s duty as a created human being and to complete one’s mission, then one will surely have the correct outlook on life, will surely live a life blessed and guided by the Creator, will surely walk in the light of the Creator, will surely know the Creator’s sovereignty, will surely come under His dominion, and surely become a witness to His miraculous deeds, a witness to His authority.” “However busily people bustle about in this world, however professionally accomplished they are, however happy their families are, however big their family is, however great their renown is—are they capable of embarking on the right path of human life? By chasing after fame and gain, the world, or their careers, are they capable of seeing the fact that God created all things in this world and reigns over the destiny of mankind? It is not possible, is it? If people do not acknowledge the fact that God reigns over the destiny of mankind, then, regardless of their particular pursuit or path, the path they walk is wrong. It is not the right path, but the crooked path, the path of evil. It does not matter if you have derived satisfaction from your spiritual support, or if you have not, and it does not matter where you find that support: It is not genuine faith, and it is not the right path for human life. What is it to have genuine faith? It is to embark on the right path of human life. What is the right path of human life? It is the path that enables people to understand the truth, that enables people’s humanity increasingly to become normal, and that enables them to understand what is good and what is evil, what things are positive and what things are negative, what mankind’s destiny is and who its Master is. When people truly understand that these things are in God’s hands, they are then able to submit to God’s sovereignty and orchestration, and live by God’s words. Only then are they able to embark on the correct path of human life.”

























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