
21 把心交给神
韩国 心澈
后来,当队形站位图发出来时,我看到有一部分没有我的镜头,我心里就更失落了,“虽然自己各方面不算优秀,但也不算特别差的,就算站不了前排,起码能出现在镜头里吧,为什么没有我呢?那我练了这么久不是白练了吗?早知道我就不练这部分动作了。”后来在拍摄时,镜头能拍到我就好好配合,拍不到我就心不在焉,应付着练练。合唱节目拍完后,聚会时听着大家谈各自的所得与收获,我心里有些不安:“同样尽本分,人家都能有一些收获,我怎么感觉心里空空的,什么收获也没得着呢?”我有些害怕了,我究竟哪里让神厌憎了?之后,我常常向神祷告寻求,愿神带领我认识自己。一天,我看到神的话说:“人总说神鉴察人心肺腑、神察看一切,但是人从来不知道有些人为什么总也得不到圣灵开启,为什么总也得不着恩典,总也没有喜乐,总是消极、下沉,总是积极不起来,你就察看他们的情形,保证个个都是没有良心作用,也没有诚实的心。”《话・卷三 末世基督座谈纪要・把真心交给神就能得着真理》“一个人的人性里该具备的就是良心与理智,这是最基本也是最重要的。如果一个人不具备良心,也不具备正常人性的理智,那这个人是什么人?笼统地说,是一个没有人性的人,是人性太坏的人。那细节地说,这个人都有哪些丧失人性的表现让人说他没有人性呢?这类人都有什么特点?都有哪些具体的流露?他做事应付糊弄,事不关己,高高挂起,不考虑神家利益,也不体贴神的心意,对见证神、对尽本分没有任何负担,也没有任何责任心。他做事时都考虑什么?他首先考虑:‘我这么做了神知不知道?人有没有看见?如果我这么卖力、这么实干也没有人看见,神也没有看见,那我费这个力气、受这个苦也没用。’这是不是自私?同时也是很卑鄙的一个存心。他这么想也这么做,这里有没有良心的作用?有没有良心的成分?还有些人尽本分看见问题也不说,看见有人打岔搅扰也不拦阻,丝毫不考虑神家的利益,也丝毫不考虑自己的本分、职责所在,就只为自己的虚荣、脸面、地位、利益与自己的荣誉说话、做事、出头、下功夫、卖力气。他的所做所行、他的存心大家都有目共睹:一有露脸的机会,一到享福的时候,他就蹦出来了;没有露脸的机会,或者一到吃苦的时候,他就成缩头乌龟了。这样的人有没有良心理智?没有良心理智的人他这样做事有没有自责?这样的人他的良心起不到任何的作用,他从来没有自责,那圣灵责备、管教他,他能感觉得到吗?他感觉不到。”《话・卷三 末世基督座谈纪要・把真心交给神就能得着真理》看完神的话我心里有些触动,原来我尽本分消极被动,获得不了圣灵作工,主要是因为我的心不诚实,尽本分总考虑自己的脸面地位,不考虑神家利益与自己该尽的责任,这样尽本分的态度是让神厌憎的。回想排练时,我看到自身条件不如其他弟兄姊妹,而且还被安排在后排,不能出头露脸了,我就消极被动,训练动作、表情也不愿意受苦付代价了,只满足练个“大概”“差不多”就行,根本不琢磨怎么往好了做;看到有的镜头没有我,就在心里讲理、埋怨,觉得自己受的苦白受了,也不想好好练习了;在后来的拍摄中,镜头拍到我就好好做,拍不到我就偷奸耍滑、应付了事……想到这些,我心里有些受责备。神家拍摄合唱节目是为了见证神,我能有机会参加,这是神的高抬,我应该尽自己最大的努力,与弟兄姊妹同心合意尽好这个本分。可我却因自己的脸面地位得不到满足,尽本分就应付糊弄、消极怠工,我真是没有一点儿良心理智,就是一个自私、诡诈的卑鄙小人。神鉴察人心肺腑,我以这样的态度来对待神的托付,怎能不让神厌憎、恨恶呢?认识到这儿,我感到懊悔、自责,就向神祷告:“神啊!我错了,这次参加节目,我留下了遗憾,已经没有办法弥补了,以后我要好好追求真理,不再考虑自己的脸面地位,脚踏实地尽自己的本分。”
我看到神的话说:“多少年来,人赖以生存的思想腐蚀着人的心灵,以至于人变得奸诈、懦弱而又卑鄙,人不仅没有毅力、没有心志,而且变得贪婪、骄纵,根本没有一点超脱自我的心志,更没有一点摆脱这黑暗权势辖制的勇气。人的思想腐化、生活腐化,以至于人信神的观点仍是丑陋不堪,甚至人信神的观点一说出来简直是不堪入耳,人都是懦弱、无能、卑鄙而又脆弱,对黑暗势力不感觉厌憎,对光明、真理不感觉喜爱,而是尽力驱逐。……别看你们现在跟随着,对这步工作有点认识,但就你们的那个地位心仍没放下,今天地位高了就好好追求,地位低了就不追求了,就这个地位之福总挂心头。为什么多数人总消极起不来呢?还不都是因为前途‘暗淡无光’吗?”《话・卷一 神的显现与作工・你为什么不愿意作衬托物呢?》“不在乎他怎么说,得看他的活出,看他的流露,看他尽本分时的态度是什么、他里面的情形是什么、他喜爱什么。如果他喜爱自己的名利超过对神的忠心,喜爱自己的名利超过神的利益、超过对神的体贴,这就不是有人性的人。他的表现人能看得见,神也能看得见,这样的人很难得着真理。”《话・卷三 末世基督座谈纪要・把真心交给神就能得着真理》神的话一针见血地揭示了我内心深处的卑鄙目的,为什么我尽本分只要觉得显不出自己,就身不由己地应付糊弄,哪怕知道是我的本分与责任,还是没有劲去配合,就是因为我名利地位心太重了。虽然我外表没有明显地去追求出头露脸,那是因为我先天条件有限,并不是我不想露脸,当看到自己即使再努力练习也高不过别人,不可能站在前排时,我就消极对待,尽本分只使三分劲五分劲,走走过程应付了事,不求果效好孬,就认为既然露不了脸,那就尽可能让肉体少受苦,这样就算露不了脸自己也不吃亏。撒但的毒素“人不为己,天诛地灭”“出人头地”早已扎根在我心里,成为我行事的原则,支配我的一言一行,致使我对待每一件事的观点、态度都是“利”字当头,有名有利就做,没名没利就不做,就连尽本分也是一样,如果能出头露脸我就好好配合,如果自己的欲望得不到满足,我就糊弄了事,丝毫不考虑神的心意,不考虑神家利益。我凭诡诈的本性活着,处处为自己的名利地位图谋,尽点本分偷奸耍滑、蒙混欺骗,没有一点责任心,根本没什么良心理智、人格尊严,一点都不值得信赖。想想身边有很多弟兄姊妹特别单纯诚实,不管站在前排还是后排都尽全力往神的要求上够,一段时间后在唱歌、动作方面就有长进,能看到神的带领和祝福,还有那些幕后的弟兄姊妹,虽然没有露脸,但能默默尽好自己的本分,听到他们说只要能看到节目早日上传,受什么苦都值……而我呢,就因为不能让我露脸,我连自己该尽的那份都不尽,哪有一点人性啊!神的性情公义圣洁,就我这样的人性和追求只会让神厌憎、恨恶,尽本分根本不可能获得圣灵作工,生命也不会有长进,我若再不悔改,信到最后什么真理也得不到,只能被神淘汰!反省到这儿,我有些害怕,就向神祷告:“神啊,我现在才看到凭着败坏性情活着太可耻,一点人性都没有。神啊,我愿意悔改变化,愿你带领我摆脱撒但性情的捆绑,能用心尽本分。”
我看到神的话说:“要达到在凡事上尽上忠心满足神心意,不是光尽一方面本分就行了,得接受神所给的任何一样托付,无论是合乎你口味的、你兴趣以内的,还是你不喜欢的,你从来没做过、有难度的,你都应该接受、顺服,不但要接受,而且要积极主动地配合,去学习、去进入,哪怕吃苦,哪怕自己脸上没光、不露脸,也得尽上自己的忠心。你得把它当本分去尽,不是当成自己的事业,而是当成本分。对本分该怎么理解?就是造物主——神交给一个人所要做的事,这个时候人的本分就产生了。神交给你的任务,神交给你的托付,这就是你的本分,你以这个为目标去追求,你真有爱神的心,你还能拒绝吗?不应该拒绝,应该接受过来,这就是实行的路。”《话・卷三 末世基督座谈纪要・做诚实人才有真快乐》从神的话中我明白了,本分是神给的托付,不管我是否擅长,能不能出头露脸,我都应该放下个人的存心目的,把它当成自己的责任,按照神的要求尽心尽力做好。想想一个队形里肯定会有人站前面有人站后面,但不管是站哪里都是在尽本分,神是看我们对待本分的存心与态度,看我们是否尽上心、尽上责任,是否在实行真理满足神。想想自己不具备做演员的恩赐、特长,但神却给了我这个操练的机会,让我无论是业务知识还是生命进入上都有长进,这是神对我的爱啊!我不能再像以往那样自私卑鄙、没心没肺地活着,伤神心,辜负神对我的期望,不管是站在前排还是后排,或者在镜头上能否被看到,我都应该站好受造之物的位置,以单纯诚实的心尽好自己的本分还报神的爱。


全能神經典話語 《認識神作工的話語》 選段307
307 我在地上作工的宗旨人都得明白,就是我作工最終要得着什麽,我要作到什麽程度才是工作的終點,人跟我走到今天若不明白我作的工作到底是什麽,那不是白白地跟我走了一趟嗎?人跟隨我,當知道我的心意是什麽。我作工在地上幾千年,到了今天,我仍是在這樣作着我的工作,雖然我的工作項目特别多,但我作工的宗旨仍是不變,就如我對人雖然滿了審判與刑罰,但我仍是為了將人拯救出來,仍是為了將人作成之後更好地擴展我的福音,更好地擴展我在所有外邦的工作。所以,今天在很多人早已大失所望之時,我仍在繼續着我的工作,仍在作着我該作的工作來審判、刑罰人。儘管人都不耐煩我説的話,儘管人都無心去理睬我的工作,但我仍在作着我分内的工作,因我作工的宗旨不會變化,而且我原有的計劃也不會打破。我的審判是為了人更好地順服,我的刑罰是為了人更好地變化,我所作的雖都是為了我的經營,但不曾有一樣作工是對人無益的,因我要將這些在以色列以外的邦族都作成猶如以色列一樣的順服,作成真正的人,使我在以色列以外也有立足之地,這就是我的經營,是我在外邦的工作。到今天仍有許多人不明白我的經營,因為人并不關心這些,而是關心自己的前途與歸宿,不管我怎麽説,人仍是對我作的工作漠不關心,只是一心關注着自己明天的歸宿,就這樣下去怎能擴展我的工作呢?怎能將我的福音傳于天下呢?你們當知道,我的工作擴展之時,我要將你們分散,我擊打你們猶如耶和華擊打以色列各支派一樣,這一切都是為了我的福音遍及全地,為了將我的工作擴展外邦,使我的名被大人、小孩都尊為大,在各邦各族之人的口中都能稱頌我的聖名。在這最末了的時代,讓我的名能在外邦中被稱為大,使我的作為被外邦中的人看見,且因我的作為而稱我為全能者,讓我口之言早日得着成就。我要讓所有的人都知道,我不僅是以色列人的神,我也是外邦各族之人的神,哪怕是我咒詛的邦族。我要讓所有的人都看見,我是所有受造之物的神,這是我最大的工作,是我在末世作工計劃的宗旨,是我在末世所要成就的唯一的工作。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・擴展福音的工作也是拯救人的工作》



每次在组里提出建议被否决,心里就不高兴,感觉没有脸面,这是什么性情导致的? (别人的事例)
♦三、 承认接受神话所揭示的事实;四、悔改


🌹Almighty God said ✨👑
Ang  kamatayan ng tao  ay hindi hawak ng tao kundi hawak ng  lumikha.. Kahit gaano pa tayo mag-ingat sa ating laman, o kahit gaano pa kamahal ang mga iniinom nating pampalusog ng katawan, ay hindi  parin natin matatakasan ang "KAMATAYAN.'...Simula sa ating pagsilang sa mundo,  ang kamatayan  ay unti unting lumalapit sa atin ng hindi natin namamalayan...Walang sinuman ang nakakaalam kung anong' oras',araw o lugar ang isang tao mamamatay ,at walang nakakaalam kung sa  anong paraan ang isang tao mamamatay ang  Diyos lamang ang nagpapasya ng ating huling hininga. .Kaya ano ang pinaka importante sa buhay? mamuhay ka ng may kabuluhan na hindi masasayang at pagsisihan ang mga sandali ng iyong buhay upang sa  iyong pagpanaw,ay puno parin ng kagalakan ang iyong puso na hindi nasasayang ang iyong buhay na walang pagsisi. Hindi lang sa pag gawa  ng mabubuti  kundi ang pagsagawa ng katotohanan na syang ikinalulugod at sasang-ayunan ng Diyos mismo.. Gaano man katiwali ang isang tao sa nakaraan, hindi ito tinitingnan ng Diyos kundi kung paano sya magbago at magpasakop sa Diyos kahit sa maiksing  panahon, basta buong pusong  pag didisisyonan  ng isang tao na tumalikod sa kanyang katiwalian at pagsikapang baguhin ang kanyang disposisyon matupad lamang ang kagustuhan ng Diyos. ❤️📌📌✨

👑👑👑Sabi ng Makapangyarihang Diyos,
Kahit gaano pa “kalakas” si Satanas, kahit gaano pa ito kapangahas at kaambisyoso, kahit gaano pa katindi ang abilidad nito para magdulot ng pinsala, kahit gaano pa kalawak ang mga paraan para gawing tiwali at akitin nito ang tao, kahit gaano pa kagaling ang mga pandaraya at mga pakana niya sa pananakot ng tao, kahit gaano pa pabago-bago ang anyo ng pag-iral nito, hindi pa ito kailanman nakalikha ng kahit isang buhay na nilalang, hindi pa kailanman nakapagtakda ng mga batas at patakaran para sa pag-iral ng lahat ng bagay, at hindi pa kailanman naghari o kumontrol ng anumang bagay, may buhay man o wala. Sa loob ng kosmos at sa kalangitan, wala ni isang tao o bagay ang naisilang mula rito, o umiiral nang dahil dito; wala ni isang tao o bagay ang pinaghaharian nito, o kinokontrol nito. Sa kabaligtaran, hindi lamang nito kailangang sumailalim sa pamamahala ng Diyos, kundi, higit pa rito ay kailangang sumunod sa lahat ng atas at kautusan ng Diyos. Kung walang pahintulot ang Diyos, mahirap para kay Satanas na hipuin kahit na ang isang patak ng tubig o butil ng buhangin sa lupa; kung walang pahintulot ang Diyos, ni hindi malaya si Satanas na galawin man lamang ang mga langgam sa lupa—lalo na ang sangkatauhan, na nilikha ng Diyos. Sa mga mata ng Diyos, mas mababa pa si Satanas sa mga liryo ng kabundukan, sa mga ibon na lumilipad sa himpapawid, sa mga isda sa karagatan, at sa mga uod sa lupa. Ang papel nito sa lahat ng bagay ay para pagsilbihan ang lahat ng bagay, at gumawa para sa sangkatauhan, at pagsilbihan ang gawain ng Diyos at ang Kanyang plano ng pamamahala. Kahit gaano pa kasama ang hangarin ng kalikasan nito, at gaano man kasama ang diwa nito, ang tanging bagay na magagawa nito ay ang tapat na gawin ang tungkulin nito: ang magsilbi sa Diyos, at ang salungatin ang Diyos. Ito ang diwa at kinatatayuan ni Satanas. Ang diwa nito ay hindi kaugnay sa buhay, hindi kaugnay sa kapangyarihan, hindi kaugnay sa awtoridad; laruan lamang i

👑👑👑𝑺𝒂𝒃𝒊 𝒏𝒈 𝑴𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒚𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝑫𝒊𝒚𝒐𝒔,
💦“Anak Ko! Ipinaalala Ko na sa iyo nang maraming ulit na huwag malungkot at huwag lumuha, at hindi kita iwawaksi. Hindi mo pa rin ba kayang magtiwala sa Akin? Hahawakan kita at hindi bibitawan. Palagi kitang yayakapin sa pag-ibig Ko. Lilingapin kita, pangangalagaan kita, at bibigyan kita ng mga pahayag at mga kabatiran sa lahat ng bagay upang makita mo na Ako ang iyong Ama, at na Ako ang sumusuporta sa iyo.”*

🌿Kahit anong bato mo sa Biblia para siraan ang Makapangyarihang Diyos, at kahit anong pilit mong pagsira neto, hindi mo matitinag ang taong tumanggap na sa katotohanan na nakakakilala sa tinig ng Diyos, nakakakilala sa buong disposisyon ng Diyos. Tandaan mo hindi mo mapipigilan ang mga tunay na naghahangad sa pagpeperpekto ng Diyos at tumanggap sa kanyang paghatol at pagkastigo sa mga huling araw sapagkat sila ang taong tanging sa Diyos naghahanap ng kasagutan. At tanging Diyos lamang ang may kakayahang magpa intindi sa nga pangitain ng Biblia hindi ang mga taong hindi pa nalapatan ng katotohanan. Ang Diyos lamang ang perpekto na karapatdapat umakay sa sangkatauhan tungo sa pagkamit ng Kabanalan. Wag mong ibato ang mga verses kung hindi kapa nalalapatan sa katotohanan sapagkat walang kayang sukatin ang nilalaman ng mga isinalita ng Diyos sa Biblia tanging Diyos lamang ng katotohanan sa mga huling araw. Ang Diyos noon paman kahapon at ngayon THE ALMIGHTY GOD.

Mateo 12:31-32 RTPV05
Kaya't sinasabi ko sa inyo, mapapatawad ang anumang kasalanan at paglapastangan, ngunit hindi patatawarin ang anumang paglapastangan sa Espiritu. Sinumang magsalita laban sa Anak ng Tao ay patatawarin, ngunit sinumang magsalita laban sa Espiritu Santo ay hindi patatawarin, maging sa panahong ito o sa panahong darating.”

Di nman sa lahat pero may mga tao talaga na ganito sumagot pag iniimbitahan patungkol sa Makapangyarihang Diyos; 👇
📌 may trabaho ako
📌 may klase ako 
📌 may gagawin ako
📌 may sakit ako
📌 pero pg iniimbita ng mga kaibigang gumala 'kit ano pa yan ka busy for sure sasama yan at dadalo yan. 
✨ Pero pagdating sa mga salita ng Makapangyarihang Diyos ay palaging BUSY. 🥺
🤔 Kailan ba natin kailangan ang Diyos?
Kung may kailangan lang ba tayo sa kanya? 
Kung tayo ay nasa gitna na ng mga paghihirap at mga pag subok? 
Kung tayo ay nasa gitna na ng mga sakuna?
Oh, kung tayo ay nasa bingit na ng kamatayan?
Kailangan lang ba talaga natin ang Diyos sa panahon na kailangan natin ng mga gusto natin sa buhay? 
Ganyan lang ba talaga ang ating pag-ibig sa Diyos? 😞
Sabi ng Makapangyarihang Diyos🙌
📖📖 Kung hindi ka naghahanap ng mga pagkakataong maperpekto ng Diyos, at kung hindi ka nagpupunyaging makaungos sa grupo sa paghahangad mong maperpekto, sa bandang huli ay mapupuspos ka ng pagsisisi. Ngayon ang pinakamainam na pagkakataong maperpekto; ngayon ay napakagandang panahon. Kung hindi mo marubdob na hinahangad na maperpekto ng Diyos, kapag nagwakas na ang Kanyang gawain, magiging huli na ang lahat—nalagpasan ka na ng pagkakataon. Gaano man kadakila ang iyong mga hangarin, kung hindi na gumaganap ng gawain ang Diyos, anuman ang gawin mo, hindi ka na kailanman mapeperpekto. Kailangan mong samantalahin ang pagkakataong ito at makipagtulungan habang ginagawa ng Banal na Espiritu ang Kanyang dakilang gawain. Kung makalagpas sa iyo ang pagkakataong ito, hindi ka na mabibigyan ng isa pa, anuman ang gawin mo. 📖📖
Mula sa Isaisip ang Kalooban ng Diyos para Makamit ang Pagiging Perpekto




Should We Seek the Lord
With Our Ears or by Sight to
Welcome His Return?
The last days are now upon us, so how can we welcome the Lord? Based on what’s written in the Book of Revelation, some believe that the Lord will come back in His resurrected spiritual body and appear to mankind on a cloud, so welcoming the Lord based on what we see is the safest bet. However, some brothers and sisters take this verse into consideration: “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20). They believe the Lord has told us that in the last days, He will speak to knock on our doors. There are also a lot of people online bearing witness that the Lord has already returned, that they’ve already heard God’s voice and welcomed the Lord. Can we really just rely on what we see without listening for the voice of God? What can we do to welcome the Lord? Should we greet the Lord by listening for God’s voice, or only believing what we see?
The Crucial Step to Welcome the Lord’s Coming
We’re all aware that there are many prophecies regarding the Lord’s coming—who would dare claim that the Lord will only come on a cloud, and nothing else? The Lord Jesus very clearly told us: “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come” (John 16:12–13). “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27). And the Book of Revelation prophesied, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20). “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Revelation 2:7). These prophecies show us that in the last days, the Lord will knock on the doors of people’s hearts with His words, that He will seek out His sheep by speaking, and that God’s sheep will recognize and welcome Him when they recognize the voice of God. That is, no matter how God appears to mankind, it is certain that He will utter words, so when we do recognize the voice of God, we can greet the Lord and then confirm what form God really is appearing to us in. It’s just like when Moses heard God speaking from the burning bush; God was appearing to Moses in the form of fire. When Job heard God speaking to him through a whirlwind, that was God appearing to Job through the wind. And there were Peter and John, who personally heard the Lord Jesus incarnate expressing the truth, the voice of God, and so confirmed that God had appeared to mankind in the form of the flesh. We can see from all this that God may speak to humanity in many different ways, and no matter how we hear Him speaking to us, we see the appearance of God. This is why we can’t just rely on our eyes to welcome the Lord. What’s key is to listen for His voice. The moment we hear the returned Lord’s utterance, and recognize it as the voice of God, that proves that the Lord has indeed returned. At that point, the way the Lord appears in the last days will be self-evident. If we fail to focus on listening for God’s voice, but determine that the Lord will absolutely come down on a cloud based on a literal interpretation of the scriptures, and we think that in welcoming the Lord, seeing is believing, wouldn’t that be making the same mistake as the Pharisees? The Pharisees didn’t pay any mind to heeding the voice of God, but just defined the Messiah’s coming according to a literal interpretation of the Scriptures. Even though the Lord Jesus expressed many truths and His words contained authority and power, the Pharisees did not focus on listening for the voice of God. And so, they ultimately had the Lord Jesus nailed to the cross, committing a grievous sin and earning God’s punishment. This is why we should learn from the lesson of the Pharisees in the matter of welcoming the Lord’s coming. We absolutely cannot rely on our notions and imaginings, but we must be the wise virgins and take care to listen for God’s voice. This is the only way we’ll be able to welcome the Lord. It’s just as God has said: “Since we are searching for the footprints of God, it behooves us to search for God’s will, for the words of God, for His utterances—because wherever there are new words spoken by God, the voice of God is there, and wherever there are the footsteps of God, God’s deeds are there. Wherever there is the expression of God, there God appears, and wherever God appears, there the truth, the way, and the life exist.”
The Lord Has Returned and Has Spoken: Have You Listened?
The key to welcoming the Lord is listening for God’s voice. Only by hearing God’s voice can we know how the Lord has come. Today, only The Church of Almighty God openly bears witness that the Lord Jesus has already come in secret before the great disasters, that He is Almighty God in the flesh, and He has done a stage of work to judge and cleanse mankind. He has expressed words from the Holy Spirit to the churches. He has shared all aspects of the truth with us, including the mysteries of God’s six-thousand-year management plan, what incarnation is, what being raptured is, how to discern the voice of God, how to discern the true Christ from false Christs, the nature and essence of mankind’s corruption by Satan, how to cast off the bonds of sin, how God judges and cleanses mankind, and how God determines people’s outcomes and destinations. Almighty God saves us completely from the shackles of sin, allowing us to be purified and attain full salvation. We can see from this that Almighty God’s appearance and work fulfill these prophecies of the coming of the Son of man: “Be you therefore ready also: for the Son of man comes at an hour when you think not” (Luke 12:40). “For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:27). Not only that, but this also fulfills the prophecies of the Lord returning to express the truth and to do the work of judgment: “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come” (John 16:12–13). “He that rejects Me, and receives not My words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (John 12:48). “Sanctify them through Your truth: Your word is truth” (John 17:17). Anyone with heart, with spirit, who hears the words expressed by Almighty God can feel that these words are the truth, that they are full of power and authority. They are able to confirm that they are the voice of God. If this weren’t the voice of God, then who could possibly reveal the mysteries of God’s management work? Who could judge our human corruption through the word of judgment? Who could cleanse and transform us, and save us from the bonds of sin? Only God can express the truth—this is the voice of God. This allows us to confirm that the Lord Jesus has returned, that the Lord has again become flesh as the Son of man, coming down among mankind in secret in order to save us and cleanse us. If we want to welcome the Lord, we must be sure to listen for the voice of God and read more of the words Almighty God has expressed. Only this will allow us the chance to be caught up before God’s throne and attend the feast with the Lord.
The words expressed by Almighty God in The Word Appears in the Flesh have been translated into more than 20 other languages and published online so that peoples of all nations may seek and investigate. This is God knocking at our doors through His words. Shouldn’t we be the wise virgins, listen to whether Almighty God’s utterances are the Holy Spirit’s words to the churches, whether they are the voice of God? If we absolutely insist that seeing is believing, only believing once the Lord comes with clouds, won’t we have already shut Him outside of our doors? Is that being a wise virgin? Is it possible to welcome the Lord’s coming that way? These are questions we should all consider very carefully.
The Consequences of Insisting on Seeing the Lord’s Coming on a Cloud
If we don’t listen for the voice of God so that we can welcome the Lord, but just wait to see the Lord coming down with clouds before we believe that He has returned, what will the consequences be? Let’s take a look at the warnings and exhortations given to us by Almighty God:
“Many people may not care what I say, but I still want to tell every so-called saint who follows Jesus that, when you see Jesus descend from the heaven upon a white cloud with your own eyes, this will be the public appearance of the Sun of righteousness. Perhaps that will be a time of great excitement for you, yet you should know that the time when you witness Jesus descend from the heaven is also the time when you go down to hell to be punished. That will be the time of the end of God’s management plan and it will be when God rewards the good and punishes the wicked. For the judgment of God will have ended before man sees signs, when there is only the expression of truth. Those who accept the truth and do not seek signs, and thus have been purified, shall have returned before the throne of God and entered the Creator’s embrace. Only those who persist in the belief that ‘The Jesus who does not ride upon a white cloud is a false Christ’ shall be subjected to everlasting punishment, for they only believe in the Jesus who exhibits signs, but do not acknowledge the Jesus who proclaims severe judgment and releases the true way and life. And so it can only be that Jesus deals with them when He openly returns upon a white cloud. They are too stubborn, too confident in themselves, too arrogant. How could such degenerates be rewarded by Jesus? The return of Jesus is a great salvation for those who are capable of accepting the truth, but for those who are unable to accept the truth it is a sign of condemnation. You should choose your own path, and should not blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and reject the truth. You should not be an ignorant and arrogant person, but someone who obeys the guidance of the Holy Spirit and longs for and seeks the truth; only in this way will you benefit.”
Through Almighty God’s words, we can understand that those who just wait to see the Lord on a cloud are refusing to accept the truths expressed by Almighty God in the last days and they are condemning Christ of the last days. They will miss their chance to welcome the Lord before the great disasters and lose their opportunity to be made into overcomers by God. However, those who accept God’s work of judgment and purification before the great disasters—that is, those who welcome the Lord before the disasters—will escape the bonds of sin by accepting the judgment and chastisement of God’s words, will be purified and transformed, and have the chance to be made into overcomers by God. They will be taken by God into a beautiful destination. Once God has made a group of overcomers, He will rain down the great disasters, and only at that point will He openly come on a cloud and appear before mankind, sorting people according to their kind, rewarding the good and punishing the wicked. Those who resisted and condemned God’s work of the last days will be subject to His righteous punishment. They will see that Almighty God, whom they resisted, is none other than the Lord Jesus returned. They will weep and gnash their teeth; they will clutch at their chests. This will fulfill these biblical prophecies: “And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory” (Matthew 24:30). “Behold, He comes with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so, Amen” (Revelation 1:7). And so, all those who try to listen for the voice of God, all those who accept the truths expressed by Christ in the last days before the disasters, are the blessed. But those who just rely on their eyes, who insist on waiting for the Lord to come on a cloud, will rue the day.
Now that you’ve read some of Almighty God’s words, have you seen God’s righteous disposition through His warnings for us? Have you felt His urgent will to save us through His exhortations for us? If you still have doubts or questions about welcoming the Lord’s return, you’re welcome to message us on WhatsApp or Messenger














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