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How Can We Find the True Church of God?
June 13, 2020
By Baoda, Australia
The world is in a state of turmoil, with all kinds of disasters befalling mankind. Many people are wondering: “Has the Lord returned already? And if He has, why haven’t we been raptured before the great disasters?” Some see their pastors and elders always preaching about the same old things, believers’ faith growing cold, believers following worldly trends and unable to live out the Lord’s words. They then wonder whether the Christian church is like the church of Laodicea that was abandoned by the Lord. In the letter to the church of Philadelphia in Revelation, it says, “I know your works: behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it: for you have a little strength, and have kept My word, and have not denied My name” (Revelation 3:8). We can see that only those in the church of Philadelphia can keep to the Lord’s words under any circumstances and have the work of the Holy Spirit. They are the only ones who are truly raptured before the great disasters, and only this kind of church, which has the work of the Holy Spirit, is the one true church. Some people compare this to the current state of the Christian church and wish to leave in search of the true church. There are others, however, who believe that the church is thriving, with competitions on people’s knowledge of the Bible being held and a vibrant atmosphere at all manner of holiday celebrations. They think, “Isn’t this the work of the Holy Spirit? This kind of church is the true church and it will surely be raptured.” But which view is correct? What is the true church? And how should we distinguish between the true church and false churches? Let’s fellowship on these questions.
The first principle for discerning between the true church and false churches: Does it have the work of the Holy Spirit and do its members pursue the truth?
The Bible says, “[The church] is His body, the fullness of Him that fills all in all” (Ephesians 1:23). Jehovah God said to Solomon, “For now have I chosen and sanctified this house, that My name may be there for ever: and My eyes and My heart shall be there perpetually” (2 Chronicles 7:16). And God’s words say, “In each stage of God’s work there are also corresponding requirements of man. All those who are within the stream of the Holy Spirit are possessed of the presence and discipline of the Holy Spirit, and those who are not within the stream of the Holy Spirit are under the command of Satan, and without any of the work of the Holy Spirit. People who are in the stream of the Holy Spirit are those who accept the new work of God, and who cooperate in the new work of God. If those who are within this stream are incapable of cooperating, and unable to put into practice the truth required by God during this time, then they will be disciplined, and at worst will be forsaken by the Holy Spirit. Those who accept the new work of the Holy Spirit, will live within the stream of the Holy Spirit, and they will receive the care and protection of the Holy Spirit. Those who are willing to put the truth into practice are enlightened by the Holy Spirit, and those who are unwilling to put the truth into practice are disciplined by the Holy Spirit, and may even be punished. Regardless of what kind of person they are, provided that they are within the stream of the Holy Spirit, God will take responsibility for all those who accept His new work for the sake of His name” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. God’s Work and Man’s Practice).
We can see from these words that the church is God’s temple, that God maintains it and that it has God’s recognition. The true church has the work of the Holy Spirit; it is made up of people who accept God’s current work, and who live within the stream of the Holy Spirit and pursue the truth. In such a church as this, the faithful gather together to fellowship on God’s current utterances; they obtain enlightenment and light from the Holy Spirit, they understand God’s will and requirements, they progress more and more in their lives, and they are able to share testimonies on practicing God’s words in their daily lives. When the Lord Jesus came to perform His work, those who sincerely believed in God and followed the Lord Jesus came together to form the church. They accepted the way of repentance preached by the Lord and were no longer subject to the strictures of the laws as they had been before. Their conduct was carried out according to the Lord’s words, showing tolerance, patience and forgiveness to others, and so on. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit’s current work, their humanity and what they lived out in their lives became more and more proper. They also saw how the Lord endured enormous suffering and humiliation and was crucified for man’s sake, how He redeemed mankind, and they understood that God’s disposition is merciful and loving. Their faith in God grew and grew. This tells us that this kind of church has the work of the Holy Spirit, that it is the true church. Conversely, any church that lacks the work of the Holy Spirit is a false church. At the end of the Age of Law, for example, the Lord Jesus came to perform His work, and the work of the Holy Spirit then shifted. The temple became desolate. The Jewish chief priests, scribes and Pharisees did not accept the current work and words of the Lord Jesus. Though they appeared to keep the laws and commandments, they lacked the work of the Holy Spirit, until finally they were not even able to keep to their own rules. Unlawful acts such as theft, murder and sexual promiscuity were rampant. The temple was no longer a place of worship, but instead became a den of thieves where money was exchanged and cattle and doves were bought and sold. Now let’s take a look at the state of the Christian church today: Pastors can only expound some biblical knowledge and doctrine in their sermons, and they are without the enlightenment and light of the Holy Spirit; believers find themselves without true watering and sustenance, they become negative and passive, and their faith grows cold; in gatherings people just go through the motions without enjoying God’s words; whether pastor or elder, or just an ordinary believer, most of the time no one is even able to keep the Lord’s teachings. In the church, pastors and elders increasingly engage in jealous disputes, they fight over the podium, are greedy, and they entirely lack a God-fearing heart. Many of the faithful slide back into the world and busy themselves making money, they covet the pleasures of the flesh, and fewer and fewer people attend services. People only go to church when there is some event or meal being held, or if they face some great danger. They do not genuinely seek the truth, but for the most part, just want to be part of the fun, or gain grace and ensure peace in their lives. No matter how vibrant such a church appears to be from the outside, it is nothing but a pool of stagnant water, identical to the temple at the end of the Age of Law. Clearly, the Holy Spirit does not work in such a church, and God does not maintain it.
Therefore, to distinguish between the true church and false churches, we must primarily look at whether it has the work of the Holy Spirit, whether the Holy Spirit maintains it, whether the people read God’s current utterances, and whether, by reading God’s words, they understand more of the truth and grow their faith in God. If a church does not keep pace with God’s current work and does not have the guidance of the Holy Spirit, then no matter how many members it has or how great its momentum seems as it holds all kinds of events, it is still a false church and will be abandoned by God soon enough. Just as God inspired John to write in his letter to the church of Laodicea: “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot: I would you were cold or hot. So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth” (Revelation 3:15–16).
The second principle for discerning between the true church and false churches: Does the truth or do false shepherds hold sway?
What Is the True Church? How to Find the True Church
There is another crucial principle to distinguishing between the true church and false churches, which is to see whether the truth holds sway or whether false shepherds hold sway. A church is a place for people who seek the truth to live a life of the church and worship God, and any church that is made up of people who sincerely believe in God and in whom the Holy Spirit works is the true church. The truth holds sway in this kind of church; everyone reads and practices God’s words, and they submit to the truth. It is led by those who pursue the truth, and pursuers of the truth are supported. Anyone who goes against God’s words and the truth, who does evil and runs amok in the church, is rejected and driven out. Because those who pursue the truth have the work and guidance of the Holy Spirit, God’s will is carried out in a church made up of such people, and it has the presence of God. When the Lord Jesus came to work and speak in the Age of Grace, He hand-picked 12 apostles, and He personally testified to and appointed Peter as the shepherd of the churches. The apostles led the faithful of that time in accordance with the Lord’s words and they shared the gospel of the Lord Jesus’ salvation. God’s will was thereby carried out and the Lord Jesus’ holy name spread far and wide.
Now in the last days, believers in the Lord Jesus are divided between various denominations, each with their own leaders. In the Bible, however, God did not personally testify to these pastors and leaders, much less did He claim to have appointed them as leaders. Most of the pastors and elders in these denominations are graduates from seminary schools who become leaders and pastors once they are certified—they do not arise through being perfected and edified by the Holy Spirit while experiencing God’s work. In their work and sermons, they never testify or exalt the Lord’s words, nor do they fellowship about the Lord’s will. They generally work relying on their own gifts and caliber, and all they talk about is biblical knowledge and spiritual theory. They exalt and testify to the Bible and they put words from the Bible in the Lord Jesus’ place. Such work is in defiance of the Lord. How then could the Holy Spirit maintain their churches? They are incapable of fellowshiping true knowledge of God and of leading people into the reality of the truth. All they know how to do is lead people in rules and doctrine, leading them astray, to their ruin. Moreover, in their work in the church they always exalt themselves and build up their own prestige to have others look to them; they do not act or treat people according to God’s words, but instead they fawn on whoever donates the most money, and appoint their favorites to important positions. Some brothers and sisters do not understand the truth. They’re confused and have no discernment, so they blindly idolize these pastors and elders and seek them out to ask them about every matter under the Sun, as though only they could lead people into the kingdom of God. Though these believers appear to believe in God and follow God, in essence, they actually believe in the pastors and elders. In particular, when a church becomes desolate and the brothers and sisters who are more engaged in their pursuit go in search of a church that has the work of the Holy Spirit, and in search of the utterances of the returned Lord, the pastors and elders do all they can to stand in their way and condemn them. They would rather the believers die of spiritual hunger and thirst than allow them to escape their dominion. It is clear that the truth does not hold sway in such churches, but rather they are controlled by those false shepherds, antichrists and wicked servants who are without the work of the Holy Spirit. Such churches as these offended God’s disposition long ago and have been abandoned by the Holy Spirit, and sooner or later they will be eliminated altogether. As the Bible says, “And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies” (Revelation 18:2–3).
How to Find the True Church
What Is the True Church? 2 Key Points Will Help Us Find It
At this point in our fellowship, perhaps many of you now realize that the churches of the religious world no longer have the work of the Holy Spirit. So how then can we find a church that does have the work of the Holy Spirit and the presence of God? We can look to history to find the answer to this question. When the Lord Jesus appeared to work and speak all those years ago, the temple had become desolate. One part of it was that the chief priests, scribes and Pharisees were not leading believers onto the right path, which in turn caused the Holy Spirit to abandon them; the other part was that the Lord Jesus was performing new work, so the Holy Spirit withdrew His work from the temple and began to work in those people who kept pace with God’s footsteps. When those who followed the Lord Jesus heard His current utterances, they received the sustenance of the living waters, whereas those who remained in the temple fell into darkness. The same thing is happening now in the last days. Religion has become desolate and is without the work of the Holy Spirit, so we should seek out the Holy Spirit’s utterances and keep pace with the footsteps of the Lamb, just as it says in the Bible: “And also I have withheld the rain from you, when there were yet three months to the harvest: and I caused it to rain on one city, and caused it not to rain on another city: one piece was rained on, and the piece whereupon it rained not withered. So two or three cities wandered to one city, to drink water; but they were not satisfied: yet have you not returned to Me” (Amos 4:7–8). We can therefore see that when God comes to unfold new work, the churches of the old age are bound to become desolate. God’s will is within this; that is, it is through the desolation of the churches that we are forced to go in search of His footsteps. Disasters are growing in scale and the prophecies of the Lord’s coming have now largely been fulfilled. It is highly probable that the Lord has already returned, that He has appeared and is working in a church. If we can find God’s footsteps, then we will find the true church as a matter of course.
So how can we find the footsteps of God? There is a passage of God’s words which explains this clearly: “[S]ince we are searching for the footprints of God, it behooves us to search for God’s will, for the words of God, for His utterances—because wherever there are new words spoken by God, the voice of God is there, and wherever there are the footsteps of God, God’s deeds are there. Wherever there is the expression of God, there God appears, and wherever God appears, there the truth, the way, and the life exist” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. The Appearance of God Has Ushered in a New Age). This means that if we want to find the true church that is to be raptured before the disasters, then we must seek God’s footsteps, seek God’s utterances, and focus on listening for God’s voice. Just as the Bible says: “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Revelation 2:7). “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20).
We can see from God’s words that when the Lord returns, He will express new words to the churches. Throughout the entire world, today there is only The Church of Almighty God testifying that the Lord has returned, that He is doing the work of judgment beginning with God’s house, and that He has expressed millions of words and unveiled all mysteries of God’s management plan. Such mysteries include the real circumstances of His three stages of work, the mystery of the incarnations, the significance of God’s names, the inside story of the Bible, how Satan corrupts mankind, how God saves people, the final destination of every type of person, how people can attain full salvation, and more. These mysteries are unveiled so that our eyes may be opened and we may feast our eyes on what we see. Almighty God has come in the last days to do His work of judgment, and so The Church of Almighty God has come into being, just as the church of the Age of Grace came into being after the Lord Jesus came to work in the Age of Grace. The Church of Almighty God is made up of people who accept God’s judgment work of the last days, who sincerely believe in God, and who pursue the truth. They accept the watering and shepherding of Almighty God’s words, they read God’s current words, and they pray to and worship Almighty God, the Lord Jesus returned. This group of people has undergone the CCP’s persecution and oppression; some have been arrested and imprisoned, subjected to its brutality and torture, yet they resolutely follow Almighty God and have borne the testimony of the overcomers. After undergoing the judgment and chastisement of God’s words, this group has come to know their own satanic nature. They have felt true remorse and true hatred for themselves. Their corrupt dispositions have been transformed, and they have born many testimonies about their corrupt dispositions being purified through judgment and chastisement. It is evident that God’s work of judgment in the last days has already made a group of overcomers; it is these overcomers who are raptured before the disasters and who are fit to inherit God’s promises and blessings. The book expressed by Almighty God, The Word Appears in the Flesh, is now openly available online, and the experiential testimonies of God’s chosen as well as a wide variety of movies and videos produced by The Church of Almighty God can be found in abundance online. Many who long for the truth become certain that Almighty God is the Lord Jesus returned after reading Almighty God’s words and the many experiential testimonies of God’s chosen. They gain a new understanding of God’s work and how to practice the truth. We can see, then, that The Church of Almighty God does indeed have the work of the Holy Spirit; The Church of Almighty God is the church of Philadelphia—it is the church that is raptured before the disasters! Nowadays, the entire religious world has fallen into desolation; it is only The Church of Almighty God that grows stronger by the day. There are new branches of The Church of Almighty God being established one after another in countries all over the world. They continue to grow and become stronger, showing us that all that comes from God must flourish!
As there are greater and greater disasters, it is crucial that we find the church of Philadelphia that is raptured before the great disasters. This has direct bearing on the momentous matter of whether or not we will be able to enter the kingdom of heaven. If we cannot keep pace with God’s footsteps and find the true church, we will ultimately be swept away by the disasters with much weeping and gnashing of teeth. At this critical time, we should listen to Almighty God’s words to determine whether they are the voice of God. If we recognize them to be God’s voice, we must hurry to accept them, for only by doing so can we keep up with the Lamb’s footsteps.
Has this fellowship shown you the path to discerning the true church from false churches, and to finding the church of Philadelphia that is raptured before the disasters, as prophesied in the Bible? If this article has been helpful to you, please share it with your friends so that more people may find the true church amidst the disasters, and so that they may one day soon be raptured before God to receive His care and protection.
Recommended for You:
● Out of a Dying Church and Into a True Church
● I Finally Found a True Church
● No Longer Giving Credence to Rumors, I Follow the Footsteps of God
Previous: The Plague Is Upon Us: How to Obtain God’s Mercy and Protection
Next: What Is the True Meaning of Rest in the Bible?
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全能神經典話語 《揭示神作工與人作工區别的話語》 選段319
319 聖靈的作工都是讓人得益處的,都是為了造就人的,并没有絲毫于人無益的工作,無論真理是深或淺,也無論接受真理的人的素質如何,總之,聖靈無論怎麽作對人都是有益處的。但是聖靈作工又不能直接作,務必得藉着與其配合的人來發表他的工作,這樣才能達到聖靈要作工作的果效。當然,若是聖靈直接作工那就没有任何摻雜了,但是一藉着人作工就有了許多摻雜,并不是聖靈原有的作工了,這樣,真理也就多多少少有了不同程度的變化,那些跟隨的人所得着的也就不是聖靈原有的意思,而是聖靈的作工與人的經歷或人的認識的結合了。跟隨之人所得着的聖靈作工的部分是正確的,得着的人的經歷與人的認識就因着作工的人的不同而各不相同了。作工的人有聖靈的開啓與帶領,之後再在開啓與帶領的基礎上經歷,在這些經歷中就結合人的頭腦與經驗,也結合人性的所是,之後得出人該有的認識或看見,這就是人在經歷真理以後的實行的路。這實行的路因人的不同經歷也都不是完全相同的,而且人所經歷的事也各所不同,這樣,同樣是聖靈的開啓,因得着開啓的人各不相同,因而對開啓的認識與實行也就各不相同了。有的人實行得誤差小,有的人實行得誤差大,有的人實行得完全錯誤,因為人的領受能力都不相同,而且人原有的素質也都不相同。有的人聽一篇道是這樣領受的,有的人聽完一個真理是那樣領受的,有的人稍有偏差,有的人却一點不明白真理的真意。所以,他是如何領受的他就如何帶領别人,這是一點不差的,因他作工正是在發表他的所是。對真理認識正確的,他所帶領的人也就對真理有正確的認識,即使有領受謬妄的人也是極個别的,并不是所有的人都謬妄;對真理領受謬妄的,隨從他的人無疑都是偏謬的,那這些人就都是謬種了,是貨真價實的謬種。跟隨的人對真理的認識程度大多取决于作工的人,當然從神來的真理是正確無誤的,是絶對把握的,而作工的人并不是完全正確的,也不能説是完全有把握的。作工的人對真理有實行的路,而且特别實際,那跟隨的人也就有實行的路;作工的人若對真理并没有實行的路,只是道理,那些跟隨的人也就没有一點實際。跟隨之人的素質與本性是先天决定的,與作工的人并不關聯,但跟隨的人對真理的領受程度與對神的認識都取决于作工的人(這只是相對一部分人説的)。什麽樣的人作工就帶領出什麽樣的跟隨者,作工的人發表的都是自己的所是,而且毫不保留,他對跟隨他的人的要求也就是他自己願意達到的或是他自己能够達到的。多數人作工都是以自己所作的來要求那些跟隨他的人,儘管有許多人根本達不到,人所達不到的就成了人進入的攔阻。


——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・神的作工與人的作工》






全能神話語朗誦《獨一無二的神自己 二》神的公義性情 第三部分32:49








神说,“什么叫认识自己的本性?怎么认识?从几方面认识?另外,从这几方面流露出来的东西具体该怎么看?从喜好上看本性。怎么看呢?好比说,有的人特别喜好跳舞,有的人特别喜欢歌星或者影星,有的人特别崇拜什么人物,从这里看这些人的本性是什么?再简单举个例子,有的人特别崇拜一个歌星,崇拜到什么地步呢?那就是歌星的一举一动、一说一笑,每说一句话、每一个动作他都特别地感兴趣,全神贯注,甚至歌星穿戴什么东西他都拍下来,而且还模仿,崇拜到这个地步,说明他本性是什么?他心里只有那些东西,没有神。他心里所想的、所爱的、所追求的完全是撒但所流露的东西,那些东西占有了他的心,他把心都给了它,你说这是什么问题?所以说喜好一个东西喜好到一个地步的话,那个东西就能成为他的生命,能占有他的心,完全可以证明他是崇拜偶像的人,他心里不要神,他是爱魔鬼的人,所以断定他的本性就是:爱魔鬼,崇拜魔鬼,不喜爱真理,不要神。这么看他的本性对不对?完全正确吧!就这么解剖人的本性。”(摘自基督的座谈纪要·《第三十四篇 怎样认识人的本性》)  
♦三、 承认接受神话所揭示的事实;四、悔改












🌷🌷📕Almighty God says,
🌿"Stop complaining. Stop overthinking. You are stressing yourself too much and instead you should be trusting me. Where is your trust in me? I love you I won't let you down!" 
-from The Word Appear in the Flesh


Minsan pag tinatamaan tayo sa salita ng diyos, nasasaktan tayo, nagtatampo tayo sa diyos, at kung minsan pag nakaranas tayo ng mga paghihirap sinisisi pa natin siya dahil sa mga nangyayari satin, pero ang totoo kapatid itinatama niya tayo sa mga maling desisyon natin sa buhay, pinapalo niya tayo dahil sating katigasan ng ulo at puso, hindi natin nakikita yung mga pagpapala na ibinibigay niya satin, nagrereklamo pa tayo sa mga bagay na meron tayo imbis na magpasalamat, kaya niya tayo itinatama dahil mahal niya tayo, gustong iparealize satin ng diyos na naliligaw tayo ng landas, gusto ng diyos na hayaan natin siyang manguna sating buhay, dahil mas alam niya at mas may better siyang plano para satin, isuko natin sa kanya ang lahat, manampalataya tayo sa kanya ng buong puso at humingi ng kapatawaran na may pagpapakumbaba at buong puso. Lagi nating tandaan MAHAL NA MAHAL TAYO NG DIYOS AT HINDI NIYA TAYO INIWAN KAHIT PA LUMALAYO TAYO SA KANYA DAHIL SA PAGPILI NATIN NG MGA BAGAY NA HINDI NAMAN NAKAKALUGOD SA KANYA..


🙏🙏❤🌼Una sa lahat magandang umaga po hu sa ating mga kapateran naway mabigyan ng ang mga salita ng mahal na makapangyarihang dios at sana habang binabasa po isinasa puso at buhay ang lahat para sa gann manatili po tayong listag at isang tupang tapat ni god amen 💙💙𝐀𝐋𝐌𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐎𝐃 𝐒𝐀𝐘𝐒,
"Nasasabik ang Diyos na mahalin Siya ng tao, ngunit kapag lalo Siyang minamahal ng tao, lalong tumitindi ang pagdurusa ng tao, at kapag lalo Siyang minamahal ng tao, lalong tumitindi ang mga pagsubok ng tao. Kung minamahal mo Siya, lahat ng uri ng pagdurusa ay sasapit sa iyo—at kung hindi naman, marahil ay magiging maayos ang lahat para sa iyo at lahat ay magiging payapa sa paligid mo. Kapag minamahal mo ang Diyos, madarama mo na marami sa paligid mo ang hindi mo makakayanan, at dahil ang iyong tayog ay napakaliit ikaw ay pipinuhin; bukod dito, mawawalan ka ng kakayahang mapalugod ang Diyos, at lagi mong madarama na napakatayog ng kalooban ng Diyos, na hindi ito kayang abutin ng tao. Dahil sa lahat ng ito ikaw ay pipinuhin—dahil maraming kahinaan sa iyong kalooban, at marami ang walang kakayahang mapalugod ang kalooban ng Diyos, pipinuhin ang iyong kalooban. Ngunit kailangan ninyong makita nang malinaw na ang pagdadalisay ay natatamo lamang sa pamamagitan ng pagpipino. Kaya, sa mga huling araw na ito ay kailangan ninyong magpatotoo sa Diyos. Gaano man kalaki ang inyong pagdurusa, dapat kayong magpatuloy hanggang sa kahuli-hulihan, at maging sa inyong huling hininga, kailangan pa rin kayong maging tapat sa Diyos at magpasakop sa pagsasaayos ng Diyos; ito lamang ang tunay na pagmamahal sa Diyos, at ito lamang ang malakas at matunog na patotoo
mula sa Ang Paghatol ay Nagsisimula sa Tahanan ng Diyos


🌻🌻🌻 Mapagpalang Umaga po mga kapatid 🥰🥰
🍂 🍃Morning Devotions po🍃🍂
📣📣Magandang Umaga po mga kapatid👨🏻👩🏻👦🏻
Kamusta ang tulog nyo po?🤗🥰 Wake up dear all ~~ 🤗🤗 Sabay-sabay nating tahakin ang bagong pakikibaka natin ngayong araw na ito..
Nawa ay Gabayan tayo ng Panginoong Diyos... 
📙📚 Sabi ng Makapangyarihang Diyos
📕📚 ❝⋯Gumagamit ang Diyos ng mga salita upang pamahalaan ang mga tao; maganda ang iyong pakiramdam kung kumakain at umiinom ka ng mga salita ng Diyos, at kung hindi, wala kang landas na susundan. Ang mga salita ng Diyos ay nagiging pagkain ng mga tao, at ang puwersang nagtutulak sa kanila. Sinasabi sa Biblia na “Hindi sa tinapay lamang mabubuhay ang tao, kundi sa bawa’t salitang lumalabas sa bibig ng Diyos.” Ngayon, tatapusin ng Diyos ang gawaing ito, at isasakatuparan Niya ang katotohanang ito sa inyo. Paano nakakatagal ang mga tao nang maraming araw, noong araw, nang hindi nagbabasa ng mga salita ng Diyos subalit nakakakain at nakakagawa pa rin tulad ng dati, ngunit hindi ganito ang nangyayari ngayon? Sa kapanahunang ito, mga salita lamang ang ginagamit ng Diyos upang pamahalaan ang lahat. Sa pamamagitan ng mga salita ng Diyos, hinahatulan at ginagawang perpekto ang tao, pagkatapos ay dinadala sa kaharian sa huli. Mga salita lamang ng Diyos ang makatutustos sa buhay ng tao, at mga salita lamang ng Diyos ang makakapagbigay sa tao ng liwanag at isang landas para magsagawa, lalo na sa Kapanahunan ng Kaharian. Basta’t hindi ka napapalayo mula sa realidad ng mga salita ng Diyos, araw-araw kang kumakain at umiinom ng Kanyang mga salita, magagawa kang perpekto ng Diyos. ❞
Hinango mula sa “Ang Kapanahunan ng Kaharian ay ang Kapanahunan ng Salita” sa Ang Salita ay Nagpapakita sa Katawang-tao.

Pakinggan Kung ito Ba Ang Katotohanan o Tinig ng Diyos
🌻Sabi ng Makapangyarihang Diyos,👑
"Sa buong sansinukob ginagawa Ko ang Aking gawain, at sa Silangan, walang humpay ang mga dagundong ng kulog, niyayanig ang lahat ng bansa at denominasyon. Ang Aking tinig ang umakay sa lahat ng tao sa kasalukuyan. Idinudulot Ko na malupig ng Aking tinig ang lahat ng tao, upang madala sila sa daloy na ito, at magpasakop sa Aking harapan, sapagkat matagal Ko nang binawi ang Aking kaluwalhatian mula sa buong mundo at muli itong inilabas sa Silangan. Sino ang hindi nasasabik na makita ang Aking kaluwalhatian? Sino ang hindi sabik na naghihintay sa Aking pagbabalik? Sino ang hindi nauuhaw sa Aking muling pagpapakita? Sino ang hindi nananabik sa Aking kariktan? Sino ang hindi lalapit sa liwanag? Sino ang hindi hahanga sa kasaganaan ng Canaan? Sino ang hindi nananabik sa pagbabalik ng Manunubos? Sino ang hindi sumasamba sa Kanya na dakila ang kapangyarihan? Ang Aking tinig ay lalaganap sa buong mundo; haharapin Ko ang mga taong Aking hinirang at sasambit Ako ng iba pang mga salita sa kanila. Gaya ng malalakas na kulog na yumayanig sa mga bundok at ilog, sinasambit Ko ang Aking mga salita sa buong sansinukob at sa sangkatauhan. Kaya naman ang mga salita sa Aking bibig ay naging yaman na ng tao, at itinatangi ng lahat ng tao ang Aking mga salita. Kumikidlat mula sa Silangan patungo sa Kanluran. Ang Aking mga salita ay ayaw isuko ng tao at kasabay nito ay hindi rin niya ito maarok, kundi mas nagagalak dito. Natutuwa at nagagalak ang lahat ng tao, ipinagdiriwang ang Aking pagparito, na tila ba kasisilang lamang ng isang sanggol. Sa pamamagitan ng Aking tinig, dadalhin Ko ang lahat ng tao sa Aking harapan. Mula roon, pormal Akong papasok sa lahi ng mga tao para lumapit sila upang sambahin Ako. Taglay ang kaluwalhatiang nababanaag sa Akin at ang mga salita sa Aking bibig, pahaharapin Ko ang lahat ng tao sa Akin at makikita nila na kumikidlat mula sa Silangan at na bumaba na rin Ako sa “Bundok ng mga Olibo” sa Silangan. Makikita nila na matagal na Akong nasa lupa, hindi na bilang Anak ng mga Hudyo kundi bilang Kidlat ng Silanganan. Sapagkat matagal na Akong nabuhay na muli, at lumisan mula sa sangkatauhan, at pagkatapos ay muli Akong nagpakita nang may kaluwalhatian sa mga tao. Ako Siya na sinamba napakahabang panahon na ang nakalipas bago ngayon, at Ako rin ang sanggol na tinalikuran ng mga Israelita napakahabang panahon na ang nakalipas bago ngayon. Bukod dito, Ako ang napakamaluwalhating Makapangyarihang Diyos ng kasalukuyang panahon! Palapitin ang lahat sa Aking luklukan at ipakita ang Aking maluwalhating mukha, iparinig ang Aking tinig, at patingnan ang Aking mga gawa. Ito ang kabuuan ng Aking kalooban; ito ang wakas at kasukdulan ng Aking plano, gayon din ang layunin ng Aking pamamahala: ang pasambahin sa Akin ang bawat bansa, ang kilalanin Ako ng bawat wika, ang isandig sa Akin ng bawat tao ang kanyang pananampalataya, at magpailalim sa Akin ang bawat tao!
mula sa Ang Pagpapakita at Gawain ng Diyos sa Ang Salita ay Nagpapakita sa Katawang-Tao



Magsimula tayo sa siklo ng buhay at kamatayan ng mga hindi mananampalataya.
sabi ng Makapangyarihang Diyos 📖📖📖
📖 Pagkatapos mamatay, ang isang tao ay kinukuha ng isang tagapapag-alaga mula sa espirituwal na mundo. Ano ba talaga ang kinukuha sa isang tao? Hindi ang kanyang laman, kundi ang kanyang kaluluwa. Kapag kinukuha ang kanyang kaluluwa, dumarating siya sa isang lugar na isang sangay ng espirituwal na mundo na tumatanggap lalo na sa kaluluwa ng mga taong kamamatay pa lamang. (Tandaan: Ang unang lugar na pinupuntahan ng sinuman pagkatapos mamatay ay kakatwa sa kaluluwa.) Kapag dinala sila sa lugar na ito, isang opisyal ang nagsasagawa ng unang mga pagsisiyasat, tinitiyak ang kanilang pangalan, tirahan, edad, at lahat ng kanilang karanasan. Lahat ng ginawa nila noong nabubuhay pa sila ay nakatala sa isang aklat at tinitiyak kung tumpak. Matapos siyasatin ang lahat ng ito, ang pag-uugali at mga kilos ng tao sa buong buhay nila ay ginagamit upang pagpasiyahan kung sila ay parurusahan o patuloy na magkakaroong muli ng katawan bilang isang tao, na siyang unang yugto. Nakakatakot ba ang unang yugtong ito? Hindi ito gaanong nakakatakot, dahil ang nangyari lamang naman ay dumating na ang tao sa isang madilim at di-pamilyar na lugar.
📖 Sa ikalawang yugto, kung maraming nagawang masama ang taong ito sa buong buhay nila at nakagawa ng maraming masasamang gawa, dadalhin sila sa isang lugar ng kaparusahan para pakitunguhan. Iyon ang magiging lugar na talagang ginagamit para sa kaparusahan ng mga tao. Ang mga detalye kung paano sila parurusahan ay nakasalalay sa mga kasalanang kanilang nagawa, gayon din kung ilang masasamang bagay ang kanilang ginawa bago sila namatay—ito ang unang sitwasyong nangyayari sa ikalawang yugtong ito. Dahil sa masasamang bagay na kanilang ginawa at sa kasamaang kanilang ginawa bago sila namatay, kapag sila ay nagkaroong muli ng katawan matapos silang parusahan—kapag sila ay muling isinilang sa materyal na mundo—patuloy na magiging tao ang ilang tao, samantalang ang iba ay magiging mga hayop. Ibig sabihin, matapos bumalik ang tao mula sa espirituwal na mundo, pinarurusahan sila dahil sa kasamaang kanilang nagawa; bukod pa riyan, dahil sa masasamang bagay na kanilang nagawa, sa susunod nilang pagkakaroong muli ng katawan ay malamang na hindi sila babalik bilang tao, kundi bilang hayop. Ang iba’t ibang hayop na maaari nilang kahinatnan ay mga baka, kabayo, baboy, at aso. Ang ilang tao ay maaaring ipanganak na muli bilang mga ibon, o pato o gansa…. Matapos silang magkaroong muli ng katawan bilang mga hayop, kapag namatay silang muli, babalik sila sa espirituwal na mundo. Doon, tulad ng dati, batay sa kanilang pag-uugali bago sila namatay, ang espirituwal na mundo ang magpapasiya kung maaari silang magkaroong muli ng katawan bilang mga tao o hindi. Karamihan sa mga tao ay nakakagawa ng napakaraming kasamaan, at napakabigat ng kanilang mga kasalanan, kaya kailangan silang magkaroon ng katawan bilang mga hayop nang pito hanggang labindalawang beses. Pito hanggang labindalawang beses—hindi ba nakakatakot iyon? (Nakakatakot nga.) Ano ang kinatatakutan ninyo? Ang isang tao na nagiging isang hayop—iyon ang nakatatakot. At para sa isang tao, ano ang pinakamasasakit na bagay tungkol sa pagiging isang hayop? Hindi ka makapagsalita, simple lamang ang mga iniisip mo, ang nagagawa mo lamang ay mga bagay na ginagawa ng mga hayop at ang nakakain mo lamang ay mga bagay na kinakain ng mga hayop, simple ang pag-iisip at pagpapahayag ng sarili sa mga kilos ng iyong katawan ng isang hayop, hindi ka makalakad nang tuwid, hindi mo magawang makipag-usap sa mga tao, at ang katotohanan na walang pag-uugali o mga aktibidad ng mga tao ang may anumang kaugnayan sa mga hayop. Ibig sabihin, sa lahat ng bagay, ang pagiging hayop ay ginagawa kayong pinakamababa sa lahat ng nilalang na may buhay at kinasasangkutan ng mas marami pang pagdurusa kaysa pagiging tao. Ito ay isang aspeto ng kaparusahan ng espirituwal na mundo sa mga nakagawa ng napakaraming kasamaan at nakagawa ng mabibigat na kasalanan. Pagdating sa tindi ng kanilang kaparusahan, pinagpapasiyahan ito ayon sa anumang klaseng hayop ang kinahinatnan nila. Halimbawa, mas mainam bang maging baboy kaysa maging aso? Mas mainam ba ang buhay ng baboy kaysa sa aso? Mas malala, hindi ba? Kung naging mga baka o kabayo ang mga tao, mas mainam kaya ang magiging buhay nila kaysa sa mga baboy o mas malala? (Mas mainam.) Magiging mas komportable ba kung ipanganak na pusa ang isang tao? Magiging hayop pa rin siya, at magiging mas madali ang maging pusa kaysa maging baka o kabayo, dahil nagagawa ng mga pusa na magpakatamad. Mas matrabaho ang maging baka o kabayo. Samakatuwid, kung magkaroong muli ng katawan ang tao bilang baka o kabayo, kailangan nilang magpakasipag—na katulad ng malupit na kaparusahan. Ang maging aso ay medyo mas mainam kaysa maging baka o kabayo, dahil mas malapit ang relasyon ng aso sa amo nito. Ang ilang aso, matapos maging alaga nang ilang taon, ay nauunawaan ang marami sa sinasabi ng kanilang amo. Kung minsan, kayang umakma ng isang aso sa nararamdaman at mga kinakailangan ng amo nito at tinatrato ng amo ang aso nang mas mainam, at kumakain at umiinom nang mas mainam ang aso, at kapag nasasaktan ito, mas inaalagaan ito. Kung gayon ay hindi ba mas masaya ang buhay ng aso? Sa gayon, mas mainam ang maging aso kaysa maging baka o kabayo. Dito, ang katindihan ng parusa sa tao ang nagpapasiya kung ilang beses magkakaroong muli ng katawan ang isang tao bilang hayop, at maging kung anong uri.
📖 Dahil nakagawa sila ng napakaraming kasalanan habang sila ay nabubuhay, pinaparusahan ang ilang tao sa pamamagitan ng pagkakaroong muli ng katawan bilang mga hayop nang pito hanggang labindalawang beses. Matapos maparusahan nang sapat nang ilang beses, pagbalik nila sa espirituwal na mundo, dinadala sila sa ibang lugar—isang lugar kung saan naparusahan na ang iba-ibang kaluluwa at kauri niyaong naghahandang magkaroong muli ng katawan bilang mga tao. Sa lokasyong ito, kinakategorya ang bawat kaluluwa ayon sa uri alinsunod sa klase kung saan sila isisilang, anong uri ng tungkulin ang kanilang gagampanan kapag muli na silang nagkaroon ng katawan, at iba pa. Halimbawa, ang ilang tao ay magiging mga mang-aawit pagdating nila sa mundong ito, kaya isinasama sila sa mga mang-aawit; ang ilan ay magiging mga negosyante pagdating nila sa mundong ito, kaya nga isinasama sila sa mga negosyante; at kung magiging mananaliksik sa siyensya ang isang tao matapos maging tao, isinasama sila sa mga mananaliksik sa siyensya. Matapos silang uriin, ipinadadala ang bawat isa ayon sa ibang panahon at takdang petsa, tulad lamang ng pagpapadala ng mga tao ng mga e-mail ngayon. Dito ay makukumpleto ang isang siklo ng buhay at kamatayan. Mula sa araw na dumating ang tao sa espirituwal na mundo hanggang sa katapusan ng kanilang kaparusahan, o hanggang sa muli silang magkaroon ng katawan nang maraming beses bilang hayop at naghahandang magkaroong muli ng katawan bilang tao, kumpleto na ang prosesong ito.
(mula sa Ang Salita ay Nagpapakita sa Katawang-tao)



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