📒📒2. Since the CCP came to power, it has been unceasing in its persecution of religious belief. Its suppression of The Church of Almighty God, in particular, has become increasingly severe. The CCP has not only used television, radio, newspapers, the internet and other media to slander, frame and discredit The Church of Almighty God, but has also conducted wide-scale arrests of its members, resulting in many Christians being imprisoned and cruelly tortured, and even being tortured to death. Why is the CCP’s persecution of The Church of Almighty God so severe?
🤝🤝Bible Verses for Reference:
🌱“The whole world lies in wickedness” (1Jn 5:19).
🌱“This is an evil generation” (Luk 11:29).
🌱“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world” (Rev 12:9).
🌱“And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved” (Jhn 3:19–20).
💞💞Relevant Words of God:
From top to bottom and from beginning to end, Satan has been disrupting the work of God and acting in opposition to Him. All this talk of “ancient cultural heritage,” valuable “knowledge of ancient culture,” “teachings of Taoism and Confucianism,” and “Confucian classics and feudal rites” has taken man into hell. Advanced modern-day science and technology, as well as highly developed industry, agriculture, and business are nowhere to be seen. Rather, all it does is emphasize the feudal rites propagated by the “apes” of ancient times in order to deliberately disrupt, oppose, and dismantle the work of God. Not only has it continued to afflict man until this day, but it even wants to swallow[1] man whole. The transmission of the moral and ethical teachings of feudalism and the passing down of the knowledge of ancient culture have long infected humanity, turning them into devils big and small. Few are those who would gladly receive God, few who would jubilantly welcome His coming. The face of all humanity is filled with murderous intent, and in every place, a killing breath pervades the air. They seek to cast God out from this land; with knives and swords in hand, they arrange themselves in battle formation to “annihilate” God. All across this land of the devil, where man is constantly taught there is no God, idols are spread, and the air above is permeated by a nauseating odor of burning paper and incense, so thick as to be suffocating. It is like the stench of sludge that wafts up with the writhing of the poisonous serpent, so much so that one cannot keep from vomiting. Besides this, there can faintly be heard the sound of evil demons chanting scriptures, a sound which seems to be coming from faraway in hell, so much so that one cannot keep from shivering. Everywhere in this land are placed idols of all colors of the rainbow, turning the land into a world of sensual delights, while the king of devils keeps laughing wickedly, as if its dastardly plot has succeeded. Meanwhile, man remains completely oblivious, and nor has he any inkling that the devil has already corrupted him to the point where he has become senseless and hangs his head in defeat. It wishes, in one fell swoop, to wipe out everything about God, and once again to defile and assassinate Him; it is intent upon tearing down and disrupting His work. How can it allow God to be of equal status? How can it tolerate God “interfering” with its work among men on earth? How can it allow God to unmask its hideous face? How can it allow God to put its work in disarray? How can this devil, apoplectic with rage, allow God to have control over its imperial court on the earth? How can it willingly bow down to His superior might? Its hideous countenance has been revealed for what it is, so that one knows not whether to laugh or cry, and it is truly difficult to speak of. Is this not its substance? With an ugly soul, it still believes that it is beautiful beyond belief. This gang of accomplices in crime![2] They come down into the mortal realm to indulge in pleasures and cause a commotion, stirring things up so much that the world becomes a fickle and inconstant place and the heart of man is filled with panic and unease, and they have toyed with man so much that his appearance has become that of an inhuman beast of the field, supremely ugly, and from which the last trace of the original holy man has been lost. Furthermore, they even wish to assume sovereign power on earth. They impede the work of God so much that it can barely inch forward, and they close man off as tightly as walls of copper and steel. Having committed so many grievous sins and caused so many disasters, are they still expecting something other than chastisement? Demons and evil spirits have been running amok on earth for a time, and have sealed off both the will and the painstaking effort of God so tightly that they are impenetrable. Truly, this is a mortal sin! How can God not feel anxious? How can God not feel wrathful? They have gravely hindered and opposed the work of God: How rebellious!
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Work and Entry (7)
#wisequotes #wisequote #wisewordsoftheday #godispowerful #godiswithus #godiswithyou #godfirstalways #godfirst #dailywords #dailyworship #dailydevotion #morningdevotion #rapture #jesusiscomingsoon #jesusiscoming #jesuscome #secondcoming #christiscoming #christlife #kingdomofgod #kingdomlife #lastdays #endtimes #dailyscriptures #scriptureverse

Where Do You Stand on the Thir

Where Do You Stand on the Thirteen Epistles?
*Almighty God Say's*
*The New Testament of the Bible contains the thirteen epistles of Paul. Over the time that he did his work, Paul wrote these thirteen letters to the churches that believed in Jesus Christ. That is, Paul was raised up and wrote these letters after Jesus ascended to heaven. His letters are testimonies of the Lord Jesus’ resurrection and ascension to heaven after His death, and they also spread the way of repentance and bearing the cross. Of course, all these messages and testimonies were meant to teach the brothers and sisters in various locations around Judea at that time, because back then, Paul was the Lord Jesus’ servant, and he had been raised up to bear witness to the Lord Jesus. During each period of the Holy Spirit’s work, various people are raised up to perform His different work, that is, to do the work of the apostles in order to continue the work that God completes Himself*
*If the Holy Spirit did it directly, and no people were raised up, then it would be very difficult for the work to be carried out. As such, Paul became one who was struck down while on the road to Damascus, and who then was raised up to be a witness for the Lord Jesus. He was an apostle apart from Jesus’ twelve disciples. In addition to spreading the gospel, he also undertook the work of shepherding for the churches at various locations, which involved looking after the brothers and sisters of the churches—in other words, leading the brothers and sisters in the Lord. Paul’s testimony was to make known the fact of the Lord Jesus’ resurrection and ascension to heaven, as well as to teach people to repent, confess, and walk the way of the cross. He was one of Jesus Christ’s witnesses of that time, Paul’s thirteen epistles were selected for use in the Bible. He wrote all thirteen of them to address the different states of people in various places. He was moved by the Holy Spirit to write them, and taught brothers and sisters everywhere from the position of an apostle (from the standpoint of a servant of the Lord Jesus* ). 
*Thus, Paul’s letters did not originate from prophecies or directly from visions, but came from the work he undertook. These letters are not strange, nor are they as difficult to comprehend as prophecies, They are written simply as letters, and include neither prophecies nor mysteries; they only contain ordinary instructional words. Even though many of their words might be hard for people to grasp or difficult to understand, they arose only from Paul’s own interpretations and from the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. Paul was just an apostle; he was a servant used by the Lord Jesus, not a prophet. While walking through various lands, he wrote letters to brothers and sisters of the churches, or, while he was ill, he wrote to churches that were particularly on his mind but to which he could not go. Accordingly, his letters were kept by people and later collected, organized, and arranged after the Four Gospels in the Bible by future generations. Of course, they selected and made a compilation of all of the best letters he had written. These epistles were beneficial to the lives of the churches’ brothers and sisters, and were of particular renown in his time* 
*When Paul wrote them, his purpose was not to write a spiritual work that would enable his brothers and sisters to find a path of practice or a spiritual biography to express his own experiences; he did not intend to write a book to become an author. He was simply writing letters to his brothers and sisters of the Lord Jesus Christ’s church. Paul taught his brothers and sisters, from his position as a servant, to tell them of his burden, of the intentions of the Lord Jesus, and of what tasks He had entrusted to people for the future. This was the work Paul performed. His words were quite edifying for the experience of all future brothers and sisters, The truths he communicated in these many letters were what people in the Age of Grace ought to practice, which is why these letters were arranged into the New Testament by the later generations. No matter what Paul’s outcome ended up being, he was someone who was used in his time, and who supported his brothers and sisters in the churches. His outcome was determined by his substance, as well as his having initially been struck down* 
*He was able to speak those words back then because he possessed the work of the Holy Spirit, and it was because of this work that Paul bore a burden for the churches. As such, he was able to supply his brothers and sisters. However, due to certain special circumstances, Paul was not personally able to go to the churches to work, so he wrote letters to them to admonish his brothers and sisters in the Lord. At first, Paul persecuted the disciples of the Lord Jesus, but after Jesus ascended to heaven—that is, after Paul “saw the light”—he stopped persecuting the Lord Jesus’ disciples, and no longer persecuted those saints who preached the gospel for the sake of the Lord’s way. After Paul saw Jesus appear to him as a bright light, he accepted the Lord’s commission, and thus became someone who was used by the Holy Spirit to spread the gospel*
—The Word Appears in the Flesh
Tagalog Testimony Video | "Isang Espirituwal na Labanan sa Tahanan"

Where Do You Stand on the Thir

138 人既信神就得步步緊跟神的脚踪,應做到「羔羊無論走到哪裏我們都跟上去」,這才是真尋求真道的人,才是認識聖靈作工的人。死守字句道理的人都是被聖靈的作工淘汰的人。神在每一個時期都要開展新的工作,在每一個時期都在人中間有新的開端,人若只守住「耶和華是神」或「耶穌是基督」這些僅在一個時代適應的真理,那人永遠都不會跟上聖靈的作工,永遠不會得到聖靈的作工。無論神怎麽作工人都毫不疑惑地跟上去,而且緊追不捨,這樣,人又怎麽能被聖靈淘汰呢?無論神如何作,只要人看準是聖靈的作工,都一無挂慮地去配合聖靈的作工,去達到神的要求,這樣,人又怎麽能受到懲罰呢?神的工作一直不停止,他的脚步從來也不停止,他在未完成經營工作以先總是在忙碌着,從不止步。而人就不同了:得着一點點聖靈的作工就作為是永恒不變的;得着一點點認識就不向前「追踪」神更新的作工了;看到一點神的作工就急忙把神定規成一個特定的木頭人,認為神永遠就是他所看到的這個形像,以往是這樣以後也永遠是這樣;得着一點點淺薄的認識就得意忘形,開始大肆宣揚并不存在的神的性情、神的所是;認準一步聖靈的作工以後,無論什麽樣的人再宣傳神新的作工他都不會接受。這些人都是不能接受聖靈新工作的人,都是太守舊的、不能接受新事物的人,這些人都是信神而又弃絶神的人。人都認為「以色列人只相信耶和華而不相信耶穌」這是錯誤的,但絶大多數的人又都充當着「只信耶和華却弃絶耶穌」的這個角色,充當着「盼望彌賽亞歸來却抵擋稱為耶穌的彌賽亞」的這個角色,難怪人都在接受一步聖靈作工之後仍舊活在撒但的權下,仍舊得不到神的祝福,這不都是人的悖逆而造成的嗎?在世界各地落後于今天新工作的基督教的人,都抱着僥幸的心理認為神會成全他們各自的心願,但他們并没有絶對的把握説透神提取他們上三層天的理由,他們也并没有絶對的把握説透耶穌到底是如何駕着白雲來接取他們,更没有絶對的把握定準耶穌到底是否真是駕着白雲在他們想象的那個日子來到。他們各自都惶恐不安,各自都不知所措,究竟神能否提取他們這些五花八門的各個宗族的一個一個的「一小撮人」,這些連他們自己也不清楚。究竟現在神正在作什麽工作,究竟現在是什麽時代,神的心意如何,這些他們都不能説清楚,他們只是扳着手指頭度日。跟隨着羔羊的脚踪到最終的人才能得着最終的祝福,那些未能跟隨到路終却認為自己已得着全部的「聰明人」都不能看見神的顯現,他們都認為自己是世界上最聰明的人,他們把繼續發展的神的作工無緣無故地中斷,而且還似乎有百分之百的把握認為神要提取他們這些「對神忠心無二的跟隨神持守神話的人」。儘管他們對神所説的話「忠心無二」,但對于他們的言行仍是感覺實在太令人噁心,因他們都是抵擋聖靈作工的人,都是在行詭詐、作惡的人。不能跟隨到路終、不能跟上聖靈作工的僅持守舊工作的人,不僅没有做到對神忠心反而成了抵擋神的人,成了被新時代弃絶的人,成了被懲罰的人,這些人不是最可憐的人嗎?許多人還認為凡是弃絶舊的律法而接受新的作工的人都是没有良心的人,這些只講「良心」却不認識聖靈作工的人在最終將自己的前途斷送在自己的良心之中。神作工尚且不守規條,儘管是他自己的作工他還不留戀,該否的則否,該淘汰的淘汰,而人却持守住經營工作中的一小部分來與神敵對,這不是人的謬妄嗎?不是人的無知嗎?越是害怕自己得不着福氣而謹小慎微的人越不能得着更多的祝福,得不着最終的福氣。那些死守律法的人都對律法忠心無二,他們越是這樣對律法忠心越是抵擋神的悖逆者,因為現在是國度時代不是律法時代,現在的工作不能與以往的工作相提并論,以往的工作不能與今天的工作相對比,神的工作變了,人的實行也改變了,不是持守律法也不是背十字架,所以人對律法與十字架的忠心并不能獲得神的稱許了。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・神的作工與人的實行》

Where Do You Stand on the Thir


💎️💎️💎️💎️ Deus Todo-Poderoso publicou agora todas as verdades para a salvação da humanidade nos últimos dias, ou seja, do primeiro do seis volume de "A Palavra Manifesta em Carne", que são muito mais palavras do que o que Deus disse na Era da Lei e na Era da Graça. O Novo e o Antigo Testamento da Bíblia somam um total de 800.000 palavras, e as palavras expressadas por Deus Todo-Poderoso nos últimos dias já somam dezenas de milhões de palavras.
Além disso, estas palavras foram traduzidas para mais de 40 idiomas e são publicadas online para que toda a humanidade as procure, examine e aceite.

Where Do You Stand on the Thir

💎💎💎 Dios Todopoderoso Dice: 💎💎💎
📖"Mi palabra es una medicina eficaz que cura toda clase de dolencias. Mientras estés dispuesto a enfrentarte a Mí, Yo te sanaré y te haré ver Mi poder infinito, Mis obras maravillosas, Mi justicia y Mi majestad. Además eso, te daré un vistazo de tu propia corrupción y debilidades. Entiendo perfectamente cada condición en tu testamento. Siempre haces las cosas con sinceridad, y no se demuestra. Tengo más claro todo lo que haces. Sin embargo, tú Debes saber qué cosas alabo y qué cosas no alabo; debes distinguirlas claramente y no ignorarlas.
 de La Palabra manifestada en carne

Where Do You Stand on the Thir

解答:因着道成肉身的神與先知的實質不同,道成肉身的神是來作神的工作,先知只是盡人的本分,所以工作的性質就不一樣了。我們來看全能神是怎麽説的。全能神説:「舊約先知説預言,同樣耶穌也能説預言,這到底是怎麽回事?這就根據作工性質來區别,分辨這事你就不能看肉身性質怎麽樣,你也别看他所説的話到底是深還是淺,不管怎麽樣,你得先看他作的工作與這工作在人身上達到什麽果效。當時先知所説的預言不是供應人的生命的,諸如以賽亞、但以理他們這些人所得的那些默示只是預言,不是生命的道。當時如果没有耶和華直接啓示誰也作不了那工作,這是凡人達不到的,耶穌也説了許多話,但這些話是生命之道,人能從中找着實行的路。這就是説,其一,他能供應人的生命,因為耶穌就是生命;其二,他能把人的那些偏謬之處扭轉過來;其三,他能接替耶和華的工作來接續時代;其四,他能摸着人裏面的所需,知道人的缺少;其五,他能開展新時代結束舊時代。所以説,他是神,他是基督,不僅與以賽亞不一樣,而且與任何一個先知都不一樣。」《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・道成肉身的神的職分與人的本分的區别》我們從全能神的話中認識到,道成肉身的神是盡自己的職分,作的是神經營中的工作,是代表神一個時代的工作,他發表的話語是面向全人類的;而先知是神所使用的人,是在神作律法時代的工作中盡人的本分,先知只是得着耶和華神的默示傳達神的話,説些預言,或對人提點警戒,作一些零星工作。若我們能區分先知的本分與道成肉身的神的職分,就能看見先知傳達的神的話與神道成肉身發表神話的區别之處了。我們都知道,先知是在律法時代各個時期興起來傳達神話的人,先知主要的功用是説預言,同時把神對人的要求、命令以及神勸勉、提醒、警戒、懲罰人的話傳達給以色列人或以色列以外的人。比如:尼尼微人的惡行達到神面前,神差派約拿到尼尼微宣告説:「再等四十日,尼尼微必傾覆了!」(拿3:4)可見,先知只是在各個時期傳達耶和華的話,并不是作一個時代的工作。先知所傳達的神的話都是一些預言、勸勉、提醒、警告之類的話,并不是發表拯救人類的一切真理。而神道成肉身所説的話,是神來作一步工作,以神的身份向整個人類説話,把神拯救人類的經營計劃、神的性情、所有所是、神對人的要求、人類必須具備的真理都發表出來,這些話語是開闢新時代、結束舊時代的工作,是面向全人類的,是代表神一個時代的工作,是神選民在本時代中必須經歷進入的一切真理。這些話語能供應人的生命,能使人悔改,能變化人的性情,能拯救人、潔净人、成全人。
全能神説:「當神没有道成肉身的時候,神説的很多話人不明白,因為他的話來自于完全的神性,他説話的角度與背景是人看不見也够不着的,是從人看不見的靈界發表出來的,是活在肉體中的人所不能穿越的。但當神道成肉身之後,神站在人性的角度上與人對話就走出了、超越了靈界的範圍,他會用人觀念中想象的或人生活中看得見、接觸得到的一些事情,或者是用人能接受的方式、人能領會的語言或者人類所掌握的知識來表達他在神性裏的性情與心意還有他的態度,達到讓人在人能够得上的範圍裏、能够得上的程度了解神、認識神,理解領悟神的意思與神的要求標準,這就是神在人性裏作工的方式與原則。」《話・卷二 關于認識神・神的作工、神的性情與神自己 三》
「這就是神道成肉身的『優勢』:他可以利用人的知識、用人性的語言來向人説話,表達他的心願,他將深奥的人難以理解的神性的語言用人性的語言與方式解釋或『翻譯』給人,這樣有利于讓人了解他的心意、明白他要作什麽;另外,他也可以以人的角度與人對話,用人的語言與人對話,用人明白的方式與人對話,甚至可以用人的語言知識來説話作工,讓人覺得神可親可近,也讓人看到神的心。」《話・卷二 關于認識神・神的作工、神的性情與神自己 三》

Where Do You Stand on the Thir

🌻Sólo aquellos que se someten a la soberanía del Creador pueden alcanzar la verdadera libertad🌻
⚡Dios Todopoderoso dice: Como las personas no reconocen las orquestaciones y la soberanía de Dios, siempre afrontan el destino desafiantemente, con una actitud rebelde, y siempre quieren desechar la autoridad y la soberanía de Dios y las cosas que el destino les tiene guardadas, esperando en vano cambiar sus circunstancias actuales y alterar su destino. Pero nunca pueden tener éxito y se ven frustrados a cada paso. Esta lucha, que tiene lugar en lo profundo del alma de uno, causa un dolor profundo, el tipo de dolor que se mete en los huesos, mientras uno está desperdiciando su vida todo ese tiempo. ¿Cuál es la causa de este dolor? ¿Es debido a la soberanía de Dios, o porque una persona nació sin suerte? Obviamente ninguna de las dos es cierta. En última instancia, es debido a las sendas que las personas toman, la forma en que eligen vivir su vida. Algunas personas pueden no haberse dado cuenta de estas cosas. Pero cuando conoces realmente, cuando verdaderamente llegas a reconocer que Dios tiene soberanía sobre el destino humano, cuando entiendes realmente que todo lo que Dios ha planeado y decidido para ti es un gran beneficio, y es una gran protección, sientes que tu dolor empieza a aliviarse gradualmente, y todo tu ser se queda relajado, libre, liberado. A juzgar por los estados de la mayoría de las personas, objetivamente, no pueden aceptar realmente el valor y el sentido prácticos de la soberanía del Creador sobre el destino humano, aunque en un nivel subjetivo no quieren seguir viviendo como antes y quieren aliviar su dolor; objetivamente, no pueden reconocer ni someterse realmente a la soberanía del Creador, y mucho menos saber cómo buscar y aceptar las orquestaciones y disposiciones del Creador. Así, si las personas no pueden reconocer realmente el hecho de que el Creador tiene soberanía sobre el destino humano y sobre todos los asuntos humanos, si no pueden someterse realmente a Su dominio, entonces será difícil para ellas no verse impulsadas y coartadas por la idea de que “el destino de uno está en sus propias manos”. Será difícil para ellas deshacerse del dolor de su intensa lucha contra el destino y la autoridad del Creador, y no hace falta decir que también será difícil para ellas estar verdaderamente liberadas y libres, convertirse en personas que adoran a Dios. Pero existe una forma muy simple de liberarse de este estado, que es decir adiós a la antigua forma de vida de uno, a los anteriores objetivos en la vida, resumir y analizar el estilo de vida, la visión de la vida, las búsquedas, los deseos y los ideales anteriores y compararlos después con la voluntad y las exigencias de Dios para el hombre, y ver si todos ellos son acordes con estas, si todos ellos transmiten los valores correctos de la vida, llevan a uno a un mayor entendimiento de la verdad, y le permiten vivir con humanidad y la semejanza de un ser humano. Cuando investigas repetidamente y analizas cuidadosamente los diversos objetivos que las personas persiguen en la vida y sus miles de formas diferentes de vivir, verás que ninguno de ellos encaja con el propósito original del Creador con el que creó a la humanidad. Todos ellos apartan a las personas de Su soberanía y Su cuidado; todos son trampas que provocan que las personas se vuelvan depravadas y que las llevan al infierno. Después de que reconozcas esto, tu tarea es dejar de lado tu antigua visión de la vida, mantenerte alejado de diversas trampas, dejar a Dios que se haga cargo de tu vida y haga arreglos para ti, es intentar someterte solamente a las orquestaciones y la dirección de Dios, vivir sin tener elección personal y convertirte en una persona que lo adora a Él. Esto suena fácil, pero es difícil de hacer. Algunos pueden soportar el dolor que ello conlleva, otros no. Algunos están dispuestos a obedecer, otros no. Los que no están dispuestos carecen del deseo y la determinación para hacerlo; son claramente conscientes de la soberanía de Dios, saben perfectamente bien que es Él quien planea y organiza el destino humano, pero siguen luchando por liberarse y sin reconciliarse con la idea de dejar sus destinos en las manos de Dios y someterse a Su soberanía y, además, están resentidos con Sus orquestaciones y Sus disposiciones. Así, habrá siempre algunas personas que quieran ver por sí mismas de lo que son capaces; quieren cambiar sus destinos con sus propias manos, o conseguir la felicidad con sus propias fuerzas, ver si pueden sobrepasar los límites de la autoridad de Dios y subir por encima de Su soberanía. La tragedia del hombre no es que busque una vida feliz ni que persiga fama y fortuna o luche contra su propio destino a través de la niebla, sino que después de haber visto la existencia del Creador, después de haber conocido la realidad de que Él tiene soberanía sobre el destino humano, siga sin enmendar sus caminos, sin poder sacar los pies del fango, y endurezca su corazón persistiendo en sus errores. Preferiría quedarse revolcándose en el barro, compitiendo obstinadamente contra la soberanía del Creador, resistiéndose a ella hasta el amargo final, sin la más mínima pizca de remordimiento. Solo cuando yace quebrantado y sangrando decide finalmente rendirse y darse la vuelta. Esto es lo realmente triste del ser humano. Así pues, digo que aquellos que deciden someterse son sabios, y aquellos que deciden luchar y huir son, sin duda, testarudos.

Where Do You Stand on the Thir

♦ 情形
“人的素质差,离神标准差得太远,或许以后走这条路更得需要有信心,神在末世的工作,需要人极大的信心,需要人高于约伯的信心,没有信心人经历不上去,就不能被神成全。到有一天,大的试炼临到,这个教会退去几个人,那个教会退去几个人,有些人前几天追求得还挺好,不知什么原因就不信了,有许多事临到,你都不知道是怎么回事,神还不显一点神迹奇事,一点超然事不作,看你能不能站立住,神用事实来熬炼人。现在你受苦还少,以后临到大的试炼,有的地方整个教会的人都退去了,跟你挺好的人都退去不信了,那时你能不能站立住?现在临到小的试炼,可能你勉强能站立住,这一步是话语熬炼、话语成全,下一步是事实临及来熬炼你,那你就在危险之中了。严重到一个地步,神也劝你赶紧离开,宗教的人还来拉拢你,看你能不能走上去,这都是试炼。现在试炼还小,到有一天,一家当中有的父母不信了,有的儿女不信了,你还能不能走上去?你越往前走试炼越大,根据人的需要,根据人的身量,神在人身上来作熬炼工作。在神成全人的阶段人数不可能越来越多,只能是越来越少,藉着这些熬炼才能成全人,对付、管教、试炼、刑罚、咒诅,这些你能经得住吗?当你看到一个教会光景特别好,弟兄姊妹追求都有劲的时候,你里面也受激励,到有一天人都退去了,有的不信了,有的出去做买卖,有的结婚,有的去宗教里,到那时你能站立住吗?你里面能不受搅扰吗?神成全人不是那么简单的事!神用许多事来熬炼人,在人看是方式,但神的原意并不是方式而是事实,最后把人熬炼到一个地步,一点怨言也没有了,神这步工作也结束了。”-----摘自《话在肉身 显现·当持守住你对神的忠心》

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🥰🙏 Most people do not understand God’s work, so their faith is too lacking. Knowing God’s work is not easy; one must first know that there is a plan to all God’s work and it is all done on God’s timing. Man can never fathom what and when God works; God does certain work at a certain time, and He does not delay; no one can destroy His work. To work according to His plan and according to His intention is the principle by which He does His work, and no person can change this. Therein, you should see God’s disposition. God’s work waits for no one, and when it is time to do some work, it must be done. You have all experienced God’s work in the last few years. Who can destroy the way in which He provides for people, prevent Him from saying His words when He needs to say them and carrying out work when it needs to be done? When they first started to spread the gospel, most people gave out books of God’s words to those in the churches and religious people. What was the result of this? Very few of these people investigated God’s words; most of them were slanderous, judgmental, and full of hostility. Some burned the books, some confiscated them, some beat those who were spreading the gospel and forced them to admit 
from The Word Appears in the Flesh

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Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa berfirman:
Ada banyak orang yang mendengarkan khotbah selama bertahun-tahun, tetapi tidak mengerti apa yang dimaksud dengan kebenaran, dan tidak mengerti harus memfokuskan upaya mereka pada aspek kebenaran yang mana. Mereka hanya mendengarkan, itu saja, selalu acuh tak acuh seperti orang-orang apatis yang tidak memiliki hati. Wajar saja jika mereka sudah percaya kepada Tuhan selama bertahun-tahun, tetapi tetap tidak memiliki pengalaman dan kesaksian. Orang yang benar-benar mengejar kebenaran harus merenungkan dirinya sendiri: apakah yang kau katakan sesuai dengan kebenaran? Apa kekuranganmu? Kekurangan apa yang harus kau tebus? Seberapa baik engkau melaksanakan tugasmu? Mampukah engkau bertindak sesuai dengan prinsip? Jika engkau tidak memahami hal-hal ini, maka engkau bukanlah orang yang mengejar kebenaran. Jika engkau ingin mengejar dan mendapatkan kebenaran, engkau harus sering membaca dan merenungkan firman Tuhan. Tugas apapun yang kau laksanakan, engkau harus merenungkan dan menemukan kebenaran apa yang harus kau pahami, dan engkau harus mampu menerapkan dan mengalami berapapun kebenaran yang kau pahami. Engkau harus selalu berpikir, "Sudahkah aku menerapkan dan masuk ke dalam kebenaran ini? Aspek kehidupan apa yang kebenaran ini maksudkan? Lingkungan yang seperti apa? Keadaan yang seperti apa?" Pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini harus terpaku di dalam hatimu, dan engkau harus berusaha menjawabnya pada waktu luangmu. Jika engkau memikirkan semua ini tetapi tidak mengerti, maka engkau harus berdoa-bacakan firman-Nya, datang ke hadapan Tuhan dan mengatakan isi hatimu kepada-Nya.

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🍀Testimony Video,Sino ang Humahadlang sa Akin sa Landas Patungo sa Kaharian ng Langit?

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全能神说: “上次说到“消沉”这种负面情绪。首先来看,消沉这种情绪一般人身上有没有?你们是不是能感受到消沉到底是一种什么样的感觉、什么样的心情,有什么样的表现?(是。)这个好理解。对“消沉”咱们不广泛地说,就说信神跟随神的这些人身上有哪些表现是消沉这种情绪所造成的。“消沉”是什么意思?情绪低落,心情不好,做什么事提不起兴趣,没有干劲,没有动力,做事的态度比较消极、被动,没有积极进取的心志。那造成这些表现的根源是什么?这是要解剖的主要问题。了解了消沉的各种表现,以及这种负面情绪带给人的不同心理、思想还有做事的态度之后,就应该了解一下造成这些负面情绪的原因有哪些,就是在人身上产生这些负面情绪背后的根源有哪些。人为什么会消沉?为什么做事没有动力?为什么做事总是特别的消极、被动,没有心志?这当然是有原因的。如果你看见一个人做事总是特别消沉、被动,提不起精神,就是他的情绪、态度不是那么积极乐观,总是表现出特别的消极、怨天尤人、自暴自弃的一种态度,你劝他,他也听不进去,虽然他也承认你说的路对、你说的道理挺好,但做事的时候就是提不起劲来,还是消极被动,甚至严重的时候,从他的肢体动作、身形、走路还有说话的音调、用词都能看出来这个人的情绪特别的消沉,做什么都没劲,像是霜打的茄子一样,谁跟他在一起时间长了都会受影响。这是怎么回事呢?人活在消沉情绪中所表现出来的各种行为、表情、腔调,甚至流露出的一些思想观点都带有消极的性质,那造成这些负面现象背后的原因是什么?根源在哪儿?当然,每个人产生消沉这种负面情绪的根源不一样,其中有一种人,他的消沉情绪的产生是因为他总认为自己命不好,这是不是其中一种原因?(是。)他从小就生活在农村或者贫穷的地区,家里经济不宽裕,除了几件简单的家具,没有贵重的东西,衣服也就是一两套,甚至破了也得穿着,平时也吃不着好的,想吃肉得等到过年过节,有时还吃不饱穿不暖,总想大碗吃肉这个理想就不容易实现,想吃个水果也不容易。生活在这样的环境里,他就觉得自己不像别人那样生活在大城市里,父母还有本事,想吃什么都能吃上,想穿什么也能穿上,想享受什么都有现成的,还有见识,他心里想,“看人家的命多好,我这命怎么就这么不济呢?”他就总想出人头地,总想改变命运。但改变命运也没那么容易,生在这样的环境里,再变能变到哪儿去,再好能好到哪儿去?长大成人之后,到了社会上处处碰壁,走到哪儿都有人欺负,他就总觉得自己倒霉,“这运气怎么这么差,怎么总遇小人呢?小时候命苦也就罢了,长大了这命还这么不好,总想表现自己也没有机会。没有机会也就罢了,只想好好工作多挣点钱过上好日子,怎么就实现不了呢?好生活离自己怎么那么遥远呢?不需要过上人上人的生活吧,起码过上城里人的生活,不被人瞧不起,不是二等三等公民,起码人家招呼我的时候,不是喊‘嗨,那小子、那人,过来!’起码会喊一声名字,给一个尊称,但是连这样的尊称自己都享受不着。这命怎么就这么苦呢?这得苦到什么时候呢?”不信神的时候苦,信神以后一看这是真道,他觉得,“以前受那些苦都值了,这一切都是神摆布的,都是神作的,神作的太好了。若不受那些苦,我也信不了神。信神以后能够接受真理,命运就应该有转机了,就能在教会里跟弟兄姊妹在一起过上平等的生活了,人就能喊你一声‘弟兄’或者‘姊妹’,自己有尊称了,享受到了被人尊重的感觉。”似乎命运有了改变,似乎不再那么痛苦,不再是命不好的人了。信神以后他立志在神家好好尽本分,能吃苦耐劳,凡事比别人多受苦,争取能赢得多数人的赞成、高看,以后说不定还能选上做带领、负责人、组长,这不就光宗耀祖、光大门楣了吗?这不就改变命运了吗?然而,现实并不遂愿,他很失落:“我信神多年了,与弟兄姊妹在一起相处得挺融洽,但是每当选带领、负责人、组长的时候,怎么总也轮不到自己呢?是自己长得太一般,还是自己做得不够出色人看不到呢?每次选举的时候,自己都带着一线希望,哪怕选上个组长也行啊。自己满腔热血想报答神,但是每次选举都让自己失望,都与自己无关无份,这是怎么回事呢?难道自己这一辈子就真的只能做一个庸人,做一个普通人、不起眼的人了吗?再回顾小的时候、年轻的时候、中年的时候,这一路走过来,一直就是这么平平庸庸,没有任何的作为。要说自己没有野心也不对,要说自己素质差也不对,要说自己不够卖力气、不够能吃苦都不对,自己有心志、有目标,甚至可以说是有野心,那为什么总也不能出人头地呢?归根结底还是自己命不好、命苦,神就是这么安排的。”他越想越觉得自己命不好。平时尽本分,如果他提出一些建议、观点总是被驳回,没人听,没人当回事,他就更消沉了,心想:“唉,这都是命不好啊!到哪个人群里总有小人绊脚,总被小人压着,到哪个人群里也没人重视,总也不能出人头地,归根结底一句话:命不好!”不管临到什么事,他总是归结到自己命不好,总在命不好这事上下功夫,往深处认识、领会,这样一来二去,他的情绪就越来越消沉。尽本分出点错,他就觉得,“唉!命不好还能尽好本分?”聚会的时候,弟兄姊妹都交通,他琢磨琢磨没什么认识,“唉!命不好还能有什么认识!”每当他看谁比自己会说话,交通的认识比较透亮,有亮光,他的情绪就更加消沉;看谁能吃苦付代价,在尽本分上有了成果,得到弟兄姊妹的赞成、得到提拔,他心里总不是滋味;看谁做了带领工人,他的情绪就更消沉了,甚至看见谁唱歌唱得好、跳舞跳得好,自己不如人家,他也消沉。不管临到什么人事物,不管临到什么环境,他都用消沉这种情绪来应对,就连谁穿的衣服好看一点,谁的发型好,他看了都会难过,心生嫉妒、羡慕,最终依然回归到这种消沉的情绪中。他自己总结的原因是什么呢?“唉!不就是自己命不好吗?如果自己长得好点儿,像人家那么体面,个头高,身材也好,又会穿,又有钱,又有好爹好妈,不就不会像现在这样了吗?不也能得到人的高看、羡慕、嫉妒吗?归根结底就是自己命不好,谁也不能怨。命不好喝凉水都塞牙,走路都栽跟头,这就是命不好,没办法。”同样,临到对付修理或者弟兄姊妹的指责、批评、提建议,他也用消沉情绪来应对。总之,不管是发生在自己身上还是自己周遭的一切事,他都用消沉情绪所产生的各种负面的思想观点、态度与立场来应对。”
        ——摘自 《话在肉身显现·怎样追求真理(二)》

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Algunas personas preguntarán cuál es la diferencia entre la obra llevada a cabo por Dios encarnado y la de los profetas y apóstoles del pasado a David también lo llamaban el señor como también a Jesús aunque las obras que ellos realizaron fueron diferentes los llamaron igual dime por qué sus identidades no eran las mismas lo que Juan presenció fue una visión una que también vino del espíritu Santo y él fue capaz de decir las palabras que el espíritu santo pretendía decir por qué era la identidad de Juan diferente de la de Jesús las palabras habladas por Jesús eran capaces de representar totalmente a Dios y representaban totalmente la obra de Dios lo que Juan vio era una visión y él fue incapaz de representar completamente la obra de Dios porque es que Juan Pedro y Pablo hablaron muchas palabras tal como lo hizo Jesús pero no tenían la misma identidad que Jesús esto se debe principalmente a que la obra que realizaron era diferente Jesús representaba al espíritu de Dios y era el espíritu de Dios obrando directamente él llevó a cabo la obra de la nueva era la que nadie había realizado antes él abrió un nuevo camino representó a Jehová y representó a Dios mismo mientras que Pedro Pablo y David independientemente de cómo se les llamaran solo representaban la identidad de una criatura de Dios y fueron enviados por Jesús o Jehová así pues no importa cuánta obra ellos llevaran a cabo ni cuán grandes los milagros que realizaron seguían siendo solos criaturas de Dios incapaces de representar al espíritu de Dios obraban en el nombre de Dios o después de que él los enviase además obraban en las eras comenzadas por Jesús oh Jehová y no hicieron ninguna otra obra después de todos ellos eran simplemente criaturas de Dios 
Extracto de 'Acerca de los apelativos y la identidad' en  "La palabra manifiestada en carne"

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🎥𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐢 𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐧𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐬 𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐚𝐤𝐲𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐨 𝐬𝐚 𝐊𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐭. 
Sa pamamagitan ng video na ito maunawaan natin ang kalagahan ng Paghahatol upang makapasok tayo sa BANAL na Kaharian🌻
📕📕Mateo 7:13-14
13 Pumasok kayo sa makipot na tarangkahan sapagkat ang maluwang na tarangkahan at malapad na daan ay patungo sa kapahamakan. Marami ang patungo roon.
14 Subalit ang makipot na tarangkahan at makitid na daan ay patungo sa buhay. Kakaunti ang mga nakakasumpong nito.
📕📕Sabi ng Diyos, “Dapat mong malaman kung anong uri ng mga tao ang Aking nais; yaong mga hindi dalisay ay hindi pinapayagang makapasok tungo sa kaharian, yaong mga hindi dalisay ay hindi pinahihintulutang dungisan ang banal na lupain. Kahit na marami ka pang nagawa, at nakágáwâ sa loob ng maraming mga taon, sa katapusan kung ikaw pa rin ay kalunos-lunos na marumi—hindi katanggap-tanggap sa batas ng Langit na nais mong pumasok sa Aking kaharian!”

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Christian Dance | "The Greatest Blessing of Faith in God" | Praise Song

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Vũ đạo hội thánh Cơ Đốc | Con nếm trải được tình yêu của Đức Chúa Trời

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Where Do You Stand on the Thir

北韓250輛發射車 將部署邊境 疑可射搭核彈頭導彈|葉佳蓉|FOCUS全球新聞 20240806 ‪@tvbsfocus

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三大變化 中國人這次要被榨乾!剪頭加油都可能被收稅【兩岸要聞】

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Where Do You Stand on the Thir

Where Do You Stand on the Thir


Where Do You Stand on the Thir


Where Do You Stand on the Thir

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    創作者 人間過客 的頭像


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