全能神經典話語 《信神怎樣進入真理實際的話語》 選段464-465 (十一)如何達到認識神的話語 464 人即便再研究科學,再研究萬物的規律,也僅僅是有限的範圍,而神掌管着萬有,那對人來説是無限的,即便是神作一件很小的事,如果讓人研究的話,也可能用一生的時間來研究都不足以得到真正的成果,所以,你如果用知識、用你的所學去研究神,那你永遠認識不了神,你永遠不可能了解神。但是你如果用尋求真理的方式,用尋求神的方式,站在認識神這樣的角度上去看待神,那到有一天你就會承認神的作為無處不在,神的智慧無處不在,你也會認識到為什麽説神是萬物的主宰,神是萬物生命的源頭。你越有這樣的認識,你越知道為什麽稱神是萬物的主宰,萬物、一切包括你這個人在内都一直接受着神源源不斷的供應,你也能清楚地意識到,在這個世界上,在這個人類中,除了神以外,没有誰能够有這樣的能力、有這樣的實質來主宰、管理、維護萬物的生存。當你達到這個認識的時候,你就真正地承認神就是你的神了,到這個程度的時候,你才是真正地接納神,讓神作你的神,作你的主宰。當你有了這樣的認識,生命達到這樣的程度的時候,神就不會再試煉你、再審判你,不會對你再有任何的要求,因為你了解了神,知道了神的心,在你心裏真正地接納了神。
——《話・卷二 關于認識神・獨一無二的神自己 八》
465 人常説認識神并非是一件容易的事,但我説認識神并非是一件難事,因為神的作為常常顯給人看,神也從未停止與人類的對話,神從未向人類隱秘,也從未躲藏,他的心思、他的意念、他的語言與他的作為對人類都是公開的,所以,只要人類想認識神便可通過各種途徑與方式達到了解神、認識神。人類之所以一味地認為神有意迴避人類,認為神有意向人類隱藏,認為神并不想讓人了解、認識,那是因為人類不知道誰為神,也不想了解神,更不關心造物主在想什麽,造物主説了什麽、作了什麽……其實,如果人只把閑暇空出來的時間用在關心、了解造物主的説話或作為之上,對造物主的心思與他的心聲稍作留意,便不難發現造物主所思所想、所説所作都是公開的、透明的,也不難發現造物主時刻都在人類中間,時刻與萬物與人類對話,天天都有新的作為。他的實質、他的性情在他與人類對話的同時發表出來,他的心思與意念在他的作為中表露無遺,他時刻都陪伴觀看着人類,他用他無聲的語言静静地告訴萬物告訴人類:我在天宇之上,我在萬物其間,我在守候,我在等待,我就在你的身邊……他的雙手温暖有力,他的脚步輕輕,他的聲音柔美,他的身影千迴百轉,環繞在人類身旁,他的容顔佳美柔和,他不曾離去,不曾消失,他一直與人類朝夕相伴,形影相隨。
——《話・卷二 關于認識神・獨一無二的神自己 二》 https://reurl.cc/r60p3O
基督教會歌曲《神拯救人的心不變》【詩歌MV】 https://reurl.cc/Wvbjg7
末世基督座談紀要《解决觀念才能進入信神正軌 三》第二集 https://reurl.cc/L62YDy
末世基督座談紀要《解决觀念才能進入信神正軌 三》第三集 https://reurl.cc/E1mkm0
Blessed afternoon brothers and sisters in Christ Lets eat and drink more Sayings of God to keep our spirit strong 💪💪 Almighty God says God created this world and brought man, a living being to whom He gave life. Next, man had parents and relatives, and was no longer alone. Ever since man first saw this material world, he was destined to live within God's ordination. The breath of life from God supports every living being in its growth to adulthood. In this process, no one feels that man is growing under God's care; rather, they believe that he grows up under the loving care of his parents, and that his natural attitude towards life guides his growth. This is because man does not know who gave his life, or where it came from, especially when he does not know how his natural behavior in life creates miracles. All he knows is that food is the basis of continuing life, that persistence is the source of his existence, and that beliefs in his mind are the capital on which his survival depends. Regarding God's grace and provision, man does not remember anything, that is why he wastes the life that God has given him.... None of this humanity that God takes care of day and night is willing to worship Him. God just continues to shape people, without any expectations, just as He had already planned. He does that in the hope that one day, man will wake up from his dream and suddenly realize the value and meaning of life, the value equal to everything God has given him, and God's eager request for man to return to Him. No one has yet explored the secrets of managing the origin and continuation of human life. Only God, who understands all this, silently endures the pain and blows given by man, who has received everything from God but is not grateful. It is natural for man to enjoy all that life brings, and, likewise, it is "natural" that God is betrayed, forgotten, and despised by man. Is God's plan really that important? Is man really that important, this living creature that came from the hand of God? God's plan is certainly important; however, this living creature created by God's hand lives for the sake of His plan. Therefore, God cannot waste His plan because of anger towards this humanity. For the sake of His plan and for the breath He gave out, God endures all hardships, not for the human body but for the human life. He does that to recover not the human body but the life He breathed. This is His plan. from the Sayings of Christ of the Last Days
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