全能神經典話語 《信神怎樣進入真理實際的話語》 選段462-

全能神經典話語 《信神怎樣進入真理實際的話語》 選段462-463
462 你想要認識神,你想要真實地認識神,你想要真實地了解神,不要僅僅限制在神的三步作工中,也不要僅僅限制在神曾經作過的工作的那些故事當中。你如果那樣認識的話,那你就把神局限在一個範圍裏了,你把神看得太渺小了,這樣的後果給人帶來什麽樣的影響呢?那就是你總也認識不到神的奇妙、神的至高無上,永遠認識不到神的能力與神的全能還有神的權柄範圍。這樣的認識就影響了你來接受神是萬物的主宰這個事實,也會影響你認識神的真實身份與神的真實地位。就是説,對神的認識從有限的範圍裏你只能獲取有限的東西,所以你必須擴大範圍,放開眼界,凡是神作工作、神經營、神主宰的範圍,神主宰的、管理的萬物,你都應該去認識,都應該在其中認識神的作為。在這樣的認識當中,人會不知不覺感覺到神在萬物中主宰着萬物,管理着萬物,也供應着萬物,同時,你也真正地感覺到你是萬物中的一分子,你是萬物中的一員,在神供應萬物的同時,你也在接受着神的主宰、神的供應,這個事實是没有人能够否認的。

——《話・卷二 關于認識神・獨一無二的神自己 八》

463 在人心裏對神有多少認識,神在人心裏就有多少地位;人心裏對神的認識有多高,人心裏的神就有多大。如果你認識的神是空洞的,是渺茫的,那你所信的神也是空洞的、渺茫的,你認識的神只局限在你的範圍裏,與真實的神自己毫無關係。所以,認識神的實際作為,認識神的實際、全能的那一面,認識神自己的真實身份,認識神的所有所是,認識神在萬物中彰顯的作為,這對每一個追求認識神的人都很重要,與人能否進入真理實際有直接關係。如果你只把認識神限制在字句裏,限制在你小小的經歷裏或者在你數算神的恩典裏、你對神的小小的見證裏,那我説你信的神根本就不是真實的神自己,也可以説你信的神是想象的神,不是真實的神。因為真實的神是主宰萬有的,是在萬有中行走的、在萬有中管理的那一位,是掌握全人類命運的,也是掌握萬有命運的那一位。我所説的這一位神,他的作工、他的作為不僅僅局限在一小部分人身上,就是説不僅僅局限在現在跟隨他的人身上,而他的作為是在萬物中、萬物的生存中、萬物的變化規律中得以彰顯。


——《話・卷二 關于認識神・獨一無二的神自己 九》












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末世基督座談紀要《解决觀念才能進入信神正軌 三》第一集

全能神經典話語 《信神怎樣進入真理實際的話語》 選段462-

全能神經典話語 《信神怎樣進入真理實際的話語》 選段462-

忘记做老板吩咐的一件事,为了不被老板批评,我绞尽脑汁找各种理由想为自己掩饰。 (别人的事例)

♦三、 承认接受神话所揭示的事实;四、悔改

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全能神經典話語 《信神怎樣進入真理實際的話語》 選段462-

Daily Words of God  Excerpt 108
Though Christ on earth is able to work on behalf of God Himself, He does not come with the intention of showing all men His image in the flesh. He does not come so that all men see Him; He comes to allow man to be led by His hand, and man thereby enters into the new age. The function of Christ’s flesh is for the work of God Himself, that is, for the work of God in the flesh, and not to enable man to fully understand the essence of His flesh. No matter how He works, nothing He does goes beyond that which is attainable by the flesh. No matter how He works, He does so in the flesh with a normal humanity, and does not fully reveal to man the true countenance of God. Additionally, His work in the flesh is never as supernatural or inestimable as man conceives. Even though Christ represents God Himself in the flesh and carries out in person the work that God Himself ought to do, He does not deny the existence of God in heaven, nor does He feverishly proclaim His own deeds. Rather, He remains hidden, humbly, within His flesh. Apart from Christ, those who falsely claim to be Christ do not possess His qualities. When juxtaposed against the arrogant and self-exalting disposition of those false Christs, it becomes apparent what manner of flesh is truly Christ. The falser they are, the more such false Christs flaunt themselves, and the more capable they are of working signs and wonders to deceive man. False Christs do not have the qualities of God; Christ is not tainted by any element belonging to false Christs. God becomes flesh only to complete the work of the flesh, not to merely allow men to see Him. Rather, He lets His work affirm His identity, and lets that which He reveals attest to His essence. His essence is not baseless; His identity was not seized by His hand; it is determined by His work and His essence. Though He has the essence of God Himself and is capable of doing the work of God Himself, He is still, after all, flesh, unlike the Spirit. He is not God with the qualities of the Spirit; He is God with a shell of flesh. Therefore, no matter how normal and how weak He is, and howsoever He seeks the will of God the Father, His divinity is undeniable. Within the incarnate God exists not only a normal humanity and its weaknesses; there also exists the wonderfulness and unfathomableness of His divinity, as well as all His deeds in the flesh. Therefore, both humanity and divinity exist within Christ, both actually and practically. This is not in the least something empty or supernatural. He comes to earth with the primary objective of carrying out work; it is imperative to be possessed of a normal humanity to carry out work on earth; otherwise, however great the power of His divinity, its original function cannot be put to good use. Though His humanity is of great importance, it is not His essence. His essence is the divinity; therefore, the moment He begins to perform His ministry on earth is the moment He begins to express the being of His divinity. His humanity exists solely to sustain the normal life of His flesh so that His divinity can carry out work as normal in the flesh; it is the divinity that directs His work entirely. When He completes His work, He will have fulfilled His ministry. What man ought to know is the entirety of His work, and it is through His work that He enables man to know Him. Over the course of His work, He quite fully expresses the being of His divinity, which is not a disposition tainted by humanity, or a being tainted by thought and human behavior. When the time comes when all His ministry has come to an end, He will have already perfectly and fully expressed the disposition that He ought to express. His work is not guided by the instructions of any man; the expression of His disposition is also quite free, and is not controlled by the mind or processed by thought, but revealed naturally. This is something no man can achieve. Even if the surroundings are harsh or the conditions unfavorable, He is able to express His disposition at the appropriate time. One who is Christ expresses the being of Christ, while those who are not do not possess the disposition of Christ. Therefore, even if all resist Him or have notions of Him, none can deny on the basis of man’s notions that the disposition expressed by Christ is that of God. All those who pursue Christ with a true heart or seek God with intent will admit that He is Christ based on the expression of His divinity. They would never deny Christ on the basis of any aspect of Him that does not conform to man’s notions. Though man is very foolish, all know exactly what is the will of man and what originates from God. It is merely that many people deliberately resist Christ as a result of their intentions. If not for this, then not a single man would have reason to deny the existence of Christ, for the divinity expressed by Christ does indeed exist, and His work can be witnessed by the naked eye.
—The Word, Vol.

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全能神經典話語 《信神怎樣進入真理實際的話語》 選段462-
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