全能神經典話語 《信神怎樣進入真理實際的話語》 選段499-

全能神經典話語 《信神怎樣進入真理實際的話語》 選段499-500
499 在人未蒙拯救以先,人的生活常常被撒但攪擾,甚至被撒但控制。就是説,一個未蒙拯救的人就是一個被撒但囚禁的人,是一個没有自由的人,是一個没獲撒但放手、是一個没有資格與權利敬拜神的人,是一個被撒但緊追不捨、窮追猛打的人,這樣的人没有幸福可言,没有正常的生存資格可言,更没有尊嚴可言。只有人自己站出來與撒但争戰,以你對神的信心、對神的順服與對神的敬畏作武器與撒但决一死戰,徹底打敗撒但,讓撒但看見你就躲避,看見你就喪膽,這樣撒但便徹底放弃對你的攻擊與控告了,此時你便獲救成了自由人。如果你只有與撒但徹底决裂的决心,却并不具備打敗撒但的有利武器,那你的處境仍是很危險,長久下去,當你被撒但折磨得精疲力竭却仍不能作出見證,仍不能完全擺脱撒但對你的控告與攻擊,那你蒙拯救的希望就很渺茫了。最終,也就是當神的工作宣告結束的時候,你仍被撒但緊緊抓住,不能挣脱,那你就永遠没有機會與希望了,言外之意,就是這樣的人完全被撒但擄去了。

——《話・卷二 關于認識神・神的作工、神的性情與神自己 二》

500 在神對人長期的供應扶持的工作期間,神將他的心意、他的要求都一一告訴給人,也將神的作為、神的性情與神的所有所是顯給人看,目的是為人裝備身量,讓人在跟隨神期間從神得着各方面的真理,這些真理就是神給人的與撒但争戰的利器,人有了這些裝備便要面對神的檢驗。神的檢驗有多種方式、多種途徑,但每一個途徑與方式都要藉着神的仇敵——撒但來「配合」。也就是説,神給了人與撒但争戰的利器之後,就要將人交給撒但,讓撒但來「檢驗」人的身量,如果人走出了撒但擺設的陣營,活着走出了撒但的圍攻,那人就通過了這次的檢驗;如果人未走出撒但的陣營,而是讓撒但降服了,那人就未通過檢驗。神無論檢驗人的哪方面,檢驗的標準就是人是否在撒但的攻擊之下站住了見證,是否在撒但的網羅之中弃掉了神、繳械投降歸順撒但。可以説,人能否蒙拯救就在乎人是否能戰勝撒但,打敗撒但;人能否獲得自由就在乎人是否能獨立地拿着神交給的武器戰勝撒但的捆綁,讓撒但對人徹底死心、放弃。撒但對一個人的死心與放弃,意味着撒但不再與神争奪這個人,不再控告、攪擾這個人,也不再肆意摧殘、攻擊這個人,這樣的人才真正地被神得着了,這就是神得着一個人的全過程。

——《話・卷二 關于認識神・神的作工、神的性情與神自己 二》

















全能神經典話語 《信神怎樣進入真理實際的話語》 選段499-

很多人本分被调整,心里想:“如果哪天我被调整了本分怎么办?如果没有本分尽了,那不就被淘汰了吗?” (别人的事例)

神说:“临到调整本分的事,如果是教会的决定,人应该接受、顺服,还得反省自己,认识问题的实质,认识自己的缺少,这对人很有益处,也是人应该实行的。……就一次简单的本分调整,人应该有顺服的心态,神家让做什么就做什么,自己能做什么就做什么,不管做什么都力所能及地做好,尽上全心、全力,神作的没错,就这么简单的真理,有点良心理智的人都能实行出来,但敌基督就做不到。……敌基督从来就不会顺服神家的安排,他把自己的本分、名利地位始终与得福的希望、以后的归宿紧紧联系在一起,好像他的名誉地位一失去,得福、得赏赐的希望就没有了,就等于要了他的命了。所以,他就防备神家的带领工人,别坏他得福的梦,必须得保住名誉地位,这样才有得福的希望。敌基督把得福看得比天大、比命大,比追求真理、比性情变化都重要,比人蒙拯救重要,比尽好本分、做合格的受造之物更重要。他认为做合格的受造之物、尽好本分、蒙拯救那都是小事,不值得一提,不足挂齿,唯独得福这是一生永远都不能忘记的事,无论临到什么大事小情,都与得福挂钩,都要小心谨慎为自己留后路。”《话・卷四 揭示敌基督・第十二条 没有地位或没有得福的希望就想退去》
♦三、 承认接受神话所揭示的事实;四、悔改
神说:“对待本分、对待神必须得有一颗诚实的心,这是敬畏神的人。人有诚实的心对待神是什么样的态度?起码得有敬畏神的心,凡事存着顺服神的心,就是不问祸福、不讲条件,任神摆布,这就是心灵诚实的人。”《话・卷三 末世基督座谈纪要・寻求真理原则才能尽好本分》









281. When you are able to truly appreciate God’s thoughts and attitude toward mankind, when you can truly understand God’s emotions and concern for each being of creation, you will be able to understand the devotion and the love spent on every single one of the people created by the Creator. When this happens, you will use two words to describe God’s love. What are those two words? Some people say “selfless,” and some people say “philanthropic.” Of these two, “philanthropic” is the word least suited to describe God’s love. This is a word that people use to describe someone who is magnanimous or broad-minded. I loathe this word, because it refers to dispensing charity at random, indiscriminately, with no consideration for principle. It is an overly sentimental inclination, which is common to foolish and confused people. When this word is used to describe God’s love, there is inevitably a blasphemous connotation. I have here two words that more aptly describe God’s love. What are they? The first one is “immense.” Is this word not very evocative? The second is “vast.” There is real meaning behind these words which I use to describe God’s love. Taken literally, “immense” describes a thing’s volume or capacity, but regardless of how big that thing is, it is something that people can touch and see. This is because it exists—it is not an abstract object, but something that can give people ideas in a relatively accurate and practical way. Whether you look at it from a two- or a three-dimensional perspective, you do not need to imagine its existence, because it is a thing that actually exists in a real way. Even though using the word, “immense,” to describe God’s love can feel like an attempt at quantifying His love, it also gives the feeling that His love is unquantifiable. I say that God’s love can be quantified because His love is not empty, and nor is it a thing of legend. Rather, it is something shared by all things under God’s rule, something that is enjoyed by all creatures to varying degrees and from different perspectives. Although people cannot see or touch it, this love brings sustenance and life to all things as it is revealed, bit by bit, in their lives, and they count and bear witness to God’s love that they enjoy in each passing moment. I say that God’s love is unquantifiable because the mystery of God providing for and nourishing all things is something that is difficult for humans to fathom, as are God’s thoughts for all things, and particularly those for mankind. That is to say, no one knows the blood and tears the Creator has poured out for mankind. No one can comprehend, no one can understand the depth or weight of the love that the Creator has for mankind whom He created with His own hands. Describing God’s love as immense is to help people appreciate and understand its breadth and the truth of its existence. It is also so that people can more deeply comprehend the actual meaning of the word “Creator,” and so that people can gain a deeper understanding of the true meaning of the appellation, “creation.” What does the word “vast” usually describe? It is generally used to describe the ocean or the universe, for example: “the vast universe,” or “the vast ocean.” The expansiveness and quiet depth of the universe are beyond human understanding; it is something that captures man’s imagination, something for which they feel great admiration. Its mystery and profundity are within sight, but beyond reach. When you think of the ocean, you think of its breadth—it looks limitless, and you can feel its mysteriousness and its great capacity to hold things. This is why I have used the word “vast” to describe God’s love, to help people feel how precious it is, to feel the profound beauty of His love, and that the power of God’s love is infinite and wide-ranging. I used this word to help people feel the holiness of His love, and the dignity and unoffendableness of God that is revealed through His love.
—The Word, Vol. 2. On Knowing God. God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself III
281. 當你能夠真正體會上帝對人類的想法和態度,當你能夠真正理解上帝的情感和關心每一個受造之物時,你將能夠明白那份受造主所創造的每一個人身上所付出的虔誠和愛。 當這種情況發生時,你會用兩個字來形容上帝的愛。 這兩個字是什麼? 有人說「無私」,有人說「慈善」。 」這兩個人中,「慈善」是最不適合形容上帝的愛。 這是人們用來形容一個心胸寬廣的人。 我厭惡這個詞,因為它指的是隨意的,不分青紅皂白地,毫無原則的施捨。 是過度多愁善感的傾向,常見於愚蠢迷惑之人。 當這句話用來形容上帝的愛時,難免有褻瀆的內涵。 我在這裡有兩個字更貼切地描述上帝的愛。 他們是什麼? 第一個是“很大。 ”這個詞是不是很令人回味? 第二是“廣闊”。 ”這些話語背後存在著真正的意義,我用來描述上帝的愛。 字面意思,「巨大」描述了一個東西的體積或容量,但無論那東西有多大,都是人們可以觸摸、看見的東西。 這是因為它的存在——它不是抽象的物體,而是能以相對準確實際的方式給人想法的東西。 無論是從二維的角度看待它,都不需要去想像它的存在,因為它是真實存在的東西。 即使用「巨大」這個詞來形容神的愛,可以感覺像是試圖量化祂的愛,但也給人感覺祂的愛是不可量化的。 我說上帝的愛可以被量化,因為祂的愛不是空虛的,也不是傳說的。 相反,這是在神的統治下,萬物共享的東西,是在不同程度、不同角度的東西,所有生物都享受的東西。 雖然人們看不見、摸不著,但這份愛為萬物帶來給養和生命,正如它所顯現的、點點滴滴,在他們的生命中,他們數數並見證他們在每一個逝去的時刻所享受的上帝的愛。 我說上帝的愛是不可量化的,因為上帝供應和滋養萬物的奧秘是人類難以估計的,上帝對萬物的意念,尤其是對人類的意念也是。 也就是說,沒有人知道造物主為人類傾注的血淚。 沒有人能理解,也沒有人能瞭解造物主親手創造的人類的愛是深度與重量。 將上帝的愛形容為偉大的,是幫助人們欣賞並瞭解它的廣度和它存在的真相。 也是為了讓人們更深刻地理解「造物主」這個詞的實際意義,也讓人們更深刻地理解「造物」的真諦。 “廣闊”通常是什麼形容的? 一般用來描述海洋或宇宙,例如:「浩瀚的宇宙」或「浩瀚的海洋。 ”宇宙的擴展性和安靜的深度,超乎人類的理解;它是能捕捉人類的想像力,它是讓人感到非常敬佩的東西。 它的奧秘和深度在眼前,卻望塵莫及。 當你想到海洋,你會想到它的廣度——它看起來是無限的,你可以感受到它的神秘和它容納東西的巨大容量。 這就是為什麼我用「廣闊」這個詞來形容神的愛,幫助人們感受到它是多麼的寶貴,感受到祂的愛深刻的美,神的愛力量是無限廣泛的。 我用這句話幫助人們感受到祂的愛聖潔,以及神的尊嚴與不犯罪,那藉著祂的愛顯現出來。
—《聖言》第2卷。 論認識神。神的工作、神的性情和神自己III


全能神經典話語 《信神怎樣進入真理實際的話語》 選段499-

.Thank God for awakening us today! It is truly a blessing to see a new day in our lives. Amen.

It is God's goodness and mercy that allowed us to awaken on this precious day. Now, lets pause for 2 minutes and read a passage of God's words to draw near to Him.
God says, "God created mankind; regardless of whether they have been
corrupted or whether they folow Him, God treats human beings as His most cherished loved ones-or as human beings would say, the people dearest to Him-and not as His playthings. Although God says He is the Creator and that man is His creation, which may sound like there is a slight difference in rank, the reality is that everything God has done for mankind far exceeds a relationship of this nature. God loves mankind, cares for mankind, and shows concern for mankind, as well as constantly and unceasingly providing for mankind. He never feels in His heart that this is additional work or something that deserves a lot of credit. Nor does He feel
that saving humanity, supplying them, and granting them everything, is making a huge contribution to mankind. He simply provides for mankind quietly and silently, in His own way and through His own essence and what He has and is. No matter how much provision and how much help mankind receives from Him, God never thinks about or tries to take credit. This is determined by the essence of God, and is also precisely a true expression of God's Are you interested in reading more words of God to gain a deeper understanding of His love and compassion? If yes, feel free to click the WhatsApp link to join our groupand learn God's words with us.

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Don't Worry!

htps://chat.whatsapp.com/C3cs8zv05dr.. By Praying and Trusting in God, We Will Find a Way Out
Worries in life often trouble our hearts and leave us feeling lost. However, the Bible provides guidance: "Casting all your care on Him; for he cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God" (Philippians 4:6). When we entrust our worries to God, pray to Him, and rely on His guidance, we'll receive His help and find a way.
Here we would like to share a passage of God's words with you. God says, "Be quiet within Me, for am your God, your only Redeemer. You must quiet your hearts at all times and live within Me; am your rock, your buttress. Have no other mind, but rely on Me with your whole heart and I will certainly appear to youl am your God!"
If you want to learn more truths related to looking to and relying on God, feel free to click the WhatsApp link to join our groupand learn God's words together with us.

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全能神經典話語 《信神怎樣進入真理實際的話語》 選段499-
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全能神經典話語 《信神怎樣進入真理實際的話語》 選段499-

全能神經典話語 《信神怎樣進入真理實際的話語》 選段499-


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