全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選段14-15

全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選段14-15
14 整個經營分三個階段,在每一個階段對人都有合適的要求,而且隨着時代的轉移、時代的發展神對整個人類的要求就越來越高,這樣經營工作也就逐步發展到了高潮,以至于人都看到了「話在肉身顯現」這一事實,這樣對人的要求就更高了,要求人作的見證也就更高了。人越能與神有真實的配合神就越能得着榮耀,人的配合就是人所要作的見證,人所作的見證就是人的實行。所以説,神的作工是否能得着應有的果效,是否能有真實的見證,這與人的配合、人的見證有極大的關係。到工作結束的時候,也就是到全部經營都告終的時候就需要人作出更高的見證來,神的工作到終結的時候人的實行、人的進入也就到了高潮階段。以往是要求人能遵守律法、誡命,要求人忍耐、謙卑,現在是要求人能順服神的一切安排、愛神至極,最終要求人在患難中仍能愛神,這三步是整個經營對人的逐步要求。工作一步比一步進深,對人的要求一步比一步拔高,這樣整個經營就逐步成形。正是因為對人的要求越來越高,人的性情越來越接近神所要求的標準,整個人類才逐步從撒但的權勢之下出來,以至于到工作徹底告終之時全人類都從撒但的權勢之下被拯救出來。此時,神的工作結束了,人為了達到性情變化而與神的配合也就取消了,全人類就都活在了神的光中,從此再没有悖逆與抵擋。神對人也没有任何要求,人與神有了更和諧的配合,這配合就是神與人的生活,是在神的經營都結束以後的生活,是人被神從撒但手中徹底拯救出來以後的生活。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・神的作工與人的實行》

15 神的經營就是這樣:把一個根本就不知道什麽是神、什麽是造物主、如何敬拜神、為什麽要順服神這樣一個人類交由撒但,任由撒但敗壞,然後神再一步一步將人類從撒但手裏奪回來,直到人類能完全敬拜神、弃絶撒但。這就是神的經營。這聽起來似乎像神話故事,又似乎很令人不解。人感覺像神話故事,那是因為人并不知道這幾千年來發生了多少事情在人身上,更不知道發生了多少故事在這個宇宙蒼穹之間,更因為人的肉眼凡胎根本看不到在這個物質世界的背後那個更奇妙、更可怕的世界。人感到不解,那是因為人根本不了解神拯救人類的意義與神經營工作的意義,也不了解神到底要的是什麽樣的人類。是根本不經撒但敗壞的夏娃、亞當式的人類嗎?不是!神的經營就是為了得着一班敬拜神、順服神的人類。這個人類雖經撒但敗壞,但却不再把撒但當作父親,而是認識撒但的醜惡嘴臉,弃絶它,來到神的面前接受神的審判、刑罰,知道了什麽是醜陋、什麽是聖潔的對比,也認識了神的偉大與撒但的邪惡。這樣的人類不會再為撒但效力,不會再去朝拜撒但、供奉撒但。因為他們是一班真正被神得着的人類。這就是神經營人類的工作的意義。在這次經營工作中,人類是撒但敗壞的對象,人類同時又是神拯救的對象,也是神與撒但争奪的産物。神在作着工作的同時,一步一步地將人從撒但的手中奪回來,所以,人便離神越來越近……

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・附篇三 人在神的經營中才能蒙拯救》

全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選段14-15























I’ve reached marrying age. My friends choose partners who are “fair-skinned, rich and beautiful” or “tall, rich and handsome,” but their lives are not happy due to lack of true love between them and their spouses, and instead they cause each other a lot of harm. I’d like to understand how, as Christians, we should approach love and marriage.
Relevant Words of God:
Marriage is an important juncture in a person’s life. It is the product of a person’s fate and a crucial link in one’s fate; it is not founded on any person’s individual volition or preferences, and is not influenced by any external factors, but completely determined by the fates of the two parties, by the Creator’s arrangements and predeterminations for the fates of both members of the couple. On the surface, the purpose of marriage is to continue the human race, but in truth, marriage is nothing but a ritual that one undergoes in the process of completing one’s mission. In marriage, people do not merely play the role of rearing the next generation; they adopt all the various roles involved in maintaining a marriage and the missions those roles require one to complete. Since one’s birth influences the changes undergone by the people, events, and things that surround it, one’s marriage will also inevitably affect these people, events, and things, and furthermore, will transform them all in various ways.
When one becomes independent, one begins one’s own journey in life, which leads one, step by step, toward the people, events, and things that have a connection to one’s marriage. At the same time, the other person who will be in that marriage is approaching, step by step, toward those same people, events, and things. Under the Creator’s sovereignty, two unrelated people with related fates gradually enter into a single marriage and become, miraculously, a family: “two locusts clinging to the same rope.” So, when one enters into a marriage, one’s journey in life will influence and touch upon one’s other half, and likewise one’s partner’s journey in life will influence and touch upon one’s own fate in life. In other words, human fates are interconnected, and no one can complete one’s mission in life or perform one’s role in complete independence from others. One’s birth has a bearing on a huge chain of relationships; growing up also involves a complex chain of relationships; and similarly, a marriage inevitably exists and is maintained within a vast and complex web of human connections, involving every member of that web and influencing the fate of everyone who is a part of it. A marriage is not the product of both members’ families, the circumstances in which they grew up, their appearances, their ages, their qualities, their talents, or any other factors; rather, it arises from a shared mission and a related fate. This is the origin of marriage, a product of human fate orchestrated and arranged by the Creator.
Excerpted from “God Himself, the Unique III” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
Marriage is a key event in any person’s life; it is the time when one starts truly to assume various kinds of responsibilities, and gradually to complete various kinds of missions. People harbor many illusions about marriage before they experience it themselves, and all these illusions are quite beautiful. Women imagine that their other halves will be Prince Charming, and men imagine that they will marry Snow White. These fantasies go to show that every person has certain requirements for marriage, their own set of demands and standards. Though in this evil age people are constantly bombarded with distorted messages about marriage, which create even more additional requirements and give people all sorts of baggage and strange attitudes, any person who has experienced marriage knows that no matter how one understands it, no matter what one’s attitude toward it is, marriage is not a matter of individual choice.
One encounters many people in one’s life, but no one knows who will become one’s partner in marriage. Though everyone has their own ideas and personal stances on the subject of marriage, no one can foresee who will truly, finally become their other half, and one’s own ideas on the matter count for little. After meeting someone you like, you can pursue that person; but whether they are interested in you, whether they are able to become your partner—that is not yours to decide. The object of your affections is not necessarily the person with whom you will be able to share your life; and meanwhile, someone you never expected may quietly enter your life and become your partner, the most important element in your fate, your other half, to whom your fate is inextricably bound. And so, though there are millions of marriages in the world, each and every one is different: So many marriages are unsatisfactory, so many are happy; so many span East and West, so many North and South; so many are perfect matches, so many are of equal social rank; so many are happy and harmonious, so many painful and sorrowful; so many arouse the envy of others, so many are misunderstood and frowned upon; so many are full of joy, so many are awash with tears and bring despair…. In these myriad types of marriage, humans reveal loyalty and lifelong commitment toward marriage; they reveal love, attachment, and inseparability, or resignation and incomprehension. Some betray their marriage, or even feel hatred toward it. Whether marriage itself brings happiness or pain, everyone’s mission in marriage is predestined by the Creator and will not change; this mission is something that everyone must complete. The fate of each person that lies behind every marriage is unchanging, determined long in advance by the Creator.
Excerpted from “God Himself, the Unique III” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
The great matters of life are not merely marriage, work, your future prospects, settling down and living peacefully, and scrambling to find your place in society. These are not the most important things. What are the most important things? You now believe in God and perform your duty, so your lives have set off in the right direction. The next important thing is to find firm footing on the path of pursuit of the truth, to ascertain the goal and direction of your life, to allow the truth to lay foundations in your heart—in this way, you will be someone whom God has truly chosen and preordained. Your foundations now are not yet stable. Never mind a storm—a breeze could shake you at any moment. This shows that you have not yet laid foundations, and this is very dangerous, indeed! Establish your life goal and the direction in which you seek, and establish the path you are to walk in this life. Once you have established your goal and what is most important in your life, settle down over the years for the sake of that goal and that important matter. Work hard, expend of yourself, exert efforts, and pay the price for them. Pay no mind to anything else for the time being. If you continue to think about those other things, the matter at hand will be delayed. You will have finding a job, making a lot of money, becoming wealthy, gaining a firm foothold in society, and finding a position for yourself on your mind; you will think of getting married, too, and acquiring skills and abilities in the future, and how to be an outstanding person; and you will want to support and raise a family and give your parents a good life. Is all of that not tiring? How big is your heart? How much energy does someone have in a lifetime? The most exuberant and simplest period of a person’s life—the best period of a person’s life—begins at twenty and ends, at the latest, at forty years of age. During this time, you must grasp hold of the truths that should be understood to believe in God, then enter into truth reality, accept God’s judgment and chastisement, and accept His trials and refinement, so that you will not deny God under any circumstances. This is most fundamental; beside this, no matter who tries to tempt or seduce you with marriage or romantic love, no matter how much fame or status they give you, or how much they may benefit you, you will not give up on your duties, nor give up on the things a created being is supposed to do. If, at some point in the future, God does not want you, you will still be able to pursue the truth and to walk the way of fearing God and shunning evil. You must work hard on this; if you do, these years of expending yourself for God will not be lived in vain.
Excerpted from God’s Fellowship
You must suffer hardship for the truth, you must give yourself to the truth, you must endure humiliation for the truth, and to gain more of the truth you must undergo more suffering. This is what you should do. You must not throw away the truth for the sake of a peaceful family life, and you must not lose your life’s dignity and integrity for the sake of momentary enjoyment. You should pursue all that is beautiful and good, and you should pursue a path in life that is more meaningful. If you lead such a vulgar life, and do not pursue any objectives, do you not waste your life? What can you gain from such a life? You should forsake all enjoyments of the flesh for the sake of one truth, and should not throw away all truths for the sake of a little enjoyment. People like this have no integrity or dignity; there is no meaning to their existence!
Excerpted from “The Experiences of Peter: His Knowledge of Chastisement and Judgment” in The Word Appears in the Flesh



全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選段14-15

“有的教会带领看到弟兄姊妹尽本分应付糊弄,该责备他也不责备,明明看见神家利益受损失,他也不管不问,丝毫不得罪人,其实他并不是真体贴人的软弱,他的存心目的是为了笼络人心。他心里清楚,‘我只要这样做,谁也不得罪,人就会认为我是好带领,就会对我有好的、高的评价,就会赞成我、喜欢我’。他不管神家利益受多少损害,也不管神选民的生命进入受多大亏损、教会生活受多大搅扰,他就持守撒但哲学不得罪人,心里从来没有责备。看谁打岔搅扰了,他顶多只是轻描淡写地说一说就完事了,也不交通真理,也不给人点出问题的实质,更不解剖人的情形,从来不交通神的心意是什么。人常做哪些错事,流露哪些败坏性情,假带领从来不揭露、不解剖,什么实际问题也不解决,而是一味地纵容人的错误做法、人的败坏流露,不管人怎么消极软弱他也不当回事,只是讲点字句道理,劝勉几句应付了事,保持一团和气,导致神选民都不会反省认识自己,流露什么败坏性情也得不到解决,都活在字句道理、观念想象中,没有一点儿生命进入,心里还认为,‘我们的带领比神还体谅我们的软弱,我们身量小够不上神的要求,只要够得上带领的要求就足够了,我们顺服带领就是在顺服神。如果有一天上面撤换我们的带领,那我们就要发出我们的心声,为保住我们的带领不被撤换与上面交涉,迫使上面答应我们的要求,这样我们就对得起带领了’。人心里有了这样的想法,与带领建立了一种这样的关系,内心对带领产生了这样的依赖、羡慕、崇拜,人就越来越相信带领,都愿意听带领的话,而不在神的话里寻求真理,这样的带领几乎取代了神在人心中的位置。如果带领愿意维护和神选民的这种关系,心里还感觉挺有享受,还认为神选民应该这样对待他,那这个带领跟保罗就没什么区别了,已经走上了敌基督道路,神选民已经受了敌基督的迷惑,一点儿分辨都没有。”《话・卷四 揭示敌基督・第一条 笼络人心》


全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選段14-15

①  末世人性♞
 《  圣经》史记阐述说:
     “ 你该知道,末世必有危险的日子来到。因为那时,人要专顾自己,贪爱钱财,自夸,狂傲,谤讟,违背父母,忘恩负义,心不圣洁,无亲情,不解怨,好说谗言,不能自约,性情凶暴,不爱良善,卖主卖友,任意妄为,自高自大,爱宴乐,不爱 神,有敬虔的外貌,却背了敬虔的实意;(提摩太后书 3:1-5 和合本)
② 理智的丧失
魔鬼又带着(中国人)上了一座最高的山,将世上的万国与万国的荣华都指给(中国人)看,对(中国人)说:“你M若俯伏拜我,我就把这一切都赐给你。”(马太福音 4:8-9 和合本)
    “耶罗波安使以色列人陷在罪里的那罪,就是拜伯特利和但的金牛犊。(列王纪下 10:29 和合本)
③  无亲情、无友情、只有地下情
摘自《话 .卷一》
      “  在你的心中有一个天大的秘密是你从未觉察到的,因为你活在了没有光明照耀的世界之中。你的心、你的灵被那恶者夺走;
摘自《话.  卷一》
摘自《话 .  卷一》
这就是人认为的“精神文明″、加 “ 和谐社会″
摘自《话  .卷一》
摘自《话 .卷一》


Reading the Bible is a daily must for Christian devotionals and it’s also a way to draw near to God. However, because we often find no light when reading the Scriptures, we’re likely going through the motions and even becoming less willing to read the Bible, which then causes our relationship with God to become more and more distant. Do you have the same problem? How can we read the Bible effectively?
Following the recommendation of my brothers and sisters, I installed an app—Bible Reading Made Easy.
You can find Bible Reading Made Easy with this green icon in Google Play or App Store, and download it. This app not only has a free, searchable Bible for us to read anytime, but it also provides all sorts of articles, music, videos and other content, so we can gain access to the rich supply in devotionals.
First, I will introduce the Bible section. In this interface, we can navigate and read the Bible.
Convenient and flexible methods are provided for navigating the Scriptures. We can input a keyword to quickly locate the passage we want, and set our search parameters to make the search results more accurate. The navigation menu will also help us quickly get to our desired verse. Besides, while reading the Bible, we can add bookmarks, highlight verses, customize fonts, line spacing and background color preferences, and use the note taking function to record our personal insights at any time.
Next, let’s look at the Home interface.
This section combines Bible Study, Daily Devotionals, Delving Into the Bible, Personal Testimonies, Resolving Spiritual Confusion, Songs and Dances of Praise, Gospel Videos, and other tabs. There is a lot of wonderful content such as movies, articles, hymns, readings of God’s words, and music videos. With this rich content, we won’t feel bored and lacking in spiritual enjoyment during our devotions, and it will be easier for us to understand the truth and of God.
By selecting Bible Study from the Home interface, you can see Bible Verses of the Day, Bible Stories and other interesting content. Bible Verses of the Day has choice verses from the Old and New Testaments, integrated with unadulterated interpretations, which helps us better ponder and understand these verses. Bible Verses by Topic is a collection of some classic verses from the Old and New Testaments that are organized by topic, including obedience, humility, faith, honesty and salvation. We can select corresponding passages according to the problems and difficulties in our day-to-day lives. In this way, our devotionals will be more effective, and we’ll understand God’s intentions and find the correct path of practice to resolve our problems. In Bible Stories section, illustrated Bible stories from the Age of Law and the Age of Grace will lead us through the details of God’s work and deepen our understanding of God.
In addition to these rich resources in the Bible Study section alone, there is much more exciting content in this app. Delving Into the Bible provides a variety of truths such as how to be wise virgins and welcome the Lord, the difference between being saved and attaining full salvation, how to be raptured into the kingdom of heaven and so on, which reveal the mysteries in the Bible and point out the path to the heavenly kingdom. Personal Testimonies is a carefully curated selection of Christians’ essays on their experiences and testimonies, helping us understand God’s will in a variety of environments and find the correct path of practice. Gospel Videos has a compilation of Christian song videos, gospel films and many more video works, helping us understand all aspects of the truth and enjoy life sustenance from God. I won’t list all the sections out one by one. To find out more, you can try this app personally.
Notably, Bible Reading Made Easy has a Q&A function.
We can ask anything using the function, whether it’s a question that comes up while reading Scripture or a difficulty we encounter in everyday life and in faith. Some brothers and sisters may say: “That would be a nice feature. But I would have to wait a while for a reply. What if I want to resolve my problem as soon as possible?” Don’t worry! Q&A brings together a number of questions and answers. We can search for key terms to find the answers we’re seeking. Besides, it is so convenient for us to contact the dedicated representatives through live chat at the lower right corner of the Home interface or in the More interface. They are available 24 hours a day to resolve our questions and difficulties.
At last, I want to introduce the custom image function, which not only enables us to share and download the Bible verse images we like, but also to easily create custom images. We will find a selection of images by just tapping the square button in the Verse of the Day from the Featured section. Once an image has been selected, we can add our favorite Bible verses and then adjust text fonts, typography and other settings according to our preferences. After we are done editing, we can share these images with our families and friends and set them as the wallpaper on our phones or tablets.
What’s more, this app is completely free and will be updated occasionally with new features. All sorts of spiritual resources are waiting for you in Bible Reading Made Easy. Try it today!

全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選段14-15

Only Those Who Listen to the Voice of God Can Welcome the Appearance of the Lord WhatsApp:
https://chat.whatsapp.com/Dbl pBrzzl7i.
The Lord Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice, and know them, and they follow Me" (John 10:27).
"Behold, stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me" (Revelation 3:20). "And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him" (Matthew 25:6).
God says, "Since we are searching for the footprints of God, it behooves us to search for God's will, for the words of God, for His utterances-because wherever there are new words spoken by God, the voice of God is there, and wherever there are the footsteps of God, God's deeds are there. Wherever there is the expression of God, there God appears, and wherever God appears, there the truth, the way, and the life exist. In seeking God's footprints, you have ignored the words 'God is the truth, the way, and the life.! And so, many people, even when they receive the truth, do not believe that they have found God'sfootprints, and still less do they acknowledge the appearance of God. What a grave mistake!"
"Wherever God appears, there the truth is expressed, and there the voice of God will be. Only those who can accept the truth will be able to hear the voice of God, and only such people are qualified to witness the appearance of God."
According to the words of God, the Lord will return to speak again. Some individuals will preach that the Lord has returned and is speaking again. The wise virgins, upon hearing this news, will seek to listen to God's voice, and determine whether it is the appearance and work of God. Once they recognize the voice of God, they will accept and follow, and then they will be able to welcome the Lord. Many people are now testifying that the Lord Jesus has returned and that He has expressed the Holy Spirit's words to all churches, unveiling all the truths and mysteries related to saving humanity and lead them to the kingdom of heaven. Would you like to seek and hear these truths, and be reunited with the Lord soon? If yes, please don't hesitate to click the WhatsApp link to contact us.

全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選段14-15

Ang Salita ng Diyos | "Ang Kahulugan ng Paghahangad sa Katotohanan 14" (Ikaapat na Bahagi)

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Araw-araw na mga Salita ng Diyos: Pagkilala sa Gawain ng Diyos | Sipi 200

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Araw-araw na mga Salita ng Diyos: Pagkilala sa Gawain ng Diyos | Sipi 201

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Araw-araw na mga Salita ng Diyos: Pagkilala sa Gawain ng Diyos | Sipi 208

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Araw-araw na mga Salita ng Diyos: Pagkilala sa Gawain ng Diyos | Sipi 209


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Araw-araw na mga Salita ng Diyos: Pagkilala sa Gawain ng Diyos | Sipi 210

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Araw-araw na mga Salita ng Diyos: Paglalantad ng Katiwalian ng Sangkatauhan | Sipi 366

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Tagalog Christian Music Video | "Nadala Kami sa Harap ng Luklukan"

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全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選段14-15






全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選段14-15

全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選段14-15


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