      天军也都敬拜你。你是耶和华 神,曾拣选亚伯兰,领他出迦勒底的吾珥,给他改名叫亚伯拉罕。你见他在你面前心里诚实,(经过试验以后)  就与他立约,应许把迦南人、赫人、亚摩利人、比利洗人、耶布斯人、革迦撒人之地赐给他的后裔,且应验了你的话,因为你是公义的。
     你曾看见我们列祖在埃及所受的困苦  ,  (以色列人在埃及为奴430年)  垂听他们在红海边的哀求,就施行神迹奇事在法老和他一切臣仆,并他国中的众民身上。你也得了名声,正如今日一样,因为你知道他们向我们列祖行事狂傲。你又在我们列祖面前把海分开,使他们在海中行走干地,将追赶他们的人抛在深海,如石头抛在大水中;
“但我们的列祖行事狂傲,硬着颈项不听从你的诫命;不肯顺从,也不记念你在他们中间所行的奇事,竟硬着颈项,居心背逆,自立首领,要回他们为奴之地。(埃及)  但你是乐意饶恕人,有恩典,有怜悯,不轻易发怒,有丰盛慈爱的 神,并不丢弃他们。他们虽然铸了一只牛犊,彼此说‘这是领你出埃及的神’,因而大大惹动你的怒气;你还是大施怜悯,在旷野不丢弃他们。
      “马利亚到了耶稣那里,看见他,就俯伏在他脚前,说:“主啊,你若早在这里,我兄弟必不死。”耶稣看见她哭,并看见与她同来的犹太人也哭,就心里悲叹,又甚忧愁,便说:“你们把他安放在哪里?”他们回答说:“请主来看。”耶稣哭了。犹太人就说:“你看他爱这人是何等恳切。”……耶稣又心里悲叹,来到坟墓前;那坟墓是个洞,有一块石头挡着。耶稣说:“你们把石头挪开。”那死人的姐姐马大对他说:“主啊,他现在必是臭了,因为他死了已经四天了。”耶稣说:“我不是对你说过,你若信,就必看见 神的荣耀吗?”……说了这话,就大声呼叫说:“拉撒路出来!”那死人就出来了……
(约翰福音 11:32-36,38-40,43-44 和合本)
       “ 当主耶稣与人同生活的时候,他看见过农民耕种,他知道什么是稗子,知道什么是面酵,也了解人类喜欢宝贝,所以他用了藏宝的比喻,也用了寻宝的比喻。在生活中他常常看到打渔的人撒网,等等这些与人类生活有关的行为主耶稣都看在眼里,同时他也体验着这样的生活,他与每一个正常的人一样,体验着人类的一日三餐、日常作息,亲历着一个普通人的生活,也目睹着其他人的生活。当他目睹亲历这一切的时候,他想到的不是如何过好日子,不是如何让自己活得更自在、更舒适,而是在经历这些人类真实生活的同时,主耶稣看到了人类活着的辛酸,看到了人类在撒但败坏之下生活在撒但的权下、生活在罪中的辛酸与可怜可悲。在他亲历了人类生活的同时,他也体验到了生活在败坏中的人类是多么的无助,也体验到了看到了生活在罪中的人类被撒但、被罪恶折磨得不知所终的惨状。当主耶稣看到这些的时候,是他的神性看到了还是他的人性看到了呢?主耶稣的人性是存在的,是活生生的,他能体验也看到这一切,而他的实质,就是他的神性当然也看到了,也就是基督本身——主耶稣这个人看到了,他看到的这一切让他感受到了此次道成肉身所担当的工作的重要性与必要性。
摘自《话.  卷二》
摘自《话  ,卷二》



全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選段21

21 當時,耶和華在以色列作工的意義、目的、步驟就是為了在全地開展他的工作,以以色列為中心向外邦擴展,這是他在全宇作工作的原則——以點帶面,然後擴展,以至于達到全宇之下都接受他的福音。開始的以色列人就是挪亞的後代,這些人只有耶和華的氣息,也懂得吃穿住行,但并不知道耶和華是怎麽樣的一位神,也并不知道他對人的心意,更不知道人當怎樣敬畏造物的主。是否有規條,是否有律例,是否有受造之物對造物主該盡的本分,亞當的後代并不知道這些。他們只知道做丈夫的應該出力流汗養家糊口,做妻子的應該順服丈夫,為耶和華所造的人類傳宗接代。就是説,像這樣的只有耶和華氣息、有耶和華生命的人并不知道怎樣遵行神的法度,怎樣滿足造物的主,他們明白得太少。所以説,在他們的心中雖然没有彎曲詭詐,也很少有嫉妒紛争,但是他們對耶和華——造物的主并不認識也不了解。就這樣的人的祖先只知道吃耶和華的、享受耶和華的,却不懂得敬畏耶和華,不懂得耶和華是他們當跪拜的,這怎麽能稱為受造之物呢?這樣,「耶和華是造物的主」,「他造人類是為了彰顯他、榮耀他、能够代表他」這話不就落空了嗎?没有敬畏耶和華之心的人怎能成為耶和華榮耀的見證呢?怎能成為耶和華榮耀的彰顯呢?那麽耶和華所説的「我照着我的形像造了人類」這話不就成為撒但——那惡者所抓的把柄了嗎?這話不就成了耶和華造人類羞辱的記號了嗎?為了完成這步工作,耶和華造了人類之後,從亞當到挪亞,他并没有指示帶領他們,而是從洪水滅世以後正式帶領以色列人——挪亞的後代,也就是亞當的後代。他在以色列作工説話帶領以色列所有的衆百姓在以色列全地生活,以至于讓人看見耶和華不僅能够吹給人氣息讓人有他的生命,從塵土中得復苏成為受造的人類,而且他能够焚燒人類、咒詛人類,用他的刑杖管理着人類,而且他又能帶領人在地上生活,按照晝與夜的時間在人中間説話作工。他所作的工作只是為了讓受造之物都明白,人本是來自于耶和華從地上撿起的塵土之中,而且是耶和華所造。不僅這樣,他先在以色列作工更是為了讓以色列以外的(其實并不是以色列以外的,而是從以色列人當中分出來的外邦與外族,但其祖先仍是亞當與夏娃)各邦各族能從以色列得着耶和華的福音,以便全宇之下的受造之物都能敬畏耶和華,尊耶和華為大。假如耶和華起始不在以色列作工,只是造了人類之後讓人類在地上無憂無慮地生活,這樣,就按人的肉體本性來説(本性即指人永遠不知道人所看不着的東西,也就是不知道是耶和華造的人類,更不知道耶和華為什麽造人類)永遠不知道是耶和華造的人類,也永遠不知道耶和華是萬物的主。若耶和華把人類造完放在地上之後,耶和華便甩袖而去,却不在人中間帶領人一段時間,那整個人類就歸于烏有,甚至創造的天地萬物與人類都將歸于烏有,而且成了撒但踐踏之地。這樣,耶和華所盼望的「在地上就是他所造之物中間,能有他的立足之地,也就是聖地」這個願望就破滅了。所以説,他造了人類之後,能在人類中間帶領人生活,在人類中間向人説話,都是為了實現他的願望,也是為了成就他的計劃。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・律法時代的工作》

数算神恩!/全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選



全能神話語朗誦《獨一無二的神自己 四》神的聖潔(一) 第二部分32:17




全能神話語朗誦《作工與進入 三》19:40














“在尽本分的过程中,积极方面你能正确对待自己的本分,无论什么环境临到都能不放弃本分,即使别人都不信了、都不尽本分了,你还能守住本分,从始到终不放弃,对自己的本分能够坚守到底、忠心到底,这样你就真把本分当本分,完全尽上忠心了。你能达到这个标准,基本上就达到合格的尽本分了,这是在积极方面。但是,在达到这个标准之前,在消极方面人得能经得住各种试探。如果一个人在尽本分的过程中没经得住试探,放弃本分逃跑了,背叛本分了,这是什么问题?这就是背叛神了,背叛神的托付就是背叛神。他背叛神了还能蒙拯救吗?那就完了,彻底没希望了,他以前所尽的本分也只不过是效力了,随着他的背叛化为乌有了。所以说,必须得守住本分,守住本分就有希望,忠心尽好本分就能达到蒙拯救,就能得着神的称许。守住本分对每一个人来说最大的难处是什么?就是临到试探的时候能不能站立得住。试探都有哪些?钱财、地位、男女、情感。还有什么?如果有些本分是担点风险的,甚至有性命危险,尽这样的本分可能就得被抓坐监,就得被迫害死,那你还能不能尽本分?能不能坚持住?这些试探容不容易胜过,就看人是不是追求真理的人,能不能在追求真理的过程中对所临到的这些试探逐步地有分辨、有认识,认识它的实质,认识它里面的撒但诡计,也认识自己的败坏性情、自己的本性实质、自己的软弱,也常常求神保守自己能够经得住这些试探。如果能经得住试探,无论在什么环境下都能守住自己的本分,不背叛、不逃脱,这在蒙拯救的几率上就达到百分之五十了。这个百分之五十容不容易达到?一步一个坎,步步都是险境,不容易达到啊!”----《话・卷三 末世基督座谈纪要・什么是合格的尽本分》


The Parable of the Wise Virgins
The Lord Jesus said, “Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened to ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go you rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Truly I say to you, I know you not” (Matthew 25:1–12).
Does Reading the Bible and Praying Often, Working Hard and Waiting Attentively for the Lord’s Coming Make One a Wise Virgin?
Each and every brother and sister who sincerely believes in the Lord hopes to be a wise virgin who can welcome the return of the Lord Jesus, our Savior, in the last days, and attend the feast with Him. To this end, some people often read the Bible, pray and stay alert and prepared, some people work hard, make donations and expend themselves, and some people punctually attend gatherings and wait attentively for the coming of the Lord, and so on. Each and every one of us prepares, expends ourselves and waits in our own way, and we strongly believe that we are the wise virgins and that we will certainly be able to welcome the return of the Lord. And yet, nowadays, there are more and more occurrences of famines, plagues and earthquakes all over the world, wars are breaking out all the time and there are frequent appearances of the awe-inspiring blood moons; the omens presaging the Lord’s return have now basically been fulfilled and, as should be expected, the Lord should return. We have stayed alert and prepared for so many years, however, so how come we have not yet welcomed the Lord? Some brothers and sisters cannot help but begin to worry: “Is our preparing oil in this way at odds with the Lord’s will? What exactly are the wise virgins? And what are the foolish virgins? How should the wise virgins prepare oil in order to welcome the Lord and attend the wedding feast of the Lamb?”
With regard to these questions, we can find the answers by looking at which people recognized the Lord Jesus as the prophesied Messiah and which people lost the Lord’s salvation two thousand years ago when the Lord Jesus came to the world to perform His work. At the end of the Age of Law, more and more people were in danger of being put to death because they were unable to keep the law. In order to save man from being condemned and cursed by the law, God incarnated as the Lord Jesus and performed the work of redemption, He brought the way of “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17) to man and He performed many miracles, such as calming the winds and the sea, feeding the five thousand with five loaves and two fish, and bringing the dead back to life with a word. Those who truly sought the truth and who yearned for God to appear, such as Peter, John and Matthew, perceived the authority and power of God in the words and the work of the Lord Jesus. They therefore recognized Him as the Messiah who was prophesied to come, and so they followed the Lord and received His salvation. Furthermore, the Samaritan woman heard the Lord reveal her secrets buried in her heart. She realized that only God could bring all a person’s darkest secrets into the light, and thus she recognized the Lord Jesus as the Messiah, as Christ. These people heard the voice of God in the words the Lord Jesus spoke, and they recognized the Lord Jesus as God Himself. As for the chief priests, scribes and Pharisees, however, although they were well-versed in the Bible, although they preached the gospel far and wide, suffered greatly and paid a great price, they were arrogant and conceited and they clung to their own conceptions and imaginings, believing that someone who was not called Messiah could not possibly be God. The Pharisees tried to find fault in the Lord Jesus’ words, they judged and blasphemed against Him and they deceived and obstructed the Jewish faithful from following Him. They even went so far as to collude with the Roman authorities to crucify the Lord Jesus. Thus, they became people who believed in God and yet defied Him, they offended God’s disposition and they became subject to the wrath and punishment of God.
From this, we can see that the wise virgins were wise because they took heed to listen to God’s voice and, once they were able to understand God’s voice, they were then able to accept the truth and welcome the appearance of God. The foolish virgins, however, were the exact opposite. They did not understand God’s voice, and so even though they heard the utterances of God, they still did not go forth to seek, they did not accept them, and they did not submit to them. They just stubbornly clung to their own conceptions and imaginings and they rejected the appearance and work of God, and thus, ultimately, they lost God’s salvation. This sufficiently proves that whether or not one can become a wise virgin is not predicated upon how long one has believed in God, how much knowledge of the Bible one understands, how much one appears to work and toil or how much one suffers or expends oneself, but rather it is predicated upon whether or not one takes heed to listen to God’s voice and whether or not one can understand it. Just as the Lord Jesus said: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27). If we live within our own conceptions and imaginings and we believe that all we need to do is read the Bible, pray, stay alert and prepared, attend gatherings, wait attentively, work hard for the Lord, make donations and expend ourselves, but we do not take heed to listen to God’s voice and we do not seek or investigate them even when we hear the utterances of truth, then we will be apt to become foolish virgins and we will be abandoned by the Lord!
How Should Wise Virgins Prepare the Oil to Welcome the Lord’s Return in the Last Days?
The Lord Jesus has told us long ago how we should prepare the oil to welcome His return. The Lord Jesus said, “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come” (John 16: 12–13). “And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him” (Matthew 25:6). “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20). “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27). And in chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation, it is prophesied many times: “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” From this, we can see that, when the Lord Jesus returns in the last days, He yet has things to say to the churches and He will lead us to understand and enter into all truths. To say this another way, when the Lord Jesus returns, He will use His utterances to seek out His sheep. The wise virgins are possessed of both heart and spirit, and when they hear someone testifying the news of the Lord Jesus’ return, they are then able to positively and actively seek out and listen to the voice of God. Over a period of seeking and investigation, the wise virgins are then able to recognize the Lord’s voice and, in this way, they are then able to open the doors to their hearts, welcome the Lord in and attend the feast alongside the Lord.
When we hear the news of the Lord’s return, then, how can we recognize the voice of the Lord? What key points should we grasp?
1. The Words of God Are Expressions of His Disposition, and They Possess Both Power and Authority
As we all know, in the beginning, God used words to create the world and all things. No sooner does He utter a word than it comes to pass. God speaks and it is done and He commands and it stands fast—this is the most obvious trait of the words of God. In the time of the Old Testament, God promised that the descendants of Abraham would be as numerous as stars in the sky or as grains of sand, and thus it came to be. Everything God says will be accomplished, and this is the authority and the power of His words. Jehovah God said, “Visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me, And showing mercy to thousands of them that love Me and keep My commandments” (Deuteronomy 5:9–10). The Lord Jesus said: “Truly I say to you, Except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3). “Why I say to you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven to men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven to men. And whoever speaks a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come” (Matthew 12:31–32). “But I say to you, That whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whoever shall say, You fool, shall be in danger of hell fire” (Matthew 5:22). The words of God carry authority and power, and they carry God’s disposition. From God’s words, we can not only see that His words rule and administer all things, but we can also see that His words give promises and bestow blessings on people, and they can also curse the rebelliousness and defiance of man. Toward those who love Him, God is filled with mercy and lovingkindness, and toward those who defy Him, He is filled with majesty and wrath, thus allowing us to see His righteous disposition that brooks no offense. From this, we can see that the words of God are all expressions of His disposition and of what He has and is and that, even more so, they carry the unique authority and power of the Creator. No human being can speak the words of God, and if we can understand this trait which God’s words possess, then we will be able to accurately recognize the voice of God.
2. God’s Words Can Reveal the Mysteries of God’s Management Work
The utterances of God will necessarily be able to reveal the mysteries of His management work. For example, it was prophesied in the Old Testament that Elias would come, but when he did come, no one recognized him. Only when the Lord Jesus unveiled this mystery, saying, “And if you will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come” (Matthew 11:14), did people realize that John the Baptist was the prophet Elias. Moreover, the Lord Jesus said: “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17). “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like to a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind: Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away. So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 13:47–50). “Not every one that said to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 7:21). Only when the Lord Jesus unveiled the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven did we come to understand that only those who truly repent and who do the will of the Father in heaven may enter into the heavenly kingdom. The wicked who do not truly repent, on the other hand, will be unable to enter into the kingdom of heaven. Besides this, the Lord Jesus also prophesied that He would return, and that the Son of man would perform the work of judgment in the last days and perfect a group of people into overcomers before the arrival of the disasters. He also prophesied such things as the manifestation of the kingdom of Christ. Why was the Lord Jesus able to tell us of these mysteries? It was because the Lord Jesus was God Himself, and only God knows what kind of people the kingdom of heaven wants, what work God will perform in the last days, and what He shall finally achieve with His salvation of mankind. That is to say, only the utterances of God can reveal the mysteries of God’s management work and no human being can attain to them. This is a trait of the voice of God.
3. God’s Word Is the Truth That Can Resolve Our Real Problems and Show Us the Path of Practice
The Lord Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). Each and every word God speaks is the truth and God is the spring of living waters that expresses the truth, supplying us with a steady flow of truth according to our needs as corrupt mankind and allowing us a way forward. Toward the end of the Age of Law, for example, people could no longer keep the law or the commandments, and all were in danger of being condemned and put to death by the law. God personally incarnated as the Lord Jesus and appeared and performed His work. Upon the foundation of the law of the Old Testament, He expressed the way of repentance and showed those who followed Him the specific path of practice they needed. In relation to prayer, for example, the Lord Jesus said: “God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). “But when you pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking” (Matthew 6:7). In relation to people getting along with each other, the Lord Jesus said: “For if you love them which love you, what reward have you? do not even the publicans the same? And if you salute your brothers only, what do you more than others? do not even the publicans so? Be you therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:46–48). “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged: and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again” (Matthew 7:1–2). From the words spoken by the Lord Jesus, we gained a new way that was higher than the law and all our manifold real problems and difficulties were resolved. At the same time, we also found a more accurate path of practice, and when we practice in accordance with the Lord’s teachings, we are then able to enjoy the work and guidance of the Holy Spirit, and our relationship with God draws closer. It is therefore evident that these words expressed by the Lord Jesus were what people needed in the Age of Grace and, even more importantly, they became our life supply. So what words will God express in the last days to lead us? In order to understand this question, there is a fact we should first be aware of: The Lord Jesus performed the work of redemption and, although we have been forgiven through our belief in the Lord, our sinful nature remains unresolved, and we are therefore still capable of sinning frequently and of being unable to put the Lord’s teachings into practice. The Lord is holy, and unless our sinful nature is cleansed away, then we have no way to obtain the Lord’s praise. That is why the Lord Jesus prophesied that He would return in the last days to speak His words and to perform the work to cleanse and save man. The Lord Jesus said, “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come” (John 16: 12–13). “And if any man hear My words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He that rejects Me, and receives not My words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (John 12 47–48). In Hebrews 9:28, it says: “So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and to them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin to salvation.” We can see from this that, in the last days, God will use the truth to judge and cleanse man and to save us utterly from the bonds of sin. Those wise virgins who are waiting attentively to hear the Bridegroom’s voice should be somewhat inspired. If they hear someone preaching that the Lord has returned to do His work of judgment, then, they should listen with rapt attention. So long as the words can expose their corruption, show them the path to be cleansed free of sin and supply them with life, then these words will indeed be the voice of God.
4. God Scrutinizes the Innermost Heart of Man and He Can Both See Through to and Expose the Corruption of Mankind
God is the Creator and His Spirit scrutinizes all things. God knows us like the palm of His own hand, and only the words of God can expose the source of our corruption and the essence of our nature. For example, the Lord Jesus was God incarnate, meaning that He was the Spirit of God in heaven actualized as an ordinary flesh. Therefore, the words spoken by the Lord Jesus were able to immediately expose our human nature essence. As we all know, the Pharisees at that time were people who served God with piety in the eyes of the common Jewish folk. The Lord Jesus, however, scrutinized the innermost heart of man, and He saw through to the essence of the Pharisees’ nature which loved unrighteousness and hated the truth, and He exposed the Pharisees by saying: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you are like to white washed sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness” (Matthew 23:27). “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for you neither go in yourselves, neither suffer you them that are entering to go in” (Matthew 23:13). “You serpents, you generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell?” (Matthew 23:33). God scrutinizes the innermost heart of man and can see through to the sin that lies within our hearts. He knew the Pharisees’ nature to be one that hated the truth and that hated Him, and He knew them to be antichrists who had set themselves against Him. The Lord Jesus therefore exposed the Pharisees’ wicked deeds and He condemned them for their sins. We can therefore see that God is the truth and the word of God is the light, and all darkness and evil must be revealed by His words! In the last days, God expresses the truth to judge all of our unrighteousness and He needs must expose all our satanic corrupt dispositions of which we remain unaware, so that we may come to know our own corruption. Only by being like the wise virgins and having a heart that reveres God and accepts the truth will we be able to receive God’s salvation of the last days.
Here above are the main principles and paths on how we can discern God’s voice. By understanding and grasping these principles, when we hear someone testifying that the Lord has returned and brought to us the utterances which the Holy Spirit speaks to the churches, and when we positively and actively seek it out and listen to these words with our hearts, then we will be able to correctly recognize the voice of God and welcome the return of the Lord. Therefore, if we wish to become wise virgins, then we should relinquish our conceptions and imaginings, focus on listening to God’s voice, discern it to be God’s voice, and then accept and submit to it, and follow closely the footsteps of the Lamb. Only by doing this will we be able to enjoy the ever-flowing supply of the living water of life and attend the wedding feast of the Lamb. If we hear the utterances of the returned Lord and we do not seek them, we do not accept them, but instead are held bound by our own conceptions and imaginings, believing that as long as we read the Bible and pray often and work hard for the Lord then we will be able to welcome the Lord Jesus, and we do not seek or investigate God’s work of the last days, then we will become foolish virgins, and we will have forever missed our chance to obtain God’s salvation of the last days!
Thanks be to the enlightenment and guidance of God. May we all become wise virgins who can welcome the Lord Jesus’ return and attend the feast by His side. Amen!



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