全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選段22-23 (一)神揭示律法時代作工的話語
22 在律法時代,耶和華定了許多誡命,讓摩西頒布給那些跟隨他出埃及地的以色列民,這誡命在當時是耶和華賜給以色列民的,與埃及人并無關係,是為了約束以色列人的,以誡命來要求他們,是否守安息日,是否孝敬父母,是否拜偶像,等等,以這些為原則被定為罪或被稱為義。在他們中間或者有耶和華的火臨到他們,或者被石頭砸死,或者得着耶和華的祝福,都是根據人是否守住這些誡命。人若没守安息日就被别人用石頭砸死,若有祭司没守住安息日,就有耶和華的火臨到他。人若不孝敬父母也被别人用石頭砸死,這都是耶和華可稱許的。耶和華定誡命、律法都是為了在他帶領人生活期間能讓人聽他的話,順服他的話,不至于悖逆他,以這些律法來控制住這些初生的人類,以便為以後的工作打下基礎。所以,根據耶和華所作的工作稱第一個時代為律法的時代。
——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・律法時代的工作》
23 在律法時代,以耶和華這個名作了帶領人類的工作,在地上開展了第一步工作。作這步工作就是建造聖殿、建造祭壇,以律法來帶領以色列民,作工在以色列民中間。帶領以色列民,也就是在地上開展他工作的根據地,以此根據地來擴展以色列以外的工作,就是從以色列開始往外擴展,以後的人逐漸都知道耶和華是神,是耶和華造了天地萬物,是耶和華造了所有的受造之物,藉着以色列民往外擴展工作。以色列之地是耶和華在地上作工的第一個聖地,神在地上作工最初是在以色列全地,這是律法時代作的工作。
——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・作工异象 三》 https://reurl.cc/4WkmEj
情形 . 60多岁,还有高血压,记忆力下降,忘事,担心尽不好本分,不知道该如何追求真理,忧虑不能得着真理。(别人的事例) . 神的话说: . “老年人在有生之年更应该好好追求真理,追求生命进入,与弟兄姊妹一起和谐配搭尽本分,这样身量才能长大。千万别以老自居,倚老卖老。年轻人能流露任何的败坏性情,你也一样;年轻人能做什么愚昧的事,你也一样;年轻人有观念,老年人也有;年轻人有悖逆,老年人也有;年轻人能流露敌基督性情,老年人也一样能流露;年轻人有野心、有欲望,老年人也有,一点不差;年轻人能打岔搅扰,能被清除,老年人也能打岔搅扰,也一样能被清除。所以,老年人除了能力所能及地尽好自己的本分以外,能做的事很多。除非你傻了、你痴呆了,不能明白真理了,除非你不能自理了,否则的话,你应该做的事很多,与年轻人一样,也能够追求真理,也能够寻求真理,也应该来到神的面前常常祷告,寻求真理原则,争取做到看人看事、做人做事都以神的话语为根据,以真理为准则,这是你该走的道路,而不是总因为自己年老、身体多病、肉体老化而愁苦、忧虑、担心。愁苦、忧虑、担心这都不是正事,这是不理性的表现。”《话・卷六 关于追求真理(上)・怎样追求真理(三)》
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基督教會歌曲《信神失敗的原因》【詩歌MV】 https://reurl.cc/y65g5E
基督教會歌曲《性情變化的人才能見證神》【詩歌MV】 https://reurl.cc/v6y5Wo
揭示敵基督《第四條 高舉見證自己》第五集 https://reurl.cc/Ny5XNn
基督教會歌曲《無人明白神拯救人的良苦用心》【詩歌MV】 https://reurl.cc/7MZy59
If people do not draw near to God, they are like fish out of water. In the long run, it will lead to death. WhatsApp: https://chat. whatsapp.com/Db1 pBrzzl7i. I'm too busy with work, no time to get close to the Lord. I'm caught up with studies, no time to get close to the Lord. There's too much going on at home. I have no time to get close to the Lord. Do you also find these excuses to avoid being close to God? If so, do you realize the dangerous consequences of continuing like this? Just as fish can't survive without water, prolonged absence from God can lead us to lose His blessings and guidance, leaving us in darkness. After understanding the importance of being close to God, let's read His words below to learn how to draw near to God even amid busy schedules. God says, "If you can dedicate one or two hours each day to true spiritual life, then your life that day will feel enriched and your heart will be bright and clear. If you live this kind of spiritual life every day, thenyour heart will be able to return more into God's possession, your spirit will become stronger and stronger, your condition will constantly improve, you will become more capable of walking the path on which the Holy Spirit leads, and God will bestow increased blessings upon you. The purpose of your spiritual life is consciously to gain the presence of the Holy Spirit. It is not to observe rules or conduct religious rituals, but truly to act in concert with God, truly to discipline your body-this is what man should do, so you should do this with the utmost effort. The better your cooperation and the more effort you commit, the more your heart will be able to return to God and the better you wil be able to quiet your heart before Him. At a certain point, God will gain your heart completely. No one will be able to sway or capture your heart, and you will belong completely to God.If you walk this path, then God's word will reveal itself to you at all times and enlighten you about everything that you do not understand- this can all be achieved through your cooperation. This is why God always says, 'All who act in concert with Me, I will reward twice over."Would you be willing to set aside som
It is prophesied in the Book of Revelation: "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and I will sup with him, and he with me" (Revelation 3:20). How does the Lord come knocking?Trials and tribulations are increasing - the prophecy of the Lord's return has been largely fulfilled, but we have yet to greet Him. Throughout the years, we have been expecting the Lord to return in the clouds, which coincides with His word. In fact, there is more than one prophecy about the Lord's return in the last days. Do you remember that? He also prophesied, "And at midnight there was a cry, saying, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him" (Matthew 25:6). It is also prophesied in the Book of Revelation: 'If ye watch not, I am come upon you as a thief; and when I am come upon you, ye know not' (Revelation 3:3). If the Lord really does come in the clouds at the end of time, as we think He will, then how could these prophecies be fulfilled? How could He stand at the door and knock? The fact is that these prophecies are not contradictory. We can look for truth in these prophecies. The verses just mentioned are saying that the Lord will return in two ways, secretly and openly. He will first return secretly to do His work, and when He has completed the work of a group of overcomers, He will appear openly. During His secret work, if He knocks on our door and we do not open it to meet Him, it will be us who weep when He appears openly. Therefore, if we want to open the door to greet Him when He comes knocking, first we must understand the true meaning of His knocking on the door when He returns and how He knocks. Otherwise, even if He comes knocking, we will turn Him away out of ignorance. Then, we will probably miss the opportunity to welcome Him and be raptured into the Kingdom of Heaven!" "It is prophesied in the Book of Revelation that 'he who has an ear may hear what the Spirit says to the churches' (Revelation 2:7). John 16:12-13: 'I have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.' Nevertheless, the Spirit of truth has come to guide you into all truth, for he does not speak his own words,
🍂II. Questions and Answers on the Incarnation 🌿6. During the Age of Grace, God became flesh and served as a sin offering for mankind, thus redeeming mankind from sin. God has become flesh once again in the last days. He expresses the truth and does the work of judgment, utterly cleansing mankind and saving mankind from the influence of Satan. Why must He become flesh twice to perform the work of mankind’s salvation? What is the true significance of these two incarnations? 🌱Bible Verses for Reference: 🌱“So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and to them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin to salvation” (Heb 9:28). 💖Almighty God says: At the time that Jesus was doing His work, man’s knowledge of Him was still vague and unclear. Man always believed Him to be the son of David, and proclaimed Him to be a great prophet, the benevolent Lord who redeemed man’s sins. Some, on the strength of their faith, were healed just from touching the edge of His garment; the blind could see and even the dead could be restored to life. However, man was unable to discover the corrupt satanic disposition deeply rooted within himself, neither did he know how to cast it away. Man received much grace, such as the peace and happiness of the flesh, the faith of one member bringing blessing on an entire family, the healing of sickness, and so on. The rest were the good deeds of man and his godly appearance; if someone could live on the basis of these, they were considered an acceptable believer. Only believers of this kind could enter heaven after death, which meant that they were saved. But, in their lifetime, these people did not understand at all the way of life. All they did was to commit sins and then confess their sins in a constant cycle without any path to change their disposition: Such was the condition of man in the Age of Grace. Has man received complete salvation? No! Therefore, after that stage of work was finished, there still remained the work of judgment and chastisement. This stage is to make man pure by means of the word, and thereby give him a path to follow. This stage would not be fruitful or meaningful if it continued with the casting out of demons, for it would fail to extirpate man’s sinful nature, and man would come to a standstill at the forgiveness of his sins. Through the sin offering, man has been forgiven his sins, for the work of the crucifixion has already come to an end and God has prevailed over Satan. But the corrupt disposition of man still remaining within him, man can still sin and resist God, and God has not gained mankind. That is why in this stage of work God uses the word to expose the corrupt disposition of man, causing him to practice in accordance with the right path. This stage is more meaningful than the previous one, as well as more fruitful, for now it is the word that directly supplies man’s life and enables the disposition of man to be completely renewed; it is a much more thorough stage of work. Therefore, the incarnation in the last days has completed the significance of God’s incarnation and completely finished God’s management plan for man’s salvation. —The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. The Mystery of the Incarnation (4) 🥰🥰
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