
全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選段26-27

26 當耶和華没作兩千年工作以先,人什麽都不知道,幾乎都墮落下去,以至于達到洪水滅世以前人都淫亂敗壞,心裏根本没有耶和華,更不存有耶和華的道。他們從來不明白耶和華要作什麽工作,他們没有理智,更没見識,只是像一個喘着氣的機器一樣,對人、對神、對萬物、對生命等等這些他們一律不知。在地上他們作了許多毒蛇引誘的工作,説了許多觸犯耶和華的話,但是因着他們的無知,耶和華并没有刑罰他們,也没有管教他們,只是在洪水滅世之後,就是挪亞六百零一歲以後,耶和華正式向挪亞顯現,帶領挪亞和他的家裏人,就是帶領這在洪水以後所存留下來的飛禽走獸與挪亞及其子孫後代,直到律法時代結束,共兩千五百年。他在以色列作工也就是正式作工一共兩千年,在以色列與以色列以外同時作工共是五百年,合起來一共是兩千五百年。在這期間,他告訴以色列人事奉耶和華當建聖殿、當穿祭司袍,而且是從凌晨光着脚走入聖殿,免得他們的鞋玷污耶和華的聖殿,以至于有火從殿頂上降在他們的身上將他們燒死。他們都盡上自己的本分順服耶和華的安排,在聖殿裏祈禱耶和華,得着耶和華的啓示,就是在耶和華説話之後,再帶領衆百姓,使衆百姓知道當敬畏耶和華——他們的神。耶和華還告訴他們,當建造聖殿、建造祭壇,在耶和華的時候,就是耶和華的逾越節備有初生的牛犢、羔羊獻在祭壇上來事奉耶和華,以便來約束他們,讓他們對耶和華有敬畏的心,藉着他們守這律法來衡量他們對耶和華是否忠心。耶和華還為他們定了安息日,就是他創造萬物的第七日為安息日,定安息日以後的頭一日為首日,是他們贊美耶和華、為耶和華獻祭、為耶和華鼓樂彈琴的日子,當這一日,耶和華把祭司們都召集來,把祭壇上的祭物分給衆百姓吃,讓他們享受耶和華祭壇上的祭物,而且耶和華説他們是有福的,是與他有份的,是他的選民(這也就是耶和華與以色列人所立的約),所以至今以色列的衆百姓還説耶和華只是他們的神,并不是外邦人的神。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・律法時代的工作》

27 雖然耶和華説了許多話,作了許多工作,但是他只是從正面來帶領人,帶領這些無知的人學會做人、學會生活、明白耶和華的道,他所作的工作多數都是讓人能够守住他的道,遵行他的律法,是在經敗壞很淺的人身上作工,談不到什麽變化性情,也談不到什麽生命長進,只是藉着守律法來將人約束,將人控制。對當時的以色列人來説,耶和華只是在聖殿裏的神,也是在天上的神,是雲柱,也是火柱。耶和華讓他們所做的僅僅是今天之人所認為的律法、誡命,甚至可以説是規條,因為耶和華所作的并不是為了變化他們,而是將更多的、人該裝備的東西賜給人,親口告訴給人,因為人被造以後對人該具備的人根本没有。這樣,耶和華就把人在地上生活所該有的賜給了他們,使經過耶和華所帶領的人類超過了人類的祖先——夏娃與亞當,因為耶和華賜給他們的超過了起初賜給夏娃與亞當的。不管怎麽樣,耶和華在以色列作的工作只能成為人的帶領,讓人承認造物的主,但并不是征服,也不是變化,僅僅是帶領,這就是律法時代的全部工作,是耶和華在以色列全地所作的工作背景、内幕、實質,也是六千年的起始工作——將人都控制在耶和華的手中,這樣,就産生了六千年經營計劃的更多的工作。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・律法時代的工作》




全能神話語朗誦《獨一無二的神自己 三》神的權柄(二) 第一部分27:15






全能神話語朗誦《獨一無二的神自己 三》神的權柄(二) 第二部分1:06:08



   关于大灾难与被提的话题常久以来一直是“基督"教争论不休的一个话题,有人说是灾前被提;有人说是灾中被提; 又有人坚持说是灾后被提;现代派又非常高调地说是主、驾着白云来时一刹那眨眼工夫被提……
     “耶稣站在巡抚面前;巡抚问他说:“你是犹太人的王吗?”耶稣说:“你说的是。”(马太福音 27:11 和合本)
     “ 我们现在照主的话告诉你们一件事:我们这活着还存留到主降临的人,断不能在那已经睡了的人之先。因为主必亲自从天降临,有呼叫的声音和天使长的声音,又有 神的号吹响;那在基督里死了的人必先复活。以后我们这活着还存留的人必和他们一同被提到云里,在空中与主相遇。这样,我们就要和主永远同在。(帖撒罗尼迦前书 4:15-17 和合本)
③     那在基督里死了的人必先复活:
④     然后这些还活着的人与那些在基督里睡了的人一同被到云中与主相遇。
      “亚当的七世孙以诺曾预言这些人说:“看哪,主带着他的千万圣者降临,(犹大书 1:14 和合本)
      “ 在圣经里选用了保罗的十三封书信,这十三封书信都是保罗针对当时各处人的不同情形而写的,是受圣灵感动写的,是站在使徒的位上(即站在主耶稣的仆人的角度上)来教训各处的弟兄姊妹,所以,保罗的书信不是来源于预言,也不是直接来源于异象,而是因着他所担的工作而有的书信。这些书信并不稀奇古怪,也并不像预言一样令人不解,这些话语只是书信,并不是预言、奥秘,只是普普通通的教训之语,虽有许多言语是人难以领悟的,或是人不容易明白的,但这些话也不外乎来自于保罗的认识与圣灵的开启……
我们从神的话中  中肯地看见了神对保罗的评价,也了解了使徒“保罗″的看见与领受是在圣灵开啟下得着的,于是我们也看见了使徒“保罗″所领受的关于主回来涉及到“被提"的这一话题,他的看见与领受完全吻合了“亚当七世孙“以诺″先知的预言:“主要带着千万圣者一同降临"
而     “我们这些还活着的人断不能在那′睡"了的人以先。″
①    那在基督里睡了的人在哪?这些人又是如何被提的?



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WhatsApp:https://shurl.me/ENSPWhatsApp English Christian Song "True Prayer" Verse 1
True prayer is speaking your heart's words to God.
It's based on God's will and His word. True prayer is feeling, oh, so close to God, as if He's in front of you.
True prayer means you have much to say to God,
your heart is radiant as the sun, you feel inspired by the loveliness of God, those who hear are gratified.
Chorus 1
True prayer will bring both peace and pleasure,
the strength to love God rises up, the worth of loving God is felt;
and all of this will prove your prayers are true. Verse 2
True prayer is not about formality,not procedure nor reciting words. True prayer doesn't mean to copy others. Speak your heart and be touched by God. Chorus 2
True prayer is shown by a heart that yearns for what God Himself requires, the will to fulfill in obedience and to hate all that God dislikes. Verse 3
your prayers are to be effective, God's words are what you must read. And only by praying amid God's own words will illumination be seen.
And upon the basis of which you have knowledge,
all truths that God says are clear, having strong faith and a way to practice. Only this is a prayer that's true. Yes, only this is a prayer that's true. Chorus
True prayer will bring both peace and pleasure,
the strength to love God rises up, the worth of loving God is felt; and all of this will prove your prayers are true, are true.
Yeah, your prayers are true.
Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. TheAppearance and Work of God. Concerning the Practice of Prayer
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全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選段26-27

“对知恩图报这个传统文化的观点必须得加以分辨,知恩图报最主要是在这个‘恩’字上,怎么看待这个恩?这是哪方面的恩?是什么性质的恩?知恩图报有什么意义?这些问题都得弄清楚,绝不能受知恩图报的辖制,这对于追求真理的人是完全有必要的。在人的观念中,什么是‘恩’?从小的方面说,就是在你有难处的时候有人给了你一些帮助,比如,在你吃不上饭饿得发慌的时候给了你一碗饭,在你快要渴死的时候给了你一瓶水,在你摔倒爬不起来的时候扶了你一把,这都属于一种恩情。大的恩情,就是涉及到你遇到大难,有人救了你,这属于救命之恩了。当你遇到生命危险的时候,有人帮了你一把让你免于一死,等于是救了你一命。等等这些都是人心目中的‘恩’,这种恩情已经超出物质的小恩小惠了,已经属于大恩大德了,不是用金钱、物质的东西能衡量的了,只是说几句感谢的话已经无法表达人的感激之情了。那人类这么衡量到底准不准确呢?(不准确。)为什么说不准确呢?(人是根据传统文化来衡量这事的。)这样回答是道理、是理论,好像是对的,但与事情的实质是不符的。”----《话・卷六 关于追求真理(上)・什么是追求真理(七)》
“咱们再看看人类中涉及所谓的恩情的这些事。比如,一个乞丐饿倒在雪地之中,一个好心人把他救回家,给他饭吃,给他衣服穿,还收留了他,然后这个乞丐就在他家生活,为他家干活。不管这个乞丐是自愿的也好,还是为了报恩也好,总的来说,人救助他这件事算不算一种恩情?(不算。)就连小动物都能做到互相帮助、互相救助,人能做到这些可以说就是举手之劳,是有人性的人都能达到、都能够得上的,也可以说是作为一个有人性的人应该尽到的一种社会责任与义务,人类把它当成是一种恩情,这是不是有点小题大做了?这合适吗?比如,在饥荒年头很多人都吃不上饭,一个富户看谁家穷就给了一袋米,帮他家渡过了难关,这是不是人与人之间起码的道义上的互帮互助?他仅仅是给了点粮食,又不是把自己仅有的食物都给了别人,自己忍饥挨饿,这算得上是恩吗?(算不上。)人类能尽到的社会责任与义务,还有人的本能该达到的、该做的,对人有益处、有帮助的举手之劳的事,根本就算不上什么恩,因为这仅仅是施以援助之手。在合适的时间、合适的地点恰巧帮助了需要帮助的人,这是很正常的一个现象,也是作为人类中的任何一员应该尽的责任,这仅仅是一种责任、一种义务,神造人时就给了人这种本能。这种本能指什么说的?就是人的良心、理智。”----《话・卷六 关于追求真理(上)・什么是追求真理(七)》

全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選段26-27

揭示敵基督《第四條 高舉見證自己》第三集

揭示敵基督《第四條 高舉見證自己》第四集






基督教會歌曲《神總歸是神 人總歸是人》【詩歌MV】







💯‼️What Does “No One Knows the Day or Hour” Mean?
The four blood moons have appeared, and disasters such as earthquakes, famine, and epidemics are increasingly common. The prophecies of the Lord’s return have basically been fulfilled, and some have openly testified online that He has already come. Some brothers and sisters are puzzled, as it is clearly written in the Bible: “But of that day and hour knows no man, not the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but My Father only” (Matthew 24:36). How can they know that the Lord has returned? Has He really come back? What should we do to be able to welcome Him? Let’s fellowship together on this very question.
Some brothers and sisters believe, based on this Bible verse, “But of that day and hour knows no man,” that when the Lord does return, no one will know. This is why none of them give any credence or consideration to claims from people spreading news of the Lord’s return. Is this really a correct understanding, or not? Is it in line with the Lord’s will? The Lord Jesus once prophesied, “And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him” (Matthew 25:6). “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20). We can see from these lines of scripture that after the Lord returns in the last days, He will knock on our door with His words, and will even have us come out and greet Him through a human cry of, “the bridegroom comes.” As there are people who call out to us the news of the Lord’s return, this shows that when He has come, He will certainly let people know. Clearly, understanding “But of that day and hour knows no man” as no one learning of the Lord’s coming after it occurs is completely erroneous.
So how exactly should we interpret this passage of scripture? We can link these verses together: “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near: So likewise you, when you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Truly I say to you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour knows no man, not the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but My Father only” (Matthew 24:32–36). “Therefore be you also ready: for in such an hour as you think not the Son of man comes” (Matthew 24:44). And Revelation 3:3 says, “If therefore you shall not watch, I will come on you as a thief, and you shall not know what hour I will come on you.” These passages use omens of the Lord’s return to tell us. They mention that “the Son of man comes” and “as a thief.” The “Son of man” indeed refers to God incarnate; the spiritual body cannot be called the Son of man. Only someone like the Lord Jesus—God’s Spirit clothed in flesh, that has come among humans to do very practical work, that possesses normal humanity—can be called the Son of man. “As a thief” means coming stealthily and in secret. From this it is evident that the Lord’s return involves descending secretly in the flesh as the Son of man. Given that He descends in secret, we will not perceive Him easily, because the day and the hour God appears as flesh incarnate is unknown to all. That is, “But of that day and hour knows no man,” means that no one knows the exact time of the Lord’s return. However, after He has come to speak and do work, there will definitely be some people who know of it, and this is when we should wake up. When we hear people spreading the gospel of the Lord’s return, we should seek and investigate; only then can we welcome the Lord and sup with Him. However, right now, not only are we not awake, but we don’t go to seek or investigate when we hear others spread the news of the Lord’s return. As such, have we not misunderstood the Lord’s will? Let us read a couple more passages of God’s words, and we will gain an understanding of these passages of scripture.
Almighty God has said: “At the break of dawn, unbeknownst to the multitudes of humanity, God came to earth and began His life in the flesh. People were unaware of the coming of this moment. Maybe they were all fast asleep; maybe many who were watchfully awake were waiting, and maybe many were praying silently to God in heaven. Yet among all these many people, not a single one knew that God had already arrived on earth” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Work and Entry (4)). “At the beginning, when Jesus had yet to officially perform His ministry, like the disciples that followed Him, sometimes He also attended meetings, and sang hymns, gave praise, and read the Old Testament in the temple. After He was baptized and arose, the Spirit officially descended upon Him and began to work, revealing His identity and the ministry that He was to undertake. Prior to this, no one knew His identity, and apart from Mary, not even John knew. Jesus was 29 when He was baptized. After His baptism was completed, the heavens were opened, and a voice said: ‘This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’ Once Jesus had been baptized, the Holy Spirit began to bear testimony to Him in this way. Before being baptized at the age of 29, He had lived the life of a normal person, eating when He was supposed to eat, sleeping and dressing normally, and nothing about Him was different from others, though of course, this was only to the fleshly eyes of man. … The Bible does not record what He did before He was baptized because He did not do this work before He was baptized. He was merely an ordinary man and represented an ordinary man; before Jesus began to perform His ministry, He was no different from normal people, and others could see no difference in Him. It was only after He reached 29 that Jesus knew He had come to complete a stage of God’s work; before, He Himself did not know this, for the work done by God was not supernatural” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Concerning Appellations and Identity).
We can see from Almighty God’s words that no one knows when God descends to earth as flesh incarnate; not even the Son of man knows. Only God’s Spirit knows this. However, when God begins to do His work, the Holy Spirit bears testimony to the work of God incarnate, and then uses God’s followers to spread the gospel; people then gradually learn of it. It is just as in the beginning, Jehovah God used a prophet to predict the Messiah’s coming, but as to when or where the Messiah would arrive, only Jehovah God knew. When the Lord Jesus returned in the flesh to work, even He Himself did not know at first that He was the Messiah, that He had come to do the work of redemption. He lived a normal life like an ordinary human. Other people did not know that the Lord Jesus was Christ, the incarnate God Himself, either. After the Lord Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit began to bear witness to Him and the Lord Jesus began expressing the way for human repentance, displaying God’s signs and wonders, and healing the sick and casting out demons. Some people gradually came to recognize that the Lord Jesus was the Messiah. Those who first accepted the Lord Jesus’ work of redemption, such as Peter and John, then began to travel all over, spreading the Lord’s gospel. The Lord’s salvation thus became known to more and more people, And this has been passed down through the ages to today. Now there are believers in every part of the world.
The Lord Jesus also gave these predictions for the last days: “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come” (John 16:12–13). “He that rejects Me, and receives not My words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (John 12:48). And the Bible records: “Sanctify them through Your truth: Your word is truth” (John 17:17). “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God” (1 Peter 4:17). When the Lord returns, He expresses truths that more numerous and lofty than those of the Age of Grace, in accordance with our stature. He judges and cleanses us with His words so that we may break free of the bonds of sin and thus be purified and transformed. So, when the Lord returns in the last days to appear and do work, there are certainly some who hear God’s voice and accept His work, and then travel to the four corners to spread the good news of the Lord’s return. This is the same as when we first gained faith in the Lord; we only accepted it after hearing others spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus. As is written in the Bible, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17).
Therefore, when we hear the news of the Lord’s return, we absolutely must not blindly reject it; we should seek with an open mind. When we hear the voice of God, by accepting and submitting we will be welcoming the Lord. Almighty God says, “Since we are searching for the footprints of God, it behooves us to search for God’s will, for the words of God, for His utterances—because wherever there are new words spoken by God, the voice of God is there, and wherever there are the footsteps of God, God’s deeds are there. Wherever there is the expression of God, there God appears, and wherever God appears, there the truth, the way, and the life exist. In seeking God’s footprints, you have ignored the words ‘God is the truth, the way, and the life.’ And so, many people, even when they receive the truth, do not believe that they have found God’s footprints, and still less do they acknowledge the appearance of God. What a grave mistake!” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. The Appearance of God Has Ushered in a New Age).
Throughout the entire world, there is only The Church of Almighty God openly testifying that the Lord has returned—that is, that Christ of the last days, Almighty God, has expressed many truths and has done the work of judging and cleansing people. The vast majority of Almighty God’s utterances are recorded in the book The Word Appears in the Flesh. God’s words have elucidated every aspect of the truth. They speak very plainly on the mysteries of God’s incarnations, the inside truths of the Bible, the purpose of God’s six thousand year management plan for mankind, the differences between His work and the work of man, as well as how God judges and cleanses people, how people should know God, how God determines the outcome and destination for every human, and so on. These truths are all related to God’s own work; they are all mysteries that clearly point out the path to salvation for us. We should engage in seeking to see whether this is indeed the Holy Spirit saying to the churches, and whether it is indeed God of the last days doing His work of judgment starting with His house. This is how we can verify whether or not Almighty God is indeed the Lord Jesus returned. I believe that as long as we have an aspiration to seek, God will lead us to welcome the Lord’s return! This is because, as the Lord Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3).

#bible #bibleverse #pray #prayer #Heaven #Jesuschrist #God #Godisgood #Goddess #Jesus #jesusistheway  #faith #gospel #peaceful

全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選段26-27

全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選段26-27




全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選段26-27




全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選段26-27


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