全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選段24-25

24 當神開始他的經營計劃正式作工作的時候,他為人制定了好多的條例讓人來守。這些條例就是為了讓人在地上有一個正常的人類生活,這個正常的人類生活離不開神,離不開神的帶領。神先告訴人如何造神的祭壇,如何設立他的祭壇,然後告訴人怎麽獻祭,又規定人如何生活,在生活當中注意哪些、守住哪些,哪些事該做,哪些事不該做,神為人規定得面面俱到,用這些規條、這些條例、這些原則來規範人的行為,帶領人的生活,帶領人走入神的律法之中,帶領人來到神的祭壇前,帶領人有秩序、有規律、有節制地生活在神為人造的萬物其間。神先用這些簡單的條例與原則給人制定一些範圍,好讓人在地上有一個正常的敬拜神的生活,有正常的人類生活,這就是神開始他六千年經營計劃的一些具體内容。這些條例、規定囊括内容很廣泛,是神在律法時代帶領人類的具體項目,它是在律法時代以先的人所必須接受、必須遵守的,是神在律法時代所作工作的記録,也是神帶領全人類、引領全人類的實證。

——《話・卷二 關于認識神・神的作工、神的性情與神自己 二》

25 耶和華造了人類,就是人類的祖先夏娃、亞當,但他并没有賜給他們更多的聰明、智慧,他們雖然已經生活在地上,但他們幾乎什麽也不懂。這樣,耶和華造人類的工作才剛剛完成一半,并没有全部完成,他只將泥捏成人的樣式,而且也有了他的氣息,但并没有賜給人足够的敬畏他的心志。起初,人并没有敬畏他的心,也没有懼怕他的心,只知道聽他的話,并不知道人在地上生活的常識與人生活的正常規律。所以説,耶和華雖然造了男、造了女,完成了七天的工程,但他并没有將人完全造成,因人只有外殻,却并没有做人的實際,人就知道是耶和華造了人類,但人并不知道當如何遵守他的話,遵守他的法度。所以,在有了人類之後,耶和華的工作并没有完成,他還必須得將人類徹底帶領到他的面前,使人都會在地上群居,都會敬畏他,讓人類在地上,也就是在他帶領之後能進入正常的人類生活的正軌中,這樣,以耶和華這個名為主的工作才全部結束,就是耶和華的創世工作才全部告終。所以,他既造了人類,他就得帶領人類在地上生活幾千年,讓人都會遵守他的律例、他的法度,讓人類在地上都有了正常人類的一切活動,此時,耶和華的工作才全部結束。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・作工异象 三》

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揭示敵基督《第五條 迷惑、拉攏、威脅、控制人》第一集

揭示敵基督《第五條 迷惑、拉攏、威脅、控制人》第二集





❣️二 关于道成肉身的问答❣️
🍂6 恩典时代神道成肉身作了人类的赎罪祭,把人类从罪中救赎出来,末世神又道成肉身发表真理作审判工作,彻底洁净人类、拯救人类脱离撒但的权势,神为什么要两次道成肉身来作拯救人类的工作呢?神两次道成肉身的真实意义是什么呢?
——《话・卷一 神的显现与作工・神所在“肉身”的实质》🥰🥰(待续)



“调整本分时就应该学会顺服,等你在新的本分上操练一段时间,尽本分有果效了,发现自己更适合尽这个本分,能认识到自己凭喜好选择本分是错误的,这问题不就解决了吗?最主要的是,神家安排人尽什么本分不是根据人的喜好,乃是根据工作的需要,也是根据尽本分能否达到果效来决定的。你们说,神家应不应该按照个人的喜好来安排本分?应不应该在满足个人喜好的前提下来用人?(不应该。)哪一条合乎神家用人的原则?哪一条合乎真理原则?根据神家工作的需要,根据人尽本分的果效。你是有那么点爱好、兴趣,有那么点尽本分的愿望,但是你的愿望、兴趣、爱好应不应该凌驾于神家工作之上?如果你一味地坚持,说,‘我就要作这个工作,不让我作我就不想活了,我就不想尽本分了,不让我作这个工作,我做什么也没心思,做什么也不用全力’,这是不是尽本分的态度有问题?这是不是太没有良心理智了?为了满足你个人的愿望、兴趣与爱好,不惜影响、耽误教会工作,这样做合乎真理吗?不合乎真理的事人应该怎么对待?有的人说:‘应该牺牲小我,成就大我。’这话对不对?是不是真理?(不是。)这是一句什么话?(撒但谬论。)这是一句谬话,是迷惑人的话、伪装的话。你把‘应该牺牲小我,成就大我’这话用在尽本分上,那就是抵挡神、亵渎神。为什么说是亵渎神呢?因为你把自己的意思强加给神,这就是亵渎!你以牺牲小我来换取神的成全、祝福,你的存心就是跟神搞交易。神不需要你牺牲自己什么,神是要求人实行真理背叛肉体,你实行不了真理就是悖逆神、抵挡神。你尽不好本分是因为你的存心不对、你的看事观点不对,你的说法完全违背了真理,但神家并没有剥夺你尽本分的权利,只是因着你不适合尽这个本分就调整你的本分,重新安排适合你的本分,这是很正常的事,也是很容易理解的事,人应该正确对待。”---《话・卷四 揭示敌基督・第十二条 没有地位或没有得福的希望就想退去》


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99% of People Don't Know Welcoming the Lord's Second Coming Requires
Recognizing the Incarnate Son of Man WhatsApp:

https://chat. whatsapp.com/Dbi pBrzzl7i..
2,000 years ago, the Lord Jesus prophesied about His second coming, saying, "For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" (Matthew 24:27). "For as the lightning, that lightens out of the one part under heaven, shines to the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day. But first must He suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation" (Luke 17:24-25). The Lord Jesus repeatedly referred to His return in the last days as the coming of the Son of man. But what exactly is meant by the term "Son of man"? "The Son of man" refers to God incarnate. For example, the Lord Jesus is the Son of man. The Spirit of God descends from heaven, born as a human, closed in human flesh, living among people, speaking and working to save humanity. The Lord Jesus repeatedlyprophesied about His return in the last days as the coming of the Son of man, indicating that in the last days, He will once again become flesh as the Son of man to appear and work. If we find this incarnate Son of man, accept and follow Him, then we will be able to welcome the Lord and attend the marriage feast of the Lamb. So, the question now is, how should we understand the incarnate God to avoid missing the opportunity to welcome the Lord?
God says, "He who is God incarnate shall possess the essence of God, and He who is God incarnate shall possess the expression of God. Since God becomes flesh, He shall bring forth the work He intends to do, and since God becomes flesh, He shall express what He is, and shall be able to bring the truth to man, bestow life upon him, and point the way for him. Flesh that does not have the essence of God is decidedly not the incarnate God; of this there is no doubt. If man intends to inquire into whether it is God's incarnate flesh, then he must corroborate this from the disposition He expresses and thewords He speaks. Which is to say, to corroborate whether or not it is God's incarnate flesh, and whether or not it is the true way, one must discriminate on the basis of His essence. And so, in determining whether it is the flesh of God incarnate, the key lies in His essence (His work, His utterances, His disposition, and many other aspects), rather than external appearance. If man scrutinizes only His external appearance, and as a result Overlooks His essence, this shows that man is benighted and ignorant." From God's word, we can see that recognition of God incarnate is not based on His appearance, nor based on what family He was born in, whether He has position or power, or whether He has prestige in the religious world. It is not based on these things. Instead, it is based on whether He has the essence of God, whether He can express the truth and do the work of God Himself. This is the most crucial element. If He can express the truth and do the work of saving humankind, then even if He was born to an ordinary family and lacks power and position in society, He is God.Just like in the Age of Grace, when the Lord Jesus came to work, He was born into an ordinary family, came into the world in a manger, He wasn't tall or powerfully built, and He had no status or power, yet He could express the truth, gave people the way of repentance, and could forgive people's sins. Those who loved the truth, like His disciples Peter and John, saw in the Lord Jesus' work and the truth He expressed that He had God's power and authority and recognized the Lord Jesus as the Messiah, so they followed Him and gained the Lord's salvation. However, as for the Jewish leaders who were tired of the truth and admired authority, including the chief priests, scribes, and the Pharisees, no matter how much truth the Lord Jesus expressed or what great miracles He performed, they turned a blind eye. They did so simply because the Lord Jesus appeared ordinary and lacked status or authority. They treated the Lord Jesus as an ordinary person, judging Him by saying, "Is this not the Nazarene?" Is this not the carpenter's son?" What was most infuriating was that they crucified the Lord Jesus who expressed the truth, so theycommitted a heinous sin and offended God's disposition, suffering God's curse and punishment. Therefore, to determine whether the One is the incarnate God, whether He is Christ, the key is to seek and examine Christ's utterances and work. As long as 0ne can express the truth and God's disposition, and carry out God's work, then He is the incarnate God, the Christ. Yet, if people only judge by outward appearance and overlook His essence, they are prone to resist and condemn God, treating the incarnate God as an ordinary human being-This only reflects human ignorance and foolishness.
If you want to understand more truths and mysteries about the incarnate God, please feel free to click on the WhatsApp link to Contact us.

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What Is the Real Meaning of "Repent: for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand"?

WhatsApp:https://chat.whatsapp.com/Dbl pBrzzl7i.

The Lord Jesus said, "Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 4:17). The Lord's words clearly tell us that the standard for entering the kingdom of heaven is to achieve genuine repentance. According to the Lord's requirements, have we genuinely reached true repentance? Some people assert that confessing sins and seeking the Lord's forgiveness after committing sins is genuine repentance. Others believe that as a believer, one should practice tolerance, endure suffering, carry the cross, engage in many good deeds, and work and preach for the Lord; this is true repentance and will ensure entry into the kingdom of heaven. Are these perspectives genuinely accurate? What exactly is the true meaning of Jesus' statement, "Repent: for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand"? God said, "You shall therefore be holy, for am holy" (Leviticus 11:45). "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, andwith all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like to it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:37-39). The Book of Revelation prophesies, "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city" (Revelation 22:14). Here we can see that God is holy, and the repentance He requires of man means being purified of sin and stopping sinning and resisting God. However, when we evaluate our behavior, whether it involves verbal confession or our hard work for the Lord, has anyone truly managed to break free from the bondage of sin, no longer sinning and resisting God? In truth, no one has achieved this. We often tell lies and deceive people for personal gain and complain against God's work when it
doesn't conform to our notions. Are these what genuine repentance looks like? Clearly not. So, how can we break free from sin, cease sinning and resisting God, achieve the repentance required by the Lord and finally enter God's kingdom?If this topic interests you, please feel free to click the WhatsApp link to contact us. Here is a passage of God's words shared with you.
God says, "Though Jesus did much work among man, He only completed the redemption of all mankind and became man's sin offering; He did not rid man of all his corrupt disposition. Fully saving man from the influence of Satan not only required Jesus to become the sin offering and bear the sins of man, but it also required God to do even greater work to rid man completely of his satanically corrupted disposition. And so, now that man has been forgiven of his sins, God has returned to the flesh to lead man into the new age, and begun the work of chastisement and judgment. This work has brought man into a higher realm. All
those who submit under His dominion shall enjoy higher truth and receive greater blessings. They shall truly live in the light, and they shall gain the truth, the way, and the life."

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You may think you cannot do it,
but in reality, you've forgotten that God can help you.
https://chat. whatsapp.com/Db1 pBrzzl7i...

Do not say, "l can't."
Do not say, "I'm incapable.
Just say, "Because my God is omnipotent." God once used a word to calm the wind and sea.
God once used a word to enable the blind to see.
God once used a word to bring the dead back to life.
The Bible says, can do all things through Christ which strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13).
No matter how significant your difficulties may seem, believe that when you wholeheartedly rely on God, once He starts working, every difficulty can be resolved. Here is a passage of God's words shared with you.
God says, "His deeds are omnipresent, His power is omnipresent, His wisdom is omnipresent, and His authority is omnipresent. Each of these laws and rules is the embodiment of His deeds, and each one reveals His wisdom and authority.Who can exempt themselves from His sovereignty? And who can discharge themselves from His designs? All things exist beneath His gaze, and moreover, all things live under His sovereignty. His deeds and His power leave mankind with no choice but to acknowledge the fact that He really does exist and holds sovereignty over all things."
Friend, are you willing to deepen your understanding of God's authority and have the confidence to rely on Him to overcome all hardships? If you are, please click the WhatsApp link to get in touch with us. We are looking forward to communicating with you.

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🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️Thank God for never leaving us and for always protecting us, so we can be alive safely.
God says, “In the long course of human life, almost every individual has encountered many dangerous situations and faced many temptations. This is because Satan is standing beside you, its eyes constantly fixed on you. When disaster strikes you, Satan revels in this; when calamities befall you, when nothing goes right for you, when you become entangled in Satan’s web, Satan takes great enjoyment from these things. As for what God is doing, He is protecting you with each passing moment, steering you away from one misfortune after another and from one disaster after another. This is why I say that everything man has—peace and joy, blessings and personal safety—is in fact all under God’s control; He guides and decides the fate of every individual.”

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Dear Lord, don't leave me, I need you all the time. You are my Strength, my Hope, my Peace and my Joy. Pls renew my energy when I feel tired and weak. May God bless every hands Insert Amen

全能神經典話語 《神拯救人類三步作工的話語》 選段24-25

“Sekarang, mereka yang dapat bergabung dalam jajaran orang-orang yang melakukan tugas, dan mereka yang dapat bergabung dalam jajaran orang-orang yang melakukan pekerjaan menyebarkan Injil, dianggap sebagai orang-orang yang diberkati dan memiliki kesempatan untuk diselamatkan. Jika engkau melewatkan pekerjaan menyebarkan Injil, jika engkau melewatkan kesempatan ini, mungkin berkat yang engkau nikmati tidak begitu besar. Mengapa Aku mengatakan bahwa berkat yang engkau nikmati tidak begitu besar? Selama periode waktu pelaksanaan tugas, orang memiliki kesempatan untuk diselamatkan dan disempurnakan; jika orang tidak berada di bawah lingkungan dan tempat pekerjaan ini, peluang untuk diselamatkan dan disempurnakan sangat kecil. Engkau tidak melakukan tugasmu selama periode waktu kritis penyebaran Injil, berdasarkan apa engkau diselamatkan oleh Tuhan? Berdasarkan apa engkau disempurnakan oleh Tuhan? Engkau harus melakukan tugasmu sebagai makhluk ciptaan dengan baik selama periode waktu mengikuti Tuhan. Ini adalah hal yang paling penting. Jika engkau melewatkan kesempatan ini, melewatkan waktu yang terbatas ini, riwayatmu akan tamat secara total, karena tidak akan ada lingkungan yang cocok lagi, dan kesempatanmu untuk diselamatkan telah terlewatkan olehmu. Oleh karena itu, mereka yang tidak dapat melakukan tugasnya tidak akan mendapatkan perkenanan Tuhan.‘ (Dikutip dari "Rekaman Pembicaraan Kristus Akhir Zaman")

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Araw-araw na mga Salita ng Diyos: Pagkilala sa Gawain ng Diyos | Sipi 191

Araw-araw na mga Salita ng Diyos: Pagkilala sa Gawain ng Diyos | Sipi 219

Lời Đức Chúa Trời hằng ngày: Sự xuất hiện và công tác của Đức Chúa Trời | Trích đoạn 63

Lời Đức Chúa Trời hằng ngày: Sự xuất hiện và công tác của Đức Chúa Trời | Trích đoạn 65

Lời Đức Chúa Trời hằng ngày: Sự xuất hiện và công tác của Đức Chúa Trời | Trích đoạn 66

Lời Đức Chúa Trời hằng ngày: Sự xuất hiện và công tác của Đức Chúa Trời | Trích đoạn 69

Lời Đức Chúa Trời hằng ngày: Sự xuất hiện và công tác của Đức Chúa Trời | Trích đoạn 70

דבר אלוהים היומי: חשיפת תפיסות דתיות – מובאה 282

ဘုရားသခင်၏ နေ့စဉ် နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်များ- လူ့ဇာတိခံယူခြင်း | ကောက်နုတ်ချက် ၁၁၆


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重症猝死增多,疫苗惹的禍?跟著共產黨,中共青壯年官員、公安跑步進入火葬場;拜登被查、川普喊冤;美國國防授權法通過了;美國警告中共,停止跨國鎮壓!【 #晚間新聞 】| #新唐人電視台






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