
“Lord, I don’t want to lose my

“Lord, I don’t want to lose my temper with my family, and I don’t want to lie or be envious of others. Please help me get rid of sin.”
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How many people pray like this every day, acknowledging their sins?
If you often find yourself trapped in sin and experiencing inner turmoil, do you also pray in this way? If you frequently pray to the Lord like this, then please don’t hesitate to click the WhatsApp link to join our Bible study group. Together, let’s communicate God’s word, from which you can discover the path to freedom from sin. This will give you the opportunity to break free from the shackles of sin and become a person who brings joy to God.
Here is a passage of God’s words for you.
God says, “Though Jesus did much work among man, He only completed the redemption of all mankind and became man’s sin offering; He did not rid man of all his corrupt disposition. Fully saving man from the influence of Satan not only required Jesus to become the sin offering and bear the sins of man, but it also required God to do even greater work to rid man completely of his satanically corrupted disposition. And so, now that man has been forgiven of his sins, God has returned to the flesh to lead man into the new age, and begun the work of chastisement and judgment. This work has brought man into a higher realm. All those who submit under His dominion shall enjoy higher truth and receive greater blessings. They shall truly live in the light, and they shall gain the truth, the way, and the life.”

Tagalog Testimony Video | "Bakit Ako Natatakot na Mag-ulat ng mga Problema?"


ကောင်းချီးတစ်ခုကိုသင့်ထံသို့ပေးရန်ရှိသည်-  2024ခုနှစ်တွင် သခင်ယေရှုပြန်လည်ရောက်ရှိလာသောသတင်းကောင်းကို သင်လက်ခံရရှိလိမ့်မည်။
သင်သည် သခင်ကို ကြိုဆိုပြီး 2024 ခုနှစ်တွင် ဘုရားသခင် ကောင်းချီးပေးခံရလိုပါသလား။  အကယ်၍ သင်သည် ဘုရားသခင်၏ နှုတ်ကပတ်တော် လေ့လာရေးအဖွဲ့တွင် ပါဝင်ရန် ပုံအောက်ရှိ "မက်ဆေ့ချ်ပို့ရန်" ခလုတ်ကို နှိပ်ပါ၊၊ သင်သည် သခင်ကို ကြိုဆိုရန်နှင့် ဘုရားသခင်၏ ကောင်းချီးများကို လက်ခံရန် နည်းလမ်းကို သင်တွေ့လိမ့်မည်။
 ဘုရားသခင်ရဲ့နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်စာပိုဒ်ကိုမျှဝေပါမည်၊ ဘုရားသခင်မိန့်ဆိုသည်က  “ငါတို့သည် ဘုရားသခင်၏ ခြေရာများကို ရှာဖွေနေကြသည့်အတွက်၊ ဘုရားသခင်၏အလို၊ ဘုရားသခင်၏ နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်များနှင့် သူ၏မိန့်မြွက်ချက်များကို ငါတို့ရှာဖွေအပ်သည်၊ အဘယ်ကြောင့်ဆိုသော် ဘုရားသခင် မိန့်ကြားသည့် အသစ်သော နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်များရှိသော မည်သည့် နေရာ၌မဆို ဘုရားသခင်၏ အသံရှိပြီး၊ ဘုရားသခင်၏ ခြေလှမ်းများ ရှိသော မည်သည့်နေရာ၌မဆိုလည်း ဘုရားသခင်၏ လုပ်ဆောင်မှုများ ရှိသောကြောင့်ဖြစ်သည်။ ဘုရားသခင်၏ ဖော်ပြချက်ရှိသော နေရာတိုင်း၌ ဘုရားသခင်ပေါ်ထွန်းပြီး၊ ဘုရားသခင်ပေါ်ထွန်းသော နေရာတိုင်း၌ လမ်းခရီး၊ သမ္မာတရားနှင့် အသက်တို့ တည်ရှိသည်”

Gospel Movie | ဖာရိရှဲတို့၏ လှောင်အိမ်မှ လွတ်မြောက်ခြင်းနှင့် သခင့်ကို ကြိုဆိုခြင်း


全能神經典話語 《神末世審判工作的話語》 選段164
164 神發表真理是發表自己的性情、發表自己的實質,不是根據人類所總結的各樣人所認為的正面事物、正面的説法而有的。神的話就是神的話,神的話就是真理,是人類應該賴以生存的法則與根基,而那些來源于人類的所謂的信條根本就是神定罪的,不是神認可的,更不是神説話的源頭、根據。神通過他的話語發表他的性情,發表他的實質,因為神有神的實質,神是一切正面事物的實際,所以神所發表出來的一切話都是真理。無論這個敗壞人類對神的話怎麽定位、怎麽定義、怎麽看待、怎麽認識,神的話是真理這個事實是永不改變的。無論神的話説了多少,無論神的話被這個敗壞、罪惡的人類怎麽定罪,怎樣弃絶,但是有一個事實是不能改變的,即便是這樣,人類所推崇的所謂的文化、傳統也不能因此變成正面事物、變成真理,這一點是不能變的。人類的傳統文化、生存之道不會因為時間的改變、時間的久遠變成真理,而神的話也不會因為人類的定罪、遺忘而變成人的話,這個實質永遠都不會改變,真理永遠是真理。這裏存在一個什麽事實呢?就是人類所總結出來的那些俗語,它的來源是撒但,是人類的想象、觀念,甚至出自于人的血氣,與正面事物根本没有一點兒關係,而神的話是神實質的發表,也是神身份的發表。因為什麽神發表了這些話?為什麽説這些話是真理?就是因為萬物一切的法則、規律、根源、實質、真相、奥秘都是神在主宰着,都在神手中掌握,只有神知道它的本源、它的根源到底是什麽,所以只有神的話對萬物的定義是最準確的,只有神話中對人類的要求是人類的標準,是人類應該賴以生存的唯一的準則。

——《話・卷四 揭示敵基督・盡本分只為出人頭地、滿足自己的利益與野心,從不考慮神家利益,甚至出賣神家利益,以神家利益為代價换取個人的榮譽(一)》

“Lord, I don’t want to lose my












♦ 情形


📚📚V. Questions and Answers on the Bible
👍7. You testify that The Word Appears in the Flesh contains the new words of God, but the Book of Revelation explicitly states, “For I testify to every man that hears the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add to these things, God shall add to him the plagues that are written in this book” (Rev 22:18). Is this not adding to the Bible?
🌾Bible Verses for Reference:
“I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will show you things to come” (Jhn 16:12–13).
🌱“He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches; To him that overcomes will I give to eat of the hidden manna” (Rev 2:17).
🌱“And I saw in the right hand of Him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals. And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon. And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon. And one of the elders said to me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof” (Rev 5:1–5).
💖Relevant Words of God:
If people remain stuck in the Age of Grace, then they shall never be rid of their corrupt disposition, let alone know the inherent disposition of God. If people always live in the midst of an abundance of grace, but do not have the way of life that allows them to know God or to satisfy Him, then they will never truly gain Him in their belief in Him. This type of belief is pitiful indeed. When you have finished reading this book, when you have experienced each step of the work of God incarnate in the Age of Kingdom, you will feel that desires you have had for many years have finally been realized. You will feel that only now have you truly seen God face to face; only now have you gazed upon His countenance, heard His personal utterances, appreciated the wisdom of His work, and truly sensed how real and almighty He is. You will feel that you have gained many things that people in times past had never seen nor possessed. At this time, you will clearly know what it is to believe in God, and what it is to conform to God’s will. Of course, if you cling to views of the past, and reject or deny the fact of the second incarnation of God, then you will remain empty-handed, acquiring nothing, and ultimately you will be pronounced guilty of opposing God. Those who are able to obey the truth and submit to the work of God shall be claimed under the name of the second incarnate God—the Almighty. They will be able to accept God’s personal guidance, gaining more and higher truths, as well as real life. They shall behold the vision never seen before by people of the past: “And I turned to see the voice that spoke with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; And in the middle of the seven candlesticks one like to the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the breasts with a golden girdle. His head and His hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and His eyes were as a flame of fire; And His feet like to fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and His voice as the sound of many waters. And He had in His right hand seven stars: and out of His mouth went a sharp two edged sword: and His countenance was as the sun shines in its strength” (Revelation 1:12–16). This vision is the expression of God’s entire disposition, and the expression of His entire disposition is also the expression of the work of God in His present incarnation. In the torrents of chastisements and judgments, the Son of man expresses His inherent disposition by means of utterances, allowing all those who accept His chastisement and judgment to see the true face of the Son of man, which is a faithful depiction of the face of the Son of man seen by John. (Of course, all of this will be invisible to those who do not accept the work of God in the Age of Kingdom.) The true face of God cannot be fully articulated using human language, and so God uses the means by which He expresses His inherent disposition to show His true face to man. Which is to say that all those who have appreciated the inherent disposition of the Son of man have seen the true face of the Son of man, for God is too great and cannot be fully articulated using human language. Once man has experienced each step of God’s work in the Age of Kingdom, then he shall know the true meaning of John’s words when he spoke of the Son of man among the lampstands: “His head and His hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and His eyes were as a flame of fire; And His feet like to fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and His voice as the sound of many waters. And He had in His right hand seven stars: and out of His mouth went a sharp two edged sword: and His countenance was as the sun shines in its strength.”
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. 
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Video nhạc Thánh Ca | Những biểu hiện của tình yêu Phi-e-rơ dành cho Đức Chúa Trời






1 我的希望很多,希望你們好好做人、規規矩矩做人,忠心盡本分,做一個有真理、有人性的人,做一個為神能捨一切、捨性命的人等等,這些希望都是對你們的不足、你們的敗壞悖逆而言的。


2 那神所要求的做人的標準是什麼?……有人格,有尊嚴,有良心,有理智,有順服神的心,有愛神的心,還有什麼?(敬畏神的心。)哎,最終神是要敬畏神的心,這是最重要的。


3 神對人類、對跟隨他的人的準確要求,那就是:神需要跟隨他的人對他有真心的相信、忠實的跟隨、絕對的順服、真實的認識與由衷的敬畏,這五項。

摘自《話在肉身顯現(續編)·獨一無二的神自己 十》

4 作為一個真正的受造之物理當知道造物主為誰,理當知道人受造為何,理當知道如何履行受造之物的職責,理當知道如何敬拜造物的主,理當了解、理解、認識與體貼造物主的心意、心聲與要求,理當遵行造物主的道——敬畏神、遠離惡。


5 作為受造中的一員,人一定要守住自己的本位,老老實實做人,本本分分守住造物主給你的託付,別做越格的事,別做自己「能力範圍」以外的事,別做讓神厭憎的事,不要追求做偉人、超人、高大的人,也不要追求成為神,這些都是人不應該有的「願望」。追求做偉人、超人是荒唐的事,追求成為神更是可恥的事,是令人作嘔、令人唾棄的事,而成為一個真正的受造之物,這才是難能可貴的,才是受造之物最當持守的,是所有的人都當追求的唯一目標。

基督教會歌曲《世界在倒塌 國度在成形》【詩歌MV】

“Lord, I don’t want to lose my

民國三十二年(1943)二月十七日,赴華府訪問白宮。十八日,應美國參眾兩院之邀請,出席國會演說。六月二十九日,離美返國,經巴西、南非、印度,歷六日五夜,於七月四日,安抵戰時首都重慶。 委員長至重慶機場迎接夫人受到民眾熱烈歡迎。
民國三十一年(1942)十月二十六日, 蔣委員長接美國總統羅斯福(Franklin  D.  Roosevelt)來函,轉達羅斯福夫人邀請 蔣夫人宋美齡女士訪美之意。時中美外交亟待開展, 夫人於民國二十六年(1937)慰問前線將士時遭敵機空襲之車傷亦須就醫,遂決定接受邀請,赴美訪問。
 蔣委員長即於十一月十六日,函復羅斯福總統,並感謝其協助。十八日, 夫人自重慶飛往美國,因繞飛非洲及南美,至二十六日,始達美國。當即由羅斯福總統代表霍浦金斯陪赴醫院就醫,羅斯福總統夫人於二十八日,親赴醫院慰問。
白宮並發表聲明:「蔣夫人於傷愈之後,將往白宮為羅斯福總統及夫人之上賓。」 夫人經七十餘日之療養,漸見康復。
十九日, 蔣夫人出席白宮記者招待會,與羅斯福總統輪流答覆有關問題,羅斯福首謂:「倘美國人民熟悉中國情形能及 蔣夫人熟悉美國情形一半之程度,則誠屬佳事。」 夫人在白宮為上賓凡十一日。二十八日,始離白宮前往紐約。
三月二日,應紐約市長拉加地亞(La Guadia)之請,在麥迪遜廣場(Madison Square)發表演講。次日,並出席紐約華僑歡迎大會。七日,由紐約至波士頓轉赴母校威里斯萊學院(Wesleyan College)訪問,並發表演講。
二十四日, 夫人以返國在即,乃三度訪問白宮,就緬甸作戰與戰後東北港灣共同使用及朝鮮問題,交換意見。翌日,離華府南行,赴佐治亞省之瑪康城(Macon)接受威里斯萊學院頒授榮譽學位,為該校七十五年來第一次之贈予榮譽學位盛典,引為殊榮。
六月二十九日,離美返國,經巴西、南非、印度,歷六日五夜,於七月四日,安抵戰時首都重慶。 夫人此次訪美,歷時七月又半,於國家地位及外交形勢,裨益至大,成功爭取外援,卓有貢獻。
 蔣夫人之精闢演說,引導美國民眾注意太平洋形勢之發展及中國抗戰之重要,影響尤為深遠。美國移民法之修改取消對華人之歧視與限制,亦 蔣夫人訪美主要成就之一也。
“Lord, I don’t want to lose my

“Lord, I don’t want to lose my


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