Regarding Believing in God and Worshiping Him, Never Say You Don’t Have Time
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There was a businessman who had a small bump on his body. It didn’t hurt or itch, and didn’t interfere with his work, so he ignored it. His wife advised him to go to the hospital for a check-up, but he always said he didn’t have time. Six months later, the bump grew to the size of a walnut, and his wife urged him again to seek medical attention. Still, he said he didn’t have time and would deal with it later. Not long after, the bump rapidly expanded, and he finally realized he couldn’t delay any longer. He set aside his business and rushed to the hospital. After the diagnosis, the doctor said with a grave tone, “You have a malignant tumor. The toxins have spread throughout your body. If you had come for treatment earlier, there would have been hope, but now it’s too late...” Upon hearing the doctor’s words, the man deeply regretted his procrastination, but it was already too late for everything!
When it comes to believing in and worshiping God, some people still use busyness as an excuse to avoid gathering for worship. Students say, “I don’t have time; I’m swamped with schoolwork!” Farmers say, “I don’t have time; I’m too busy tending to my crops.” Businesspeople say, “I don’t have time; my business is too demanding.” Housewives say, “I don’t have time; household chores keep me occupied.” Just imagine the consequences of continuing like this—we will gradually drift further away from God, and our spiritual lives will come to ruin.
God says, “There are some people whose faith has never been acknowledged within God’s heart. In other words, God does not recognize that they are His followers, because He does not praise their beliefs. For these people, regardless of how many years they have followed God, their ideas and views have never changed; they are like the unbelievers, adhering to the unbelievers’ principles and methods for interacting with people, and to the unbelievers’ laws of survival and faith. They have never accepted the word of God as their life, never believed that God’s word is truth, never intended on accepting God’s salvation, and never recognized God as their God. They see believing in God as some kind of amateur hobby, treating Him as mere spiritual sustenance; as such, they do not think it is worth it to try and understand God’s disposition or essence. It can be said that all that corresponds to the true God has nothing to do with these people; they are not interested, nor can they be bothered to pay heed. This is because deep in their hearts, there is an intense voice that is always telling them, ‘God is invisible and untouchable, and does not exist.’ They believe that trying to understand this sort of God would not be worth their efforts, and that in doing so they would be fooling themselves. They believe that by merely acknowledging God with words without taking any real stand or investing themselves in any real actions, they are being pretty clever. How does God look upon such people? He views them as unbelievers.”
From God’s words, we come to understand: Simply believing in God in our hearts and attending gatherings only when we have spare time is treating our faith as a casual hobby. This kind of belief won’t earn God’s approval. It’s because we prioritize satisfying our family and physical needs, and we fail to grasp who God truly favors and despises, and never know how to practice His word in order to receive His approval. We neither understand nor have the willingness to understand God’s attitudes and requirements. In such a case, what distinguishes our faith from that of non-believers who simply acknowledge the existence of a higher power?
In reality, when we adopt this sort of viewpoint about belief in God, not only do we fail to gain God’s approval, but we also feel more burdened in life. As we toil for survival, we face numerous difficulties and pains. However, by participating in online gatherings, we can grasp God’s intentions and requirements; in dealing with life’s setbacks and work challenges, we can find paths of practice in God’s words. This allows us to alleviate much pain and savor the peace and joy bestowed by God! Most importantly, great catastrophes have already begun, and in this crucial moment of life and death, attending gatherings can help us maintain a normal relationship with God and increase our chances of receiving His approval and salvation. When comparing these things, do you know what the right choice is?
If you desire to devote time to worshiping God, please don’t hesitate to click on the WhatsApp link to join our study group and learn God’s words with us.

There was a businessman who ha
Christian Testimony Video | "I No Longer Live for Money"

There was a businessman who ha

全能神經典話語 《見證神顯現作工的話語》 選段169-171
169 自從全能神——國度君王被見證之後,神的經營範圍在整個宇宙已經全面打開。不單是在中國見證神已顯現,全能神的名在各國各方全被見證。他們都在呼喊這神聖的名,都在想方設法尋求和神交通,摸着全能神的心意, 在教會裏配搭事奉,聖靈就是這樣奇妙地作工。



——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・基督起初的發表・第八篇》

170 全能神!公開顯現出榮耀的身體,聖潔的靈體出現了,他是完完全全的神自己!世界肉體全改變,登山變像是神的本體。頭戴金冠冕,身穿潔白衣,胸間束金帶,世界萬有是他的脚凳,眼目如同火焰,口中有兩刃利劍,七星右手攥。國度道路光明更無限,榮光發現照耀,山歡水笑,日月星辰都在環繞,排列整齊,正在迎接完成六千年經營計劃的獨一真神已凱旋歸來!都在歡舞跳躍!歡呼吧!全能之神已坐在榮耀寶座上!歌唱吧!全能者得勝的旗幟在整個威嚴雄偉的錫安山上高高地升起來了!列國在歡呼,萬民在歌唱,錫安山在歡笑,神的榮耀出現了!做夢没想到見神的面,今天我已看見了,天天和他面對面,對面説話把心交,吃的喝的他全備供應,生活、言語、舉動、心思、意念,他的榮光在照耀,每行一步他引領,心若悖逆立刻審判臨到。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・基督起初的發表・第十五篇》

171 人子被見證,神的自己已公開顯明,神的榮耀發出,如同烈日放光!神的榮顔光芒耀眼,有誰目光敢抵擋對待?抵擋就死!凡心裏想的,言語説的,行動做出來的,對這些絲毫没有一點憐憫!你們都會明白,也會看見你們所得到的是什麽,無非盡是我的審判罷了!你們不好好吃喝,亂打岔,拆毁我的建造,我能容忍嗎?對這樣的人一點也不客氣!再嚴重火就燒死你!全能的神以靈體顯現,從頭到脚没有絲毫血肉相連,超脱了宇宙世界,在三層天上坐在榮耀的寶座上,執掌萬有!宇宙萬有都在我的手中,我説有就有,説命定就命定,撒但就在我的脚下,就在無底深坑!我的聲音發出,天地就要廢去,歸于烏有!一切都要更新,這是千真萬確永不改變的真理。我已勝過世界,勝過一切惡者,坐在這裏向你們説話,凡有耳的就當聽,凡是活的就當接受。

——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・基督起初的發表・第十五篇》

There was a businessman who ha












📚VI. Questions and Answers on Being Saved and Being Fully Saved
🌾1. You say that people can only be cleansed and fully saved if they accept God’s work of judgment of the last days. We do not believe so. The Bible says: “For with the heart man believes to righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made to salvation” (Rom 10:10). “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus” (Rom 8:1). We have already been forgiven our sins and are justified by our faith by believing in the Lord Jesus. We are delivered once and forever, and when the Lord returns, we shall be taken directly into heaven. Why then do you say we must accept God’s work of judgment in the last days in order to be fully saved?
🌱Bible Verses for Reference:
“Not every one that said to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven” (Mat 7:21). 
🌱“you shall therefore be holy, for I am holy” (Lev 11:45).
🌱“For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries” (Heb 10:26–27). 
🌱“Truly, truly, I say to you, Whoever commits sin is the servant of sin. And the servant stays not in the house for ever: but the son stays ever” (Jhn 8:34–35).
🌱“So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and to them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin to salvation” (Heb 9:28).
💖Relevant Words of God:
At the time, Jesus’ work was the work to redeem all mankind. The sins of all who believed in Him were forgiven; as long as you believed in Him, He would redeem you; if you believed in Him, you were no longer a sinner, you were relieved of your sins. This is what it meant to be saved, and to be justified by faith. Yet in those who believed, there remained that which was rebellious and opposed God, and which still had to be slowly removed. Salvation did not mean man had been completely gained by Jesus, but that man was no longer of sin, that he had been forgiven his sins. Provided you believed, you would never more be of sin.
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. The Vision of God’s Work (2)
💖Relevant Words of God:
A sinner such as you, who has just been redeemed, and has not been changed, or been perfected by God, can you be after God’s heart? For you, you who are still of your old self, it is true that you were saved by Jesus, and that you are not counted as a sinner because of the salvation of God, but this does not prove that you are not sinful, and are not impure. How can you be saintly if you have not been changed? Within, you are beset by impurity, selfish and mean, yet you still wish to descend with Jesus—you should be so lucky! You have missed a step in your belief in God: You have merely been redeemed, but you have not been changed. For you to be after God’s heart, God must personally do the work of changing and cleansing you; if you are only redeemed, you will be incapable of attaining sanctity. In this way you will be unqualified to share in the good blessings of God, for you have missed out a step in God’s work of managing man, which is the key step of changing and perfecting. You, a sinner who has just been redeemed, are therefore incapable of directly inheriting God’s inheritance.
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Concerning Appellations and Identity
💖Relevant Words of God:
Though Jesus did much work among man, He only completed the redemption of all mankind and became man’s sin offering; He did not rid man of all his corrupt disposition. Fully saving man from the influence of Satan not only required Jesus to become the sin offering and bear the sins of man, but it also required God to do even greater work to rid man completely of his satanically corrupted disposition. And so, now that man has been forgiven of his sins, God has returned to the flesh to lead man into the new age, and begun the work of chastisement and judgment. This work has brought man into a higher realm. All those who submit under His dominion shall enjoy higher truth and receive greater blessings. They shall truly live in the light, and they shall gain the truth, the way, and the life.
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Preface
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အကယ်၍သင်သည်အာမင်ပြန်ရေးပါက၊သင်သည်သခင်၏ပေါ်ထွန်းခြင်းကိုအမှန်တကယ် ကြိုဆိုချင်သောသူဖြစ်သည်။Messengerကိုနှိပ်၍အဖွဲ့ထဲသို့ပါ၀င်ပါ၊သခင်ပြန်လာခြင်း၏နက်နဲမှုကို လေ့လာရန်
သင့်အားကျွန်ုပ်တို့ကူညီမည်ဖြစ်ပြီး သင်သည်
ဘုရားသခင်မိန့်ဆိုသည်က "သန့်ရှင်းသော ဝိညာဉ်တော်၏ လက်ရှိမိန့်မြွက်ချက်များကို နာခံနိုင်သောသူအားလုံးသည် မင်္ဂလာရှိကြ၏။ ၎င်းတို့ မည်သို့ ဖြစ်လေ့ရှိခဲ့သည်ဖြစ်စေ၊ သို့မဟုတ် ၎င်းတို့အတွင်း၌ သန့်ရှင်းသော ဝိညာဉ်တော်သည် မည်သို့ အလုပ်လုပ်လေ့ရှိခဲ့သည် ဖြစ်စေ- ဘုရားသခင်၏ နောက်ဆုံးအမှုကို ရရှိပြီးသောသူများသည် ကောင်းချီးမင်္ဂလာကို အခံစားရဆုံးဖြစ်ပြီး၊ ယနေ့ နောက်ဆုံးသော အမှုကို မလိုက်လျှောက်နိုင်သောသူများမှာ ပယ်ရှင်းခံကြရသည်။ ဘုရားသခင်သည် အလင်းသစ်ကို လက်ခံနိုင်သောသူများကို အလိုရှိပြီး၊ သူ၏ နောက်ဆုံးအမှုကို လက်ခံကာ သိရှိသောသူများကို အလိုရှိသည်။ သင်တို့သည် စင်ကြယ်သော အပျိုကညာ ဖြစ်ရမည်ဟု အဘယ်ကြောင့် ပြောထားသနည်း။ စင်ကြယ်သော အပျိုကညာသည် သန့်ရှင်းသော ဝိညာဉ်တော်၏ အလုပ်ကို ရှာဖွေနိုင်ပြီး အသစ်သော အမှုအရာများကို နားလည်နိုင်သည်၊ ထို့အပြင် အယူအဆဟောင်းများကို ဘေးဖယ်ထားနိုင်ပြီး၊ ယနေ့ ဘုရားသခင်၏ အမှုကို နာခံနိုင်ကြလေသည်။ ယနေ့ အသစ်အဖြစ်ဆုံးသော အမှုကို လက်ခံသော ဤလူအုပ်စုသည် ခေတ်များ မတိုင်မီတွင် ဘုရားသခင်၏ ခွဲခန့်မှတ်သားခြင်းကို ခံခဲ့ကြရပြီး၊ ကောင်းချီးမင်္ဂလာ အခံစားရဆုံးသောလူများ ဖြစ်ကြသည်။ သင်တို့သည် ဘုရားသခင်၏ အသံကို တိုက်ရိုက် ကြားရပြီး ဘုရားသခင် ပေါ်ထွန်းခြင်းကို မြင်ကြရသည်၊ ထို့ကြောင့် ကောင်းကင်နှင့် မြေကြီးတစ်ပြင်လုံးနှင့် ခေတ်ကာလများတစ်လျှောက်လုံးတွင် ဤလူစုဖြစ်သည့်‌ သင်တို့ထက် မည်သူမျှ ကောင်းချီးမခံစားကြရလေပြီ။"



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There was a businessman who ha

There was a businessman who ha

There was a businessman who ha

There was a businessman who ha

There was a businessman who ha

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