Stop here and don’t scroll away! The good news of the Lord’s second coming in the last days will come to you.
Here is a passage of God’s words shared with you.
God says, “Throughout the universe I am doing My work, and in the East, thunderous crashes issue forth endlessly, shaking all nations and denominations. It is My voice that has led all men into the present. I cause all men to be conquered by My voice, to fall into this stream, and submit before Me, for I have long since reclaimed My glory from all the earth and issued it forth anew in the East. Who does not long to see My glory? Who does not anxiously await My return? Who does not thirst for My reappearance? Who does not pine for My loveliness? Who would not come to the light? Who would not look upon the richness of Canaan? Who does not long for the return of the Redeemer? Who does not adore Him who is great in power? My voice shall spread throughout the earth; I will face My chosen people and speak more words to them. Like the mighty thunders that shake the mountains and rivers, I speak My words to the whole universe and to mankind. Hence the words in My mouth have become man’s treasure, and all men cherish My words. The lightning flashes from the East all the way to the West. My words are such that man is loath to give them up and at the same time finds them unfathomable, but rejoices in them all the more. All men are glad and joyful, celebrating My coming, as if an infant had just been born. By means of My voice, I shall bring all men before Me. Thenceforth, I shall formally enter into the race of men so that they will come to worship Me. With the glory that I radiate and the words in My mouth, I shall make it such that all men come before Me and see that the lightning flashes from the East and that I have also descended unto the ‘Mount of Olives’ of the East. They will see that I have already long been on earth, no longer as the Son of the Jews but as the Lightning of the East. For I have long since been resurrected, and have departed from mankind’s midst, and then reappeared with glory among men. I am He who was worshiped countless ages before now, and I am also the infant forsaken by the Israelites countless ages before now. Moreover, I am the all-glorious Almighty God of the present age! Let all come before My throne and see My glorious countenance, hear My voice, and look upon My deeds. This is the entirety of My will; it is the end and the climax of My plan, as well as the purpose of My management: to have every nation worship Me, every tongue acknowledge Me, every man repose his faith in Me, and every people be subject unto Me!”
English Christian Song | "Blessed Are Those Who Truly Expend Themselves for God"
Today, God loves whoever can follow His will,
whoever can show consideration for His burdens,
also whoever can give their all for Him
with a true heart and sincerity.
God will constantly enlighten them,
and not let them slip away from Him.
God often says, “To all of those who sincerely expend for Me,
I shall surely bless you greatly,
I shall surely bless you greatly.”
What does the word “bless” refer to? Do you know?
In the context of the current Holy Spirit's work,
it refers to the burdens God gives to you,
it refers to the burdens God gives to you.
For all who can carry a burden for the church,
who sincerely offer themselves up for God's sake,
who sincerely offer themselves up for God's sake,
their burdens and their earnestness
are both blessings that come from God.
And His revelations to them are also a blessing from God.
from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Utterances of Christ in the Beginning, Chapter 82
神的話説:「神對人要求的最低標準就是人能向他敞開心,人若將真心交給神向神説真心話,那神就願意在人身上作工,神要的不是人彎曲的心而是單純誠實的心,人對他不説真心話他就不感動人的心,也不在人身上作工。所以,禱告最關鍵的就是能向神説真心話,將自己的缺欠或悖逆的性情向神訴説,向神完全敞開自己,這樣神才能對你的禱告感興趣,否則神會向你掩面的。」《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・關于禱告的實行》
209 神所道成的肉身雖然與他的身份、地位大不相同,與他的實際身價在人看似乎是格格不入,但就這一不帶有神原有形像、没有神原有身份的肉身就能作出神的靈并不能直接作到的工作,這就是神道成肉身的原有意義與價值了,而這意義與價值也正是人所不能領受與承認的。儘管人都對神的靈采用仰視的態度,對神的肉身采取俯視的態度,不管人如何看,如何認為,肉身的實際意義與實際價值遠遠超過了靈的實際意義與實際價值,當然這只是對于敗壞的人類而言的。對于每一個尋求真理渴慕神顯現的人來説,靈的作工只能給人以感動或默示,只能給人以奇妙莫測、難以想象的神奇感,給人以偉大、超凡、人皆仰慕但又是人皆非達到、皆非够得着的感覺。人與神的靈只能是遥遥相望,似乎相隔很遠很遠,而且永遠不能相同,似乎人與神有一種看不見的隔閡,事實上這只是靈給人的錯覺,這錯覺只是由于靈與人不是同類,靈與人永遠不能同在一個世界之中的緣故,也由于靈并不具備任何一點人所具備的東西,因而靈對人來説并不是人的需要,因為靈并不能直接作人最需要的工作。肉身的作工給人實際的追求目標,給人明確的話語,給人實際、正常的感覺,給人以卑微、平凡的感覺,人雖感覺害怕但在多數人來看還是相當好接觸的,人可看見他的面,可聽見他的音,勿須遥遥相望,這一肉身給人的感覺是相近的,并不是遥遠的,不是難測的,而是可以看得見、可以接觸得到的,因為這一肉身與人是在同一個世界中的。
——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・敗壞的人類更需要道成「肉身」的神的拯救》
210 人現在看見道成肉身的神所作的工作確實不一般,有許多是人所達不到的,是奥秘也是奇事,因此,許多人便順服了下來。有的人生下來就未服過任何一個人,但他看見今天神的説話,不知不覺就徹底服了下來,也不敢研究了,也不説什麽話了,人都在話中倒下了,都在這話的審判下仆倒了。若是神的靈直接向人説話,人就都順服在「聲音」之前了,不用説話揭示人就都仆倒了,就如保羅在大馬色的路上仆倒在光中一樣,若神仍那樣作,人永遠不能藉着話語的審判來認識自己的敗壞達到被拯救的目的。只有道成肉身才能將話語親自送到每個人的耳中,使那些有耳朵的人都聽見他的説話,都能接受他話語的審判工作,這樣才是話語達到的果效,不是靈的顯現來將人「嚇倒」。藉着這樣實際而又超凡的工作才能够將人深處那些隱藏了多少年的舊性情完全揭露出來,達到讓人都認識到,能够有變化。這些都是道成肉身的實際的工作,是實實際際地説,實實際際地審判,而後達到話語審判人的果效,這才是道成肉身的權柄,是道成肉身的意義。就是為了顯明道成肉身的權柄,顯明話語帶來的工作果效,顯明是靈來在了肉身,藉着説話審判人的方式來顯明他的權柄。肉身雖然是普通正常人性的外殻,但就藉着話語達到的果效來讓人看見他滿有權柄,看見他是神的自己,看見他的説話就是神自己的發表,以此來讓所有的人看見他是神的自己,而且是道成肉身的神自己,誰也不可觸犯,無人能勝過他的話語的審判,没有一樣黑暗勢力能勝過他的權柄。人順服他都是因着他「道」成的肉身,都是因着他的權柄,因着他話語的審判。道成的肉身帶來的工作也就是他所擁有的權柄。之所以道成肉身,就是因為肉身也能帶有權柄,而且能實實際際地作工在人中間,讓人看得見、摸得着,這樣的作工比起擁有所有權柄的神的靈的直接作工實際多了,而且作工果效也明顯。這就是因為道成的肉身能實際地説話、實際地作工,肉身的外殻還不帶有權柄,人都可靠近,他的實質却帶有權柄,但人誰也看不着他的權柄,當他説話、作工時人也發現不了他的權柄的存在,這更有利于他的實際作工。他這些實際的作工都能達到果效,儘管人都不知道他帶有權柄,人也看不見他的不可觸犯與他的烈怒,就藉着隱秘的權柄、隱秘的烈怒、公開的話語來達到他説話的果效。這就是以説話的口氣、説話的嚴厲、話語的所有智慧來讓人心服口服。這樣,人都順服在似乎没有權柄的道成肉身的神的話語之下了,這就達到了神拯救人的目的。這也是道成肉身的另一方面意義:是為了更實際地説話,也是為了讓他話語的實際在人身上達到果效,看見神話語的威力。所以説,這工作若不是藉着道成肉身根本没法達到果效,不能將罪惡的人完全拯救出來。因為神若不道成肉身就是人看不着而又不可接觸的靈,而人都是屬肉體的受造之物,人與神是在兩個不同的世界,而且具有不同性質,神的靈與屬肉體的人格格不入,根本没法「建交」,而人又不能成為靈,這樣,只有神的靈成為一個受造之物來作他原有的工作,因為神能升到至高處也能降卑為一個受造的人,作工在人中間,與人同生活,但人却不能升為至高成為靈,更不能降到至低處,所以,非得神道成肉身作工作。就如第一次的道成肉身,只有神道成的肉身能釘十字架來救贖人,而神的靈根本没法釘十字架來作人的贖罪祭。神能直接成為肉身來作人的贖罪祭,但人不能直接上天去拿神給人預備的贖罪祭。這樣,只有「讓神天上、天下多跑幾個來回」,也不能讓人上天去取這救恩,因為人墮落了,而且人根本上不了天,更拿不着贖罪祭,所以,還得耶穌來在人中間親自作那些人根本達不到的工作。每次的道成肉身都是太有必要了,若是其中有一步神的靈能直接達到,他也不會忍怨受辱而道成肉身的。
——《話・卷一 神的顯現與作工・道成肉身的奥秘 四》
El Señor Jesús dijo: “Bienaventurados los pobres en espíritu, pues de ellos es el reino de los cielos” (Mateo 5:3 LBLA ® ️).
Con que tengas puesta una diezmilésima parte del corazón para buscar, tendrás la oportunidad de encontrarte con el Señor
Hoy en día, cada vez más personas están dando testimonio por el Internet de que el Señor Jesús ha regresado y ha realizado una nueva obra por medio de expresar nuevas palabras. Al escuchar esta noticia, ¿qué actitud debemos tener para poder acoger con éxito al Señor?
El Señor dijo: “Bienaventurados los pobres en espíritu, pues de ellos es el reino de los cielos” (Mateo 5:3). “Bienaventurados los que tienen hambre y sed de justicia, pues ellos serán saciados” (Mateo 5:6).
Dios dice: “El regreso de Jesús es una gran salvación para aquellos que son capaces de aceptar la verdad, pero para los que son incapaces de hacerlo es una señal de condenación. Debéis elegir vuestro propio camino y no blasfemar contra el Espíritu Santo ni rechazar la verdad. No debéis ser personas ignorantes y arrogantes, sino alguien que obedece la dirección del Espíritu Santo, que anhela y busca la verdad; solo así os beneficiaréis. Os aconsejo que andéis con cuidado por la senda de la creencia en Dios. No saquéis conclusiones apresuradas; más aún, no seáis despreocupados y descuidados en vuestra creencia en Dios. Deberíais saber que, como mínimo, los que creen en Dios deben ser humildes y reverenciales”.
Después de leer estas palabras de Dios, ¿comprendes que tener un corazón humilde es tan importante para acoger el regreso del Señor? ¿Te gustaría conocer la última obra de Dios para darle la bienvenida lo antes posible?
Las escrituras tomadas de LA BIBLIA DE LAS AMERICAS® (LBLA) Copyright © 1986, 1995, 1997 por The Lockman Foundation usado con permiso.
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"How Many People Pray to Draw Closer to God? Respond With “Amen”
Contact us via WhatsApp:
“O Lord, please forgive me! I often find myself busy and lacking time for prayer and reading Your word. However, I do not want to be distant from You. May You move my heart, enable me to be quiet in Your presence and grow closer to You. Amen.”
If this is your prayer, then you are in great need of reading the following words from God. They will guide you to find a way of practice to draw closer to God in a busy life.
God says, “No step is more crucial to entering God’s words than quieting your heart in His presence. It is a lesson that all people are in urgent need of entering at present. The paths of entry into quieting your heart before God are as follows:
1. Withdraw your heart from external matters. Be at peace before God, and give your undivided attention to praying to God.
2. With your heart at peace before God, eat, drink, and enjoy God’s words.
3. Meditate on and contemplate God’s love and ponder God’s work in your heart.
“First, begin from the aspect of prayer. Pray with undivided attention and at fixed times. No matter how pressed you are for time, how busy your work, or what befalls you, pray every day as normal, and eat and drink God’s words as normal. As long as you eat and drink God’s words, no matter what your surroundings are, you will have great enjoyment in your spirit, and you will be undisturbed by the people, events, or things around you. When you ordinarily contemplate God in your heart, what goes on outside cannot bother you. This is what it means to possess stature. Begin with prayer: Praying quietly before God is most fruitful. After that, eat and drink the words of God, seek out the light in God’s words by pondering them, find the path to practice, know God’s purpose in speaking His words, and understand them without deviation. Ordinarily, it should be normal for you to be able to draw close to God in your heart, to contemplate God’s love and to ponder the words of God, without being disturbed by external things. When your heart has achieved a certain degree of peace, you will be able to muse silently and, within yourself, to contemplate God’s love and truly draw near to Him, regardless of your surroundings, until finally you reach the point where praise wells up in your heart, and it is even better than prayer. Then you will be possessed of a certain stature. If you are able to achieve the states of being described above, it will be proof that your heart is truly at peace before God. This is the first basic lesson. Only after people are able to be at peace before God can they be touched by the Holy Spirit, and enlightened and illuminated by the Holy Spirit, and only then are they able to have true communion with God, as well as to grasp God’s will and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. They will then have entered onto the right track in their spiritual lives. When their training to live before God has reached a certain depth, and they are able to forsake themselves, to despise themselves, and to live in God’s words, then their hearts are truly at peace before God.”
If you would like to read more of God’s words, please click on the WhatsApp link to join our group for learning God’s words.#Wordoflife #intheword #dailyscripture #scriptureverse #jesusiscomingagain #jesusiscomingsoon #verseoftheday #scripturedaily #biblegram #biblestudymoments #biblestudytools #biblestudytime #biblestudymethods #holyword #LordJesus #Jesuschristislord #Jesuschristisgod #jesusiscomingback #Jesuschristloveyou #risen #christianpage #Yahweh #scripturewriting #dailyscripture #godchosenchild #faith #pray #lastdays #endtimes #endofdays #dailydevotion #morningdevotion #motivation #worship #secondcoming
2019 Christian Family Movies | Mother's Love | Christian Stories that Touch the Heart
Mother's Love is a Christian family movie that explores the theme of how to raise children." Knowledge changes destiny" and "hope for the best" are the hopes that almost all parents have for their children. Click on the link below to watch the video and you will get a great deal out of it. #ChristianFamilyMovie#GodAlmighty #Salvation#JesusReturns#BelieveInGod #God' sBlessings#ObedienceToGod#WorshipGod#WorshipGod#TheGospelOfTheKingdom#WorshipGodDaily #God' sWord#ChristianMovie #God' sRules #God'sLove ❤️ mothers-love-movie/?test=pinterest
♦ 情形
摘自《话・卷一 神的显现与作工・作工与进入 二》
그리스도인의 체험 간증 <쓴소리를 대하는 자세>
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